Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1604 Sequential

"Lolth's Touch!"

Isaac let out a soft sound.

The so-called Rose's Touch is a spider creature favored by the Spider Queen and endowed with powerful power, even true dark divine power.

Often, Lolth's Touch has an extremely large size, so if they exist in the Pit of the Demon Web, they have the mission of serving as mounts for the Spider Queen.

Therefore, Lolth's Touch is regarded as a direct manifestation of the Spider Queen's will.

In the material world, this is a powerful existence that is even rarer than the Spider Queen’s chosen ones, even a divine existence!

At this time, this super giant demon spider that obviously possesses the dark power of the Spider Queen is obviously a "Touch of Rose"!

Only such an existence can keep the Valley of Shadows for thousands of years. There is nothing to do about it, so they can only seal the "crossroads" themselves and cut off all connections with the Fairy Wilderness.

It is understandable that people like Minnis and Shiron were unable to get rid of it in the Feywild.


At this time, its trouble has arrived!

Then he responded to Isaac's idea.

On the other side of the northern forest, a wave of magic emerged. Immediately afterwards, the aura of the "crossroads" that had just been opened dimmed rapidly, as if it was a sign that it was about to be sealed again.

If you want to kill this Rose's Touch, you can only do it in the material world.

But such an existence cannot be killed casually.

Only by cutting off its retreat first can we achieve our goal with the greatest certainty!

However, Rose's Touch is not without vigilance, let alone wisdom.

That intersection was just a sign that it was going to be closed again.

Almost immediately, even compared with the ancient red dragon, this behemoth was the same size. A moment ago, it was charging and chasing, but at this moment, it stopped with incomparable agility, and then it quickly started. He rushed towards the magic light curtain whose aura was rapidly dimming.

At this speed, it is completely possible to rush back to the Fairy Wilderness before the intersection is closed.


"It can't go!"

In response to Isaac's second thought.

Walking directly out of the trees, three former Princes of Green Field appeared in succession, and immediately transformed into huge natural creatures, blocking the front of Rose's Touch.

Moreover, they had not yet waited for them to collide with Rose's Touch.

Among the figures who had been chased by Rose's Touch before, a tall and sturdy man with silver braid turned around and opened his long bow.

From his body, from this long bow, the emerald green light became prosperous and glorious in an instant.

The power of nature!


Isaac's heart suddenly moved.

This emerald green light was the divine power of the Forest Goddess. He was very sure of this and was not surprised at all.

This scene is exactly the scene where the forest goddess wants to remove Rose's influence and interference in the Valley of Shadows. It is completely consistent with his speculation.

What moved his heart was the man himself.

This person gave him a wonderful feeling, and that iconic silver hair...

"Azara-Eagle Hand!"

Only Dove's son can give him this feeling. At the same time, he is favored by the Forest Goddess. It is possible that he will become the chosen one of the Forest Goddess, or a sacred champion warrior, and then be able to display the power of the forest. The power of the goddess!

"Most of the sons of the Seven Sisters are born because they have a mission."

"Presumably, it is his mission to restore the Valley of Shadows and get rid of Rose's Touch."

"However, everything will not be so simple or smooth!"

Isaac's gaze turned from the forest battlefield to the Shadow Valley.

It was his eyes that were turning away.

Within the Shadow Valley, a series of figures also flew up.

Among these figures, there are both baatezu demons and several beholder demons.

However, Isaac's eyes did not stop on them for even a moment.

A figure with long brown hair hanging down to his waist and wearing a crown caught his attention.

The distance was quite far, and even Isaac's eyesight could not see this man's face.


"Shadow Artifact!"

It should be that crown. Isaac can sense that this person has the power of the Lady of the Night!

Moreover, she flew out of Klinger Castle.

Presumably, this shadow artifact should be one of the two artifacts he speculated.

Therefore, this person should be...


The leader of the Church of Dark Night in Cormyr.

When she saw Rose's Touch being ambushed and sniped, she must have realized the purpose of the forest goddess.

At this time, although the magical effect of death was lifted, she had not completely lost yet.

She would not ignore a powerful ally like Rose's Touch.

Therefore, this response and rescue is almost inevitable.

And as soon as she left...

"it's time!"

Isaac's figure disappeared immediately.

Although the battle here is quite interesting, and he is very interested in watching, but it is just some interest. The purpose of his trip is not these.

First, watch the masterpieces of the Church of Dark Night before considering anything else.

No more watching the forest battlefield.

In just a moment, Isaac arrived at the town of Shadow Valley and quickly locked onto the location he had discovered before.

At this time, the abnormal situation here has disappeared.

I think it was because the silver fire power broke out, destroying the ceremony.


"It's here."

From the ground, this place is very ordinary.

There is only one road, and there are a few houses on each side. Not to mention the strategic significance of Klinger Castle or the Twisted Tower, it is not even comparable to most places in the city.


"It's not the Underdark."

"Close to the surface, it should be at the level of the sewer."

The induction of magic detection.

After a short time, Isaac's figure seemed to be integrated into the earth and sank directly into the ground.

Soon, when he got out of the mud and stone, he seemed to be in a dark and dead stone hall.

However, the darkness of the environment naturally did not affect his powerful dark vision.

After observing the surroundings, especially the style of the murals on the surrounding walls, and looking at the runes on the pillars and stone doors, he quickly knew what was going on.


Moreover, it is not a tomb of a decent person!

This is obviously not the tomb area of ​​Shadow Valley, this is a "private illegal construction".

If he guessed correctly, there is at least more than 50% chance that it should be the tomb of the lich!

Although there is some curiosity, why can the tomb of the lich be built here?

After all, although Minnis may not stay in Shadow Valley for a while, Xiren in ghost state has always been here.

This lich can actually build, or at least transform his tomb under Xiren's nose?

However, Isaac did not think much about it.

From this lich tomb, he knew why Ai Siweili-Gray Castle could complete her ritual arrangement without being noticed by Xiren, and finally overturned both Minnis and Xiren.

While he was thinking, Isaac did not stop, and his figure soon walked into the dark portal deep in the stone hall.

Just like when he entered this side, the rune arrangement at the portal seemed to be completely useless, and there was no warning at all.

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