Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1605 Crystal Ball

Outside the stone hall where the entrance to the mausoleum is located, there is a completely dark and narrow passage.

However, the darkness naturally cannot cover Isaac's vision.

With just a glance, he took in all the creatures lurking in or even directly blending into the darkness and shadows.

There are no pure undead creatures.

Those lurking in this passage are all shadow creatures, most of which are human-shaped shadow killers.

The owner of this mausoleum should have given up the territory, and this place has completely belonged to the Dark Night Church. Under the influence of the power of the Dark Night Lady, the shadow world creatures can directly step here, right?

With a flash of thought in his mind, Isaac did not stop, ignoring these shadow creatures, and walked directly into the depths of the dark passage.

Along the way, these shadow creatures did not notice anything at all.

It seems that in front of his "Legendary Invisibility", even if these guards all came directly from the Shadow World, it is still impossible to see through.

Soon, Isaac walked to the end of the passage.

At this moment, his heart moved again.

"It's right here."


His eyes wrinkled slightly.

The place where the ceremony was arranged should be in front.

Although the whole ceremony had been destroyed by the power of silver fire, he could still sense the depth of the remaining shadow power there.

But this was expected. Such a ceremony, even if it was just a remnant, should have a level that matched it.

What surprised him and even made him a little afraid was...

"Temple of Night?"

He still stepped out.

When he walked out of the passage, what he saw was a dark temple supported by many pillars.

From this building, the "sacred" atmosphere of the church and the temple just now entered his perception very clearly.

This is the temple of Lady of Dark Night!

A temple that should be newly built!

It is hard to say whether this temple was built before the Shadow Valley War or after the Shadow Valley was conquered, but Isaac can be sure that it must be newly built.

Even if this Lich Tomb may have some inside story, so it can exist in Shadow Valley under the eyes of Minnis and Hiren.

But Isaac does not think that these two can tolerate the appearance of a Night Temple in the Lich Tomb!

So, it is brand new!

But no matter how new it is, it is still a temple.

The temple is not a good place.

Especially, this is the temple of the Lady of Dark Night!

Even Isaac would never dare to break into the temple of this lady.


After staring at the temple for a while, Isaac's face gradually returned to normal.

"Not bad."

"The power of the silver fire destroyed the ritual and the power of the night in the temple."

"Originally, this temple of the night should be closely related to the essence of shadow magic, but after the power of the silver fire destroyed the ritual from the level of magic essence, the essence of shadow magic in this area was also destroyed."

"The intensity of the lady's attention to this place and the intensity of the interference she can make are very limited."

In this way.

Although I never thought of standing against the Lady of the Dark Night, Isaac was not so afraid that he would not even dare to enter such a temple.

Especially, at this moment, Ashville-Graycastle, who should be the builder of this temple, has already gone to the battlefield in the northern forest.

Excluding this, the high priest who was particularly favored by the Lady of the Dark Night...

"The only one to be on guard against should be the City of the Ghost."

The Church of the Dark Night has many factions.

Now, the most powerful of all factions is naturally the faction of the City of the Ghost headed by Rivalan.

As the Supreme Priest of the Lady of Darkness, Rivalan is even more powerful than most of the voters of the Goddess of Magic. Although even he cannot make all factions obey him, at least most factions are willing to cooperate with him.

Aishwili Graycastle is one of them.

According to the information Isaac has, Aishwili Graycastle has cooperated with the City of Ghosts in Cormyr and Sembia.

And with her status in the Church of Darkness and the special favor of the Lady of Darkness, the City of Ghosts also attaches great importance to her.

If nothing unexpected happens, this time the Zhentarim will be able to ease the relationship with the City of Ghosts, and even cooperate secretly to jointly deal with the elven coalition. It should be her who takes the lead in the middle.

Considering that the Lord Moglin of Shadow Valley is dominated by the Ghost Mage...

If there is a Ghost Mage or even a Ghost Prince secretly sitting in this temple.

Isaac will not be surprised.


"The religious community of the City of Ghosts is led by two princes."

"Rivalan is the leader of the entire church, and Yada is the leader of the church's armed forces."

"Rivalan is now in Sembia, teaming up with Erives to fight against the quasi-god Warrenwax. In Shadow Valley, the one who cooperates with Ashwilly-Graycastle should most likely be Yada..."

Yada-Tanshuer, this is an acquaintance.

During the Battle of Everaska, Isaac had some exchanges with this person.

"It is very likely that it is him."

"Only if he comes here in person can the importance of Shadow Valley be matched."

Shadow Valley is a strategic location with a core position among the valleys in the valley.

In itself, Shadow Valley has a strong force, especially high-end forces. Minnis and Xiren are here!

At the same time, Shadow Valley also has an extremely important strategic position. It is the bridgehead of the Zhentarim and the drow elves, aiming at the Elf King's Court.

With this degree of importance, the possibility of Yada-Tanshuer coming here in person is undoubtedly quite high.

In addition, this can also be speculated from another perspective.

"Two ritual arrays."

"Aiswilly-Graycastle flew out from Klinger Castle, and is obviously stationed there."

"This one here should have a more important ritual array, and the one stationed here must be a more critical figure."

"The one who can make Aiswilly-Graycastle like this is the 'Dome of Night' faction, and there should be few of them."

"Excluding Revalan, the possibility of Yada-Tanshuer is the greatest."

While making speculations, Isaac has stepped into the temple.

This temple is built in the mausoleum, and its scale is not large.

One step into the temple.

A figure.

And suspended above the head of this figure, a crystal ball with a pure outer layer and a completely dark inner core, with only a few starlight flickering on the edge of this dark core.

They all came into Isaac's eyes.

It is Yada-Tanshuer!



Isaac's eyes were almost completely attracted by the crystal ball at the first sight, without even stopping at Yada Tanshuer.

His eyes shrank slightly.

There was a look of surprise and even a hint of taboo in his eyes.

"It's a holy weapon!"

"But this divine power..."

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