Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 810 Confidence of the Demon Hag

He was gossiping in his heart, but for a barbarian like Kostchurch who could lose his mind without provocation, Isaac naturally couldn't expose his shortcomings face to face.

Dozens of hundreds of gossip associations flashed across his mind in a flash, and Isaac quickly put them away to further expand the "triangular" relationship.

turn to...

He nodded slightly.

Although the witch hag's words are endless, but combined with Kostchurch's revelation, there will be no difference.

"The direct manifestation of lich, evil and magic united."

"In this way, it is only natural that the priesthood held by the Lich God is directly related to 'evil magic'."

"Similarly, the Lich God is not a god who only wants to give and doesn't ask for anything in return."

"Only the evil camp can read!"

"Readers will be continuously eroded by the evil power of the Lich God!"

"This kind of description can correspond to the name 'Book of Dirty Darkness'!"

In Isaac's mind, in a blink of an eye, he completed the useful extraction from all kinds of information.

And with this judgment formed...

"Since it is related to the priesthood of 'magic', it has enough research significance!"

"The erosion of the Lich God is certainly troublesome, but that witch queen can control it, so why not me?"


The thought flashed again, and instead of continuing to communicate with the "Angry Lord" through "telepathy", Isaac's eyes fell on the witch again: "The purpose of Kugos for this 'Book of Dirty Darkness' is to What?"

At this time, Kugas was "rectifying" the burning giant.

Isaac was more perceptive. The two fire giant elders knew that the "Son of Hell" was enslaved by him, and they were still casting magic spells, trying to dispel and disperse them.


He didn't understand what it meant at all.

The "Absolute Conquest After Darkness" specially adjusted for this fire giant lord can be dispelled with a difficulty level of more than 60 levels. To dispel it, the only way to dispel it is "Legendary Dispel", and at least the level of the caster must be stacked to After more than 40 levels, there is a slight possibility of dispelling.

To those two fire giant elders, such a difficulty was a fantasy.

Haggs lowered his eyes, responded, and quietly glanced in the direction of the fire giant.

Seeing that "Son of Hell", whose body was still recovering from his injuries, he couldn't see the struggle at all, and shouted at the fire giants.

Did not dare to hide, let alone deceive.

Haggs said: "To tell you the truth, Walker and I are the first to meet this man, and we don't understand why he wants the 'Book of Dirty Darkness' so eagerly. However, I think his For this purpose, apart from himself, Sama and Mackass may also understand..."

At this time, the two green hags had already seen that the situation was not going well, and ran away again.

The "War of Hags" should be united as sisters, and Haggs doesn't want to see the "Sisters of the Sisters" fall apart.

While speaking, the demon hag raised her lowered eyes slightly, as if asking for instructions.

Isaac naturally knew what she meant.

However, there is no objection.

"Where are their 'hag eyes'?"

"It's here."

As the witch said, she untied the two dark gems from her belt and presented them to Isaac.

Naturally, it is the cooperation of the "Hitch Battle Group" that can create the "Hitch's Eye" with evil rituals, which is directly related to the life essence of the hags.

Such a secret treasure that belongs exclusively to the hag clan is more secretive and inconceivable than any "magic detection".

With the "eyes of hags", as long as they are on the same plane, the location of the gems is a direct extension of the vision of the hags, and it will not produce any magical effects.

That's why...

"Haggs the bitch!"

When the demon hag "actively" presented the "hag's eye" to the King of Demon Flame.

Having teleported away, the two green hags changed their expressions suddenly at the same time, and cursed again.

This bitch is going to drag them into the water with him to the death!

And it was they who were cursing.

Another horizon, the claws of the Barlow Balrog, has already grasped the "Hag's Eye".

Isaac is no stranger to the "Hag's Eye", and the "Hag's Eye" left by the Demon Hag in the Blue Bear Tribe is within his grasp.

With this gemstone, it is directly related to the life essence of hags...

This could just become a "casting instrument" for him to project spells through the air.

After playing with the two "Hag's Eyes" for a while, Isaac said calmly: "Send the order, three minutes, if you haven't seen them return, then you never have to come again."

There is no need to come again, this is of no value anymore.

And of no value...

Haggis would understand the meaning, and quickly said: "Yes, Your Majesty. It is their honor to serve His Majesty. How can there be any rebellion? Not only them, but the 'Belrose Legion' I created in the past , should also join the attack on the 'Grandfather Tree'. For His Majesty's grand plan, even throwing all their flesh and blood, I will not hesitate."

At this time, the witch hag has completely let go of her previous unwillingness, and she wants to show her submission by taking actions, and also show that she still has value, so as not to be punished additionally.

At the same time, the hag was inherently evil and ambitious, and she tried to use this surrender to take the "Belrose Legion" back from the hands of the two green hags with the magic power of the "King of Demon Flame".

Isaac could hear what she meant, of course.

He had known for a long time that before the Blue Bear Tribe returned to Hellgate Castle, the two green hags had already run away with the "Belrose Legion".

At this time, the hag said that this was the "Belmoth Legion" she had created.

The meaning of it is obvious.

However, Isaac did not object to this, only...

"Then I'll wait and see."

"Remember, if you can win the 'Mist Hall', you will continue to think about how to conquer the Northern Underdark Region!"

In the faint voice, he stared coldly at the witch and Cambion.

These two guys are hiding and colluding everywhere. How can he really ignore them without any punishment?

Earlier, his request to these two guys was to attack the "Grandfather Tree" with all his strength, regardless of success or failure, he could turn to the northern dark region.

But at this time...

After winning the "Mist Hall", it is necessary to continue to think about it, this...

No matter Haggs or Walker, their minds shrank suddenly.

How could they fail to understand the meaning of it.

This is, if they can't win the "Mist Hall", they don't have to think about anything else!

"Your Majesty, I still have a secret to report."

Regardless of immediately summoning the two green hags, Haggis bowed his body, but raised his eyes to the upper body of Balor, in a gesture of surrender and urgency.


Isaac's eyes then fell on her.

This kind of guy is really not real, if he doesn't pump a few times, he just keeps here and hides there.

"His Majesty!"

Haggs didn't report immediately, instead, he first glanced at the void with no one left or right.

Void, those "detection" and "interference", are still anxiously intertwined.

Although the ghost hag didn't know exactly where it came from, she had a certain sense of this magical confrontation.

Not only is it ready to surrender, but also won the Misty Hall, so that there is a further future...

Naturally, she would not directly report the secret under such circumstances.

"Say it!"

Her cautiousness made Isaac look sideways.

Raising his finger casually, the ability of "telepathy", a spiritual thought, temporarily connected his consciousness with that of the witch.

"It was reported to His Majesty that the Blue Bear Tribe also settled here, but they were expelled by the 'Grandfather Tree' and drifted outside."

"Back then, as the 'Ms. Blue Bear', I conducted many secret explorations of the ancestral cemetery of the Blue Bear Tribe, but there were some discoveries related to the 'Grandfather Tree'... "

Blue Bear Tribe and Tree Spirit Tribe, this was originally a tribe.

It was only because Haggs seized the leadership of the tribe as "Ms. Blue Bear" and was induced by the natural spirit of the "Grandfather Tree" that they were expelled together.

After that, the barbarians who did not want to follow the "Lady Blue Bear" broke away from the Blue Bear Tribe, and re-formed the "Tree Spirit Tribe" based on their worship of the "Grandfather Tree", and returned to this ancestral land.

With such an experience, even though the "Grandfather Tree" has the sacred essence of "must be allowed, not seen, not detected", Haggs still has a considerable grasp of the secrets hidden here.

At this time, from the summoning of the "Wrathful Lord" and the enslavement of the "Son of the Abyss", she basically realized that the power of the "King of Demon Flame" was not something she could look up to, let alone plan to die.

However, the essence of her life is in the hands of the "King of the Demon Flame", so it is impossible to just leave...

At this time, Haggs can only save his old life as much as possible, even if he wants to surrender, he can only surrender.


From her thoughts, she also reported the final "retreat" along with her.

In Isaac's eyes, traces of thoughtfulness also floated up.

Grandfather Tree and Totem Pillar!

And the evil erosion from Hellgate Castle!


It was Isaac who was pondering in his heart.

The fire giants under the forest are also coming at this time.

The fire giant elder, who had no choice but to take "Legendary Enslavement", faced with the coercion of Kugos, the son of hell, had no other choice but to endure and surrender temporarily.

"Go. Order those two green hags to take over the 'Belrose Legion' and join Samuel to attack the 'Grandfather Tree' with all their strength!"


Slowly putting away his murmurs, Isaac waved away the hag and Cambion.

Then, with the eyes of the flames of purgatory rising, he looked at the fire giants below.

For the enslavement of the "children of hell", these fire giant elites are naturally full of resentment.

However, the evilness and power of the Ballow Balrog, on the other hand, also has the "angry lord" who has a deep-rooted hatred for the giants, that undisguised malice and cruelty...

Even if the fire giants have the innate specialty of "Iron Will", at this moment, whether it is those elite fighters or the two fire giant elders, facing the pressure of these two pairs of eyes, they can only lower their heads, Show as little direct resistance as possible.

"Two things!"

"Conquer the 'Mist Hall' for me, and then capture a dungeon in the Northern Underdark!"

"After that, you, and your tribe, have the value to continue to exist!"


His eyes swept over these fire giants, and Isaac gave another soft drink.

"Your Majesty, I am here!"

In response, Saleen swam over immediately, and Amasiri followed closely.

The time limit for summoning Tanar'ri has passed, and the six-armed snake demon here is naturally only the two of them left.

What's more, at this time, they still have various injuries on their bodies, and even several arms are hanging down.

The Necromancer and Glauber who followed them were only a little better, and they also had injuries.

Compared with them, with the divine arts of the two fire giant elders, the magic scrolls were prepared earlier. Although there are downsizing, the overall condition of the fire giant warriors is much better than them.

"If you have no objection, stand behind her. In this battle, all of you will obey her orders."

While Isaac was talking, he didn't see any movement, nor did he see the chanting of mantras, but the strong life energy was rapidly condensing in the sky.

When the sound fell, these life energies also fell on the high-level Tanari.

Immediately, the tanar'ri's injuries healed and recovered quickly.


The two fire giant elders didn't dare to refute directly, but they were full of unwillingness.

Without taking any immediate action, Shuang Shuang looked at the "Son of Hell".

Even though he knew that the "child of hell" had been enslaved at this time, he was still looking forward to whether a miracle would happen, whether he would break free from such enslavement because of anger and humiliation.



"Take the 'Mist Hall' first!"

The flaming eyes of Kugas were flickering intensely, but the soul struggled again and again, but after all, it was unable to break through the "Legendary Enslavement", and on the basis of Isaac's "Extraordinary Intellectual Amplification", it also improved " 20 units of spell power" modifier.


Leng snorted, but dry tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Carlos and Dennis, despite the humiliation on their faces, finally took the order.

They don't want to listen to the orders of the Demon Flame King.

But the indirect order from the Son of the Abyss... Although he knew he was trying to steal the bell, at this moment, he could only deal with it first.

"Salien, they are handed over to you!"

"Under your free command, take down the tree spirit tribe as the first step of the strategy."

"For the specific situation, you can communicate with Haggs."

The fire giant reluctantly walked towards his previous sworn enemy.

Isaac gave the six-armed snake demon a clear target location.

Long expected, Saleen hastened to take orders.


"It's finally started!"

It was about this time.

Isaac, who had dismissed these people, hadn't learned anything further from the "child of hell".


His heart moved, and his eyes looked far away to the east of the forest.

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