Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 811 Levels of the Big Three in the Abyss

"Legendary spell!"

At this moment, Isaac wasn't the only one whose eyes were turning to the eastern forest.

Above the sky, the parties that were engaged in a magical confrontation in the air stopped their hands.

Even the "Wrathful Lord" and "Hell's Son", although they are not spellcasters, have a high enough life energy level and strong enough perception, their eyes are also cast in the past.

Legendary spells!

What's more, it is obvious that it is a legendary spell of the necromantic system. The endless negative energy is surging like a vast ocean, as if the plane of negative energy has been directly called to the material world, trying to swallow all life.

Such means...

Isaac's first reaction was naturally that the one under the "Endless Cave" made a move.

However, it was this thought that arose...


"Something is wrong!"

A strange color flashed in the depths of Isaac's eyes.

Although it is endless negative energy, if his induction is correct...

"It's two legendary spells going on together!"

"One is group, and this target should be directed at the armies around her."

"The other one is singleness, and it should undoubtedly go after her."

"However, whether it is a group or a single body, with the strength of these two legendary spells... If this is not a ritual casting, it must be set before the research, and it needs to sacrifice a lot of professional accumulation Cast!"

Such a legendary spell...

The "Immortal" can be cast, and Isaac will never be surprised.

But these are two ways, they are still displayed together...

"An ally?"

"Or, is it his subordinate?"

Thoughts flashed, and Isaac couldn't be sure for a while.

The "Immortal" had obviously been waiting for Laila a long time ago, and it was not impossible for "allies" to join forces to take action.

At the same time, by the Lich Mage of the "Dark Hand Brotherhood" and the "Immortal One" who had the "Fatalphylactery" in his hands, such a legendary spellcaster appeared, and used the "ritual casting" method to complete the magic spell. Such a legendary spell, this also makes sense.


"It depends on which of you is more prepared!"

Isaac didn't think that only the "Immortals" had advance preparations. Since Laila was on the side of the highest forest, how could it be possible that she didn't have advance preparations for the "Immortals"?

Just in response to his thought...

It is too far away, and there is no magic detection, so there is no obvious induction, but, it can be expected, it should be "Legendary Dispel".

It was only a moment of magical confrontation, and although the negative energy over there was still extremely majestic, Isaac's induction was clearly grasped, and the intensity suddenly dropped by nearly half!

What's more, the single legendary necromancer was forcibly dispelled.

But at this time, Isaac's eyes turned around.

At the level of Lila and the "Immortal", both of them are prepared. This kind of magic battle will not end easily.

And since it was opened over there...

It's time to come here and enter the moment of real all-out attack!

"Army attack!"

"Take down the tree spirit tribe!"

One order.

The temporary team formed by the high-level Tanari and the fire giant immediately accelerated their march.

The demon hag and Cambion also immediately connected with the green hag.

On the other side of the Fly Demon, they also immediately adjusted their marching direction.

But with all this...

Isaac, the "Wrathful Lord", and the "Son of Hell", the three of them were always in no hurry to make any moves.


From the left to the right, Isaac and Kostchurch are looking at the half-purgatory fire giant from the sky at the same time.

At this time, the semi-purgatory fire giant, under the continuous recovery of the "regeneration technique", the flesh and bones are almost reborn.

However, this does not mean that his injury has really fully recovered.

The "crushing attack" of the "Angry Lord" is a unique ability born from the evil nature of the "Abyss Lord".

The damage caused, to a certain extent, is similar to "divine power".

It is precisely because of this that it can ignore all armor and all damage reduction, and at the same time, it has the shocking damage against the will of the soul.

Such a blow.

Far from just smashing the dark armor of the "Son of Hell", and blasting the body of his fire giant lord in purgatory form, what's more, the evil nature of the "Lord of the Abyss" and the "King of Frost Giants" against the "power" " and the power in charge of the "violent" field, the continuous "conceptual radiation damage" extended from it...

This is happening all the time to the soul of the "child of hell", and it is further reflected in his physical body.

That is to say, the will of the "son of hell", under the amplified effect of the "dark blessing", can resist this "radiation".

At the same time, his purgatory form and his powerful physique are also enhanced by the "Dark Blessing", and his body is strong and able to withstand it. It comes through this "radiation". Impact in terms of material harm.

This is...

The two above are looking at him.

The flaming eyes of Kugos-Child of Hell, which suppressed endless hatred and blazing will, skipped the "King of Demon Flame" who was dominating his soul, and stared at the "King of Frost Giants" fiercely in the sky. Crossed and merged.

Although he was hammered by this abyss lord, he was almost beaten to the point where he could no longer stand up, but...

Kugas didn't have the slightest admiration for this one.


Provocations that were eager to try were continuously shot out from his eyes.

He didn't think that he really lost under the hammer of the "King of Frost Giants".

On the contrary, if his target is not the "King of Magic Flame", if it is not the spell of "King of Magic Flame", it will be beyond his expectation, if there is only this barbarian...

"What does your lord think?"

It is this blazing and icy, but equally violent and hateful will, through the eyes, fiercely intersecting in the sky.

His eyes were on the "child of hell", the body of the purgatory demon exposed by the shattering of the dark armor, and he looked up and down a lot.

A thoughtful look appeared in Isaac's eyes.

"The son of Graz'zt is naturally the power of Graz'zt."

"His body has the aura directly from those six fingers."

Kostchurch snorted coldly.

Facts have proved that as long as you don't go crazy, as long as you can think, the intelligence of this "King of the Frost Giants" is enough. He can hear Isaac's endless sentences refers to.

"Six Fingers", naturally refers to "Lord Wu'an", because he was born with six fingers, "Lord Wu'an" is also called "Six Finger Demon King" by many people.

And there was a fierce frontal battle with the "Lord of Dark Darkness"... At least in Kostchurch's own opinion, it was a "fierce battle".

He had also transformed into "Master Wu'an"... directly cut off this idea.

In any case, the familiarity with the "Master Wu'an" can be clearly perceived from the half-purgatory fire giant below, and that definitely came directly from the hands of the "Lord Wu'an", not by his evil blood. The extended breath of power faintly embodies the essence of the "Lord of the Abyss".

The words of the "Wrathful Lord"...

A breath of purgatory spewed out from his nose, and the repressed hatred of the "Son of Hell" suddenly exploded.

From within the Eye of Flame, the blazing flames of purgatory directly rose several dozen feet.

In both hands, the legendary flaming giant sword oscillated with strong evil energy.


Kostchurch will not get used to this "dark son".

Although the "King of Demon Flame" has already hinted to him, after the matter is over, he will completely end this son of Wu An.


In response to the provocation of "Son of Hell", in the hands of "Angry Lord", the "Frostfire Roar", which had been restored to its original size, suddenly turned into a giant, and became the most convenient weapon of "Angry Lord".

At the same time, the cruel and hateful will is combined with the power of the "ice" domain.

From the eyes of the "Wrathful Lord", two dark blue lights shot directly onto the flaming pupils of the "Son of Hell" in the form of purgatory fire.

The power of ice and fire is also will, only a moment of confrontation...


"If you have too much strength to go, you will have the 'grandfather tree' later, and you can vent it."


Isaac let out a deep shout, and interrupted them with the mandatory constraints of "Legendary Summoning" and "Legendary Enslavement".

But at the same time...

With the "Scepter of the Legendary Spellcaster" in one hand, the gloomy light of the "Stone of Tequila" in front of his forehead was also flickering, and he walked down from the sky in one step. Only one of Isaac's left hands protruded, and the incomparably blazing fire of purgatory, It is raging.

Burning with such an evil flame, he grabbed the heart of the "Child of Hell" with one hand.

And at the same time, in the voice of sinking and drinking, the extremely strong dominating effect...


The confrontation with Kostchurch's will was interrupted with the heavy drink of Ballow.

However, seeing Baloo's claws directly grabbing his heart...

Whether it came from the instinct of life, or from the power of that person, Kugas's flaming eyes immediately burned with the most furious hatred.

Facing the "legendary enslavement" and the endless oppression of his soul and will, he shouted loudly, and the waves of flames surrounded him suddenly oscillated.


The power of flames is not an obstacle at all to Barlow, who has the ability of "fire immunity".

Isaac's approach was completely undisturbed.

What's more, he grabbed the heart of the "Son of Hell"...

The hatred in his eyes was still burning, but the body of the "Son of Hell" suddenly froze.

Even with the increase of "Blessing of Darkness", even in the state of rage, the will of the "Son of Hell" still breaks through after all. Then the "Absolute Dominance" correction has been made, and the "20 units of magic power" of "After Darkness" has been improved. absolute conquest".

However, the struggle of "Son of Hell" froze, but...

It is Isaac's claws, and the flames of purgatory, falling into the heart of the fire giant lord...


It was also almost the same moment.

Isaac's paws froze.

The eyes of him and Koschurch above the sky also changed at the same time.

Kostchurch was the rage that had just been interrupted, surging violently.

he is...

"Sure enough!"

A strange color flickered in his eyes. The "Legendary Scepter" and "Tekira Stone" that had been prepared for a long time didn't need to move after all. Only, they had already caught the heart of the fire giant lord, and Isaac's claws were retracting. .

And he retracted his claws one by one...

From the heart of the "Son of Hell", a dark emblem of the "Six-fingered Hand" appeared from under the skin as black as iron!

What's more, although it has not been fully stimulated, but...






An evil aura that even Isaac has slightly changed color is seeping out from this dark emblem.

such evil...

Isaac's retracted claws first flashed a faint green light, and then, the flames of purgatory were restrained again.

As if, from this dark emblem, even if it is only the contact of breath seeping out, it is like the "conceptual essence" of real divine power, which is to be formed on him, pointing to the radiating influence of the soul.

However, after all, he is the real destiny level, and he has already implemented his own philosophy.

The resistance to such "power of concept" has a level that completely surpasses that of "children of hell".

There was no need to use the prepared "Legendary Dispel Technique" before causing a greater change.

However, although the "Legendary Dispel Technique" does not need to be used, but...

"Worthy of being one of the legendary 'Big Three of the Abyss'!"

"Compared with him, Koschurch is indeed too big!"

"So dark and evil..."

Isaac stared deeply at the "six-finger emblem", as if he wanted to see through it the one in the deepest part of the abyss of darkness...

"It's said to be similar to divine power, but it's similar to gods, and it can only fight against weak divine power..."

"But this..."

Isaac is not easy to judge the exact level of this person, but he is sure that even if this person completely leaves the bottomless abyss, he is definitely a god-like existence.

If in the bottomless abyss, especially in his "triple kingdom", if he controls the power and authority of the three layers of abyss...

"It's still hard to judge!"

Although Isaac has seen some gods, what he has seen is either the turbulent years, the gods that can only be called "human bodies", or some incarnations, or even just the coming of a wisp of will.

The real stalwart of the true god, especially after the demigod with weak divine power, he still can't accurately summarize the stalwart level of the true god.

Of course, it is not easy to accurately correspond to which level of true god the "Three Giants of the Abyss" are.

However, some vague judgments...

"I'm afraid that the Dragon Queen may not be able to fight against his full form!"

The Dragon Queen is the pinnacle of weak divine power, and has the essence of the original dragon, or has the qualifications to contend with some medium divine power.

If even the Dragon Queen is inferior to this one...

"In the abyss, in his 'triple kingdom', this person has at least the power of 'medium divine power'!"

"In that case..."

"This emblem, and this half-purgatory fire giant, if Kostchurch is used..."

Isaac's eyes flashed, and his figure floated into the air again, with a wave of will again: "Don't worry, my lord, I'm just trying to test Graz'zt's arrangement, everything will end at the 'Mist Hall', and then come to an end .”

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