Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 812: The Final Battle (Part 1)

"'Immortal' Ovo, the former great arcanist of the Magic Dynasty."

"He really is in collusion with the 'Gate of Hell'."

In the eastern battlefield, there have been several legendary spell confrontations in a short period of time.

No matter how taboo the Belem Lich is about the "King of Red", the confrontation with the three-headed dragon in the air is only interrupted, almost without a pause, and Oswell just raises his claws on the "magic light curtain" a little.

In the light curtain, all the pictures immediately rotated rapidly.

From the endless forest, they quickly located the battlefield where the demon-born orcs and the allied forces of the elves fought in a wide range.

Furthermore, the Tanar'ri army, which was flying in the air and teleported continuously, was also scanned.

The next moment, it was covered by a wide range of dark green clouds. Except for Turang, the "Thinker", because of his overly tall body shape, he directly exceeded the height of this cloud, so he could directly see everything below. They were all completely submerged by the thick cloud and mist, which obviously had highly toxic and strong acid properties.

However, even if it is overwhelmed by such clouds...

Only by the roar of the "Great Tree Man" and his arms slamming around, it is obvious that under this cloud, there are still powerful enemies, not only can resist such magic damage, but also resist him. of unparalleled strength.

However, the image of the "Magic Light Curtain" still did not stop here.

Continue to scan.


On the banks of the Blackwater River, there is a completely barren stone forest area that should have been polluted by the evil power from Hell Gate Castle.

In the center of a guard that is composed entirely of high-level undead, and the scale is far more than a few hundred, when a group of twenty liches are reflected in the "magic light curtain".

Storm-Silver Hand's gaze was immediately nailed to the center of the Lich queue. The robe of the dark archmage and the scepter of the legendary spellcaster looked fat and bloated, but had an indescribable above the evil and majestic figure.

This is naturally the great arcanist left behind from the former magic dynasty, "Immortal" Owo!

At this time, the fat lich was brandishing a scepter, constantly releasing powerful spells.

The surrounding liches are also cooperating in an orderly manner. They are divided into three teams. One team casts spells, the other prepares, and the other prepares. The spells are continuously released in turn, and there is enough contingency.

Coupled with the protection of the high-level undead guards.

Even though they are facing the elite of the Yeerlan Allied Forces, the first expedition team from Waterdeep City, and a man and a woman, the two not only cooperate tacitly, but are even stronger, they are the two Liches of Belem , while observing the "immortal", they are all legendary mages who can't help but keep looking sideways.

But it is still difficult to shake the array of these liches.

Even, not only hard to shake, but also...

Responding to Storm-Silver Hand's words, the two Liches of Beren manipulated the "magic light curtain" and scanned the surroundings.

Immediately, their gazes became serious.

No need for a Storm - Silver Hand introduction.

Two legendary mages.

That extraordinary beauty, even more extraordinary temperament, and silver-haired lady like Storm-Silver Hand, this naturally should be the "Laila-Silver Hand" lady.

And the other one, although it seems to be completely human, but they have perception, they should be half-elf with moon elf blood, this is obviously the famous "Black Rod Archmage" Kelben Oro Mulberry.

But these two teamed up, cooperated more tacitly, and had a lot of help, so they were inseparable from the liches for a while.

But at this time, from the surroundings, it was obvious that they were pointing at them, and the demon-born orcs from Hell Gate Castle were also coming to kill them!

As soon as the demon-born orcs moved, the formation of those undead guards also changed, as if there was a formation to reverse the defensive formation and carry out a coordinated attack.

Storm-Silver Hand said that the "Immortals" and the "Gate of Hell" have colluded together, which obviously refers to this place.


With slightly wrinkled eyes, Oswell carefully observed everything in the light curtain, but slowly shook his head: "It may not be that there has been a collusion, or even if there has been a collusion, most of them are also on guard against each other." and guard, otherwise, at this time, the 'King of Red' would not be pointing at us, but would directly turn around and kill..."

Of course, he could see that the reason why the high mage with the title of "Golden Lord" hadn't shown up at this time was obviously because he was guarding against the occurrence of related accidents, and even there was, and he didn't want to The meaning of causing accidents in advance is.

After all, if the battle situation over there is not good, who can guarantee that the "King of Red" will not temporarily put down here, and directly bring the "Angry Lord" and "Son of Hell" to forcibly turn around and kill them?

If this happens, only one "Golden Lord" can't stop the lineup of these three!

However, it is also because there was no such change directly...

Oswell has a judgment that the "King of Red" really has a collusion with the "Immortal", and the collusion is definitely not deep, and there is even a deep mutual wariness between them.

After all, in the evil camp, who can really trust anyone?

If there is a problem with one side, why not worry about it, will it be swallowed by the other side?

Of course, even with such a judgment...

After a short pause in his voice, Oswell continued: "However, it can't be done. I'm really not prepared for that side. If the 'King of Red' turns around..."

He looked at Storm-Silver Hand: "It's not easy for Melster and I to leave here. At most, we can only do a little magic interference. When it is really necessary, maybe we want to send the lady directly. Let's cooperate with that 'Golden Lord' to contain that side."

Around the "Grandfather Tree", although there are barriers to all approaching teleportation spells, there is no obstacle to the departing teleportation.

Of course, even if there is an obstacle, it obviously cannot hinder these two Beren Liches. After all, the high magic barrier woven together with the "Grandfather Tree" is a creation centered on the two of them. Will it hinder themselves?

Similarly, from the "high magic detection" over there, the two of Oswell also completed multiple positioning on the Blackwater River battlefield.

Once necessary, the two of them join forces, and it is absolutely possible to airdrop the "Storm-Silver Hand" from one side to the other in an instant.

And with the addition of "Storm-Silver Hand" and "Golden Lord", even if the "King of Red" is really killed, they won't even have room to retreat.

In particular, although they cannot leave this side, they can still do it by using high magic to slightly obstruct the battlefield over there.


"Your Excellency Oswell is right!"

"If the 'King of Red' really turns around, then there are two Laos, and you will send me there immediately."

"On the contrary, if he comes here..."

Storm's eyes flashed, and he turned from the magic light curtain to the two Liches of Belem, and said in a deep voice: "Lord Imsford has not made a move for a long time, this must be waiting for the best time to appear. If it is true The 'King of Red' is coming here... I will fight to the death, entangle the 'Lord of Wrath' and the 'Son of Hell', and the 'King of Red' will trap the two of you, and please' Elders', block all communication from outside.

As long as they are temporarily trapped here, Lord Imsford will never miss this opportunity!

And as long as he cooperates with Laila and the others to defeat the Immortals...

Whether it is the Blackwater River front or our side, this must be the time for a turning point.

In this way, assistance to Efraska can be launched as soon as possible. "

In the voice of the storm-silver hand, there is indomitable fortitude.

The power of an angry lord, even if it is just an incarnation, is beyond doubt.

The comprehensive strength of the Son of Hell is similar to hers.

Fight these two alone...

This is a real fight to the death!

However, as long as she can bring about a real turning point for this cruel war, she will never frown even if she dies!

"Trapping them and creating opportunities for the Blackwater River, that's what it should be."

"However, it is not necessary for a lady to risk her life like this."

Melsville's eyes did not hide his admiration for the silver-haired lady, but at the same time, he shook his head and looked at the trunk of the grandfather tree: "It's time for the 'Tribe of the Tree Spirits' and those The children withdrew.

On the side of the evil legion, there are more fire giants and high-level Tanar'ri, which is beyond the limit of their resistance.

Let them shrink the defense line to the outer ring area, and cooperate with the enchantment to fight.

If it's really the 'King of Red', kill those two too...

The 'King of Red' is entrusted to us, and the two of them will invite the 'elder' to assist Ms. Storm to a certain extent. "

The "Grandfather Tree" has existed for more than 10,000 years in the original plane alone. If you count it, the years of existence in the "Land of Wonderland" before being summoned are probably 20,000 years old. more than.

It is old enough, and its existence is far more than just its own magnificence and height. What's more, the root system that spreads from him grows further, such as the giant tree of "branches", which are all circles and circles. lap.

The "outer ring" mentioned by Melsville is precisely the giant ring composed of these "branch" giant trees.

Because the essence is an extension of the "grandfather tree", the high magic barrier can also be directly extended there to a certain extent.

Similarly, since the essence is an extension of the "grandfather tree", these giant trees are naturally not pure plants.

If necessary, the "grandfather tree" can temporarily activate them into super-giant ancient treants at any time.

This kind of ancient treant not only has the essence of "grandfather tree", but also has the consciousness of "grandfather tree", and also has the extended characteristics of "high magic enchantment". This is... even with legendary creatures , can be confronted head-on to a certain extent!

This kind of power, even if compared with the Storm-Silver Hand and the half-purgatory fire giant, is quite inferior, but assisting the Storm-Silver Hand to restrain the "Wrathful Lord" and "Hell's Son" a little bit, this is in Belem. The Lich wanted to come, but he was still sure.


"I have sent a warning to the children..."

"Besides, I can sense that the auras of 'Wrathful Lord' and 'Son of Hell' are approaching!"

The will of the grandfather tree fluctuated.

His consciousness is consistent with the natural whole of the supreme forest.

Furthermore, the area that can be directly affected is naturally far from the canopy area that is integrated with the "high magic enchantment", and it is not only the outer ring area formed by the "branch" giant trees, but also extensively. Expanded outward, at least an area with a radius of more than twenty miles.

In this area, it was influenced by his consciousness, which naturally formed a special natural environment.

It not only weakens and guards against all evil forces.

It not only interferes with the detection and positioning of all people who are not in the natural alignment, or who are not allowed by him, but also hinders any transmission magic that is close to him.

At the same time, the protectors of the forest, the believers of the natural gods, and those natural spirits can also obtain the effect of "blessing spells". Double the effect can be obtained.

Most importantly, this natural environment also has the effect of being close to all the people of the evil camp, directly repelling them, and showing ominous omens to warn and block them.

It is precisely because of this "rejection" and "warning sign", as long as you think about it, the consciousness of the "grandfather tree" can directly respond to the target that triggers this ominous omen.

And without a doubt...

The degree of evil of the "Wrathful Lord" and "Son of Hell" is naturally such "repulsion", the most obvious, and even, in the natural consciousness, it is like two erupting volcanoes, and the forest is afraid The goal.

The consciousness of "Grandfather Tree" immediately reacted to these two and entered his field.

However, I can sense the approach of these two, but...

Just as the "High Magic Light Curtain" couldn't scan the existence of the "King of Red", his natural induction also couldn't grasp the existence of this one.

"It seems that there is indeed alienation between them."

Oswell smiled slightly, but there was another ray of coldness shooting out of his cold, lightning-like eyes.

Of course he understood the meaning of "grandfather tree".

Just say "Wrath Lord" and "Son of Hell", it's "Grandfather Tree" Not sure if "Lord Raid" is getting close.

However, he has a judgment, since the "Wrathful Lord" and the "Son of Hell" are approaching...

Obviously, the "King of Red" would not turn back to the Heishuihe battlefield.

After all, if you really want to turn around, you should turn around together, and the stronger power will wipe everything out!

From this, it naturally shows that there is no real alliance between the "Gate of Hell" and the "Immortal".

in this way……

As Ms. Storm-Silverhand said, as long as they can forcibly trap the "King of Red" here, or even cut off the connection between the green dragon and the outside world, and then pass the news to Lila, Furthermore, if the "Golden Lord" grasps this opportunity well...

All these wars are decisive turning points!

"Then prepare for the ceremony to welcome him!"

Melsville nodded slightly, and held the bone claws in front of him in the void, wisps of bright light suddenly began to flow and fluctuate.

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