Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 815 Unexpected Changes

"Press the whole line, at all costs, bulldoze this place!"

Just Samuel and the others joined Kenil Walker.

They have not waited for them to discuss how to join the war.

A voice that came out of nowhere rang in the ears of all of them.

Suddenly, the expressions of several people were solemn, and they took orders in unison, and then they didn't care about repairing.

Walker and Haggs, who were eager to pay off their merits, went out in person.

One was to launch the Whiplash Legion, and the other was to call on the blue bear barbarians.

One on the left and the other on the right, these two armies joined hands to launch a full-scale attack on the "Tribe of the Tree Spirits", which was also the ancestral land of the "Blue Bear Tribe" in the past.

And following these two troops, although they were not in their prime due to the hasty march, but the forces of the camp were strong enough, but the troops with incomparably high morale roared out...

"Kenil Walker!"

"Tanta Haggs!"

"Also, that should be the legendary assassin Barrett of the Night Sect!"

"I thought there was no need to wait any longer."

"Throwing the legion directly, the king of the frost giant and the lord of the fire giant still did not move. If he hadn't arrived in person, it would be impossible to restrain these two."

"And it will restrain these two... Well, we tried to wait for him to show up first, and then trapped him, but he was also on our side, and he was already prepared!"

Storm-Silver Hand's gaze had already turned away from the "magic light curtain".

The Tree Spirit Tribe was built on the site of the Blue Bear Tribe, and the Blue Bear Tribe gradually prospered with the location of the "grandfather tree" as the ancestral mausoleum.

Naturally, the location of the Tree Spirit Tribe is not far from the "Grandfather Tree".

At this moment, even if Storm-Silver Hand didn't pass through the "magic light curtain", he could already directly see the two sides that were fighting fiercely in the distance.

His eyes were full of sharpness at this time.

She has been able to endure it all the time, because the angry lord and the son of hell have not shown up, only a team of fire giants, plus those few high-level Tanari, this is still strong, but with the "grandfather tree" The super giant treants that were activated, and there are quite a few, the spirit of nature born from the body of the "grandfather tree", coupled with the help of barbarian warriors, forest druids, and elves , this is not unstoppable.

Only then was she able to forcibly endure, trying to see if she could catch the opportunity and deal that decisive blow.

However, it is different now.

The Whiplash Legion and the Blue Bear Barbarians have both killed, and there are Kenil Walker, Tanta Haggs, and the legendary assassin of the Night Sect. If she doesn't make a move, it won't be that this side has an advantage, or even an even match. It's all impossible.

And at this time, the King of Red still didn't show his face, and even restrained the angry lord and the son of hell, and shrank behind...

How could Storm-Silver Hand fail to see that this must be the King of Red who wants to consume the power of this side first, and at the same time, it is also a test of how much hidden power there is!

That is to say, once the hidden power here, like her, is seduced by King Red...

She is quite sure that there must be a certain timing to launch the deadliest attack on her!

And it's the "Angry Lord" and the "Son of Hell", and there may even be the assistance of Kenil Walker and others. In particular, the "King of Red" has arrived in person...

This kind of attack is probably more dangerous and deadly than all the attacks she has ever encountered, especially, in the current era, the help that the goddess of magic can give her is far less than before...

But even so, Storm-Silver Hand still stepped forward without hesitation.

Could it be that she shrank back and watched those evil legions completely break through the defenses of the "Tribe of Tree Spirits", slaughtering all living beings, and ignoring the people?

If it is righteousness, there must be sacrifices, and she hopes to sacrifice herself.

And if at the same time of sacrificing herself, she can also take away the culprit and completely save this disaster, then she is obliged to do so!

"I'll go get there."

"If the angry lord and the son of hell appear, give them to me."

"You do everything possible to keep that one completely!"

With sharp gazes, she cast her sharp eyes on the two armies that were fighting out. Storm-Silver Hand didn't look at the two Beren Liches beside her. From her, one kind of righteousness, one kind of no hesitation, and one kind made the two Beren Liches People can't help showing a temperament of admiration and admiration, and they are constantly rising.

Oswell did not try to stop her, he could feel her determination through the spiritual perception of the Beren Lich.

Nodding slightly, Oswell said: "Be careful in everything, and try to drag the battlefield as close to the 'stone platform' as possible. Everything else will be left to us."


Storm-Silver Hand glanced again, at the place where the battle was particularly intense.

It was a land of stone forests.

It is a stone forest made up of many huge stone steles surrounded by a huge tree.

This giant tree is far more majestic than any giant tree in the surrounding forest.

Even, faintly, it is a bit like a "grandfather tree".

Storm-Silver Hand is the elector of the Goddess of Magic. As a elector of the Goddess of Magic, within the field of vision, he has supernatural vision with the effect of "magic detection", but it can be seen that this giant tree is not only born with supernatural effects, but even , faintly, these effects are also similar to the existence of the "grandfather tree".

However, the "grandfather's tree" activated the branches near the tree spirit tribe into four super giant trees, but "it" was never touched.

At this time, Oswell asked her to drag the battlefield near "it"...

As soon as his heart moved, Storm-Silver Hand suddenly understood the meaning of Belem Lich.

But she just nodded, ready to go into battle.

"Also, ma'am, please bring this leaf."

"Within the outer ring, it will bring you a continuous healing effect, as well as block detection, and integrate into nature, no longer disturbed by teleportation."

The spirit of the grandfather tree fluctuated, and another leaf full of natural vitality flowed with emerald light, and fell from the sky.

Storm-Silver stretched out her hand, and the emerald green leaf fell into her palm.

Suddenly, a natural breath merged into her aura of life, and then all the surrounding natural environment resonated and echoed with her spiritual perception in a wonderful way.

From this resonance...

Ahead, the brutality and bloodiness of those evil armies impacted her sense of smell more than ever.

"Thank you, elder!"

"I'm going!"

"After winning this victory, we will celebrate again!"

Without much experience, putting the emerald green leaf into the inner armor, the storm-silver hand shouted, and the figure was ejected like a projectile.

There are only two ups and downs, and people have not yet approached the tree spirit tribe.

"Advanced magic weapons!"

The long sword has not been unsheathed, but the legendary weapon "The Great Elf Bow" on his back is already in his hand.

He stretched his other hand behind his back.

The magical aura flashed rapidly, and the long arrows in the quiver were immediately given the effect of "advanced magic transformation".

On the opposite side, those demon-born orcs hadn't even rushed beyond the tree spirit tribe.

The bow of greatness is drawn.

Countless streams of light were born from the surrounding space immediately, and then converged to the long arrow with the "advanced magic weapon" attached to it.




Even the legendary characteristics of the legendary composite longbow itself!

Storm-Silver Hand's arrow hit the string.

pause time.

Whether it is the fire giant and the high-level Tanari who are fighting fiercely with the legendary activated tree man, or the Cambion and the demon hag who are personally leading the army to kill them, and they are the strongest among the demon-born orcs.

With an extremely strong sense of fatal crisis, everyone's movements could not help but shrink back.


The movement of Storm-Silver Hand did not pause or hesitate.

An arrow of cold light, whistling and piercing sound piercing the air, only one came off the string, as if flashing in the space, it suddenly shot to the periphery of the tree spirit tribe.


Just as he was waving the flaming hammer and was about to throw it at the elf archer on the other side of the bunker, the soul of the elder Carlos of the fire giant suddenly trembled. Before he had any time to think about it, only the instinctive reaction of the "Battle Reflex" specialty was waving. With a sudden lift of the giant hammer, it was in front of him.

But the next moment...

The magic shield of the "armor technique" did not form any reaction at all, it had already been pierced.

The giant hammer's block, the reaction was fast enough, but it was still too late.

In the painful and furious roar of the fire giant elder, it could be seen that a long arrow shot through his arm wearing magic armor, and also hit his face, especially the thorns under the eyes. parts.

Obviously, if the arm hadn't blocked it for a moment, it would have been a deadly arrow that shot through the eyes of a thousand feet away, or even pierced the head of the fire giant elder!

An arrow shot out.

The Storm-Silver Hand figure was still advancing rapidly, and it was another demonized long arrow, which was wound once again.

In an instant, whether it was the fire giant or the high-level Tanari, after they were finally alerted to the source of danger, they were either retreating, or using trees or those activated trees as artificial shelters, and immediately dodged.

Even the furious elder of the fire giant, whose soul was like being poured by ice water, suddenly felt a chill in his heart, he didn't even care to pull out the long arrow, and quickly moved and dodged back.


The cold light pierced the sky again.

The six-armed snake demon shouted in shock and anger, and then broke through the noise of the battlefield.

He didn't wait for the third arrow to be shot again.

"Storm-Silver Hand!"

deep in the forest.

"Legendary Concealment" combined with "Advanced Invisibility", looking at the direction of the battlefield from a distance, Isaac's eyes that have always been indifferent, even the stalwart of the "Grandfather Tree", did not move him. Finally, he wrinkled slightly.

The "grandfather tree" certainly has the essence of "invisibility" combined with the "high magic barrier".

However, Isaac is too familiar with "High Magic", and he also added "True Seeing", which is the existence of "True Seeing" and "Grandfather Tree" prepared on the spell slot of his mage profession. Naturally, this cannot be hidden from his eyes.

This giant tree known as the "Natural Holy Spirit" is indeed extraordinary.

Isaac could sense that this person's life energy level was much higher than that of the "Great Tree Man", as he expected.

But that's the case, after all, this is still in his estimation, and it is also expected, and it will not move him.

Not only the "Grandfather Tree", but also the "Tree Spirit Tribe", which is surrounded by huge stone monuments, should also be a giant tree of the same race as the "Grandfather Tree".

And those, surrounding this huge tree, are all engraved with the emblems of gods, and each emblem is a huge stone tablet symbolized by a different god.

And the heroic souls of the barbarians constantly called out by these huge monuments.

The other four trees, which look like legendary treants, actually have some different giant trees.

It must be said that these were accidents that exceeded Isaac's expectations.

But all these accidents still did not move him.

Only at this moment.

When the extraordinary shooting of this legendary longbow.

When the extraordinary beauty of this long silver hair.

Together, when he received it in his eyes.

He really frowned.

No need to think about it.

When that "Elf King's Cloak", when that "Elf's Great Bow", and that iconic "silver long hair", and that extraordinary beauty and temperament combined...

As the leader of the Dragon Worship Cult, Isaac already knew the identity of this person at a glance.

Storm - Silver Hand!

Kuilu's fourth sister!

Leader of the Harpers!

"She came here!"

While his eyes were slightly wrinkled, Isaac felt both unexpected and...

It should be said that he had predicted in advance that Storm-Silver Hand would come to the Supreme Forest.

However, according to his estimation, the Storm-Silver Hand came here, and it should also be Laila's dark hand. It is used to prevent his attack at a critical moment, or the hidden means of the "immortal" of.

Therefore, the arrival of Storm-Silver Hand was not a surprise to him.

After all, even Kelben was here.


Instead of Lyra's side, it's the "Grandfather Tree" side!

What does this mean...

"Besides Kelben and her, is there any other hidden power on Laila's side?"

"Is it someone else from the Seven Sisters?"


Thoughts flashed in my mind.

Minnis is lost in Baator Hell, and Simbu is definitely not there.

Erastriol was attacked by the Dragon Witch Cult last time, whether the injury is completely healed, it is hard to say for the time being, besides the embarrassing situation on the side of the Silver Moon Alliance, there is also the one from Vasa, she should be a part of the It's right not to make a move.


Is it because Kui Lu didn't go back?

Or is it that the most low-key "Dorph-Hawkhand" is here?

Or, did Kelben invite someone else?

In Isaac's heart, some hesitation emerged.

If Storm-Silver Hand is in the eastern battlefield, it doesn't matter at all, at least it is not beyond the scope of his preparations.

But her appearance here means that new changes have appeared.


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