Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 816 Wild Hope

The Lord of Wrath and the Sons of Hell were not in the same place as Isaac at this time.

However, the connection from "Legendary Summoning", Isaac's mind is just a movement...

I couldn't bear to watch, Na, the king of the frost giants, since Storm-Silver Hand appeared, he had been locked in the eyes of her body, and the endless hatred and cruelty suddenly boiled up.

"I see!"

"She left it to me!"

"I'll tear her to pieces!"

Kostchurch, what I hate the most in this life are "giants" and "women"!

And if you want to choose the best of these two categories...

Among the giants, there is no doubt that it is the "God of Frost Giants" who has a "authority" dispute with him.

among women...

There is also no one.

Love to assassinate the lord of the Celestial Clan "Gwen Harviv", this is his eternal enemy!

Gwynn Harviv, the wildest and most passionate fighter of the Ethics, had fought him many times.

Kostchurch has two major hatreds in his life.

Bearing the brunt, it was naturally "Grazzt"... He didn't want to recall this matter, but "Grazzt" was his most hated enemy, so there would never be any problem.

Second only to "Grazit", it is the frustration that "Gwen Haviv" once brought him.

In a life-and-death battle, He was actually destroyed abruptly by that little woman.

Although this destruction does not affect the ability of the "Abyss Lord" to regenerate, but... defeat at the hands of a woman, is this something Kostchurch can bear?

For a time, before "Grazzt" became his mortal enemy, "Gwen Harviv" was his most hated enemy in life.

For the wildness and passion of "Gwen Harviv", and even the justice that burns from the soul, Kostchurch can clearly "depict" it even with his eyes closed.

And at this moment, after the "Tribe of Tree Spirits", that silver-haired woman came out...

Although it lacks a little bit of wildness, but the blood, and the same justice...

"Gwen Harviv!"

From Koschurch's eyes, the endless hatred was boiling violently.

"you understand?"

"You know what a ghost!"

Of course Isaac could feel the volcanic rage and destruction of the "King of Wrath".


He just called out to this guy based on his will.

No order has been given at all!

I couldn't help but vomited in my heart.

Although "The Ultimate Destruction of the Pit Lord", this only lasts around 100 minutes.

And it has been more than an hour since Koschurch was summoned.

Therefore, the "Wrathful Lord" can still stay in the material world, and there is only about half an hour left.


Even so, Isaac was in no hurry.

Decisive power, it is enough to use it at a decisive moment.

If Zhen Ruo casually sent the "Angry Lord" to kill him...

He has estimated that there should be a real high mage elf on the side of the "grandfather tree", and it is more likely that the high mage transformed the Beren lich, and it may even be the summoner of the "grandfather tree". And the guardian of the "Mist Hall".

Such a spellcaster is undoubtedly a legendary spellcaster.

And a legendary spellcaster, combined with the ritual ability of the high mage...

Isaac can't absolutely guarantee that Koschurch, who has accepted the summon, will not be directly exiled back to the abyss by this man.

Therefore, for the "Wrathful Lord", it must be used, but under what circumstances, how to ensure it, even if the opponent uses the "Legendary Dispel" or "Legendary Banishment", it will not help He, even a legendary spell that was wasted in vain, this is what needs to be calculated carefully.

He called "The Wrathful Lord" in his heart, but he didn't mean to "The Wrathful Lord". He really killed him directly and tore the Storm-Silver Hand apart.

"Angry Lord" is a bit too excited!

"My lord, don't worry."

"And hear me out."

His eyes were still looking at the other side of the battlefield, and with a thought in his mind, Isaac temporarily stopped the berserk of the "Angry Lord".

Before the defense line of the "Tribe of Tree Spirits" is completely overwhelmed, if the "Wrathful Lord" kills the Storm-Silver Hand, and thus attracts the "Legendary Dispel" of the Beren Lich, even It is him, and he can't say that he is absolutely sure that he can make that "Legendary Dispel" invalid and wasteful.

at the same time……

Of course, the strength of the "Wrathful Lord", even if it is just an incarnation, is faintly stronger than that of the "Son of Hell".


"Storm-Silver Hand, this is also more difficult than 'Children of Hell'!"

In particular, the elector of the goddess of magic, the unpredictable power of the "Silver Fire", which is Isaac himself, is also taboo!

Although the "Wrathful Lord" has the natural ability to "be stronger when you meet a woman", Isaac is not optimistic about it. It's just that the incarnation of Him can completely kill him alone, even if it's just defeating the storm-Silver Hand.

Of course, knowing that the "Angry Lord" hates women and has further plans for the "Angry Lord", Isaac will not challenge this fact and "humiliate" him face to face.

The power of the mind is fluttering slowly, and the voice is constantly spreading to Kostchurch's soul: "The lord must be counted, just like you can perceive the existence of the 'Grandfather Tree', you can sense the existence of the 'High Magic' The phenomenon of "detection" is also clear about the existence of you and the "Son of Dark Darkness"."

"Knowing that you and Wu'an's son are behind, this woman still came out, and in the barbarian tribe, the giant tree life that should be related to the 'Grandfather Tree' is still lurking, Even the Elven High Mage who has conducted the 'High Magic Discovery' has no intention of showing his face..."

"Does the lord suspect that they are going to use your hatred of women to set up a special situation to try to entrap you?"

Use women to entrap!

When Isaac's voice, speaking here...

Kostchurch, who was originally hated and furious, suddenly had an extremely cold breath in his eyes, which shot out all at once.

These words once again touched the shame of his life, and reminded him once again of the first mortal enemy in his life, the "Lord Wu'an" who was still above "Gwen Harviv". !


If one side is "Grazit".

On one side are the words "Gwen Harviv"...

With rare reason in his heart, Kostchurch still bet on "Grazit" after all.

Using a woman to entrap Him and humiliate Him is more unacceptable to Him than the woman herself!

"What do you want?"

Still staring at the silver-haired woman, Kostchurch's thoughts moved.


"They try to lead us, we do the opposite!"

"My lord, let's 'watch the show' for a while, and then..."

Storm-Silver Hand's killing, just a short burst of longbow shooting, killed all Tanari and the fire giants into chaos.

But the voice of Isaac's mind is still orderly.

It was so quiet that even the irritability of the "angry lord" was calmed down.

Gradually, the abyss lord also calmed down again.

more at the same time...

"The King of Green Dragons - Isaac!"

In the extremely cold eyes, another strange color flickered secretly.

Although this "Ballow Balrog" neither admits nor denies it, but... Kostchurch is already certain that this "Ballow Balrog" should be that green dragon back then!

What's more, he has already passed some frost giants, and he actually doesn't know the identity of the green dragon at all.

The green dragon should be, the former lord of Avernas, the chief servant of the dragon queen, the famous legendary dragon in the world of Ashan, the leader of the Dragon Cult, the king of green dragons-Isaac!

Although the Demon Dragon Queen is in the hell camp, and has even held the lordship of Avernas, and the abyss camp where she is, this is undoubtedly a deadly enemy!


Kostchurch recognized his identity as "King of Frost Giants" more than "Lord Tanar'ri".

Even, there are many reasons, not just Graz'zt's relationship. He still has an undisguised desire to destroy all Tanari lords.

For this reason, since the war with Graz'zt, His goal has always been to find an ally who has the same desire to destroy the "Tanar'ri Lord".

At one point, he found an ally in a potential camp in the bottomless abyss.

It's just... Although it is true that he is a potential ally, the madness of that person is even more unreasonable than him.

Until now, His messengers have not even been able to have a word with that person, and they have been completely swallowed up.

And it is impossible for Him himself to go to the level controlled by that person in person.

Therefore, this "alliance plan" has almost reached a deadlock.

But now, from the king of the green dragon, from this legendary spellcaster who is close to "Tasha", and even the "old witch", and he is like this, giving him a unique touch that he has never had before...

"Of course there is still a need to keep in touch with Obox-Obo."

"This green dragon king..."

"If I can enslave him and let him become my capable subordinate like Swafnir, with his magic power to assist and his resourcefulness to guide the legion..."

Kostchurch's eyes flickered secretly.

Swafnir, this is His most powerful subordinate and also His mount, is a purgatory white dragon that surpasses the ancient age, even in His eyes, it is a powerful purgatory white dragon.

With the power of the abyss lord, he can enslave "Swafnir". As long as he seizes the right time, he also has the possibility to enslave the green dragon king!

And this time...

"They are also enemies of Graz'zt."

"As long as I reveal it a little bit, I will conditionally accept his summoning again..."

"When the 'arched gate' is built, it should be the best time!"

His gaze continued to follow the figure of Storm-Silver Hand. At this time, Koschurch rarely paid attention to the war, did not think about destruction, and even seemed to be absent-minded.

In this regard, Isaac, who was not with Him, naturally had no direct perception.

The "Wrathful Lord" has already issued an order, or "request". At this time, Isaac just watched with cold eyes. As the storm-silver hand approached, he sniped and killed the fire giant and Tanar'ri.

The leader of the Harper, the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic, this one is truly powerful.

Even at this time, the high-level Tanari and the fire giants are all vigilant and prepared enough, and have even gotten rid of the battle, constantly retreating and dodging.

But Storm-Silver Hand's legendary composite longbow was named one by one.

In just a moment, she hadn't even entered the predetermined "stone platform" area.

The legendary fire giant elder Carlos was shot, the six-armed snake demon Salion with perfect combat reflexes was shot, and more fire giant elite fighters, the high-ranking Tanari were also shot.

There were even two fire giant warriors, and another glabra, who was shot fatally by Lianzhu, and it was too late to heal them, so they died on the spot.

But even so, Isaac was still calmly watching,

Storm-Silver Hand is not a serious "advanced archer profession". Although the legendary bow, her strength, her archery skills, and magic, it is still unstoppable.

However, after all, she doesn't have special professional abilities similar to magic, such as "multiple shots" and "arrow curtain shots"!


"She has no ability to suppress the entire battlefield with just a bow and arrow!"

"The pressure of the army, the containment of Kenil-Walker and Barrett, and the threat of Haggs' spells are enough to prevent her from launching a named sniper!"

Walker and Barrett, these are not the huge bodies that are more vulnerable to sniping like the fire giants and Tanar'ri. Under the impact of the demon-born orc legion that is generally much taller than them, the storm-silver hand's arrow skills No matter how extraordinary, it is not easy to name them.

Not to mention, these two are still at the legendary level, even if they are really named, they will not have no combat reflexes.

As for Storm-Silver Hand's shooting, once it is attacked by the Legion, and their threat is restrained...

On the side of Saleen and the fire giant, they can fight again.

in this way……

Isaac's gaze slowly turned from Storm-Silver Hand, who had already approached the stone forest, and it fell on the giant tree surrounded by many stone tablets with the emblems of gods.

"The split body of the grandfather tree, or is it the descendant produced by the way of splitting itself?"

"No matter what, from 'it', we can see some characteristics of the 'grandfather tree'!"

"What's more...it depends on whether the 'Grandfather Tree' can survive when 'it' is also involved?"

Between the wait and see of the eyes, the flow of thoughts.

The roaring Whiplash Legion came rushing like a flood.

In another direction, the barbarian warrior team riding the blue bear, leading the brigade of barbarian elites, is also rushing forward.

The ghost hag and some barbarian shamans performed witchcraft from a distance under the protection of some guards.

Out of the corner of Isaac's eyes, he even saw that Kenil Walker, who was hidden in the charge of the legion, was leading several demon-born orc leaders, faintly avoiding the legendary activated treant in front of him. , and pointed to the direction of the storm-silver hand.

"If you can't take down the Fog Hall, don't think about the future anymore." This Cambion, knowing that he must be watching, finally knows that he will work hard!

As for Walker, he was close to the power level of a level 25 legendary professional.

There is also the advantage of the legion.

This is the storm - no matter how powerful the silver hand is, it is impossible to solve him in an instant!


When the hag confessed and surrendered to Isaac, the "wood on the stone platform" mentioned could not be hidden any longer.

And taking this one step further...

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