Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 817: The Extraordinary Storm - Silver Hand

"Lightning strike!"

"Hammer of Chaos!"


The Whiplash Legion was the first to kill, and the blue bear barbarians followed and attacked.

Indispensably, there are barbarian shamans who are constantly blessing them in various states.

However, there were also some people, such as the soul demons and lure demons who turned back, and the witch hags, etc., who threw one after another damaging spells at the "tree spirit tribe" from a distance.

more at the same time.

Seeing the tide of demon-born orcs surging, even the four legendary treants couldn't completely stop them, so they rushed directly into the "Tribe of Tree Spirits" and fought fiercely with the opposing camp stand up.

In addition, the wild impact of the blue bear barbarians is also here.

Looking at the "Tribe of Tree Spirits", part of the defense line was about to be breached.

Finally, the silver-haired woman stopped sniping with a bow and arrow.

As soon as the legendary longbow was retracted, the silver-haired woman leaped vertically, in mid-air, when the long sword was unsheathed...


In the sky, a blazing thunderbolt hit the top of her head.

In other words, she took the initiative to meet the thunder.

And the thunder and lightning from the soul demon's innate magic-like ability bombarded her body one by one...

Intense lightning arc, after an instant explosion.

Her body could not see any damage at all. On the contrary, the blazing lightning energy condensed on her unsheathed silver long sword more fluidly.


The movement of the figure was completely unaffected by the "Lightning Falling Technique". Just as the person below blocked the lightning, the silver-haired woman bumped into the swaying "Fireball Technique" again.

The fireball exploded in an instant, directly enveloping a group of demon-born orcs, but her figure came out from the flames of the explosion without any influence.

There was another shout, and the lightning energy on the silver long sword, with her sweeping sword, directly turned into a lightning arc, knocking down all the demon-born orcs who charged violently.

Without pausing, she jumped up again, and another multicolored explosion was blocked by her in the open.

But the figure did not fall again, behind the "Elf King's Cloak", a pair of fairy-like transparent wings opened.

Like a streamer piercing and splashing, she actually directly penetrated into the charge of the Scourge Legion!

Compared to Tanarok's tall and burly, she is just a "little person".

But this "little man" still entered from the front, single-handedly...

"Who will it be?"

Kenil Walker sucked in a breath of cold air.

Knowing that the "King of Demon Flame" must be watching the battle, he is also desperately desperate.

Because of this, the silver-haired woman was his first target.

But at this moment, seeing this woman, she entered the Whiplash Legion like a hurricane, sweeping across everything. All the ferocity and violence of the demon-born orcs could not hinder her at all. On the contrary, this surpassed the legendary tree. The vanguard battalion of human beings is actually showing signs of being killed and collapsed by her alone...

Kenil Walker made a judgment almost instantly.

This woman with extraordinary archery skills even surpassed him in melee combat ability.

Even, although the fighting style is different, but... I am afraid that the "child of hell" may not be able to defeat her absolutely!

Although Kenil Walker has been imprisoned for many years, he is not very familiar with the strong men in the Northland.

However, such a strong person is still a woman, and she is still a human race...

"Could it be one of the legendary 'Seven Sisters'?"

Cambion's gloomy pupils couldn't help flickering again and again.

He was planning to carry out an assassination attack by using the army's charge, but at this moment...

"Storm-Silver Hand!"

It's not just Keneil Walker.

Barrett also has the intention of assassination.

Even further back, the eyes of the "Angry Lord" and "Hell's Son", who have never been seen before, are full of seriousness.

Especially "Children of Hell".

After migrating from the "Spine of the World" to the "Eternal Wilderness", for a time, his goal was to capture Aylward.

The reason why this plan was later suppressed was that Aylward belonged to the Silvermoon Alliance. If he really wanted to go to war, he would inevitably encounter the Silvermoon Mage Group led by Elastra.

Another important factor lies in "Storm-Silver Hand".

The "Soft Light Moon Tower" created by "Storm-Silver Hand" is located in Aylward.

If he wanted to capture Aylward, it would be unavoidable, and he would have to be the enemy of "Storm-Silver Hand".

And all of this...

Although Kugas, the Son of Hell, had never met Storm-Silver Hand, he was no stranger to the "Seven Sisters".

As early as Storm-Silver Hand, with the "Great Elven Bow", killed two fire giant warriors and wounded Elder Carlos.

Kugas, the son of hell, has already made a judgment on her identity.

Goodbye at this time, she was like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves, sweeping away the charge of the Scouring Legion by herself...

Such power, such swordsmanship, what's more, even he secretly gave birth to a dangerous and vigilant wild aura in his heart...

Kugas is completely sure that this must be "Storm-Silver Hand".

Only this one of the "Seven Sisters" has the qualifications to rival him with only swordsmanship!

"She's here..."

With this confirmation, the idea of ​​"Son of Hell" involuntarily expanded.

It's just that this thought just flashed...

In the eyes of the flames, a twitching look of pain was revealed.

All distracting thoughts disappeared immediately.

From beginning to end, even though there is endless unwillingness in his latent thoughts, he still defies the absolute coercion of "Legend Domination".


The eyes of the flame stared fixedly at the body of "Storm-Silver Hand". In the eyes of "Son of Hell", there was only the hatred that came from being sniped by the confidant warrior cultivated by that hand.

But, even with endless hatred...

The absolute coercion of "Legendary Domination", before there is no further order from the "King of Demon Flame", even if the whole person is like a volcano that is at the critical point of eruption, the thick volcanic smoke cloud is already rising and spreading. However, "Children of Hell" can only endure all this.

"Lightning damage immunity!"

"Fireball Immunity!"

"Continuous life recovery!"

"Also, this should be..."

"Son of Hell" is patient, waiting for Isaac's order.

At this time, even if Isaac was slightly surprised, the charge and siege of the Whiplash Legion did not hinder the Storm-Silver Hand at all, and even the Storm-Silver Hand, which had hardly used any magic power, might be crushed .

However, not only did she not show any emotion, on the contrary, she looked thoughtfully, the gaze of the "true knowing skill" was looking at the fourth sister of Kuilu from a distance.

Chosen by the Goddess of Magic.

Both have, from 1st to 9th level of magic, choose a spell each as their own spell-like ability, and each spell can be cast once a day.

At the same time, there is also the supernatural ability to choose one spell per level from the magic of levels 1-9, making oneself permanently immune to the effects of these spells.

These abilities, these choices, the voters of the goddess of magic, naturally they will not choose randomly.

Normally, a divine spell that is only on the druid spell list like "Lightning Falling" would definitely not become Storm-Silver Hand's "spell immunity" choice.

But unfortunately, she was completely immune to this thunder and lightning bombardment.

However, Isaac was not surprised by this.

The long-term hostility between the Dragon Worship and the Harpist, although he does not say that he has the most detailed information on "Storm-Silver Hand", he still has a number of phenomena that can be directly observed.

Storm-Silver Hand, should be born with immunity to all lightning damage!

Naturally, the "Lightning Arrow Technique" could not cause any harm to her.

Even, the Temple of Five Colors still has some information that cannot be absolutely determined.

It is said that the storm-silver hand not only has complete immunity to lightning damage, but even if some lightning spells fall on her, it will even form an effect like a "healing spell".

And the reason for this doubt...is that there was a record of Storm-Silver Hand directly bombarding himself with the "Lightning Beam" in an overly intense battle, and then it became wilder and wilder!

Whether this suspicion is true or not.

At least, the mages of the Dragon Worship Cult would never use any lightning spells on this person.

Similarly, the "fireball" will never be shot at her.

The "fireball technique" of Haggis was directly hit by her in the air, which also verified that in the information of the Dragon Worship Cult, her elector ability is immune to the "fireball technique".


After being injured by the "Hammer of Chaos", with the "True Seeing Technique", Isaac can still faintly see it even though it is far away, which is derived from the continuous recovery of "Natural Power"...

"It should be derived from magic equipment!"

"Magic equipment related to Druids, or the 'Grandfather Tree'!"

Magic equipment with the effect of "continuous life recovery" is naturally a guarantee for strengthening the continuous combat ability of melee occupations, especially for "Storm-Silver Hand", because of the nature of "chosen people", their physique is extraordinary and their vitality corresponds He is also an incomparably powerful strongman, and his meaning is even more extraordinary.

However, this is not enough to cause Isaac to pay too much attention. "Continuous recovery" is not "instant recovery" after all, and it has no image at all for his spells.

What really made him think in his heart and stare at it...

"It seems... the magic equipment is invalid?!"

Isaac's "True Seeing", the caster level is as high as level 28, combined with the vision of Barlow Balrog.

Although this is far away from the Storm-Silver Hand, when the Storm-Silver Hand sweeps through the Whiplash Legion, all the demon-born orcs, no matter how bloodthirsty, no matter how violent, even if they hold the ferocity to die together, the battle ax , that warhammer was smashing everywhere...

Isaac could see that the Storm-Silver Hand, who had entered the Whiplash Legion single-handedly, could not completely dodge these attacks.


There is no attack that can cause any real harm to her!

It's not because she has a high enough "damage reduction" ability.

Nor is it because of magical protection such as "Legendary Armor".

The phenomenon that Isaac can vaguely see and suspect...

It seems that even if the Tana Roques of the Whiplash Legion, especially the leader, have magic weapons, when they get close to her body... Isaac's "True Seeing" will suddenly lose the ability to use those weapons Aura.

It seems that these magical weapons, as long as they are close to the storm-silver hand, it is like entering the "anti-magic field", all magical effects are suppressed, and they directly become ordinary weapons!

Unfortunately, Storm-Silver Hand's mithril chain mail, as well as various other magical equipment, have not changed in any way.

Add to that the extraordinary physique of her voters.

And her "legendary combat reflex".

It's just an "ordinary weapon", so it's naturally hard to do any harm to her.

And correspond to this.

The same phenomenon, Isaac can also see that before her silver long sword, some Tana Roc elites have magic equipment, and when the long sword sweeps across, all the effects of the magic equipment are also the same. Also disappeared.

Without even magic equipment, no matter how brutal Tana Rocco is, how can she stop her sharpness and her wildness?

Sweeping the vanguard battalion of the Whiplash Legion with one's own power is even more irresistible than the legendary power to revitalize the treants...

The focus of Isaac's observation is precisely here!


"It's not a magical effect!"

"It's not an ability evolved from Silver Fire either!"

"It should be related to the nature of her 'voter'!"

Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

The goddess of magic is in charge of the "magic priesthood", and the "magic essence" is also under her control.

And the voters are the extension of the essence of the gods.

Combined with his research results a few days ago, and the conjectures derived from it...

"The production of magic equipment is closely related to the permanent and constant magic effect."

"And the permanent and constant magic effect corresponds to the closeness with the 'magic essence'."

"In other words, the essence of magic equipment is also related to the tightness of the 'magic essence'."

"The 'Essence of Magic' is in charge of the Goddess of Magic. The identity of the voters, the connection between Storm-Silver Hand and the 'Essence of Magic' is naturally very close, and they even have corresponding 'authority' and 'authority'."

"From this, it doesn't matter whether it's her individually or the entire group of 'Magic Goddess Chosen', if she has it, as long as she gets close, she can suppress the effect of the magic equipment, or even directly destroy the supernatural ability of the magic equipment, It's not impossible!"

This kind of ability is similar to "Anti-Magic Field" and "Great Disintegration Technique" to a certain extent.

However, I hadn't experienced it myself, so it was hard for Isaac to judge for a while, whether this ability ignores the "absolute suppression" and "absolute destruction" of immunity, or whether it will be affected by the wearer of the magic equipment, himself Counterinfluence of will?

Regardless of whether it is "absolute" to ignore the immunity, or to suppress the target's will to resist...

With the professional level of "Seven Sisters" and all-round strength, with such abilities, I am afraid that the level of strength of "Storm-Silver Hand" will be even better than that chosen by the God King back then.

Especially, her "Silver Fire" has not yet appeared!

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