Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 818 Outburst

"Two damn bitches, they haven't arrived yet!"

Haggs' "fireball" was completely ineffective.

Seeing the silver-haired woman again, no matter the "Lightning Falling Technique" or the "Hammer of Chaos", it will not hinder her at all.

What's more, as the silver-haired woman entered the "Whiplash Legion", even the violence and savagery of the Tanaroks could not stop her...

Desperately wanting to use this war to show her value to the "King of the Demon Flame", and even more her loyalty, the demon hag couldn't help gnashing her teeth in her heart.

The speed of the two green hags is too slow.

At least, in her mind, it was too slow!

Ghosts, after all, still have to form a "ghost battle group", and then use the unique battle group rituals of the hag clan to be able to "1+1+1" is far greater than "3", and all their evil powers will be vividly revealed. released.

Without those two green hags, if she is alone...

"Black Flame Ball!"

Although she was cursing in her heart, the witch's hand didn't slow down.

With dim yellow and green eyes, skipping over the four super-giant treants, they stared fixedly at the silver-haired woman. Amidst the evil murmur, the demon hag circled around with one hand in front of her, and grabbed it again.

Immediately, the power of hell's evil energy, blazing flame energy, and a ball of blazing black flames condensed in front of her claws.

And here, she performed the evil witchcraft unique to this "dark witch".


"We still have to kill it!"

On the other side, after having certain doubts and judgments about the identity of Storm-Silver Hand and the level of strength, both of them had a certain degree of doubt and judgment, and their expressions changed several times. After all, Kenil Walker remained firm in his determination.

He didn't think he could have any chance of succeeding in a sneak attack against a hundred-war elite like Storm-Silver Hand.

Similarly, against Storm-Silver Hand's level of power, even if he still has "Flame Horn" Gugriff, and has many Tanarock warriors to assist him, but... he still has no chance of winning.

However, even so, at this moment when it's time to go into battle, he still has to go up!

without him.

He has a sense, "The Wrathful Lord" and "The Son of Hell" are watching from behind at this time.

And since these two are behind... Obviously, the "King of Demon Flame" must also be here.

The "King of Demonic Flame" had warned him and the witch before that if they could not win the "Mist Hall", the two of them would no longer have to think about the future.

The warning is so straightforward, and he is still behind, watching for himself, under such circumstances, how dare he not risk his life?


"This is either Storm-Silver Hand, or Dove-Hawk Hand."

"No matter who she is, since Angus wants to win the 'Mist Hall', he will never miss the opportunity."

"As long as I make a move, I will be invincible to her, but as long as I can temporarily hold her back, Angus will never turn a blind eye!"

"In this way...or kill two birds with one stone!"

With determination in his heart, Kenil Walker's eyes flashed again.

He has worked so hard, the "King of Demon Flame" can no longer punish him innocently, so that he can continue to attack the northern dark region.

The strategy for the Northern Underdark region obviously cannot be completed and ended in a short period of time.

and then……

"If Angus solves her, those voters of the Goddess of Magic, let alone the 'Seven Sisters', will never let Angus go!"

"As long as I can procrastinate, the evil him will be completely exterminated by the righteous 'seven sisters', and that 'subject to others' will naturally come to an end..."

His gaze followed the silver-haired lady. Although Tana Roc kept falling under her long sword, Kenil Walker suddenly felt that such a "justice" lady was not an eyesore at all.

At least, before the fall of the "King of Demon Flame", he didn't feel that these people were an eyesore.

Behind, the witch hag is performing dark witchcraft.

Kenil Walker glanced over there lightly.

"Follow me!"


Knowing that you can't do it without a trace, you can simply force it.

Kennell let out a yell.

"Lightning speed!"

"Legendary reflection!"

"Destroy Blow!"

Simultaneous triggering of triple legendary feats.

Among the thousands of troops, Cambion's figure rose directly into the sky, like lightning and thunder, and the sky was where the silver hand crashed into the storm.

With the swiping of the dark scepter in his hand, the sky darkened suddenly, and the endless storm was completely condensed on the scepter, and the destructive power of overwhelming it.

This stick smashed out...

Under the catastrophic storm of earth-shattering, people are as small and fragile as ants.

Such a blow...

Even the "Angry Lord" and "Son of Hell" in the rear couldn't help but move their eyes.

Although this kind of power is still some distance away from them, but... at least it won't let them ignore it!

Even if the "Wrathful Lord" is an abyss lord, ruling the huge army of purgatory frost giants, but his subordinates...

"Apart from Swafnir and Gorgbahoum, only Stoddt should have the power to steadily surpass him."

With this thought, Kostchurch frowned again.

Swafnir, this is His white dragon mount.

Gorgo Bahoumu is a legendary ice-crab crab spider that mysteriously appeared in the "Steel Ice Field", and has been forcibly enslaved by him with the power of the abyss lord.

These two are the two most powerful generals under him.

In addition, it is his daughter, "Stoddt", who was born after he conquered Valkyrie Grace Kogal in Joseph's Garden, is able to overcome this hurdle Beorn's strength is gone.

Of course, he has always hated women, be it Valkyrie or his daughter, this has never fascinated him.

To Him, the value of Stoddt, other than killing a few enemies for Him, is only...


"As long as she is sacrificed, the portal leading to the 'Joseph Garden' will be completely stabilized!"

"Until then……"

Messy thoughts intertwined for a while, and Kostchurch quickly turned his attention away again, and hatred was constantly filling his eyes.

Compared with most abyss lords, the time for his rise is still short after all, only about one or two thousand years.

In addition, He cares more about the rule of the "Frost Giants", far more than Tanar'ri, but the "Frost Giants' priesthood" is in the hands of the "Frost Giants God".

It will take enough time for him to conquer the frost giant step by step, and then seize this priesthood, and he will inevitably encounter resistance.

Coupled with the heavy losses from the war with Grazte...

The Purgatory Frost Giant Legion in his hands is as strong as it is strong, but after all, it lacks the decisive strength of the strong.

As a result, if he picked it up individually, it would be hard for him to think of any frost giants who could stabilize this Cambion...

"The Arched Gate project must be completed!"

"After taking down this green dragon, with his magical ability comparable to Tasha..."

Kostchurch's eyes flickered.

Although he is extremely conceited about his own power, and even has the ambition to destroy all those Tanar'ri lords who laughed at him, but...

After all, the magic power of the green dragon is close to that of "Tasha". No matter how conceited he is, he dare not say absolutely that he will be able to forcibly enslave the green dragon with the power of the abyss lord.

To make this grip even bigger...

"Perhaps, it is necessary to contact Barlow again!"

A name floated in Koschurch's mind.

In the bottomless abyss, he doesn't have any allies, and he hates all Tanar'ri lords, but there is one exception.

Lord Balor, and the Balor family, the reason why he named "Baro" is that he holds a part of the power of the abyss. He is the real Lord of Tanari, but at the same time, he does not occupy any At the abyss level, Barlow serves all the abyss lords only by "employment"!

Kostchurch also cooperated with the Barlow flame demon lord.

But I know that although this person is Tanari, it is true that he is a completely chaotic and evil camp, but... as long as he accepts the employment, to a large extent, this person's power can still be used with confidence.

With Barlow's support, they can lower the power of the abyss lord at the same time when the "arched door" opens...

But Kostchurch didn't believe it. No matter how powerful this green dragon is, can it fight against them both at the same time?

"Until then……"


Just as thoughts were flashing and ambitions were wildly unfolding, suddenly, a voice came from the spiritual connection from the "Legendary Summoning". In Kostchurch's eyes, the violent will of hatred and destruction surged.

Not only him.

The "child of hell" on the other side, who had been suppressing forcibly, had long been unable to restrain his rage, and at the same moment, the volcano erupted.

It was impossible to teleport in the direction of the "Tree Spirit Tribe" in the "Natural Domain" environment. These two figures just roared to the ground and rose into the sky. Endless evil energy, and even more evil will, reappeared in an instant. no hidden...

Even if it is closely related to the vast consciousness of the "Grandfather Tree", the supernatural effect of the "Natural Domain" suddenly surged with huge waves.

so that...

Just like a huge dam, the four legendary activated treants who stood in front of the "Whiplash Legion" and endured the most violent impact, their movements at this moment were obviously slow, as if their consciousness had been affected by some kind, or Is interfering with the general.

And for the one of them affected...

Numerous Tana Rocks.

The tomahawk chops the tree's legs, chopping violently.

What Zong Leap climbed onto them quickly climbed towards their upper body.

And there are many more who crossed this "dam" and frantically rushed to the inside of the tree spirit tribe, especially the...

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

However, it was two quarters earlier than the final appearance of the "King of Wrath" and "Son of Hell".

When Kenil Walker broke out from the side with the triple legendary feat, he burst out from the side.

At the same time, the ghost hag is also shaping the "Black Flame Ball".

Under the destructive power of the Dark Scepter, it was the storm sweeping the battlefield - the silver hand. At this moment, not only did it not change color at all, but it also...

A cold light flashed across her eyes.

Although she is in the chaos, her extraordinary perception is combined with the "Legendary Reflex" expertise, and the sacred blessing of the "Harper Master", the most important thing...

The Chosen One of the Goddess of Magic, her vision is inherently constant, and she has the ability to detect all magical effects!

Although Kenil Walker hid it with the help of the disorderly army, but this King of Cambion, whose magical aura is far stronger than all Tana Roc's high-quality equipment, in the field of vision of Storm-Silver Hand, it is the most Conspicuous torchlight!

How could she not know this person's approach?

How could there be no precautions?

Kenil Walker burst out with all his strength.

Although it was a little unexpected, the powerful power of this Cambion, but...

Naturally, Storm-Silver Hand couldn't fail to react!

"Legendary reflection!"

"Lightning speed!"

"Legendary dodge!"

The same is the triple legendary feat.

With "Legendary Reflection", the storm-silver hand perfectly grasped Cambion's attack, surrounded Tanarok, and the trajectory of the evil witchcraft in the distance.

With "lightning speed", her already extraordinary speed suddenly multiplied.

But the most important thing is "Legendary Dodge"!

Legendary dodge, once per round, when the designated enemy launches an attack, the body's legendary reaction can automatically dodge all damage from this attack!

This legendary feat only has the professional level, including the life energy level. The total level must reach at least level 27, and it also has extraordinary agility attributes. In addition to the pre-feature of "Proficient in Reflection and Evasion", it also has the characteristics of a rogue. Only when you get a job in such a profession can you master it.

Storm-Silver Hand's professional level has reached level 28, and his agility attribute is also extraordinary. In addition, he has a part-time job as a rogue, which meets this condition.

At this point one is enabled...

Under the dark scepter of Kenil Walker's "Destroying Blow", her vigorous and wild body is indescribably weirder than the shadow cheetah's walking, and at the same time, she is more snake girl than snake girl. Wearing the "mithril chain mail", the arc of the body was twisted to an unimaginable level in an instant.

The destructive power of the dark scepter clearly enveloped the entire space.

Her delicate body "twisted" past the heavy front of the scepter perfectly.

At the same time, the supernatural effect of the legendary specialty, all the powers, are completely unimpeded by her wandering.

Just turn around and take another step.

In the state of "Lightning Speed", Storm-Silver Hand appeared behind Kenil Walker strangely.

The silver long sword took advantage of the situation and wiped towards his neck.

At the same time, the "Black Flame Orb" that was supposed to shoot at her, followed her "transformation", it also blasted towards Kenil Walker!

Not only that.

Before wiping the throat of the long sword.

Not every voter of the goddess of magic can have it, but the "seven sisters" all have the supernatural ability to "suppress the effect of magic equipment" and even forcibly "destroy magic equipment". It was also activated before the long sword up.

"not good!"

After one stick fell to the ground, the "Legendary Reflection" was also activated, and many crises, even fatal ones, were captured in an instant. Kenil Walker's expression changed drastically at this moment.

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