Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 819: The Final Battle (Part 2)

"Damn it!"

Before fighting Storm-Silver Hand, Kenil Walker had already made a judgment. His combat skills were probably inferior to that of the "Seven Sisters", but better.

But when he really handed over, what's more, he still launched a sneak attack with all his strength...

It's only a momentary change, when the deadly sense of danger is reflected in the soul for the first moment...

But Kenil Walker also realized that the gap between him and this one in terms of combat skills is probably even bigger than he expected.

After all, he has been imprisoned for a long time in recent decades.

And this is not "Storm-Silver Hand", but the silver-haired woman of "Dorph-Hawk Hand", who has been running around in various battlefields all year round.

With such a premise, with only combat skills, no matter how extraordinary he is, how can he compare with this one?

A moment of bad feeling.

Without any hesitation.

Storm-Silver Hand wiped his throat with a sword, and the "Black Flame Ball" was also bombarded.

The dark scepter in Kenil Walker's hand came out directly.

This full-power attack launched with the legendary specialty "Destructive Strike", even if Kenil Walker's control over himself is subtle enough, but at such an urgent juncture, he has no confidence that he can control both Hold the dark scepter, but also dodge the storm at the same time - the silver-handed long sword wipes the throat.

Kenil Walker did not hesitate to make a decision at a critical moment and discard the Dark Scepter.

And as soon as the Dark Scepter was released from his hand, most of it was thrown away by inertia. Although his figure continued to sink, his entire upper body above his knees suddenly fell on his back.

At the same time, the ability to walk in the air, leaning back, turning over, and rolling again, the body is directly in the air, is to carry out an evasion that is absolutely the best choice although it is embarrassing.


There was a flash of silver light, and a swish.

Kenil Walker's reaction, in the state of "legendary reflex", is of course sharp and agile to the extreme.

However, the long sword of Storm-Silver Hand was even faster.

Although the sword's throat wipe was not completed, Cambion's fall on his back still failed to avoid her long sword.

With a flash of silver light, half of the face, up to the ears, Kenil Walker's handsome and extraordinary appearance, was almost completely cut in half!

But before he roared in fright.

The energy mixed with the evil energy of hell and the magic flame also exploded and exploded again.

If it is a fireball technique, but it is not a fireball technique, this "Black Flame Ball", which is made up of half of the evil energy of hell and half of the fire energy, is just an explosion...

Boom! !

The radius reached a full 20 feet, and the blazing explosion of the flame of darkness directly drowned Kenil Walker's roar that hadn't been blurted out yet, and completely drowned it.

Not only him.

Storm-Silver Hand, as well as the two Tana Roc leaders who were following him and trying to attack Storm-Silver Hand, were also shrouded in the blast wave.

Cambion and Tana Roc, of course, have a certain degree of fire resistance because of their purgatory blood.

However, the "Black Flame Ball" of the witch hag has not only flame energy, but also hellish evil energy.

This one exploded...

Even though Walker and Gugriff reacted quickly enough to dodge the roll, the dark flames still ignited on them.

This magic flame that burns the body and soul at the same time is the endurance of Cambion and Tanarok, and they couldn't help roaring after rolling.

On the contrary, it was Storm-Silver Hand, although it was also shrouded in dark flames, but when Kenil Walker was used as the first meat shield, he had already prepared for it, and Storm-Silver Hand's sword failed Wiping his throat, Cambion's vigorous body, when the "Dark Ball" exploded, once again, like a combination of a cheetah and a snake girl, made a strange wrong footstep, and turned away directly. In the black flame shock wave.

This step, and the slightest ups and downs of the body, and the evasion that came from it...

With the activation of "Legendary Reflection", nearly half of the damage of "Black Flame Ball" has been forcibly weakened by the seemingly simple evasion of Storm-Silver Hand.

Not only that.

The "Fire Resistance Triple Crown" on the top of the head, when the "Black Flame Ball", no matter the damage from hell or fire, both of them are weakened by nearly half...

From the top of the triple crown, there was only a radiance of crimson aura, and all the fire damage of the "Black Flame Ball" was completely canceled out in a wave of reflex saves and another wave of fire resistance.

It's only half of the damage of the evil energy of hell, and then only a quarter of the damage of the "Black Flame Ball". With the extraordinary physique of the storm-silver hand, and that is even more majestic vitality...

It is almost the exact opposite of Kenil Walker and Gugriff's tragic screams. In the black flame explosion wave, if Storm Silverhand doesn't feel any pain at all, it is as if it is not hindered at all. , twisting away, he caught up with the tumbling Cambion.

"Not good!"

"I'm afraid it's much more difficult than Master Mist!"

"I can only hope that His Majesty will be able to..."

The ghost hag frowned deeply, but the movements of her hands did not slow down in any way because of worry.

The "Black Flame Magic Ball" over there exploded, and here, everything over there was analyzed in an instant, and her next spell was also in progress.

"Hell Thunderstorm!"

It is also half of the evil energy of hell, but it is an eighth-level dark witchcraft that is far more powerful than the "Black Flame Ball".

And it's just this eighth level of witchcraft, at the moment of casting it.

"finally come!"

The witch's heart suddenly moved again, and the frown suddenly disappeared, and her eyes were deflected in a certain direction.

Not only her.

The high-level Tanari who were frightened by the Storm-Silver Hand "Legendary Arrow Art" before, and those fire giants.

He was even rolling in embarrassment, repeatedly avoiding Kenil Walker, who was hunted down by the storm-silver hand.

This moment is also heart-warming.

From the other direction of the forest.

One is extremely cold, the other is fiery, but the same rage, the same hatred, and more, the same, an unbelievably powerful terrifying aura!

That "Angry Lord", that "Son of Hell", finally couldn't sit still!

Or, it should be said that the "King of Demonic Flame" was impatient to watch the storm-Silver Hand go wild wantonly after all!

When the demon lord and the fire giant lord, both went berserk.

That endless evil and destructive aura, and even more will, is just a soaring sky...

Not to mention everyone in the "Tribe of Tree Spirits", even the storm-silver hand who had been prepared for a long time, all of them looked solemn and solemn at this moment.

She has a distinct feeling.

At this moment, under the impact of these two evil auras and evil wills, even the natural domain formed by the extension of the consciousness of the "grandfather tree" suddenly trembled and became unstable.

Furthermore, the four-headed "Legendary Activated Treant" directly controlled by the "Grandfather Tree", all movements were also in a state of sluggishness!


"it's time!"

With a whisper, he contacted with his "real name" and sent a signal to his sister.

He stopped looking at Cambion for half a second.

With the spread of the wings of the goblin behind her, her figure was flying into the sky, but at the same time, the magical aura was shining and circulating.

On the side of the demon hag, the "Hell Thunderstorm" is rapidly going on, and the evil energy that is far more terrifying than the "Black Flame Ball" is rapidly gathering.

There was no hidden meaning in the silver eyes, with an extremely firm will to kill, Storm-Silver Hand's gaze turned, and it was firmly nailed to the demon hag.

kill you first! !

Tanta Haggs, who was relieved a moment ago because of the "Angry Lord" and "Hell's Son" finally appeared, at this moment, all her spiritual senses suddenly collapsed to the limit.

With a clear feeling, she could read the meaning of Storm-Silver Hand's "must kill".

This is……

"The use of the hell thunderstorm, she feels, is a huge threat to her, or to the tree spirit tribe!"

"As long as I continue to practice this witchcraft, her first target must be me!"

"Her spell in progress..."

Instant analysis, the cold feeling that the sword has been placed on the neck.

Tanta Haggs clearly judged that the spell that Storm-Silver Hand was performing must be a short-distance teleportation spell similar to "Any Door"!

"Not good!"

"That's too late!"

It was too late to convert the spell, and it was also too late for the "Wrathful Lord" and "Son of Hell".

The dark witch advanced by the hag is even more familiar with the environment here. Haggs has long understood that in this forest, all teleportation techniques pointing in the direction of the "grandfather tree" cannot be carried out.

But it can't be teleported... "The Angry Lord" and "The Son of Hell" have the intention of saving her, and if they fly all the way, it must be too late to save her!

"Damn it!"

"That's the only way!"

Under the gaze of Storm-Silver Hand, which was sharper than the light of a sword, the demon hag's gaze was just a meeting, as if feeling guilty, she hurriedly looked away.

But at the same time, in the heart of this demon hag, there is another unwillingness, but determination, and even more vicious and ruthless meaning.

If Storm-Silver Hand really had his eyes on her, she might not be able to last a little longer.


"If you want to kill me, you will never feel better!"

This thought flashed.

Casting one step earlier than Storm-Silver Hand, Haggis' "Hell Thunderstorm" is completed.

Above the sky, suddenly, dark clouds as black as the doomsday formed one after another, and countless thunder and lightning swam in it like snakes, brewing again.

All the thunder and lightning were actually as black as ink, filled with an evil and filthy aura.

It seems that these thunder and lightning are also made up of the mixture of hell evil energy and magic lightning.

Rumble! !

A dark cloud formed.

The sound of thunder and thunder suddenly roared.

Following that, countless electric snakes descended with thunderbolts like a torrential rain.



"Goddess, I was wrong!"

"don't want!"

Many panicked and roared voices.



"Reckless and selfish!"

"Evil people are evil people after all!"

Storm-Silver Hand stared at the witch with a sneer, but also a hint of surprise.

As if, reflected in her silver pupils, the demon hag, those barbarian shamans, and the barbarian warriors guarding her at this time were enveloped by the pitch-black thunderstorm.

This demon hag would rather sacrifice her confidant power, would rather bear her own evil witchcraft, and would rather not be killed by her!


"You still have to die!"

This high-level group spell of the witch hag.

If the time comes, she must stand up to the "Wrathful Lord" and "Son of Hell" alone, and can no longer be distracted by others.

And the two Liches of Belem must also use all their strength and concentration to trap the "King of Red".

The overall impact of this on the "Tree Spirit Tribe" is too great.

Should she deal with this demon hag, she still has to deal with it, even if she has to suffer the bombardment of the hell thunder, she has no hesitation!

"Luzian's frequent jumps!"

A fifth-level spell from my sister Laila.

On Storm-Silver Hand's body, a blue arc flashed.


next moment.

Just because of the storm-silver hand flying into the air, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't care about his injuries, and immediately flew to Kenil Walker, who was about to pick up the dark scepter...

Legendary reflexes!

With a roar, before this Cambion could even touch the weapon, his soul was suddenly alert. Using his arm as a shield, he turned sideways again, and his left arm slammed violently to his side.

A blue arc of light then leapt out.

That silver brilliance flashed again.

Amid the ear-piercing sound of strikes, Kenil Walker's black iron armguard instantly lost its magic effect, and was abruptly shattered by the silver long sword.

Cambion's icy blood spurted out immediately.

Never waited for Kenil Walker to counterattack or dodge.

The blue arc flashed once again.


"No, I have to move closer to His Majesty!"

Seeing the storm-silver hand attacking Walker, the ghost hag who had endured several thunderbolts, while her vitality was weakened, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't care about the sacrifices of the barbarians around her at all, and she didn't care about whether Walker could escape. At the first moment, she looked in the direction where the "Angry Lord" and "Son of Hell" were flying.

With such a close relationship with Walker for so long, how could she fail to see that even at this moment, this Emperor Cambion still does not want to submit to the great "King of Demon Flame" in his heart?

If that's the case, then you can't blame her.

The essence of life has been mastered by the "King of the Demon Flame". Could it be that she doesn't move closer to the "King of the Demon Flame" and continue to follow this hopeless Cambion?

There is no intention to contain Storm-Silver Hand at all, and then to respond to Walker, the demon hag...

"Hiss? Ah!"

In the hell thunderstorm, behind the demon hag, a dark blue arc leaped out forcibly.

Under the bombardment of evil energy and lightning, and the witch hag had no time to react at all.

Sneak attack!


Storm-A silver-handed long sword, wild as a hurricane, combined with the professional ability of "Wanderer".

A piece of silver light swept across.

The protective equipment of the witch hag suddenly lost its magical effect...


Has been hidden in the shadows, has been trying to capture the lore opportunity.

At this moment, Barrett has only one thought.

Bury your head even deeper.



The sky-shaking hatred roared.

The King of Frost Giants who activated "Hateful Rage" was approaching even one step faster than "Children of Hell".

The boundless evil and destructive power came overwhelmingly.

All the tree spirit barbarians, all the natural camps, come from the soul, and they can't hold their heads up at all.




And amidst this endless wave of evil, a high-pitched voice suddenly sounded.

Following that, a bright silver brilliance broke through the darkness of the sky in one fell swoop.

The power of justice!

Unyielding strength!

Fearless power!

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