Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 825 I have the advantage

"Please help me, elder, to seal this demon!"

The two "Tekira Stones" resonated with the soul at the same time, and Melster's thoughts in the heart were another wave.

Spinning means that he raises his hands high at the same time, like the terrifying magical energy that is spinning upside down like a galaxy, gathering rapidly, and the spiritual light is extremely brilliant.


Through the "high magic enchantment", and then through the vast and infinite consciousness of the "grandfather tree".

Immediately, the "Inverted Galaxy" called by Melster was associated with the forest area covered by the huge consciousness of "Grandfather Tree".

And just in sync with this...

"it's time!"

Corresponding to the "Death Art" of "King Red", Oswell, who was performing "Astral Projection", narrowed his cold eyes slightly.

He and Melster have had a tacit understanding for too many years, and their understanding of each other is too deep.

He handed over the "Tekira Stone" to Melster, and he came out alone. This was not only because of the seal of the Fog Hall, two "Tekira Stones" were needed at all times. Do not leave the "High Magic Barrier".


When the "King of Red" was cast, it was highly suspected of "Dark High Magic".

How to completely seal this "dark side" has become their mission!

He came out alone, precisely at the critical moment, no matter whether it is restraining or restraining, in short, since he cannot let the "King of Red" get away, what's more, he must truly uncover the "King of Red". true face.

Only in this way can it cooperate with Melster's high magic seal "Eternal Starry Sky"!

At this time, there is no need to look back, only the two "Tekira Stones" are activated at the same time, and the vast consciousness of the "Grandfather Tree" is also surging.

Oswell knew that the time had come!

Temporarily ignoring the "Wrath Lord", he completely handed over the abyss lord to Storm-Silver Hand to restrain him.

The vitality of the "Claw of Ice" is equivalent to the creator, and the vitality of "Melster" can temporarily restrain the "child of hell".

At this moment, all of Oswell's attention was completely focused on the "prismatic ball".

The "King of Red" must have performed "Legendary Concealment". At this time, he still couldn't directly see where the "King of Red" was.

But...he can judge it!

Under the arc-shaped shield transformed by the "Rainbow Orb", those dragon-born kobolds will judge!

"It's a wide range of 'legendary hiding'."

"When he casts a spell on the left side of the shield, although the surrounding kobolds still have no breath, the kobolds on the far right are no longer within this "hidden range"!"

As long as Oswell stares at these kobolds, whether they are still in the "legendary hidden" state, he can judge the real body of that person!

However, this judgment belongs to this judgment, but he is not in any hurry.

High magic rituals, at least, require a full round of casting time to be completed.

He only needs to forcibly disperse the "Legendary Concealment" at the moment before the completion of "Eternal Starry Sky", and truly reveal the real body of "King of Red", and then let Melster Through the "high magic enchantment", and then through the consciousness of the "elder-Alahoo", to lock the target within the range, that's it!

this timing.

It's early, but there will be accidents.

It's too late, and it's not okay.


Since Oswell is all focused, he is locked on the side of the "Rainbow Ball", grasping every change there.

Again, keep enough patience, all actions, without the slightest haste, and be ready, ready to deal with all changes.

He would not think that at the level of "King of Red", he still has mastery of "high magic", even if it is "dark high magic". Starry Sky", without any response or reaction.


With this thought in mind, Oswell's raised paw suddenly lowered.

It was the "Astral Projection" that was going on, and it was cancelled.

But his eyes suddenly shrank to the extreme.

On the opposite side, the "withering technique" performed by the "King of Red" with a dark ritual suddenly stopped.

"High Magic!"

"The essence of the mystical seal is equivalent to the high magic of legendary spells!"

The two Belém Lich, almost completely coherent actions.

Isaac's eyes narrowed after all.

Following this, the "Dark Ritual" was cancelled, and the "Death Art" was also lifted.

The "Astral Projection" was being performed again there, so he naturally didn't need to continue the "Death Technique".

However, at the same time as the cancellation, there was another ray of regret in his eyes.

How could he not have a special intention to use the "Corruption - Tekira's Stone" in front of the two Liches of Belem?

He summoned the "Wrathful Lord" and enslaved the "Son of Hell". Today, he has only two shots left in the number of legendary spells.

Because of this, he had no intention of forcibly killing the "Grandfather Tree" and crushing the two Belem Liches to death within the "High Magic Barrier".

Whether it's squandering the "Whiplash Legion" and "Blue Bear Barbarians", or not caring about the sacrifices of the high Tanar'ri and fire giants, to attack the "Tribe of Tree Spirits" and this "wood of stone platforms".

On the one hand, it is because of the secret revealed by the demon hag.

but more...

Leading the two Liches of Belem to this side from the high magic barrier, this is his main purpose!

It is precisely because of this that he has controlled the distance between the "high magic barrier" and his side, including, between them, the location of the main battlefield.

Several degrees of magic, and the outbreak of the "angry lord".

A Beren Lich finally came out unsteadily.

However, with his coming out, within the "high magic enchantment", another Beren Lich, who just performed the cast, immediately caused the glare of the galaxy, making the sky and the earth change colors. magical energy...

Legendary spells!

What's more, use the "mystery lock" to weave the sealed legendary spell!

Whether it is high magic or "mystery", although it doesn't matter how deep the mastery is, after all, it can only be used indirectly. However, Isaac, who has a very in-depth study, has already faintly judged it just by observing it at a glance. Out of the ongoing "high magic" nature.

more at the same time...

"The 'Stone of Tekira' is in the hands of the Elf High Mage, and its amplifying effect is indeed better than that of the 'Corruption-Stone of Tekira' in my hands!"

From those two "Tekira Stones" with brilliant aura and magnificent magic power, some conjectures and judgments that Isaac had already had were also verified.

Later, there was this Beren Lich, who used two "Tekira Stones" to perform a high magic seal.

The other Beren Lich in front, no accident, is to prevent him from interrupting or obstructing the casting of this high magic, and it should also have the purpose of preventing him from retreating.

The combination of these two...

"To seal me, the premise is to be able to remove my 'Legendary Concealment' first."

"The one in front has mastered the 'Instant-Legendary Dispel Technique', and in the case of the 'Rainbow Ball' hindering him, no accident, it is precisely this method, and only this method, that can achieve the goal. "

"The 'grandfather tree' may also cooperate with restrictions at critical moments."

When the "Death Art" was released, seeing the Beren Lich in front of him also stopped the "Astral Projection".

In Isaac's eyes, there was another ray of coldness passing by.

It's "Mysterious Seal" again, especially "Legendary Dispel".

This time, let the opponent squander two legendary spells...

"The timing is when the 'Legendary Dispel' is in progress!"

"Seize this opportunity, and the advantage will be entirely mine!"

He was able to grasp that the caster levels of these two Beren Liches were both slightly higher than the "Mist Master".

Therefore, the number of daily legendary spells of these two should be three times.

If two shots were wasted at once, and one shot was made before, the total amount left is only half...

On his side, not only did he have an advantage in military strength, but he also had the "Wrathful Lord" and "Son of Hell", and he still kept two legendary spells.

Naturally, all the advantages belong to him!


After the "withering technique" was lifted, Isaac's scepter only paused for a moment, and then waved again.

Intense negative energy is constantly penetrating in the surrounding space.

Although the "blasphemy" is only a second-level divine art, Isaac's all-round powerful attributes and extraordinary specialization in the "evil domain" are performed at this time, and it immediately affects the surrounding natural environment. Influence, and as it progresses, this influence is still getting stronger.

The unfolding of this spell is naturally to suppress the "grandfather tree" and carry out possible interference through the realm of nature!

But with his display...

"The moment before he finishes!"

Oswell's eyes suddenly shrank.

The "King of Red" casts spells after the "Rainbow Orb". Apart from the "Great Disintegration", he cannot counter and counteract them normally.

And the distance between the "Rainbow Ball" and him is beyond the range of the "Great Disintegration".

This is... only by "abnormal" means!

A moment's grasp in my heart.

Melsville is using the "unique ritual" to cast a full round of spells.

"Lord of Red" is a normal standard cast.

The difference in the time of completion was that the "King of Red", which was performed later, was one step earlier than Melster.

He's going to counterattack here...

Simply before the "King of Red" is about to be completed, it has not yet been completed!

"Use the 'Legendary Dispel Technique' to change the target to dispel and suppress it as a range, and completely suppress all magic and magic effects in the entire area including the 'Rainbow Ball'!"

"So... even if he wants to retreat, there is no way out!"

Oswell's eyes shrank for a moment, and he never let go.

Within the blazing range of "Dazzling Glory", the "Wrathful Lord" and the Storm-Silver Hand completely ignored the fierce battle of destruction that broke out again.

His eyes were like flashes of lightning, and all his concentration was focused on the progress of the completion of the "blasphemy".

The "blasphemy" in the front and the "Eternal Silence Starry Sky" in the rear are both performed quickly, but in his mind, it seems like time is slowing down. Every movement, every bit of progress, is a picture, and then A picture is constantly turning over.


"Myth - Evil Shadow Strike!"

It was the super-transformed "Angry Lord", who hammered several times, all for the storm-silver hand dodged deftly, and at the same time, the silver flame whip was still whipping on his head several times, so that this rare spellcaster The "King of Frost Giants" once again carried out the "myth-spell-like ability", and broke out in an instant, even more terrifying than the "Purgatory Destroyer" of "Son of Hell". .

With eyes that had been shrinking all the time, Oswell finally exploded at this moment.

Based on the small changes in the coverage area of ​​"Legendary Concealment", the real body of that person was determined.

Bone Claw, he didn't care about any elegance anymore, he lifted it with lightning speed, and pointed to a place behind the "Rainbow Ball" from the air.

"Legendary Dispel!"

"Range suppressed!"

The emerald green streamer pierced through the void in an instant.


"The advantage is mine!"

"Rainbow Orb" blocks the blinding effect of "Dazzling Glory" on evil camps.

Isaac's "True Vision" did not miss any movement of the Beren Lich within the blazing light field.

Over there is the bone claw lifting...

This way, it is even half a step faster than the lifting of the bone claw.

Immediately, the "blasphemy technique" that was about to be completed was lifted once again.

Performing the "blasphemy technique" at this time seems to suppress the realm of nature, but in fact, there are more...

He wants to use the casting and completion progress of this spell to give the Beren Lich in front of him a choice of timing and planning!

Sure enough, the choice of timing for the Beren Lich was set at the moment before he completed the spell!

Raise your paw over there.

Here, he immediately lifted the "blasphemy technique".

Furthermore, on the "advanced instant scepter" that was already raised, a blazing purple light shone.

"Instant - Isaac's continuous flash!"

Over there, the emerald green streamer is shooting.

Here, the azure arc also shines at once.

The simultaneous color change of the two Beren Liches, and the interruption of the interference from the "Natural Domain", were also sudden and violent.

Isaac's will forcefully broke through the interference of the "Natural Realm". The moment before the emerald green streamer hit the "Rainbow Ball", his figure disappeared in the original place as soon as the arc flashed. bit.

next moment.

The emerald green light spread at once.

The "Rainbow Ball" dissipated immediately.

All the dragon-born kobolds, all the breath of existence, also completely appeared.

At the same time, all the magic equipment and magic effects on them were completely suppressed.

"The elder's consciousness can't interfere with his teleportation!"

Oswell's gaze changed again and again after the legendary dispersal technique failed.

It is also Melster who is about to complete the "Eternal Starry Sky", the connection between high magic and the consciousness of "Grandfather Tree", although his eyes grasped the jumping point of the blue arc at the first moment, but...

"Legendary Concealment" has not been lifted, and it is still impossible to capture the real body of "King Red", even...

"It's continuous teleportation!"

His eyes sank, but his reason remained.

The gaze shifted for a moment, and Melster looked at the "Wrathful Lord" and "Hell's Son"!

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