Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 826 The Power of Myth

If the real body of the "King of Red" cannot be captured, the seal cannot be carried out normally.

However, it is naturally impossible to waste this legendary spell.

Almost without thinking, Melster transferred the target of the seal to the "Angry Lord" and the "Son of Hell".

Angry lord, this is the legendary call!

The sons of hell are legendary slaves!

If you choose one of the two...

"Eternal Silence Starry Sky!"

The spell has been completed, and there is no time to think about it.

Melster raised his hands to the sky, unfolding a shining galaxy with six spiral arms, spinning backwards above his head, and the vast and abyss of magical energy appeared as a pure "seal" effect, using spells beyond imagination strength……

From the center of the Milky Way, a beam of light suddenly projected out, and it landed on the "Son of Hell" in just a split second.

Pure legendary summoning, after all, this cannot last for too long.

In particular, this call came not from the real body of the "Angry Lord".

Melster had judged that this incarnation of the "Wrathful Lord" would not be able to stay in the material plane for too long!

Therefore, although at present, the incarnation of the "Wrathful Lord" is more powerful than the "Son of Hell".

However, with the immediate choice, he still made the "son of hell" the target of the seal!

And as far as the power of the spell is projected...

"It's time to choose this half-purgatory fire giant!"

"If he is sealed, there is a high probability that those fire giants will not continue to obey the orders of the 'King of Red'!"

More thoughts continued to pass through Melster's mind.

The power of magic is also going on simultaneously.

When the beam of light, in an instant, projected from the center of the spiral arm galaxy onto the body of the "child of hell".

"It's the reverse application of 'rejection' and 'exile'!"

"Using the 'mysterious seed', all the levels of spell knowledge equivalent to high magic rituals are completely invested in the strengthening increase of this reverse application!"

"In addition, the operation core of this 'mystery lock' is also the core of the seal...it still lies in the 'grandfather tree'!"

A blue arc flashed, and the unfinished "continuous flash", Isaac's figure did not retreat, but re-approached to the direction of the "wood of the stone platform".

And at the same time...

His eyes also flickered slightly.

He is no stranger to "High Magic", and he is also familiar with "Myth". When Melster completed this spell, he also roughly grasped the basic structure of this "Myth". In mind.

It is different from the usual "mystic barrier", on the contrary, this high magic seal has a certain similarity with the "Mirror of Sirinxi".

If we say that "Mirror of Sirinxi", its core is to reversely apply the "summoning technique", and then seal all the essence of the high-level Tanari in that "mirror level".

This Belem Lich's seal is to reverse the effects of "repel" and "exile", and then further weave it into the "mystical barrier".

Although the basic constructions of these two high-magic seals are completely different magical effects, their core concepts are very similar.

And with the completion of this identification...

"Koggs probably won't be able to stop it!"

Isaac also passed this confirmation in his mind.

Two "Tekira Stones" were activated, and a "High Magic Ritual" was carried out, coupled with the spell effect weaved, it was still a single seal with "reverse repulsion"...

Judging only by the strength of the seal, the high level of magic performed by the Lich of Beren is probably the "legendary enslavement" that is catching up with him.

Although Kugas's will is strong, and he still has the professional ability of the dark guard, but facing such a high-strength seal...

Even if Isaac didn't say anything, the fire giant lord would definitely not be able to break free, but obviously, the hope of breaking free was very slim.

It is in response to his judgment.

The "child of hell" who was locked by the beam of light, was frightened and furious for a moment, and burst out violently at the same time with strength and will, but...

The roaring sound has just come out, the whole body, including strength, will, and even the soul, but if the insects and ants suddenly sink into the resin, there is still an extremely small range of motion, but it is difficult to shake the flying wings .

The spiral arm galaxy then accelerated and reversed.

In response to that beam of light, the huge body of the "Son of Hell" immediately flew towards the center of the galaxy.

Visibly, it is constantly shrinking.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sky.

Immediately, the infinite magical energy of the spiral arm galaxy also shrank, and finally turned into a stream of stars, which seemed to disappear into the void, and seemed to be submerged in the huge canopy of the "Grandfather Tree".

"The advantage is still with me!"

This instant change, Isaac's expression, still did not see any waves.

It's just a "seal". Although the "mystery seal" cannot be dispelled by ordinary magic, his "Legendary Dispel" is obviously not in this category.

Even, if he wants to perform "Legendary Dispel"...

Looking at the eyes, Isaac glanced at the Beren Lich behind him.

That high magical enchantment naturally couldn't hide it from his eyes.

Even if this enchantment is woven into a whole with the "grandfather tree", but... as long as he wants to, he will forcibly suppress the will of the "grandfather tree" and further destroy this "high magic enchantment" ", but also have enough confidence!

Correspondingly, the "high magic seal" carried out by the Lich of Belem is also based on the "grandfather tree".

Destroying that "High Magic Barrier" almost destroyed this "High Magic Seal" at the same time!

The advantage is still in his hands!

"Myth - Evil Shadow Strike!"

And at this moment, in the super giant form, with the scourge of "Silver Fire", the "Mythical-Spell-like Ability" of "Angry Lord" was completed again.

In the sacred field of "the dazzling glory of the heavens", combined with his aura of the abyss lord, the endless evil and corrupt power penetrates a kind of transcendent matter, transcends thoughts, and even transcends "Mandate of Heaven", extraordinary to almost "sacred" essence...

This "mythical power" is just a manifestation and surge.

Within the huge area, the radiant "dazzling glory" was suddenly swallowed up by darkness.

And all within the realm of darkness.

For the good camp.

From evil and depravity, from filth and decay, it radiates directly to the souls of good creatures.

A strong nauseating effect!

At the same time, there is also a "slowness" effect that does not allow any immunity!

Only for a moment.

Even if it is Storm-Silver Hand, even if Oswell is trapped in this "evil field", although the will can resist the "disgusting" effect, but under the "slowness" effect that cannot be exempted, everything between the two The movements, including the speed, are both slow at once.


The roar of Koschurch's endless destructive will rang out like a thunderous explosion at this moment.

The super-giant form also multiplied in size. The legendary war hammer "Frostfire Roar", combined with the extraordinary power of "Myth-Evil Shadow Strike", swung it...

Ignoring the Beren Lich, only staring at the Storm-Silver Hand, which is not only a woman, but also looks like Gwen Harviv.

The destructive force of heaven and earth suddenly shrouded the head of Storm-Silver Hand.

"not good!"

This eruption of Kostchurch, especially this "myth-spell-like ability", has an extraordinary effect beyond everyone's expectations...

With the Storm-Silver Hand, one is in front of the "wood of the stone platform", and the other is Oswell behind, the expression changes dramatically.

When Melster sealed the "Son of Hell", he had already focused his attention on the "Wrathful Lord".

The reason why I didn't act immediately...

On the one hand, they have noticed the recent transmission arc of "King of Red", so they must be on guard against this one.

At the same time, he had just performed the "Instant-Legendary Dispel Spell", and he was unable to cast spells instantly again. Now that he counter-casts spells, the casting speed obviously cannot keep up with the spell-like ability of "The Wrathful Lord".

And just the slowness of this step...

Under the unimaginable and even more unexpected mythical power of the "Angry Lord".

Seeing that neither he nor Storm-Silver Hand could resist the slowing effect of the "evil field".

Furthermore, seeing the storm-silver hand, it is impossible to dodge the devastating blow of the legendary war hammer.

And further back, although the figure of the "King of Red" has never appeared, the blue arc is approaching...


Oswell suppressed his anger, and his will suddenly moved.

He raised his paw at the same time.

"Dimensional lock!"

It was too late for him to stop the "Angry Lord", so he could only contain the approach of the "King of Red" from behind.

With the "Dimensional Lock", the "King of Red", who also just cast a spell instantly, if he wants to not be restricted, he must retreat or cast a counter-spell.

In this way, it is impossible to further cooperate with the "Wrathful Lord" to threaten Lady Storm.

This is the only thing Oswell can do at this time.

For everything else, we can only look at Lady Storm herself, "Tree of the Stone Platform", and... Melster!

Oswell's spell-casting action has just been carried out.

It can be seen immediately, it must be where the "King of Red" is, and the ripple of that blue arc changes from advancing to retreating, and suddenly flashes to the rear.

Almost at the same time.

"Lightning speed!"

"Legendary Dodge!"

Although in the "slow" state that cannot be exempted, the dual legendary specialties, Storm-Silver Hand, were activated together in an instant.

Starting at lightning speed, first slow down, then double speed, she immediately recovered her own speed.

With the activation of the legendary dodge, under the gigantic legendary hammer, the space of the material plane is completely collapsing. When she turns her footsteps, she seems to be walking in the gap between space and space. It is indescribably weird. The pace, just one step, escaped from the envelope of "Frostfire Roar" just right.

Another moment...

"Silver Flame Burst!"

With a shout, the most blazing "silver fire" appeared as the most blazing sacred, and all the godliness essence of the chosen people of the goddess of magic, at the moment when the "child of hell" has been sealed, is completely burning up .

On Storm-Silver Hand's body, raging silver flames rose and exploded fiercely, completely covering her entire body.

An extraordinary, almost divine nature, as if the incarnation of a god is coming directly, is vividly displayed in her body.

An explosion turned into a silver blazing iridescent light, and the storm-silver hand shot right at the huge head of the "Angry Lord".

And at the same time.

Inspired by Oswell's spiritual will, the sacred power calling for the "Forest of Stone Steles", while sheltering the tree spirit tribe, only continuously released energy shock waves to resist the attack of the "Son of Hell", and " The "Wood of the Stone Terrace" of Yu Bo, the Wrathful Lord.

boom! !

If it turned into a "tree man", although it still has no feet, two giant "arms" suddenly split from the huge tree crown.

The endless power of nature is integrated into it, and the strength of the "Alahoo tree man" is even stronger than that of the "tree man elder". The two "arms" swing left and right, and they are closing in on the "angry lord" .


Melster, who was at the back, finally breathed out a long breath at this moment. It has been raised, and it is already the "Instant-Legendary Dispel Technique" that can be performed at any moment, and it finally stops at the critical point. up.

With a high magic ritual, his "Eternal Starry Sky" is carried out with a full round of spellcasting.

At the time when "Eternal Silence Starry Sky" was completed, he was the only one who had the ability to cast spells instantly.

However, if Ms. Storm did not complete the dodge in the first time, it also burst out unprecedented sacred silver flames.

On his side, if he wanted to save this lady, he could only use the "Instant-Legendary Dispel Spell" to forcefully try to see if he could cancel the legendary summoning spell for the "Angry Lord" and drive her back to the bottomless abyss forcibly. up!

However, even if this dispersal can be successfully completed and Lady Storm can be rescued, but...

At this moment, whether it is him or Oswell, the degree of taboo towards the "King of Red", who has never revealed any root no matter how they try and design, is far more taboo than "The Elder-Alahoo" "When they were awakened, and when the storm-silver hand was introduced, I don't know how many times it was turned over.

If his daily legendary spell had to be used again...

Even if "Elder Alahho" was still there, he and Oswell could hardly have much confidence in being able to keep "King Red" out of the "Hall of Fog".

Not to mention, completely seal the "darkness-high magic".

Fortunately, Ms. Storm is worthy of being the most extraordinary lady he has ever seen in countless years.

Even the mythic power of the "Angry Lord" has never been able to truly restrain her.

Seeing Oswell cast a spell, "King Red" was retreating.

Storm-Silver Hand and "Wood of the Stone Platform" are both erupting again.

No legendary spells were performed, but the two "Tekira Stones" once again shone brightly.

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