Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 828 Interlocking and Stable


Kostchurch was hit by the "Silver Fire" of the Storm-Silver Hand first, and then slapped by the "Stone Tree". This was obviously a serious injury, but it didn't make Isaac turn his attention a little bit.

At the moment when the "withering technique" was cast, all his attention was completely focused on the two Belem Liches.

The one in front is doing the "power cage"!

The one behind is doing the "enhanced version - true seeing"!

Only from this, it is obvious that these two are not able to directly counter the ninth-level necromancy spell of "Death".

And this basically corresponds to Isaac's prediction.

However, there is no counter-spell counter-offset, but the "True Seeing" and "Power Cage" are still being performed...

Isaac naturally didn't think that the two Belén Liches gave up their countermeasures, and instead let his "double-effect super magic" large-scale spells wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Two possibilities!

First, and most likely!

Judging from the fact that the one in the front casts spells half a step behind him, but still performs the "Power Cage", if the one in the back wants to cooperate with this one, and at the same time solve the damage caused by the "withering technique", then the greatest possibility is, It should be cast one step ahead of time with the "Instant Cast-Legendary Dispel".

Moreover, because he is still "Legendary Concealment", this "Legendary Dispel" should still appear as a "Range Dispel Effect" instead of "Designated Target Dispel".

So, once this dispelling and repression is successful.

Not only his "withering technique" will be lifted directly.

The constant effects of several legendary spells on him also have the possibility of being dispelled.

It is even possible that the magic equipment on the body, or even the magic power of oneself, is temporarily suppressed.

Under such circumstances, the "Power Cage" followed by the Belem Lich in front can undoubtedly trap him for a short time.

With such predictions, Isaac also has predictions about this possible timing.

As expected, if the person in the back performs the "Legendary Dispel", the timing is not only more accurate before his "withering technique" is completed, but also, if the level of that person matches, his As for the estimation of the "elven high mage"...

It is inevitable!

The timing of the shot, that one will definitely be stuck before he can perform instant casting again!

In this way, the "Legendary Dispel" over there caused the suppression of the magic effect, so he had no time to counteract it!

And once he is suppressed and trapped by the "Power Cage" again, the one in front of him will also resume instant casting, and he can use "Instant - Legendary Dispel" again at any time to prevent him from getting out. , that is, there is enough time to activate two "Tekira Stones" again to carry out high magic similar to the previous seal of "Son of Hell"!

This possibility, in Isaac's estimate, is not only fully established, but if the level of the Beren Lich and the two is worthy of his estimate, this is the most appropriate and correct choice!

Of course, in addition to this, another possibility cannot be absolutely ruled out.

If the guy in the back continues to use the "Strengthen-True Seeing Technique" to completely break through his "Legendary Concealment", and hand over the countermeasures to the guy in the front, it will be too late.

Although the one in front of him was half a step behind in the "power cage", when he completed the "withering technique", the cooldown of this instant casting spell would have passed.

In this way, with the "Legendary Dispel Technique", the "Death Technique" released by him can be directly dispelled.

As for the one over there, after completing the "Strengthening-True Seeing Technique" and then ignoring his "Legendary Concealment", it's not that there is no hope of further fierce fighting.

Of course, compared to the first option that requires an extremely high level to seize the opportunity and seize a decisive advantage in one fell swoop, this option is undoubtedly mediocre, and there is even the possibility of further disadvantages.

If the Beren Lich and the Lich choose this one, Isaac will inevitably be "disappointed", and then they can only continue to fight steadily, and then retreat some distance to see if the "withering technique" can kill the two. Bit up.

Compared to this, he hoped that the level of these two would match his estimate.

in this way……

It is worth the opportunity he created for the opposite party!

While performing the "withering technique", while grasping the "slow" flow of time, in his heart, Isaac was calmly waiting for all the changes of the two people opposite him.

Seeing that the time limit for "the first option" was approaching, he suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, it is here!

The level of these two is indeed worthy of his respect for the "elven high mage"!

As far as the eye could see, the person behind hadn't finished using the "Strengthening-True Seeing Technique", so he stopped as soon as he said it.

Almost without a pause, the lich's claws pointed towards him again.

"Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

The emerald green streamer flashed instantly, piercing the sky again.

Isaac squinted his eyes, but not only did not change color, but...

Everything is under control!

That emerald green streamer flashed the moment.

The battlefield from below is closer to the "Stone Tree" and "Grandfather Tree" than Isaac, and furthermore, if you go backwards, it will not hinder the location of "Teleportation" and "Teleportation".

A shout.

The figure of the six-armed snake demon Saleen rose into the sky.

Because "Legendary Concealment" cannot be locked, Beren Lich's "Legendary Dispel" cannot be performed in the form of "designated target", but can only be performed in the form of "Range Dispel", which is like "Fireball" And so on, there is a possibility of being intercepted halfway!

Saleen's soaring into the sky was precisely for this purpose.

However, she is not at her peak, she has just been revived for a few days, she has no "instantaneous-advanced teleportation", and she has no demon wings, but only uses "flying" to fly into the air, although her subjective initiative is very positive , moved immediately, but the emerald green streamer pierced the sky, and her body was never able to stop it in place after all.


Seeing that the emerald streamer passed through the interception of the six-armed snake demon, Isaac did not show any disappointment, and the casting of the "withering technique" was still going on.

A shadow then leaped out, and the emerald green streamer was shot on this shadow, and then spread into countless dark green fluorescent lights, covering a considerable space.

With this change, the shadow was dispelled of all effects in an instant, and appeared as an entity.

That ordinary face, and ordinary temperament... It seems to be the legendary assassin Barrett who has never really made a move since the outbreak of the war, and has always been lurking in the shadows!

By staying away from the "grandfather tree" and performing the "shadow jump" from the inside to the outside, so as not to be affected by the interference effect of the "natural domain" on the teleportation, his timing and position are extremely accurate.

And he just flashed out and intercepted the "Legendary Dispel Technique" in the air...


The expressions of the two Beren Liches suddenly changed drastically.

In a short period of time, the "King of Red" put so much pressure on them that it was extremely difficult to distract them from the battlefield on the ground.

And if the factors on the ground battlefield were ignored, their tacit cooperation should have been extremely confident, and they could take down the legendary dragon in one fell swoop.

But he never expected that at such a moment, someone could directly stop the "Legendary Dispel Technique" in the air.

This was intercepted, and the "Purgatory Evil Energy-Double Effect-Death Technique" that was about to be completed by "King of Red"...

No matter how calm the two Liches of Beren were, they suddenly lost their composure at this moment.

Even... Both of them have a bad premonition!


"Take it!"

Isaac's face remained calm and unchanged, but deep in his eyes, there was also a ray of joy, and even a ray of complacency, which flashed past.

Being able to grasp the opportunity of "the first choice", the level of these two Beren Liches undoubtedly deserves his respect, and even some taboos.

To be able to involve such two people, who still have such a tacit understanding, into the design, this is worthy of his "satisfaction"!

This "opportunity" seemed to be created and designed by him specially for these two Belem Liches!

In terms of "distance", he intentionally controlled it within the shooting range of the one behind him. Otherwise, if he retreated to where the loyal servants were, it would be basically impossible for the one behind him to shoot directly with the "Legendary Dispel".

In terms of "time", he gave it to the opponent. As long as he can grasp it and cooperate with it, it is a real opportunity to take advantage of. The two opposites really grasped it.

From the "position", he also controlled it, so he connected with the Belen Lich behind him, but this position was behind Salien and Barrett.

In this way, his spiritual will only reminded these two in advance.

The moment came.

The six-armed snake demon who has given up his allegiance to him.

Barrett has a desire for "Drow Dragon", and under his command, there are more pursuits.

As expected, they cooperated without hesitation!

And from the decisiveness of this cooperation...

Saleen can be reused in the future!

Barrett's "Legendary Reflection" is as reliable as ever!

It was Barrett who intercepted the "Legendary Dispel Spell" in the air, and the magic effects, supernatural effects, and magic equipment were all dispelled and suppressed, and the figure immediately fell down.

Never waited for him to actually fall to the ground.

"Energy Control - Shaping Control - Strong - Ultimate - Death!"

Isaac's spell, half a step earlier than Oswell, was also completed.

This endless purgatory evil energy was only formed once, and it turned into a huge cloud of darkness, sweeping towards the "wood of the stone platform".

And at the same time, the range is large enough, with the "wood of the stone platform" as the main target, more dark energy is covered further back.

Further back... The second target is naturally Oswell, the Lich of Belem!

Compared with the Storm-Silver Hand, especially at this moment, the Storm-Silver Hand is still captured by Kostchurch. Naturally, there is still Oswell who has not cast a legendary spell, which is more suitable as a "death spell" Target.

In particular, the Lich of Belem is an undead and has no "Physical" attribute. Even if the Lich's own life growth is comparable to that of a dragon, it does not have a "Physical" bonus. The strength of its vitality depends on Isaac's judgment. Among them, is to be inferior to Storm - Silver Hand is quite a lot.

His "Double-Effect-Withering Technique", once fired, not to mention directly blasting and killing the Beren Lich, it can definitely kill more than half of his life.

Therefore, long before the design, his target had already selected this one.

It is precisely because of this that he replaced the death energy with the evil energy of purgatory through "energy control"!

The lich has enough resistance to the energy of death, but it is different to the evil energy of purgatory!

As this cloud of darkness sweeps in...

"not good!"


The minds of the Beren Lich and the Lich were all in a state of confusion at this moment.

In this way, there is only "Legend Dispelling" again.

But if Oswell's last legendary spell is used up, Melster also only has the last one left, and "King of Red" can predict that there are at least two more in stock.

Coupled with this period of time, from this confrontation, the unfathomable, cunning, cruel and ruthless "King of Red" revealed by this confrontation, even wantonly sacrificed his own people...

This disadvantage is suddenly huge!

But, retreat, there is also no way to retreat.

The power and strength of "Double-effect-Death", if it is replaced by Storm-Silver Hand, with its "Legendary Reflex", there may be immunity and weakening, so it is possible to withstand it.

But Oswell is a mage. How can a mage have that kind of reflex ability, which can make a reflex save to weaken the damage under the "withering technique"?

Can't be weakened, you have to bear such damage completely...

Oswell had a judgment in his heart. Even if he was lucky enough to survive, most of his life would definitely be gone.

And with most of his lives gone...

He didn't forget another point. At this time, like him, the instant cast cooldown of "King of Red" is also over!

If this is followed by an instant damage spell...

He still needs to perform "Legendary Dispel" to save his life!

Compare this back and forth...

When the black cloud swept over, Oswell also understood in his heart that at this moment, he had only one choice!

"Power Cage!"

The spell that slowed down Isaac by half a step was also completed at the moment when the "Death Spell" came into effect.

As soon as Oswell pointed to the possible location of the "King of Red", the invisible force field energy suddenly took shape there spontaneously.

But there was no time to look over there any more.

"Legendary Dispel!"

For the spell "Death", not the individual target, nor the area.

With the bone claws that were already raised, the emerald light shone instantly on Oswell's body.

But this is the moment.

In the black cloud of purgatory, a figure flying directly towards him caused his eyes to change again.

Six-armed snake demon!

The six-armed snake flying up into the sky did not intercept the "Legendary Dispel", and with the "Flying", she quietly killed the Belén Lich!

And with "shaping control", Isaac's spells still leave a safe space for the hexagram!

If the Belem Lich hadn't dispelled the "Death Art", this safe space would only be a limited distance, at least it would not be able to directly contact the Belem Lich, otherwise, the Serpent Demon would also be severely injured.

But if Oswell's "Legendary Dispel Technique" completely dispels this black cloud of purgatory...

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