Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 829: Decision


However, even if the "withering technique" is dispelled, the six-armed snake will come forward immediately, but Oswell has no choice!

Compared with the killing of the six-armed snake demon, the threat of this "purgatory evil energy-double effect-death technique" is more urgent and terrifying!

"Perhaps, we must retreat into the inner ring and use the barrier as a barrier to resist his attack!"


He can withdraw, the coalition forces can withdraw, but the "wood on the stone platform"...

In addition, even though he already believed that the current situation had reached the point where he had to withdraw first before continuing to fight again, but the storm that was still trapped in the hands of the "Angry Lord" - Ms. Silver Hands, this was also necessary. To be rescued.

Thoughts flashed like lightning, but the movements of his hands never stopped. With a touch of the bone claw, the momentary brilliance of the emerald light and the dark cloud of endless evil energy disappeared completely in an instant.


The six-armed snake demon came flying.

Previously, she had taken an arrow from Storm-Silver Hand. Although the fire giant elder was sniped, Saleen was not completely defenseless, but the arrow shot by Storm-Silver Hand with the legendary bow still broke through her. Her dodge also broke through her block, and the six-armed snake demon's own damage reduction ability couldn't stop the extraordinary characteristics of the legendary war bow at all.

Responding to the order of the "King of Demonic Flames", he flew towards the Lich of Belem, and it was obvious that not only one arm of the six-armed snake demon was completely broken, it could not be lifted at all, and even his chest was completely broken. Both were shot with a deep wound.

The arrow had already been pulled out, but obviously, some kind of supernatural power was still attached to this wound. Even with the physique and toughness of the Snake Demon, and the damage reduction, at this time, the wound was still like a blood hole Usually, the cold blood is constantly flowing, showing no sign of healing.

That is to say, the six-armed snake demon's physique is strong enough, and its body is also a real large-scale creature. Only then, even if the blood is constantly flowing, it can still fight bravely.

At this time, one flew up, although only five arms were waving the evil long sword, but its sharpness pointed...

"Senior citizens……"

His eyes were fixed on the direction of the "Power Cage", and the "King of Red" would always be his biggest threat.

Oswell's mind moved, and he communicated silently with the consciousness of the "grandfather tree".

At the same time, the six-armed snake demon was flying towards him, but he had no intention of confronting him at all.

The six-armed snake demon uses the "flying technique", while he is born with the ability to "fly in the air".

Wherever he advances, he retreats without hesitation.

Sufficiently sensitive reactions, although the distance between each other is not that big, but all of a sudden, Sallyen, who only used the "flying technique" and never had the "advanced teleportation technique", really failed to catch up with him.

But this is the moment.

Not only him, but also Melster at the rear, the gazes of these two Beren Liches suddenly changed again.

I saw that within the "force cage" that had already been shaped, the arc of azure flashed once again.

"Continuous teleportation!"

"Still instant!"

I've seen them once before, so I'll see you now, how could these two Beren Liches fail to recognize the spell that the "King of Red" is doing?

Although the "power cage" can simultaneously block the passage of material and spiritual forms, it is completely unimpeded to teleportation spells such as "any door" and "teleportation".

And from the "King of Red" before, the teleportation directly pointing to the inner ring area, I am afraid that even the "natural domain" will not be able to substantially affect him...

"Focus on the overall situation!"

At the same moment when Oswell's expression changed suddenly, another message was sent to Melster by the will of the mind.

big picture!

Too many years of friendship and tacit understanding, even if it is just a sentence, Melster naturally understands what he means.

This is.

Focus on the seal!

Also take the lives of more people as the most important thing!

For this reason, even if he is sacrificed to him, don't let the "King of Red" take advantage of him again!

"Elder, order everyone to retreat!"

The gaze in his eyes changed suddenly, and Melster did not object to Oswell's decision after all, and even made a rational enough decision.

Different from ordinary liches, the Beren Lich can only undergo legendary transformation after obtaining the permission of the "lord of elves". In most cases, the purpose of this transformation is to "protect".

However, all the elves have a natural yearning for "Sildelin", even if they have to extend the time they stay in the material world for "protection", this time, in most cases, is only "extended", not "permanent".

It is precisely because of this that most Beren Liches, unlike ordinary liches, will create a "phylactery", and after death, they will still be reborn in the material world.

Death, for the Lich of Belem, also means the end of the "mission", and it is time for them to return to "Silderin".

Even if quite a few Belem Liches, even if they are not dead, will return to "Silderin" on their own when they stay in the material world for too long and realize that their "mission" is over.

However, this is only a normal situation, just a majority of the cases.

Like Melster and Oswell, who stayed in the "Mist Hall" for more than 10,000 years, most of the time, they had to go into deep sleep to maintain consciousness and reason. Even in the entire elf family, it is a rare and abnormal case.

without him.

Different from the general "Guardian", they are for "Guardian"!

As long as the ancient evil they are guarding is not completely eradicated, their "mission" has not come to an end!

It is precisely because of this that they are also different from most Beren Liches. In order to prevent the ancient evil from counterattacking and repeating, they created a "fate box" to deal with the worst situation!

That's why Melster would acquiesce to Oswell's decision!

As long as he can use the "Elder-Alahoo" and "High Magic Barrier" to resist the attack of the "King of Red", Oswell has sacrificed this time, and within ten days, he will finally return again , a chance to reunite with him.



It was just that Melster made the decision, even if he had to make a major sacrifice, he had to be cautious enough not to find any opportunity for the "King of Red" to shrink and defend.

Suddenly, he stared fixedly at the blue arc light, and turned away again.


The next moment, an unexpected color of surprise burst out in his eyes.

The Beren Lich's eyes were on the "Wrathful Lord". Instead of carrying a mallet, it was the giant hand that was grasped into a fist.

At this time, within this giant hand.

"Phantom spirit body!"

The full release of the silver fire power completely injected it into Koschurch's head.

In other words, Kostchurch performed the "myth-to-giant technique", and his body size surpassed the ancient dragon and reached the limit of "super giant".

Only then, even if the "Silver Fire" was fully injected and exploded fiercely, it could not kill him directly.

Because of this, the storm-silver hand was held in his palm.

In the super giant form of "Angry Lord", even Isaac has the absolute power that he has never seen in his life, and he is completely berserk and completely lost his mind. Even Isaac's orders cannot control him at this moment.

No matter how powerful the Storm-Silver Hand is, even the "Silver Fire" is still burning fiercely.

But, completely ignoring the burning of the "Silver Fire", the intense damage and pain it caused, and only thinking about crushing the "Angry Lord" of the Storm-Silver Hand, is not the power of the Storm-Silver Hand at all, so he can forcibly break free And out.

However, as the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic, and even the daughter of the Goddess of Magic, Storm-Silver Hand never likes to study magic, but whether it is a Warlock profession or a spell-like ability, all of her spells are the most practical on the list. The spell that best suits her fighting style.

One was caught by the "Wrathful Lord".

She was completely unable to resist that extraordinary and terrifying power, even a slight struggle was difficult to carry out, and even her extraordinary physique would be imprisoned by crushing her flesh and bones.

On the one hand, the unfinished sacred fiery energy of the "Silver Explosion" is being completely released.

On the one hand, with the inherent spell-like ability of the goddess of magic chosen.

No actions are required, and no spells are required.

I saw that Kostchurch's clenched fist was suddenly empty.

In the fist, as if, Storm-Silver Hand's entire body, including armor, cloak, and weapon, disappeared completely without a trace.

Waiting for more reactions from the demon lord in this berserk state.

"Not good!"

"Laila's words are correct, the magic power of the 'King of Red' is probably completely beyond her and Kelben's level!"

In the state of spirit body, Storm-Silver Hand escaped from the shackles of matter and was in the spirit plane.

The spiritual plane is a transitional plane that overlaps with the main material plane.

Being in the spirit plane and in the form of a spirit body, even though everything she saw was gray, she could directly see the situation on the material plane.

Although Storm-Silverhand has never been in the habit of studying magic, after years of adventure and fighting career, he is a high-level warlock himself, fighting magic and recognizing magic, his vision is definitely not low.

She could fully see that now, the two Beren Liches, who can't even break the "invisibility" of the "King of Red", are probably no match for the "King of Red" at all!

It's not that the Lich of Beren is too bad.

Every Lich of Beren must be a legendary spellcaster, and these two are even real high mages who have the "Stone of Tekira". Erben, I'm afraid it can't surpass them a little bit.

Such two teamed up, and even turned over the legendary spells, but in the end, they couldn't touch the fur of the "King of Red", let alone force him to perform legendary spells...

Storm-Silver Hand is already numerous, why her sister, including Kelben, would be so taboo against this green dragon.

"I'm afraid, if we really have to procrastinate, we won't be able to finally push him back until the end of Laila's side!"

At this moment, no matter how incompatible Storm-Silver Hand is with evil, he has made a rational judgment. It is almost impossible to completely eradicate this green dragon, as Laila said.

In such a situation, once it fails, the tree spirit tribe will have many elves and half-elves...

A moment of observation and judgment.

Storm-Silver Hand didn't stay on the spirit plane.

Kostchurch grabbed his fist and lost the first target, and immediately landed violently on the ground, swinging the legendary war hammer, trying to kill the "wood on the stone platform".

Without hesitation, Storm-Silver Hand lifted the "spirit form".

Although it was no longer blazing, the silver flame was still burning, and her figure reappeared.

In the first moment, the abyss lord, whose eyes were almost shattered, but whose fighting instincts were extremely sensitive, was about to swing the giant mallet at the "wood of the stone platform", roared wildly, and immediately smashed it back.

"Legendary dodge!"

"Lightning speed!"

The cooling time has passed, Storm-Silver Hand twisted his body, and immediately got out from under the giant hammer.

But he didn't kill the "angry lord" again.

Fairy light wings fluttered behind her, and at the same time the figure shot up.

The long sword had already been sheathed, but the legendary composite longbow appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"Legendary Combat Archery!"

Facing the huge threat of the "Angry Lord", but with the legendary shooting expertise, almost free from any interference and influence, the longbow opened at once.

Countless streamers immediately appeared in the surrounding space, and instantly converged on the arrow.




Even the legendary characteristics of the "Great Bow of the Elves" itself!

The arrow of Storm-Silver Hand opened and pointed at...

"Kostchurch's incarnation, I'm afraid I can't hold her down!"

It was with the "higher instant scepter" and a "continuous flash" that it cut off the way behind the Belem Lich, and chased and blocked Salion, trying to completely eliminate the Belem Lich.

With a wave of his hand, Isaac put away the supermagic scepter that had been exhausted today, and he hadn't really stretched out his claws yet.

His eyes turned suddenly, and then narrowed again.

The line of sight, Storm-Silver Hand's legendary longbow, seemed to be exactly where he was!

The "continuous flash" has never been exhausted, and the storm-silver hand captured his figure, obviously through this blue arc.

And being able to escape from Koschurch's capture, and under Koschurch's violent pursuit, with almost no impact, he pinpointed his location with the longbow...

Even Isaac had to admit that the "Seven Sisters" really deserved to be the "Seven Sisters". Even an abyss lord like Kostchurch couldn't suppress her with just his avatar.

Even, to a certain extent, it is not unreasonable to say that she was suppressed by her in turn.

Just like the rumors, Kuilu also expelled the incarnation of the "Eye of the Ancients", and there are also rumors that the Lord of Balor's flame was also expelled from the bottomless abyss by someone from the "Seven Sisters" .


The alertness and reflex in Isaac's mind.

Storm-Silver Hand shot without any hesitation.

The distance was not far away. Once the longbow was opened, it was erected and released again. Amidst the screaming sound, the sharp streamer suddenly pierced through everything, as if teleporting, capturing the general location of Isaac, directly It hit the center of the blue arc.

Just as the high-level super-magic scepter was put away, Isaac's claws were also stretched out at the same time.

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