Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 830 Take it down

"still have a chance!"

Storm-Silver Hand suddenly got out of trouble, and regardless of the furious pursuit of the "Angry Lord", the legendary composite longbow was pointed this way.

Oswell's mind was also lifted.

He had already sacrificed himself, and even used his own sacrifice to fight back against the "King of Red", and even rescued Storm-Silver Hand from the "Wrathful Lord".

Unexpectedly, there was no need for his rescue at all, and Storm-Silver Hand escaped from the imprisonment of the "Wrathful Lord" easily.

On the contrary, it was the first time to respond to him.

The "Great Elven Bow" in the hands of Storm-Silver is a truly legendary weapon.

No matter how powerful the "King of Red" was, in Oswell's understanding, he was nothing more than a green dragon between adulthood and adulthood.

At such an age group, neither his real dragon body nor the changed "Baro Flame Demon" could reach the level of "Legendary Damage Reduction".

Don't say "King of Red".

It is an abyss lord like "Angry Lord". At least, the "damage reduction" of this incarnation of the summoned lord has entered the level of "legendary reduction", but it is only "+6 reduction" That's all.

All legendary weapons can cause normal damage to him.

The shooting of the "Great Bow of Elves" is also the same.

And even the "Wrathful Lord" is nothing more than that, let alone the "King of Red"?

"A little over two and a half seconds, less than three seconds, Melster can respond!"

"As long as Lady Storm's shooting can restrain him..."

It was this quick flash of Oswell's thought.


A sharp stream of light suddenly pierced the sky.

The speed was too fast, and in the screaming sound, it was even visible that there were extremely dense space folds, formed in an instant at the first moment it shot past.

Never waited for the folds to ripple open.

Above Oswell's head, a stream of light flashed past, followed by Li Feng howling again.

Without hesitation, the Beren Lich immediately shrank.

But he never waited for him to change direction or dodge.


The Beren Lich's gaze suddenly changed again.

A giant hand, burning with flame energy, seemed to stretch out from the void, directly grabbing his head.

This green dragon didn't dodge at all, and didn't even block the storm-silver hand's shot!

A giant hand grabbed his head, and the blazing fire of purgatory blazed again, covering Oswell's entire upper body in an instant.

more at the same time.

The six-armed snake demon behind also chased after it.

Like a violent storm, the five long swords with evil energy turned into a curtain of swords and swept across the wild.

This scene……



Storm-Silver Hand's eyes suddenly changed.

She had a feeling that the arrow that hit the "King of Red" probably didn't have much effect.

Because of this, the "King of Red" even ignored her shooting, and directly grabbed Oswell!

There was no time to think too much about this scene, let alone hesitate.

Having opened it again, the "Great Bow of the Elves" turned and pointed at the Serpent Demon in an instant.

Only to the harm to the individual.

The six-armed snake demon's multiple attacks are probably the best among the entire Tanar'ri clan.

Even without all kinds of super magic enhancements, even if it is a ninth-level spell, in terms of individual damage, it is difficult to say that it can beat a round of the six-armed snake demon's outbreak.

Here, the legendary war bow seems to pose little threat to the "King of Red", and the melee output of the Serpent is too violent...

Storm-Silver Hand's keen fighting instincts adjusted his target almost without hesitation.


Countless streamers merged in an instant, and suddenly burst out.

pause time.

Instinctively feeling a fatal crisis in the soul, the six-armed snake roared, and the sword light swirled.

But even her reaction was fast enough.

Facing the extraordinary archery skills of the storm-silver hand, it is still shooting with a legendary bow...


Carrying the head of the Beren Lich casually, he was going to throw his body into the sword curtain of the Serpent Demon.

Seeing the arrow shot by Storm Silver Hand, not only stopped Salien's offensive, but also the sharp streamer forcibly pierced through the barrier of the sword screen. Once again, almost the entire arrow was about to sink into it. Within the body of the six-armed snake demon.

Even, when the silver-haired lady dodged again and dexterously avoided Kostchurch's pursuit, the legendary composite longbow was still opened for the third time...

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold look appeared in Isaac's eyes.

Kui Lu's older sister is really troublesome!

At this moment, there seemed to be a sharp arrow stuck in his chest.

However, compared with the arrow wound that almost went into Salien's body and almost blinded his eyes after penetrating Elder Carlos' arm, the sharp arrow stuck in his chest at this time was just the arrow that shot into his chest. That's all.

Moreover, he has the sword screen block with Saleen, Elder Carlos's magic armguard has also been pierced, and the power of the arrows has been greatly weakened. It is different, but he did not perform any protection at all, directly Just let the arrow hit him.

But that's it, this kind of damage is just slightly stronger than that of Muwasis and Kenil Walker in the past.

The "Great Bow of the Elves" is certainly a legendary weapon, and it can cause complete damage to the incarnation of the "Wrathful Lord".

However, even if the "Legendary Trigger - The Desperation of the Primordial Dragon" is lifted, the "Isaac's Primordial True Body" that he has always maintained is the only legendary weapon of the "+8" rank that can be used. Really ignore the deduction.

The rank of the "Great Bow of the Elves" is still two levels short!

As long as he doesn't directly shoot at the eyes and the like, with his current size of the Ballow Balrog, he can almost ignore its threat.

Of course, he could ignore it, but everyone else, including Kostchurch, was different.

Moreover, although Isaac didn't take this legendary war bow very seriously.


His eyes were moving with the figure of the storm-silver hand. Although the silver flame was no longer blazing, it was still extraordinary and sacred, but it still made his eyes cold, and at the same time, there was a certain kind of taboo, and a certain kind of feeling. Desire is also exposed.

In this blow, the sacred power that had truly damaged Kostchurch was undoubtedly the real divine power, and even more so, the divine power of the Goddess of Magic!

For such divine power, even he should be respected.

This power, combined with Storm-Silver Hand's extraordinary combat skills, especially various legendary abilities and legendary specialties...

This is a real trouble for him, and it's even more troublesome!


Borrowing Kostchurch has greatly drained her strength.

As long as there are no further accidents, such as combining the power of "Silver Fire" with the legendary war bow.

Normally, everything is already under his control.

Even if Saleen was intercepted.

Does not hinder the shooting of the storm-silver hand.

Holding Oswell in one hand, Isaac released the fire of purgatory while observing the movements of the storm-silver hand.

But at the same time, with his back to the other Beren Lich, he waved Oswell's body as if he was guarding against the fire of the storm-silver hand.

Not only does the body stay in place all the time.

And more... he was even counting.

Count the cooldown time of the Beren Lich behind him after performing "Instant-Legendary Dispel"!

When it entered the state of full explosion, and was still carrying out the "lightning speed" enhanced storm-silver hand, in a short time, it opened the bowstring for the third time.

"it's time!"

Isaac is still in the posture of guarding against the storm-silver hand, and he still hasn't turned around, but his eyes flashed.

Of the two Beren Liches, only the one behind was left, and he still had a shot of legendary spells unused.

Although normally speaking, under the current situation, the person behind will never dare to use it lightly.


But he didn't mind continuing to seduce him.

Even if he couldn't fool the legendary spell, but thinking about it, if he wanted to save this Beren Lich from him, the one behind him, including the Storm-Silver Hand, would have to come up with some means!

It was in response to Isaac's thought.


In Melster's eyes, a rare look of hatred flashed.

Although the "King of Red" is still invisible, from Oswell's body, he can roughly infer the location, posture, and even more What... purpose!

This green dragon... is clearly tempting him continuously!

From the unfinished teleportation arc of the "continuous teleportation", if he really made any moves, the green dragon would definitely teleport away with Oswell at will.

But he couldn't really ignore it.

In particular, Ms. Storm is out of trouble, and joining forces with her may not be absolutely impossible to save Oswell!

"Oswell's instant cooldown is basically at the same time as his."

"Maybe...you can try this way!"

The eyes flashed sharply, and the two "Tekira Stones" on Melster's forehead shone simultaneously.

"Frozen Orb!"

The only ritual, the spell is increased, and the method of casting the spell is also changed to full-round casting.

With the lifting of Melster's claws, the powerful frost energy rapidly began to condense.

Barlow's flame demon is immune to both electricity and fire.

Green dragons are also immune to poison.

It is not absolutely sure whether the current "King of Red" is in the form of Balor's demon or the real body of a dragon. Simply, Melster directly performed the "Frozen Orb".

And the two "Tekira Stones" were activated at the same time, and a unique ceremony was still going on...

"Class-Strength-Extreme Effect-Telescope!"

The frozen magic ball is a long-distance spell, and then "super magic - increase the distance" to increase the range by multiples...

This means that even if the "King of Red" teleports away, it is still within range.

At the same time, the Beren Lich is immune to ice damage, and the explosion of this magic ball will only cause damage to the "King of Red"!

Of course, there will be harm, but...

Melster didn't think that only with such a spell, he could harm the "King of Red"!

At least, it is obviously impossible for him alone.

All he wants is...


Storm-Silver Hand's longbow once again trembled.

At the same moment that the arrow of light shot out through the sky.

The elf's wings fluttered behind her back, and with a flash of silver light, she no longer turned left and right, and used dexterity to dodge Kostchurch's pursuit. In the state of "lightning speed", she was like a silver rainbow, and she flew away with one shot. Out, she rushed straight to where Oswell was.

As soon as she moved, Kostchurch lost his mind and almost lost his vision, but with the powerful perception of the abyss lord, he roared wildly as if he could see it directly, and also killed him.

One is the power of "Silver Fire", forcibly urging it on.

One is endless brute force, even more complete berserk, ignoring even the summoner's orders, just thinking about destroying everything in front of him with the "Frostfire Roar".

The two came to kill one after the other...

"Get back!"

The streamer flashed in front of his eyes, and the six-armed snake roared again.

With a thought in Isaac's mind, the voice rang directly in Saleen's heart.

The arrow of Storm-Silver Hand seemed to be still pointing at the six-armed snake demon.

Even though the six-armed snake demon is already on full defense at this moment, he has been hit by two arrows in a row, and his injuries are quite serious, and he still cannot dodge this arrow after all.

However, the arrow was aimed at the six-armed snake demon, and the man, the storm-silver hand, was aimed at Isaac.

Although the sacred blaze that forcibly activated the "Silver Fire" was still far inferior to the blaze of the decisive battle against Kostchurch, its divine nature was something that Isaac could not ignore.

What's more, her killing also attracted Kostchurch, who was going berserk, irrational and only knew about destruction!

"Frozen Orb!"

"Spell increases in distance!"

"The one in my hand, the instantaneous cooldown is almost synchronized with mine!"

"Storm-Silver Hand, and 'joined forces' with Koschurch, forcing me to teleport away ahead of time..."

Although the six-armed snake demon could not kill Oswell, but as Oswell fell into his hands, its responsibility was fulfilled.

With a thought, Isaac sent her away.

With the mind and will, grasp everything around, although the thoughts are like lightning, but not in a hurry,

"This is to get rid of the one in my hand, so there is a high probability that I will be hit by this 'Double Effect-Frozen Magic Ball', followed by two instant shots by these two guys one after the other." Spell!"

"Alternatively, once an opportunity arises, the person behind may just give up this ritual spell and use the reserved instant spell instead, so as to save the life of the person in his hand!"

In my heart, in the blink of an eye, I have already considered the intentions of the three people opposite, and the tacit understanding that is faintly revealed in them, and I have considered many aspects.

Seeing that silver arc light, it was already shooting towards his face.

And accurately grasp the count of "instant cooldown".

Finally, the arc of "continuous flashing" flickered once again.

With a flash of blue light, it turned directly to the east of the battlefield.


Knowing that the most critical moment has come, Oswell, who endured the burning of the "fire of purgatory" and concentrated all his mind, was unprecedentedly focused.

Although the "instant cooldown" is over, it has not preemptively struck.

Only the three "instant spells" that are still prepared by the spell position have entered a state of high preparation before the battle.

But his attention was completely focused on the "King of Red".

With his "instant casting spell", there is no hope of hitting the "King of Red" with one blow.

In addition, it is already under the control of others.

Rather than strike first, it is better to strike later, and see if we can counterattack!

Once the countermeasures can be completed, with Melster and Storm-Silver Hand's further support, the possibility of getting out of trouble will be greatly increased!

However, this thought has not yet fully arisen in my heart...

"after all……"

Suddenly, Oswell's eyes shrank again, a ray of bitterness, and a ray of absoluteness!

"Instantaneous - time stops!"

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