Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 831 Shortcut

There are quite a few types of liches.

The most common, and what people usually call "liches", refers to humanoid liches, basically from races such as humans, dwarves, elves, drow elves, and gnomes.

Different from this, there are many "subspecies".

Like a dragon lich!

Like an illithid lich!

Like the Dark Lich of the Church of the Lord of Darkness!

Such as a demon lich transformed from a devil, and a devil lich transformed from a devil!

There are also extremely rare, demilichs that have either decayed to the extreme, or have rejuvenated a new essence from the decline.

Indispensably, there is also the Beren Lich of the good alignment.

And also belonging to the good camp, but even rarer, and even the "demilich", which almost only exists in rumors.

There are many types of divisions, but there is one thing that is undoubtedly the commonality of all "Liches".

Liches are undead, extremely powerful undead!

Every lich has immunity to "lightning, cold, poison, deformation, mind, sleep, paralysis, energy absorption and attribute absorption, and death effects"!

At the same time, undead creatures do not have the "Physical" attribute. Although they lose the bonus of "Physical" to vitality, Lich also has it accordingly. Almost all spells that can be resisted by "Fortune Exemption" are directly saved. essence.

There are so many "passives", combined with various abilities of the Lich itself, especially the spell ability...

Then there are "ordinary" liches, which are comparable to demons and devils, and even more terrifying evil than demons and devils.

However, strong is strong, but all liches, at least the vast majority of liches, also have a major weakness.

Although the lich has the essence of directly passing the immunity against almost all spells that can be resisted by "fortitude immunity", but... this is only almost, not necessarily!

If such a spell can have an effect on the object itself, the "immunity" of the Lich is equivalent to nothing!

For example, dissociation technique!

To fight a lich, there shouldn't be any magic spells, it can be more deadly than the "disintegration spell"!

Of course, with this weakness, most liches obviously have defenses against it.

Oswell is no exception.

"Dissociation Technique" is a spell of the sixth-level transformation system. Not only does he directly prepare "Dissociation Technique", it can be used to counter and offset it in a targeted manner, and it can also cause a fatal threat to the enemy.

At the same time, such as "anti-magic field", such as higher-level transformation spells, "eternal stagnation", and "time stillness", he is also prepared, and he can counter it when necessary.

It's just that all the preparations, at this very moment...

"Instantaneous - time stops!"

"After that, it is bound to keep up with the protective spells, respond to Melster's spells, and block them directly."

"Then... it won't be just a simple 'dissociation technique', I'm afraid there will be 'strong' and 'extremely effective' super magic enhancements!"

The instant reaction in Oswell's mind.

Just a moment ago, because of Melster and Storm-Silver Hand's support, he was cheered up again.

At this moment... everything melted away.

The "Legendary Dispel" has been used up, and the countermeasure of the spell slot requires at least a level 10 spell slot to prepare for instant casting.

If he had prepared for war earlier, he might still have been prepared, but it was too late for the "elder-Alahoo" to wake them up!

at this time……


A flash of determination flashed in Oswell's eyes.

On the opposite side, Isaac's claws let go of him.

"Instantaneous - time stops!"

With "Exceed Limit Ⅰ", take damage, sacrifice vitality, and then perform temporary super magic.

Only one paw was loosened, and the paw was raised again.

The instant call of the huge magical energy was constructed again.

Isaac's existence has already entered the extremely fast time flow layer, and everything in front of him has correspondingly entered a "stationary" state.

"Three rounds of time!"

For the "still" time, I have a certainty of synchronization in my heart.

Without a pause.

"Summon the Tanar'ri!"

With the magic-like ability of Balor, with a wave of his giant claws, Balor, whose head was burning with the flames of purgatory, was summoned to the "stationary" space.

"Rainbow Dharma Wall!"

With another wave of his paw, in the direction facing the "grandfather tree", a magic wall of colorful glare rose up, immediately blocking his location completely behind it.

"Exceeding Limits - Powerful - Extremely Effective - Ball of Dissociation!"

The timing is extremely precise, and in the last spell, Isaac once again sacrificed his vitality and strengthened the "Ball of Disintegration" with "Double Effect Super Magic"!

However, there was a slight deviation from Oswell's prediction.

Oswell can predict that, combined with "time stillness", he will inevitably use the "dissociation technique" to cause the maximum damage.

Naturally, he also had to take precautions, whether the Beren Lich would have counter preparations such as "Instant Disintegration".

The seventh-level self-created spell "Disintegration Ball", which needs to be counteracted, either with the "anti-magic field", or at least an eighth-level transformation spell!


"Instant - anti-magic field", this is a tenth-level spell slot.

Instant cast - eighth-level spell, which requires a twelfth-level spell slot to prepare!

The latter, Isaac does not think that the Beren Lich has this ability.


"Impossible to prepare for this!"

Although it is normal for Beren Lich to have a tenth-level spell slot, if he is prepared for this "instant cast-anti-magic field"...

Isaac has a judgment. Before this, whether it is countering the "withering technique", or being captured by him, and when the storm-silver hand rushes, if the Beren Lich is prepared for this, it is obviously a long time ago If it is used, it will not be reduced to the current situation.

And since there is no such preparation...

"There is no way out!"

With the flash of this thought, the duration of "time stillness" has also arrived.

It is the flow speed of all time, and the moment of synchronization is completed in an instant.

In front of Isaac's claws, with endless destructive energy, a black hole-like, dark sphere that was completely shattered even when the line of sight was cast, was shaped like a stopwatch.

It flew out again.

The Beren Lich was in front of Isaac's claws, and the shaping of the dark sphere was almost done close to his eyes. When the sphere shot out...

It is impossible to dodge any of them!

Also, Oswell Ben also gave up the idea of ​​dodge!

"The only way to help Melster and the others is with my life!"

The flow of time is normal, and Oswell's thoughts continue to flow.

The unsurprisingly "Rainbow Law Wall".

That should also be the evil aura of "Baro Balrog".

And the one in front of him, although not the "disintegration" ray, is obviously more powerful and destructive "dark sphere".

All the changes during the stoppage were almost the same as his prediction.

Also... Sure enough, there is no chance of any luck!

"Instant - Vine Technique!"

The destructive power of the dark sphere was imminent, Oswell narrowed his eyes for the last time, and the bone claws that had been prepared pointed forward at the same time.

Suddenly, from the ground, dozens of magic vines, like pythons, immediately staggered to the ground and flew up.

Of course, even if such a magical vine is really entangled, it will not be able to form a long-term bondage for the Barlow flame demon with the "fire of purgatory".

But right now...


It was too late to see whether the "King of Red" would really be entangled by the "vine technique", the dark sphere had already shot Oswell's face first.

The "toughness" of the Lich of Belem cannot resist Isaac's spell at all.

Only one touches.

Under the endless "destruction" and "destruction" energy...

From the head to the whole body, if it is swallowed by the black hole in an instant, all the material existence of the Belem Lich will be completely destroyed, and only a faint trace remains. The gray smoke is floating and scattered.

However, with the "Double Effect-Dissociation Ball", the Beren Lich was destroyed without any surprise. At this moment, Isaac was already turning his gaze to the "Grandfather Tree", but suddenly It turned around and landed on the place where the Beren Lich disappeared.

"Hidden souls linger!"

His pupils wrinkled, and there was a cold look in his eyes.

In my heart, there was also a soft hum.

Almost at the same moment, the countless vines flew towards them.

Every vine is like a giant python with life.

One shot at Isaac and got entangled by itself.

However, they entangled Isaac's body one by one. With the supernatural ability of Barlow's flame demon, the blazing fire of purgatory burned on Isaac's body at the same time.

Even though these vines possessed magical energy, the flames of purgatory suddenly rose fiercely, and the magical aura of all the vines suddenly dimmed, and it seemed that they could not be trapped for a little longer.

What makes Isaac frown is naturally not the restraint of this "vine art".

Turning his eyes, what he looked at...

I saw the place where the Lich of Belem was dissociated, in the void, countless glows were flowing and appearing, and another shadow that seemed to be faintly visible, like a light, but flashed and disappeared, flashed and disappeared, was also there. emerged.

with this change.

The sacred energy and the ice energy, both of which are not immune to the green dragon, nor to the magic energy immune to the Barlow flame demon, were summoned quickly, and in a blink of an eye, they surged like a tide...


"Add trigger!"

"It's decisive enough!"

Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

Even with just one glance, he has roughly figured out how the Beren Lich's dying counterattack works.

This guy is more decisive than he expected!

Moreover, he should have predicted his own inevitable death.

Therefore, before the "ball of dissociation" completely destroyed him, he had already sacrificed all his life one step at a time!

At the same time, liches are extremely special undead, and so is Belem lich. Their core soul essence does not lie in this "flesh body".

Life is completely sacrificed, but the soul will not dissipate immediately, or return to the phylactery.

Such a premise, combined with the Beren Lich, should have prepared some kind of "triggering technique".

Life is completely sacrificed, and the moment of death, the "trigger technique" is also in operation.

Use this "trigger" to guide the soul and complete the extraordinary ritual of "sacrificing life".

Combined with the short-term restraint of "vine art".

And this double targeting energy of "sacred" and "ice"...

This Lich of Belem is not only capable, but also has a very decisive spirit of sacrifice and dedication!


Isaac's gaze, after observing and analyzing the final ceremony with just one glance.

With his gaze, he turned to the direction of the "grandfather tree" again.

Storm-Silver Hand is doing that "continuous flash" again.

The other Beren Lich, seeing the harp of the "Rainbow Wall", and the "Enhanced-Frozen Orb", turned to the Barlow Balrog who had just been summoned by him.

Amidst the entanglement of the vines, Isaac's body was shining with a brilliant purple super-magic aura at the same time.

"Dingfa - Anti-Magic Field!"

The final life sacrifice ceremony of the Beren Lich is of course powerful and extraordinary magical energy.

But unfortunately, no matter how powerful the magic energy is, this ritual is not a legendary spell after all.

It's not a legendary spell, how can such a powerful evocation damage break through the suppression of the "anti-magic field"?

And he, even if he was trapped by the "Vine Technique", he couldn't move normally for a while, but using "super-limit ability" to perform "spell fixed casting", and the dragon's natural ability to cast spells silently, it was everything. Casting spells does not require actions or spells, and it does not hinder the casting of any spells at all!

Although the Lich of Beren's death counterattack was decisive and calculated, to him, it was nothing but a waste of time!

"Ma'am, please meet the coalition forces and retreat into the barrier."

"Oswell has been designed for him, and Ma'am, don't take any more risks. Only if you and I join forces and use the power of the enchantment, can we continue to fight against him."

"Oswell asked us to focus on the overall situation!"

First, it was blocked by the "Rainbow Law Wall", and the "Baro Balrog" was summoned.

And before Oswell's final counterattack, the "King of Red" was able to cast the "anti-magic field".

After all, Melster overwhelmed all his dissatisfaction.

While turning the "Double Effect-Enlargement-Frozen Magic Ball" to Barlow Balrog, his telepathic connection, his voice was directly transmitted to the Storm-Silver Hand.

The situation at this time...

Only full and immediate shrinkage!

Only go all out to procrastinate!

We can only wait for the key to win in the eastern battlefield, and then come back to help here!

And even earlier than his summons.

The warning reminder from the vast natural awareness of the "grandfather tree" is also ringing in the hearts of all people in the natural camp.

It is not as good as the evil legion, and such a "retreat" order...


Storm-Silverhand dodges, avoiding Kostchurch's hammer blow.

Seeing Oswell, he was wiped out under the "black hole sphere".

Seeing the natural coalition forces below, they are also panicking greatly, showing signs of complete collapse.

Gritting his teeth in hatred, he finally suppressed the urge to fight the "King of Red".

"Luzian's Frequent Leaps" continued to be used, and the fairy's light wings fluttered. In the direction, she rushed towards the "Whiplash Legion" and those high-level Tanar'ri.

With this change of direction, she clung to her "angry lord", roared to the ground, and swung a giant mallet to kill him.

Immediately, the evil army also suddenly changed color and panicked.

Never waited for the storm - Silverhand really stormed into the Scourge Legion.

"Frequent jumping" has been completed one step ahead.

As soon as the arc of lightning flashed, her figure suddenly appeared behind Amasiri, the six-armed snake demon.

The long sword has already replaced the long bow.

The sword light flashed, pointing directly at the vest of the six-armed snake demon.

And the sound of the battle song broke through the despair and darkness of the battlefield once again.

"Legendary Inspiration - Desperate Reversal!"

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