Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 835 Solve

The seventh-level spell "Projection" creates a semi-real mirror projection within a medium distance.

The caster can see and hear through the projected eyes and ears.

You can also directly control the projection to perform various movements and actions.

In addition, the most important point is that the caster can also project as the source point to cast various spells.

The Belem Lich cannot do without the high magic barrier, so close-range magic such as the "Great Disintegration" cannot directly threaten Isaac.

However, if you switch the source point, the one behind, which should be the half-real shadow created by the "projection technique", casts the spell...

"It won't be 'Instant Transmission'!"

The instant judgment was completed, and the "anti-magic field" was also completed.

In the sky, the blazing holy energy lightning crashed down, but without a sound, it disappeared in the area of ​​"death magic effect".

In Isaac's heart, there was another movement in sync.

At the moment when his "anti-magic field" came out instantly, the Beren Lich, since he had never been able to connect to the spell, obviously hadn't mastered it. He had to be able to "instantly" and also threaten his life strength. Legendary spells, otherwise, along with this "Holy Energy Lightning", legendary spells should also come out simultaneously.

And since there is no such mastery of transmission method...

With a flutter of wings, Isaac's figure turned around in an arc and turned back quickly.

There is no threat of legendary spells, depending on the situation, there should also be no preparations for the "Instant Cast-Great Disintegration". So, how could he give this projection a chance to cast further spells?

"Stop the Legion of Evil!"

"Meet the silver-haired lady!"

But it was even one step faster than Isaac's turn.

The thoughts of the Belem Lich's mind have already sounded in the hearts of all the summoned creatures.

The "Instant-Anti-Magic Field" of "King of Red" was carried out suddenly, and it directly shattered all his delusions.

This legendary green dragon's ability to cast spells is truly legendary.

Performing such high-level spells so freely, and so many times...

Even over the past 10,000 years, Melster has seen quite a few legendary mages, but they are also unprecedented.

Originally, even if the "Righteous Wrath" was ineffective, he had to force the green dragon to cast an "Instant Cast-Legendary Dispel Spell", and then entangled with the Shining Dragon and the Servant of the Otherworld, and he continued to cast powerful spells. Naturally, the plan to further force the green dragon was shattered before it even started!

The strength of the old shining dragon is comparable to that of an extremely old red dragon.

Although the Servant of the Other World cannot reach such a strength and comprehensive level, it is still better than the Hexapod, not only has a considerable degree of melee ability, but also has a variety of spell-like abilities, especially the ability to Like a 17th-level priest, he has mastered the spellcasting ability of a 9th-level divine spell.

Normally, the cooperation of the two, even if it is impossible to trap the "King of Red", but a little bit of containment, and then cooperate with his spellcasting, is a qualitative change.


No matter how powerful the Dragon of Radiance is, no matter how omnipotent the servants of the aliens are, they are all summoned after all.

Before the effect of the "anti-magic field" of the "King of Red", not to mention that all their abilities and spells have no effect on this green dragon at all, and more importantly...they are fundamentally You can't enter the area of ​​the "death magic effect"!

In an instant, the judgment of "Instant-Anti-Magic Field" was completed.

Forcibly suppressing the disappointment, and using telepathy, Melster sent the most sensible and accurate instructions to all the summoned creatures at the first moment.

Since they cannot be counted on, pester the "King of Red".

If we don't send all of them to the side of the evil army, we can also create opportunities for Lady Storm to escape when needed.

This command moves.


That's when Isaac is going to turn back to semi-realistic projections.

The huge body of the Radiant Dragon is like a bright platinum rainbow light, and it pierces through the sky in one go.

There is also sacred and fiery energy, rapidly condensing in his throat.

What's more, it is almost as majestic as the ancient green dragon, and it is also surging.

The other world's servant and the two Pengyu angels also never slowed down.

The wings fluttered rapidly, like a streamer flying to keep up.

One uses the ninth-level "Domain Magic" of the "Domain of Kindness" to perform the "Ninth-level Monster Summoning Technique (Kindness)"!

The other two have lightning energy at the same time, constantly calling out.

And at this moment, seeing the "King of Red" turning in an arc, and still pointing to the mirror projection...

"Delay him first!"

Melster's eyes flashed, and he was not in a hurry to perform any spells.

Of course, he still has a "Great Disintegration" that is ready to be used as a ninth-level spell, but the probability of "Great Disintegration" destroying the "anti-magic field" is not high.

At the moment when a series of high-level spells have erupted, it is foreseeable that the next battle will be even more intense, even tragic...

Naturally, Melster would not squander such key spells at will.

With a thought.

The "King of Red" is rushing towards the mirror projection.

The mirror projection sinks at once.

The roaring flame storm was still raging on the ground, and the mirror projection fell towards the "Rainbow Law Wall".

The "Rainbow Magic Wall" can prevent and destroy all spell effects. It is located in a large area, preventing the "flame storm" from raging. The fixed-point fall of the mirror projection will not be hindered by anything and destruction.

At the same time, the "Rainbow Law Wall" can prevent the entry of the "anti-magic field". If the "King of Red" does not remove the "anti-magic field", it will not be able to threaten the mirror projection at all.

This act of mirror projection...

"Take care of these guys first!"

"And... her!"

As soon as Isaac's eyes moved, his body turned around, without any hesitation or pause, his wings fluttered, and amidst the strong surge of majestic aura, his figure was already chasing after the servant of the other world and the angel of Pengyu. .

Based on the behavior of the Lich of Belem, it has been basically determined that the "grandfather tree" has the same melee ability as the "wood of the stone platform", and it must be even stronger.

Furthermore, they are not going to directly enter the "high magic barrier".

In addition, the Beren Lich has been given a chance, and the Beren Lich has ignored his "tolerance" without accident, and he no longer needs to consider the reactions of Kuilu and Eilistraee.

Naturally, it's time to deal with the chaos behind!

"Kill the heavenly servant!"

With a thought in his heart, Isaac's voice first reached the heart of Barlow the Balrog.

After being hit hard by the Lich of Beren, the Balrog barely escaped from the ice until now.

However, the poor condition does not hinder the ferocity of the Balrog, especially, the target is a celestial creature, not the Guangyaolong!

If the Guangyaolong and the battered Barlow Flame Demon were hostile, they must be fearful and avoid them.

But the Servant of the Otherworld, that is, the comprehensive power, is slightly better than the six-armed snake, but it is not enough for him to avoid it, even if he is injured.

Isaac's order came, and there was no resistance to it. Barlow's demon roared, and the flames of purgatory blazed up on him again.

The light of the flame flashed again, and with the vibration of the wings, with a flame sword in one hand and a flame whip in the other hand, the Barlow Balrog flew into the sky.

"My lord, why would you play around with a woman like this?"

"If Graz'zter heard about it, wouldn't he just laugh at it?"

"Still awake?!"

With another movement of the thoughts in the heart, the sound of cold shouting was transmitted to the heart of the "Angry Lord".

Of course, the "King of the Frost Giants" at this time was so violent that he lost his mind.

However, since it is necessary to understand this person at this time, Isaac is not without a way to wake him up.



The "King of the Frost Giants" is the most hated object.

List these two objects at the same time, let alone the "ridicule"...

It was the blue bear barbarian warrior who was chasing after the storm-silver hand, and with a hammer, it missed the silver-haired lady, but killed a whole bunch of them, and had no time to dodge.

All of a sudden, Koschurch's soul was filled with endless hatred and violent will. The hatred and fury hadn't weakened a bit, but a sense of shame flashed past.

"It's all bloody guys!"

Hatred, not only pointing to Storm-Silver Hand, not only pointing to Graz'zt, all the witnesses around, even the Green Dragon King who summoned him, were all outraged by Koschurch in the midst of this shame .

However, since his reason has been awakened, the coercion of "Legendary Summoning" will affect him again after all.


"Advanced Teleportation!"

The blurred eyes, but also the spiritual perception, are relentlessly tracking the storm-Silver Hand.

Kostchurch's footsteps stopped suddenly.

The arc of teleportation flickered on him at the same time.

This sudden change...

"Not so good!"

Both, whether it is Storm-Silver Hand or Melster, their eyes shrink at the same time.

Although the Dragon of Glory and the servants of other worlds came to meet him, the "King of Frost Giants" regained his sanity, and the Balor Demon also recovered from the ice, and more importantly, "King of Red" "Also turned around.

And at this time, there was no Oswell there!

"Ma'am, it's time to return!"

At the same time when the message from Melster's heart came out.

The side of the "Rainbow Law Wall" did not fall completely, and the figure was still a mirror projection of a height of more than ten feet from the ground. He raised the claw of the withered bone again, and pointed at the Baluo flame demon flying into the air from a distance.

"Claws of Ice!"

But he is casting the spell...

"Advanced Teleportation!"

It was during the rapid pursuit, almost at the same moment, that the "anti-magic field" on Isaac's body was disbanding, and an arc of light was transmitted again.

Immediately, the expression of Melster behind him changed again.

The power of the "King of Red" is needless to say, but no matter how powerful the "King of Red" is, the flying speed of the green dragon in his prime is not as fast as that of the Guangyaolong of the same age, let alone The one in front is still the old Guangyaolong, and the "King of Red" is still in the "anti-magic field" state, so the flying speed has already been weakened.

What Melster originally thought was that with Guangyaolong's speed advantage, it might not be impossible. After taking over the storm-silver hand, he can still turn around.

Summoning the Heavenly Army and Summoning the Servant of the Gods, these are the real high magic of elves. Not only is the strength of summoning creatures far better than "level 9 monster summoning" and "level 8 monster summoning", the duration is also full several hours.

If Guangyaolong and the Servant of the Other World can turn around, it will still be able to continue to play a huge role in the subsequent battles.

But at this time, the "King of Red" did not hesitate to release the "anti-magic field", and the "advanced teleportation"...

"It's really difficult!"

The "Claw of Ice" continued to be used, and Melster was a little bit distracted, and motioned to the "Grandfather Tree" to send a reminder there.

At this time, perhaps not only the Storm-Silver Hand, but also the Guangyaolong, and the God Attendant from another world, if they want to turn around smoothly, it is also necessary to move closer to the "wood of the stone platform"!

"Luzian's frequent jumps!"

At this moment, Storm-Silver Hand's "Reversal of Desperation" war song finally stopped.

As for the sudden change in Kostchurch, she immediately became vigilant, but at the same time, she also had enough energy to observe all sides of the battlefield.

The old shining dragon!

Longwei comparable to the ancient green dragon!

Long Wei and Long Wei covered each other. At this time, without her battle song, the natural coalition forces that were retreating rapidly could maintain enough rationality and not be deterred.

As soon as Melster's "communication" arrived, without hesitation, the fairy's wings of light fluttered, and the storm-silver hand rose straight out of the sky.

The sound of the battle song stopped again, and then the incantation was chanted in a low voice, and the long sword was swung again, and the magical aura immediately flickered.

From the list of warlocks, it is no longer the spell-like ability of "Chosen of the Goddess of Magic". Can only stop.

And it's her side that's flying.

Those high-ranking Tanar'ri finally came to their senses. The "Wrathful Lord" finally stopped killing indiscriminately, but he hadn't had time to chase the storm-the moment of the silver hand.

"Shining Dragon's Breath!"

It is even more dazzling than the "Righteous Wrath" of the Beren Lich.

From then on, the shining dragon that turned into a platinum rainbow light and came at a high speed, exploded at the same time like countless lightning bolts, and a cone-shaped blazing dragon's breath in a huge range suddenly poured down from the sky.

Guangyaolong, whether it is life energy level or overall attributes, is even slightly better than Jinlong.

Correspondingly, the breath strength of Guangyaolong is also slightly stronger than that of Jinlong.

At this time, the "shining dragon's breath" not only has the breath damage of the sacred attribute, but also directly catches up with the magic power of the eighth and ninth levels, and the "blinding" magic effect is also extremely powerful.

Only one poured down, and the large area of ​​the evil army was directly incinerated into ashes.

What's more, even if it wasn't swept by the dragon's breath, the high-intensity flash blinded countless Tanarok and blue bear barbarians in an instant.

That's it.

There was a loud roar of thunder.

It was Barlow the Balrog who was blocking the Servant of the Otherworld.

After completing the "Ninth Level Monster Summoning Technique (Kindness)", above the Servant of the Other World, a huge bird shining with silver light fluttered its wings and flew again after a long howl.

Celestial roc!

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