Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 836: Solution (2)

"Evil, you will be beheaded by my sword!"

Although the Baluo flame demon is powerful and terrifying, the servant of the alien is not only completely fearless, but also has a high fighting spirit.

Facing the attack of Balo, the servant from another world screamed, flapped all four wings, and at an extremely fast speed, he and the celestial roc attacked Balo one by one.

And at the same time, on the sacred giant sword, the "serious injury technique" is reversing the life energy, and the terrifyingly powerful death force is rapidly condensing.

Although the "serious injury technique" is only a sixth-level divine technique, it needs contact attacks to be effective, and it cannot be directly fatal, but...

Just like the "medical technique", as long as the caster level reaches level 15, a "medical technique" can restore more than half of the life force of the six-armed snake demon, and it can also restore far more than one-third of the Ballow demon, close to to half vitality.

The "serious injury technique" is the reversal of the "healing technique", one is to restore life, and the other is to cause damage.

The Servant of the World has 17 levels of priests. If the "serious injury technique" cast at this time can hit the Balrog in melee, and if the Balrog's will save fails, even if the Balrog is In the heyday state, it will be weakened all at once, and the damage it suffers is much more than that of the "double-effect-frozen magic ball" of the Beren Lich.

Even if the will save is successful, it only takes half of the damage, which is also close to the level of "extreme effect-frozen magic ball".

This kind of injury was not easy for the Barlow flame demon at this time.

Not to mention, at this time, there is also a celestial roc, which also from the sky activated the "evil-breaking and slashing" ability that a powerful creature in the celestial world must have. , turned into holy light and lightning, cooperated tacitly with the servant of the alien, and fell under the attack.

Such a pincer power...

"It's him!"

Melster, who was hesitant because of the "advanced teleportation technique" of the "King of Red", immediately pointed at the Balrog in the mirror projection.

The super giant form of "Angry Lord", his "Ice Claws" are almost impossible to restrain.

The magic ability of "King of Red", most importantly, is still performing "advanced teleportation". If "Claw of Ice" can't block this spell, it will also have no effect.

As for whether the "Claw of Ice" could prevent the "King of Red" from casting spells, Melster was not at all sure.

Compared to these two goals, Barlow the Balrog is the best choice.

Not to mention that at this time, if the pincer attack of the alien servant and the celestial roc can be successful, there is even a short-term hope that this Balow flame demon can be completely eliminated.

In this way, Melster will naturally not have any hesitation in choosing.

Withered Bones Claw is where the Balrog is located.

Completion of "Frozen Claws".

A huge ice dragon claw was molded before the Ballow demon, and it grabbed it immediately.

"Ice Claw", a seventh-level spell, the "Ice Dragon Claw" created can not only grab the target, but also continuously cause cold damage. Most importantly, the strength of this "Ice Dragon Claw" is the same as that of the caster. of the same vitality.

With Melster's vitality, it is impossible to destroy it even if it is the Barlow Balrog.

Seeing the flying Ballow, the "Fire Storm" that is being cast has not had time to complete, and it will be captured and restrained by the "Frost Dragon Claw"...

Isaac's eyes flashed, and the target was also determined at this moment.

Immediately after the completion of the "Advanced Teleportation Technique", a blue arc flashed, and his huge figure appeared behind the Servant of the Alien, directly teleported.

The wings fluttered violently, and the giant claws grabbed the four-winged angel in one fell swoop.

Storm-Silver Hand is a troublesome guy. Even if Isaac intends to keep her, he can't be said to be certain, at least, he can't absolutely deny that something unexpected happened.

The vitality of the Guangyaolong is too strong. An old Guangyaolong has the vitality of chasing the ancient green dragon. Not to mention, the old Guangyaolong also has the powerful auxiliary ability of "medical touch".

This is, it only needs to tap the claws, and it can directly produce powerful auxiliary effects such as "cure fatal wounds", "regeneration", "exorcism", and "restoration".

It is precisely this kind of ability, and it is even more powerful than the golden dragon's powerful attributes. Even if the Guangyaolong does not have the "warlock-like level" like the five-color dragons and metal dragons, the comprehensive strength of an old Guangyaolong can also be surpassed. The two age groups are equivalent to the level of ancient green dragons.

Even, this is just a comprehensive strength assessment. rather than a direct comparison of the two.

If the ancient green dragon and the old Guangyao dragon were to fight head-on...

I'm afraid that the ancient green dragon really doesn't have a little more chance of winning!

With such vitality and such ability...

With the Lich of Belem restraining him, and the Storm-Silver Hand side also trying to get out, it is very likely that they will gather with the Guangyaolong.

It's hard for Isaac to be absolutely sure that he can completely solve it in an instant, or even in a short period of time.

Compared to these two, it is better to clean up the servant of the alien.

Moreover, the significance of cleaning up the servants of the alien world is that it is not as good as cleaning up the storm-silver hand, but it is by no means inferior to Guangyaolong.

Without him, although the comprehensive power level of the otherworldly god servant, this one is slightly better than the six-armed snake demon, and there is a certain distance from the Barlow demon, but...

The priest-like level has reached level 17!

The highest level of divine art has been mastered!

If you only look at it from the perspective of support, the old Guangyaolong has the supernatural ability of "medical touch", which is inferior to the servant of the otherworldly god!

Not to mention, the servant of the alien does not have the vitality of the Guangyaolong.

Although the comprehensive ability is even better than that of the Hexagon, the life energy level of the servant of the other world is not as good as that of the Hexagon, and the "Physical" attribute that determines the degree of vitality increase is even inferior to the Hexagon Some.

Solving this alien servant is much easier than dealing with Guangyaolong!

One teleported away with "advanced teleportation".

With fluttering wings, it flew up from behind the Servant of the Other World, and the giant claws directly grabbed the four-winged angel, only tossed and imprisoned, and instantly cast the Servant's divine spell. , interrupted abruptly.

But at the same time...

"Over limit-scheduled delivery-finger of death!"

With "Spell Set", there is no need to cast a spell, and the spell can be cast.

And the dragon's natural "silent casting" ability.

Isaac's giant claws are used to capture and imprison the servants of other worlds, making them unable to perform divine spells normally, while their own spells are completely unaffected.

As for the servants from other worlds, one of them was stopped by him...


Only one of Koschurch's earth-shattering roars rose up, and the entire space was filled with huge waves of sound waves.

And it was accompanied by this hatred roar.

I saw that lightning arc burst out, and his huge figure was directly teleported behind the storm-silver hand.

"Ice and Fire Roar" had already been swung up, and then suddenly came down again.

The monstrous terrifying magic power, everything under the giant hammer is infinitely shattering and collapsing.

In Demelster's summons, Storm-Silver Hand started "Luzian's Frequent Leaps", but in terms of casting time, it was a little behind Kostchurch.

At this time, the teleportation of the abyss lord arrived, and the legendary giant hammer came down with a devastating blow...

"In time!"

Storm-Silver Hand's eyes shrank slightly, and a cold color flashed across.

She has been fighting fiercely with the "King of Frost Giants", so she is quite sure about the ability of this abyss lord.

At this time, the hammer of destruction, under the boost of the giant form, is extremely powerful, and she dare not take it head-on, but...

It couldn't be more clearly grasped, there is no doubt that the "King of Frost Giants" has never used any special abilities!

Naturally, I don't think that this ugly guy is too arrogant.

On the contrary, Storm-Silver Hand thought that this guy had used his brains a little bit!

This guy's hammer should only be to block her retreat, especially to block her spellcasting.

Once this goal is achieved, especially if her "Legendary Dodge" is also under this hammer, it will be used up...

Storm-Silver Hand is sure, the real lore of the "King of Frost Giants" is the next blow!


No matter how ugly a barbarian is, he is still a barbarian after all!

She wanted to leave with all her heart, how could this ugly barbarian be able to keep her?

Kostchurch's hammer fell.

That legendary hammer, which was much larger than Storm-Silver Hand's body, was about to smash all her existence into pieces.

"Legendary Dodge!"

Accurate to the extreme, the silver-haired lady's legendary evasion specialty was activated again.

That vigorous body twists and turns in the sky.

It was almost cheek to cheek, "Ice and Fire Roar" was smashing against her face.

However, Storm-Silver Hand's dodge seemed to be extremely thrilling, and he would be hit in the head with a sledgehammer by the slightest difference. However, not only his face remained as calm as water, but he didn't even stop casting spells.

"Crush attack!"

The hammer fell to the ground, but with the use of Storm-Silver Hand's "Legendary Dodge", even though the eyes could not see clearly, Kostchurch had a sense in his heart, and the ability of the abyss lord was activated!

But also this moment.

The casting of the spell was not interrupted, but the teleportation arc flashed on Storm-Silver Hand's body.

"Luzian's frequent jumps!"

In terms of timing and timing, she was even better than Kostchurch.

At least, better than at this moment, the eyes of Kostchurch were almost blown out by her.

Kostchurch's second hammer of lore hadn't really formed yet, her spell had already been completed one step ahead.

With the Guangyaolong restraining her, almost all the evil creatures were stunned and blinded, so they couldn't interfere with her in the slightest.

And even Isaac was the first to find the servant from another world.

Storm-Silver Hand didn't even need the support from the "Wood of the Stone Terrace", and had already completed this "teleportation spell".

The azure arc flashed for a moment, and the figure instantly disappeared from the perception of the "King of Frost Giants", and flashed directly above Isaac.

"Sneak attack!"

With the professional ability of a rogue, Storm-Silver Hand's sword fell straight into Isaac's eyes.

At the same time, a murmur of poetry was also spit out from her throat.

"Curse-breaking song!"

With the bard's professional ability, the voice of poetry, which is not high-pitched but not graceful, has a strong interference and destructive effect on the casting of magic, and it is constantly spreading.


At this moment, Balor Balrog's spell-like ability was also completed.

The spell-like ability does not require specific language and actions, and the obstruction of "Frozen Claws" will not affect it too much.

In particular, although the "Claw of Ice" is high in strength, but in terms of "power", it is not as good as the top-level Tanari like Balor. It can be restrained, but it is impossible to confine it. Naturally, it is impossible Truly interrupts the Balor Balrog's spell-like abilities from being cast.

It was the Heavenly Realm Peng, flying under its claws like lightning.

Barlow's flame giant sword struck hard, blocking the "Frost Dragon Claw" and at the same time he swung the flame whip again.

boom! boom! boom!

The roaring energy of the fire element was like a catastrophic storm, centering on the location of the Ballow demon, sweeping across a large area of ​​space at once.

Be it the ice dragon claw or the celestial roc, they were all submerged in it.


The roar of the Barlow Balrog sounded at the same time.

Born with the ability to be immune to flames, in this "flame storm", the Barlow Balrog is not affected by anything.

With a wave of magic wings, it pointed directly at the terrified celestial roc, holding the huge flaming sword with both hands, and "decapitated" with supernatural ability. Ba Luo's demon turned into a rainbow of flames, and suddenly fell towards the The neck of the roc.

Most of the rocs exist on the top of the mountains in the material world.

Although powerful creatures in the material world, often only cloud giants and storm giants can tame them.

However, Pengniao is actually only an "ordinary bird". Firstly, it has no special ability, secondly, it has no magical ability, and even its intelligence is very low. It is what makes them powerful beings in the physical world.

However, considering their far lower intelligence than trolls...

In fact, speaking of it, the comprehensive strength level of an ordinary roc is only similar to that of a professional at around level 9 without further advancement.

The celestial roc should be two levels stronger than the ordinary roc, that is, the normal celestial roc. If this one is summoned, it is a professional close to level 11.

This kind of strength also corresponds to the "Ninth Level Monster Summoning Technique".

Those who are also in the "Ninth Level Monster Summoning Technique" summoning ranks, the "Night Hag", the "Berserker Demon", the "Feathered Serpent", the "Hama Demon", and the "Demon Hunting Spider", all accepted the summoning. The standard strength here is basically average.

Of course, the Celestial Penguin is different from these "summons" of the same level.

The night hag and the feathered snake, etc., all of them have extremely high intelligence, and they all have powerful spell-like abilities, and even direct spellcaster levels.

But the celestial roc not only has low intelligence, but also only has the ability of "destroying evil and slashing" that celestial creatures must have.

Under such circumstances, it can still be of the same strength as these summoned objects...

The life energy level of the celestial roc is much higher than all of these!

Even if it is the strong damage from the "Fire Storm", its low intelligence is instinctively terrified.

At the same time, the Servant from another world who summoned it was also captured by Isaac, and he couldn't give it any more orders.


Strong enough vitality.

And at the same time, enough agility and reflex speed.

The Balrog came beheaded with a single blow of his sword. It was even a gigantic bird with the same size as the Guangyaolong. It screamed like thunder in the sea of ​​flames.

The huge wings flapped furiously, and the strong wind rolled back.

At the moment of life and death, the speed of the outbreak of terror even exceeded the imagination of Balor. The slash of the flaming giant sword was aimed at the neck of the giant bird, but...

"Your Majesty..."

Seeing that the sword of Ba Luo Yanmo only landed on the tail of Pengniao.

But at the same time, Pengniao went away in an instant, and Balor Balom pointed out that he was with the "King of Red"...

Melster's eyes frowned, and the voice of the message from the heart was transmitted to the Dragon of Radiance once again.

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