Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 843: Solving (9)

The high magic barrier's rejection of the "evil camp" is unbelievable. Even if it is only an extension of the periphery, most of the high-level Tanari are inaccessible.

However, such repulsion is still impossible to stop the abyss lord's footsteps after all.

It was the moment when Isaac became entangled with the living roots.

With the mandatory restraint of "Legendary Summoning", his order was also transmitted to Kostchurch's heart coldly.

The "angry lord" who has not really fallen into the state of "ignorance" and rage, and still has a rational existence, after all, cannot directly violate such mandatory constraints.

Although Isaac was even more furious because of Isaac's attitude, he still directly threw down the pursuit of Storm-Silver Hand, roared wildly, and swung the giant mallet to kill those activated tree roots.

His sudden change of direction...

I was thinking that the sudden eruption of the "Grandfather Tree" failed to have a decisive impact on the "King of Red", and my heart sank.

At this moment, the storm-silver hand that "Anywhere Gate" has been completed has finally made a final decision in its jewel-like beautiful eyes.

It has been verified many times, and Lila's assertion is absolutely correct. No matter what the circumstances, it is impossible to keep this real legendary green dragon.

Even Storm-Silver Hand has a feeling.

Whether it is the "son of hell" or the "lord of anger", it is either enslaved by this person or summoned by him.

From this point of view, all along, she has joined forces with the two Belem Liches, and with the assistance of the "Grandfather Tree", what she has been fighting against is actually only this one person!

However, that was the case. Not only did they have no advantage at all, even Oswell was defeated. Naturally, the coalition forces had to abandon the "wood on the stone platform" and retreat into this "high magic barrier".

And that's it...

Storm-Silver Hand has never been ignored. Even at this time, the "King of Red" has never been forced by them to cast any legendary spells in a face-to-face battle.

Even, from the beginning to the end, all the battle situation seemed to be completely under his control.

So take it easy.

So don't force it.


"Laila's assertion, I'm afraid I still have reservations!"

"Don't talk about her and Kelben, even Minnis and Aleras, I'm afraid they will be inferior to him!"

"If you really want to say, who else has the possibility of suppressing him..."

In Storm-Silver Hand's heart, two figures appeared frivolously.

Apart from that teacher in Minnis, the greatest High Mage that ever lived in the Elven Court.

Except for the Lich King in the "Tomb of the Warlock King", he was also one of the top three great arcanists during the ancient magic dynasty.

Even if Storm-Silverhand leads the Harper spy organization, it is impossible to think of the third place!

Against such a person...

"Only keep it!"

With a flash of eyes, the "Anywhere Door" has been completed, and the arc of azure teleportation only flashes on Storm-Silver Hand's body.

The "Wrathful Lord" over there has not yet reached the root of the activated tree.

The figure, she has teleported to Melster's side.

Immediately, the long sword returned to its sheath, and with one hand, the "Great Bow of the Elves" leaped out again.

Take the bow and arrow.

While "King Red" is still haunted by "Grandfather Tree".

On the legendary composite longbow, all kinds of special auras shone brightly and converged in an instant.


He didn't start Lianzhu furiously at will.

Of course, the "King of Red" has a body shape, and is still temporarily entangled and restrained, so it is impossible to dodge her shots.

Also, the shroud of the "anti-magic field", the ability of "legendary damage reduction", must also be suppressed.

However, the identification and observation of Storm-Silver Hand still has a judgment. The legendary green dragon seems to be still constant, and it also has the legendary magic effect of the "damage reduction" attribute.

Even, the strength of the "damage reduction" brought about by this spell effect is probably comparable to that of the ancient dragon.

On her side, although the "Great Bow of the Elf" is a legendary weapon, the arrows she shoots are endowed with the legendary characteristics of the "Great Bow of the Elves".

But... the green dragon has an "anti-magic field"!

No matter what legendary characteristics, entering the "anti-magic field" area, it will be directly suppressed into an ordinary arrow.

With ordinary arrows, it is necessary to break through the damage reduction comparable to that of the ancient dragon, and at the same time, with the huge size of the "King of Red", it is necessary to pose a real threat to it...

One teleported back to the "High Magic Barrier", and the legendary composite longbow opened at the first moment.

However, as pointed by the sharp point, Storm-Silver Hand adjusted its position again and again.

To really threaten the "King of Red" who possesses both "anti-magic field" and "constant legendary effect", even she has to stare into the green dragon's eyes, this is the only way.

"It seems..."

"Qian donkeys are at the end of their skills!"

The entanglement and restraint of the activated tree vines can't hinder Isaac's perception of everything around him in the slightest.

The "angry lord" from behind was "responding" violently.

The swung "Ice and Fire Roar" seemed to have the posture of directly destroying the activated tree vines on him.

This kind of operation, for the Tanar'ri demons, especially the manic abyss lords like Kostchurch, can't be more "smooth".

And at this time.

Not a continuous spell, the effect of the "Great Disintegration" is already disappearing.

Although the "anti-magic field" is still going on, there is no chance that the "anti-magic field" will suppress the legendary spell.

In particular, with Isaac's caster level, his "Legendary Summoning" is almost impossible to be suppressed by the "Anti-Magic Field".

Naturally, Kostchurch's killing came, no, it was a "response", and he would not be affected by any here.

However, although this barbarian is violent, cruel, and even more powerful, but...

Isaac's attention was not on him, and he was a little more invested.


"Grandfather Tree" and "High Magic Enchantment"!

Beren Lich!

Another Storm - Silver Hands!

These are the real focus of his attention!

Just a few breaths of time.

After having a certain degree of grasp of the "Grandfather Tree" and a corresponding judgment on the "High Magic Barrier".

Goodbye Beren Lich's "Great Disintegration Technique" failed, so he stopped it for the time being.

The Storm-Silver Hand teleported back to the "High Magic Barrier" and replaced it with the legendary longbow.

In his heart, Isaac also made a corresponding judgment on the opposite side.

This is, it is time to use this "high magic barrier" to carry out the final defensive battle!

Similarly, this also means that at least Storm-Silver Hand and Beren Lich are close to the end of their skills!

That being the case...

The four activated tree roots are like giant pythons, tightly entangled with Isaac's body.

However, after all, it is just a forked extension of the root system, even if it is the "grandfather tree", it is impossible to transmit more power through such root branches.

And Isaac is not only a mature green dragon, but the "strength" improvement brought about by the "full attribute endowment" has allowed him to surpass the extremely old age in one step and approach the strength of the ancient green dragon.

The activated tree roots are trying to drag him into the "high magic barrier", but he is not completely helpless!

Quite the opposite.

On the one hand, he was resisting the pull of the activated tree roots, so that he could not drag him at all, and on the other hand, Isaac was able to perceive everything around him in sufficient detail.

Koschurch kills, another storm - the moment when the silver hand puts the bow and arrow...

"Any door!"

The self-conscious exploration has been completed, and there is enough judgment on the opponent.

Isaac didn't want to, and Kostchurch's big mallet was directly on him to destroy the activated tree roots.

With a single thought, the "anti-magic field" was lifted.

Suddenly, whether he is himself or the tree roots are activated, all the suppressed magical effects and supernatural abilities are immediately restored to their original state.

Both, that legendary damage reduction, that spell resistance, and more...

It is one with the "grandfather tree", and the direct effect of the "high magic enchantment" is also extended again.

On Isaac's side, the lock of the "Dimensional Anchor" carried out by the Lich of Belem has disappeared.

Without this "teleportation ban"...

Overrun - fixed - instant!

Another "any door"!

Even if it is entangled and restrained by the activated tree roots, it will not hinder Isaac's spellcasting at all.

It was Kostchurch's gigantic legendary war hammer, which came crashing down with destructive power.

The blue arc flashed for a moment, and Isaac was already two hundred feet behind Kostchurch.

The legendary scepter was raised again.

"Shaping Control-Energy Control-Exceeding Limits-Strengthening-Extreme Effect-Death Technique!"

Once again, the warlock-like ability from the giant dragon itself, the last eighth-level spell, combined with "advanced arcane ability" and "exceeding the limit of spellcasting ability", was cast.

And in the same way, the replacement of "Purgatory Fel Energy" is still carried out.

Only one legendary scepter was raised.

The sky was originally due to the sudden eruption of the "Grandfather Tree", but the emerald green light was shining. At this moment, the endless darkness and evil suddenly became the force of nature that suppressed everything.

boom! !

Almost at the same moment.

Kostchurch's giant hammer also fell on a live tree root.

The "anti-magic field" is no longer, and the activated tree root at this time has restored the "+8 legendary damage reduction" holy spirit essence of the "grandfather tree".


"Ice and Fire Roar" just hit it down, and the activated tree root like a giant python was suddenly shaken. The part of Isaac's body that was supposed to be entangled with it was actually crushing and collapsing in its entirety. .

This is not the quality of "Ice and Fire Roar", which can surpass the damage reduction of "Grandfather Tree".

Kostchurch was not launching the "crushing attack" that ignored armor and reduction.

This is……

The power level of the "Wrathful Lord" in super giant form is too beyond the limit.

And this activated tree root is just a section of the root branch of the "grandfather tree".

Such a hammer, after breaking through the legendary damage reduction of the "grandfather tree", is naturally enough to continue to cause "super heavy blow" damage to it.

And under the "super heavy blow", the end part was completely smashed, which is also very normal.

However, just because it was only a tip, Kostchurch's hammer also failed to have much impact on the "grandfather tree" as a whole.

Here, Isaac was teleporting away, and he also smashed a tree root.

Over there, at almost the same moment, the other three activated tree roots flew over like poisonous pythons.

For the "King of Red", it is because of the suppression of the "anti-magic field", so it can only be entangled.

But for the "Wrathful Lord"...

These activated roots are all natural weapons equivalent to "+8 legendary rank"!

The incarnation of Kostchurch, before their piercing, there is no reduction at all!

What these living roots refer to...


At this time, Kostchurch, although because of the humiliation of Storm-Silver Hand and Isaac's cold shout, was furious and resentful.

However, he is not completely berserk and can still accept the summoner's order. At this time, he still has a certain amount of rational response.

A shot that activates the roots.

Immediately, due to the vigilance of the soul, his "crushing attack" was also launched.

With a swish of the giant mallet, it penetrated "power" and "hatred", combined with the "chaos" and "evil" of the abyss lord, and then possessed the characteristic of ignoring all armor and reduction. The endless terrifying power, suddenly Suppressed everything in the space.

Even if the activated tree and vines are all extensions of the "grandfather's tree", at this moment, that lightning-like flying shot seems to have suddenly fallen into the quagmire.


The attention of Storm-Silver Hand and Melster, at this time, was almost completely absent from him!

The destructive power of the "Wrathful Lord" is certainly terrifying, but let's not say whether he can break through the "Grandfather Tree" in the blink of an eye, even if he can, such power is still far from the one behind him. difference!

When the "King of Red" escaped with an "Instant Cast-Anywhere Door", he immediately followed up with the "Evil Energy-Withering Technique", which has been touched several times, the terrifying darkness and evil energy, Called out again...

Always following the eyes of the "King of Red", Storm-Silver Hand's longbow let go without hesitation.

A light arrow suddenly penetrated the space and shot directly in front of Isaac's eyes.

And fully connected.

The longbow is no longer stringed, but the standard action of casting spells.

"Anti-magic field!"

No matter how powerful and terrifying the "death technique" is, it will never be possible to break through the suppression of the "anti-magic field".

"King of Red" is neither "instantaneous", and she has completed the identification, and no one interferes with the spellcasting, so there is a certainty of countering it.

Of course, Storm-Silver Hand's countermeasure can only protect herself and the creatures within a certain range around her. If Isaac didn't point to her side, it would be completely useless!

In this regard, just beside her, Melster was completely aware of it.

He pondered for a moment in his heart.

With a flash in his eyes, he didn't move closer to the Storm-Silver Hand, and continued to hold it. Even if Lady Storm's "anti-magic field" was completed, he was outside of it. In this way, he was targeted by the "King of Red" spell possible.

And at the same time...

Holding the sky with both hands, the soul of the Lich of Beren is also directly related to the "Stone of Tekira" and the "High Magic Barrier".

With the sudden brilliance of the "Stone of Tequila", a bright silver bridge of light from the "High Magic Barrier" quickly emerged from the barrier shield, and continued to extend.

High Magic Ward - Activation spell.

"Moonlight Bridge!"

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