Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 844 Divine Art and Divine Art (10)

Bridge of Moonlight, a fifth-level magical art unique to the Moonlight Domain!

Only such as "Lady Silver", such as "Dark Maiden", such as the "Goddess of Prophecy and Illusion" in the elven pantheon, who have mastered the "Moon Priesthood" can give him Followers of this magic.

Although this divine spell is only level five, and from the school's point of view, it is also a power spell belonging to the Evocation Department like the "Wall of Force" which is also a level five spell, but...

Compared with the "Wall of Force Technique", the strength of this "Moonlight Bridge" is far beyond that!

If this spell can be taken out of the "Divine Magic of the Domain" and placed in a normal spell, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is at the seventh or eighth level.

With the same level of caster, compared with "Wall of Force", "Bridge of Moonlight" not only has a width that is twice the height of "Wall of Force", but also has a length that is nearly half that of "Wall of Force".

Moreover, unlike the "Wall of Force", which will be directly destroyed by the "Disintegration", the "Moonlight Bridge" will only be destroyed by the "Disintegration", at most a small part of the ten-foot radius. Magic like the "Great Disintegration Technique" can completely destroy it.

In addition, the "Moonlight Bridge" also has the special effects of blocking breath attacks and spells like the fourth and sixth layers of the "Rainbow Magic Wall".

It also has the ability to block all "gaze attacks".

In addition, the "Bridge of Moonlight" can also give the protected creatures the effects of "Sanctuary" and "Spider Walk". , walking upside down, walking like flying...

With such an overall strength, even if it is slightly inferior to the "Rainbow Law Wall", it is basically at a similar level.

It was precisely because of Melster's consideration that he performed this magical technique at this time.

If the "Evil Energy-Withering Technique" of "King of Red" is directed at him, there is no need to think about it. He will take a step to the left and step into Lady Storm's "anti-magic field".

But if the "King of Red" ignores them and instead turns to the natural coalition forces that are retreating rapidly...

With the "Moonlight Bridge", Melster is trying to prepare for the rescue of the natural coalition forces as much as possible.

It was he who resonated with the entire "High Magic Barrier" with his soul and the "Stone of Tequila", and created a bridge of bright moonlight, which was continuously extended outward by the barrier shield. .

The natural coalition forces are also pouring into its protection one after another.


"But it's not the usual divine technique!"

"It is a domain magic that is exclusive to the Moon Domain!"

The arrow from Storm-Silver Hand's legendary longbow had already been aware of its purpose, so Isaac couldn't possibly fail to reflect it.

The huge body was lifted up at once, and another paw swung across.

With natural weapons, surpassing the legendary longbow, there are two levels of trait suppression.

This was a hasty arrow aimed at his eyes, but was directly swept away by his giant claws.

And then, when the Beren Lich was shaping the bridge of moonlight, Isaac's gaze also moved at this moment.

With his knowledge, he couldn't say the name of this divine technique all at once.

However, he used to have a close relationship with Eilistraee, and also had a lot of contacts with Kuilu, so he is no stranger to the "Moon Realm".

Just watching with a single glance, Isaac already knew in his heart that what the Lich of Belem was performing at this time was a domain magic that belonged exclusively to the "Moon Domain"!


Based on the same judgment, the Beren Lich is not a priest, and cannot perform divine spells, let alone domain divine spells.


"This high-magic enchantment is like a 'mysterious enchantment'. In addition to the 'permanent spell effect', it also has an 'activated spell'!"

"And you can use the method of 'activating spells' to cast 'domain divine spells'..."

"Among the spellcasters who created this high-magic enchantment, there must be a priest, and it should be the priest who followed the 'Elf Moon Goddess', and even the high priest!"

The Elven Moon Goddess, also known as the "Goddess of Prophecy and Illusion", or the "Daughter of the Night Sky", is the daughter born alone of the Elf Lord God, so, to a certain extent, she can also be regarded as Eilistraee's sister.

Moreover, this goddess is currently the most active one in the elf god system. To a large extent, at least on the plane, she even replaces the main god of elves and dominates the beliefs of the elves.

Some of the secrets that Isaac knew were that the spider queen colluded with the evil gods, tried to gain the dominion of Selderine, and destroyed the main god of the elves. It was this goddess who awakened the main god of the elves. Seldaline's victory.

And after the lord god of the elves exiled the dark elf gods including the spider queen, the masked king, and the dark girl, he still cared about the dark girl. Kingdom of God", this is also Him.

It is precisely because of His existence that the Dark Maiden was gradually accepted by most of the gods of Seldeline after she sank.

And this, going one step further, Eilistraee led the drow back to the surface, and led the dark elves back to the elves, which really has a promising future!

Belief in this goddess is quite common among the elves.

The ancient tomb where Isaac collected the first "Tekira Stone" has his statue.

From this perspective, the creation of this "high magic enchantment", with his followers, assisting the elf high mage, is nothing more than normal.


"This 'assistance' is not just a way of 'ceremony assistant'!"

"To be able to directly set such a 'domain magic' as an activated spell of 'high magic barrier', this..."

"Only by performing the 'High Magic Ritual' together with the high mage, is it possible to complete it!"

"And this... only the elf high priest!"

"Follow His Elven High Priest!"

In the front, amidst Kostchurch's violent roar, with that "crushing attack", a whirling attack knocked back all three activated tree roots, and even directly destroyed the tips of these roots.

Here, Isaac's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't pause for a moment on his side.

From "Moonlight Domain Divine Spell", to "Activation Spell", and then to "Elf High Priest" and "Sehanne-Moonbow", this...

Staring at the bridge of moonlight that quickly extended hundreds of feet in length, Isaac completed the "withering technique" synchronously, and at the same time, some thoughts floated in his heart, and... ...touch!

Elf High Priest, which is even rarer than Elf High Mage.

A high priest of the "Daughter of the Night Sky" should have directly participated in the creation of this "high magic enchantment" in the form of an "infinite ceremony"...

In addition, this "high magic enchantment" is also combined with the natural holy spirit like the "grandfather tree".

What's more, there are two Elven High Mages who have been transformed into Beren Liches and have been guarding here for more than ten thousand years.

In addition, according to the rumors, the relationship between the "Mist Hall" and the Wuxu Empire...

"Could it be that this seal is related to 'Sehanne-Moonbow'?"

Isaac already suspected that some ancient evil was sealed here. At this time, if this "Elf Moon Goddess" is involved again...

In his heart, he was already thinking about the ancient evils related to this goddess in the elf mythology, the demon lords, and even the real evil gods.


Although, with a high enough intelligence, he can still calculate everything with lightning while casting spells, but...

It was the "Moonlight Bridge" over there, and his "withering technique" here, both completed simultaneously.

Still, Isaac still failed to match this "seal" with the myths and legends related to "Sehanne-Moonbow".

"Perhaps, just like the 'invisibility' of the 'Grandfather Tree', everything here was originally for keeping secrets, and therefore, it was not recorded in the elf mythology."

"However, since the hall of mist here may be related to the destruction of the Isto Sefifer Empire of the ancient witches..."

With a flash of light in his eyes, Isaac returned to his old way of thinking.

As far as he knew, the final demise of the ancient Wuhu Empire should be mainly related to two aspects.

First, the direct demise should be related to the devil.

And the devil, of course, is closely connected with the "Bottomless Abyss", which corresponds to, according to the rumors, the "Gate of the Abyss" in the Fog Hall!

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the seal here is related to some demon lord!

Second, the root cause of the downfall of witches should be related to the "snake of the universe".

Isaac is also no stranger to this, and even has a deeper insider understanding than the cause of his immediate demise.

The incomprehension of the snake of the universe!

The eternal sleep of the snake god!

The Inner Relationship between the Great Serpent and the God of Snakeman!

There's even an evil lord who's trying to replace the great serpent!

And among these bits...

"The God of the Snakeman, the Great Snake, the realm of the Kingdom of God should also be related to the Bottomless Abyss!"

Between the flashes of this thought.

Isaac raised his scepter.

But it didn't point to the Storm-Silver Hand and the Lich of Beren, nor did it point to the Moonlight Bridge and the Natural Alliance.

The "Evil Energy-Double Effect-Death Technique" has been completed, the boundless dark and evil energy is directly pointing to the canopy of the "Grandfather Tree" in the "High Magic Shield"!

Of course, this legendary natural holy spirit is obviously stronger and of a higher level than the "Emperor Treeman".

But... still "plant" life!

And the death technique has an extra damage bonus for all plant life!

With the blast of this spell, Isaac's gaze also turned from the "Moonlight Bridge" simultaneously.


"My lord, take a step back!"

Although his eyes were on the "grandfather tree", Isaac's voice of will was transmitted to the "angry lord" again.

more at the same time.


Wings flapping, the huge body is slowly retreating, above the legendary scepter, but the energy of life began to gather rapidly.

Many times of over-limit casting with "withstand recoil", "Grandfather Tree", Storm-Silver Hand, and Beren Lich, all of them have a certain degree of damage.

Although this is far from causing Isaac to fall into weakness, but for him who still has a considerable amount of magic reserves, it is a "medical technique" to completely restore all the loss of life to its full state. in the established plan.

And his retreat, and the display of this "medical magic"...


Just as he knocked back all the entanglements of the activated tree roots, although Kostchurch could not see it with his eyes, but felt it with his heart, his heart suddenly moved.

The rage from being "humiliated" was temporarily suppressed, and he walked in the air. While swinging his hammer again, the abyss lord continued to hit the roots that were still entangled, while backing away In the direction of Isaac.

Storm-Silver Hand and Melster, who were each performing different spells, wanted to take a look at the "Death Spell" and "Grandfather Tree", but their eyes were already turned away. turned around.

Above, the endless dark energy roared.

Below, both of them, their gazes became even more gloomy.

Sixth-level divine art - medical treatment!

Undoubtedly, the most powerful medical magic!

If such a magical technique appeared on the metal dragon, they would not be surprised.

Appearing on red dragons and blue dragons is also normal.

But the green dragon's innate ability to cast spells is not like the above, and it cannot cast priest magic in the way of casting arcane spells!

However, at this time, the "King of Red" is performing "healing" in the form of arcane magic!

The strength of the "King of Red" was so unbelievable that they could only choose passive defense to delay time.

At this time, this actually reveals the "magic ability" again...

With this "medical technique", combined with his spellcasting ability, it definitely surpassed the vitality of the ancient dragon...

At the same time, with this "medical technique", there may even be a higher-level divine technique, and it was the "angry lord" who was seriously injured by them...

In response to their thoughts.

In the front, Kostchurch retreated "cooperatively"...

Storm-Silver Hand's eyes couldn't help shrinking a little, maybe...he wanted to take the initiative to contact that side, and even more, to urge that side!

After this pondering, the "anti-magic field" was lifted.

As a voter, with her real name, she and all her sisters can communicate at any time, but this ability is still a supernatural ability after all.

The suppression of supernatural abilities by the anti-magic field cannot be carried out within the area of ​​the anti-magic field.

"The coalition army has been defeated and retreated into the enchantment."

"Master Gao also sacrificed one."

"We are making the last stand."

"We urgently need reinforcements here!"

Once the anti-magic field is lifted.

He secretly thought about the names of the three sisters who were here in the north, who had the possibility to help in time.

Storm-Silver Hand sent out an urgent message word by word.

And on her side, she is finally asking for help...

Above the sky, the "Grandfather's Tree", the sky-covering canopy of the "Grandfather Tree" that was referred to by the "Evil Energy-Withering Technique", suddenly burst into infinite green light at this moment.

What's more, it is the instant collision between this evil energy and this natural energy...

In front of everyone's eyes, the previous moment was still "unseen without permission". At this moment, the gazes, including those of the high-level Tanari, those of the fire giants, and even the natural coalition forces, were the same. , all at once lifted up to the sky.

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