Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 846 Under the Ancestral Mausoleum

The most important meaning of this high-magic enchantment centered on the "grandfather tree" is the "seal".

Also, because of this "seal" and the "Gate of the Abyss" that is closely related to this "seal", as early as the creation, "demons" were the main protection objects of the barrier.

This enchantment not only repels all demons from approaching, but the "Demon-Meteor Technique" activated by the "Grandfather Tree" at this time, even if there are powerful demons, can forcefully break through the "repulsion" effect and break into the knot. Come in the world.

Immediately, the enchantment itself will release the "Meteorite Technique" by itself to bombard the target demon powerfully!

"Meteorite Art", which is similar to "Meteor Burst", is a powerful ninth-level spell with both fire and blunt damage.

As for Tanar'ri demons, although they generally have the ability to be immune to electricity and poison, most of them are not immune to fire damage.

With the "meteorite technique", it can pose a deadly threat to the vast majority of Tanar'ri demons.

Even an abyss lord like the "Wrathful Lord" cannot ignore this threat because of the "flame vulnerability" that comes from immunity to ice.

Of course, when this demon enters the enchantment, he releases the "meteorite technique" on it. Although it is the strongest guarantee that this seal will not be broken by demon power for more than 10,000 years, but...

"Meteorite" is a level nine spell!

No matter what "high magic enchantment", no matter what "mysterious enchantment", it is impossible to release ninth-level spells infinitely.

However, behind the gate of the abyss, there is a real bottomless abyss.

If there is any demon invasion war, it must be the impact of the demon army.

Under such an impact, the high magic barrier couldn't bear the release of too many "meteorite techniques".

Because of this, this should be an "advanced-triggered resident effect", but it has been set to "enable and deactivate".

And because of the usual situation, there is a permanent "demon repelling" effect, so they all choose the "closed state".

Until now, Melster no longer has any restrictions, and on the other side, whether it is the "Wrathful Lord", or those high-ranking Tanar'ri, and what's more, from time to time, it will change into the "Red's Sword" of Balor Balrog. "King", "Grandfather Tree" finally enabled this "advanced-triggered-resident effect".

It's not just that.

When the entire natural domain is in all directions, natural energy is being projected.

The high magic barrier itself is also activated by an extremely powerful magic effect...

A "Regeneration Technique" was pressed on Kostchurch's back. Although the damage caused by the sacred essence of "Silver Fire" could not be directly regenerated even from the "Regeneration Technique", Kostchurch was the real abyss lord after all. However, even if the divine essence of "Silver Fire" is completely above his level, at least he himself is not without any resistance to this divine power.

With its own resistance, combined with Isaac's "regeneration technique".

It can already be seen that there are still silver flames dancing on the face from time to time, Kostchurch's shattered eyes, and the blasted skull, although the speed of regeneration is extremely "touching", they finally recovered sign up!

However, at this time, Isaac didn't bother to analyze the extent to which the "Silver Fire" hindered the "Regeneration Technique".

She waved the scepter again, and fired another "healing technique", which was still about to be pressed on Kostchurch's body.

His eyes, however, were slightly wrinkled, looking at the emerald green streamer in the sky, at the "grandfather tree" where the streamers converged, and at the "high magic barrier" where various magical effects were rippling.

"Double energy supply!"

Based on his theory and cognition, the reason why the "mysald barrier" can be "permanent" without investing five times the magic power once it is created is because there is a god of elves who created the "mysald seed" At that time, the real "magic power" was directly invested.

With the close relationship between magical power and the essence of magic, the "mystic barrier" and the "essence of magic" are also inherently closely related.

Combined, "permanent and constant" is a theory that closely fits with the "essence of magic", and the "mystic enchantment" naturally has the effect of "permanent and constant".

Therefore, normally speaking, the energy supply of the "mystic barrier" is through the "magical essence" closely connected with it, and then absorbs magical energy in an endless stream.

But at this time, Isaac clearly saw that the "high magic barrier" in front, in addition to absorbing an endless stream of energy through the "magic essence", unexpectedly, the "grandfather tree" has no effect on natural energy. The swallowing is also supplying energy to the enchantment!

This kind of creativity that weaves the "operating core" and the "natural holy spirit" into one is really extraordinary at this moment!

With this observation and judgment, Isaac continued to spell, but in those vertical pupils, there was admiration.

Although it is a hostile camp, he has never minded giving him appreciation and respect for this kind of magical creation that can bring him triggers and inspiration, as well as further thinking about the direction.

However, the timing was not right after all.

Just keep all this in mind and leave it for further in-depth research in the future.

Isaac's observation quickly turned elsewhere.

"It seems... the 'flame' spell is forbidden!"

Having mastered the "Stone of Tequila", Isaac is already very familiar with the "High Magic Barrier".

His eyes were only slightly weighed against the constantly fluctuating magical effect of the enchantment.

Soon, a judgment was made.

Within the enchantment, the casting of "flame" spells is prohibited, but if one has a "authority token", it is not affected by this prohibition.


"Trigger class!"

"With this intensity... this is a high-level resident effect!"

"And, it should be aimed at the 'demon'!"

"Once a 'demon' breaks into this enchantment, it will trigger the trigger of this high-level resident effect!"

Compared with "prohibition of fire spells", this "advanced-triggered-resident effect" is the more critical activation!

The so-called "advanced" means that at least level 7 spells will be triggered.

From Isaac's observation, the wave strength of the "high magic barrier" at this time should clearly be the maximum limit of the "advanced trigger", which will directly trigger the "ninth-level spell"!

so intense...

This is, as long as it doesn't hit "Immunity", it is equally threatening even to Kostchurch!

Same goes for him!

"Fortunately, after all, it's only for 'demons'!"

"However, targeting the 'demon' like this..."

"It has been further verified that the person most likely to be related to this seal should be the abyss lord!"

With a flash of thought in his heart, the "medical technique" has also been completed.

As soon as the scepter was pressed on Kostchurch's body, an incomparably powerful life force poured in. In an instant, the serious injury suffered by the abyss lord quickly recovered nearly half of his life force.

And with the rapid recovery of vitality, the regeneration speed of the "Regeneration Technique", which was still in effect, also suddenly accelerated.

Eyes, Kostchurch finally regained his sight again.

And this vision is recovering.

A beam of light suddenly burst out from within the "High Magic Barrier", and shot towards him again.

Storm-Silver Hand seemed to have lost contact with the outside world. Seeing that Koschurch was undergoing double recovery, he immediately shot an arrow towards him.

But the "Angry Lord" at this time is not afraid of her shooting.

Over there is the legendary longbow shooting vigorously, and here, Kostchurch swung the gigantic war hammer, directly covering the huge face area, especially the eyes that are recovering but not fully recovered area.

Although the "Great Bow of the Elves" is a legendary war bow, the "Roar of Frostfire" is not bad at all, let alone the current "Roar of Frostfire", which has also undergone a simultaneous "super giant", which is better than the giant shield. Need more giant shields!

But it was He who blocked the arrow.

Before waiting for the continuous shooting over there, how did it happen here.

"Master, let's take a step back for now!"

Isaac's voice reached the soul of the "Wrathful Lord".

Retire! ?

Kostchurch, who was rapidly recovering his vitality and his vision, was ready to continue his berserk attack, his eyes full of hatred and desire for destruction suddenly wrinkled, revealing dissatisfaction.

However, the one behind was not asking for his opinion.

No matter how dissatisfied and displeased Kostchurch was, it was completely fine. The one behind him was already retreating.


"What do you want?"

After all, Kostchurch did not charge alone, so he did not defy the shackles of the "Legendary Call". He walked in the air, and his figure also retreated backwards.

But there was another wave of spiritual will, and the voice also passed to Isaac.

"First deal with the spirit of nature behind, and then another army will arrive."

"With these cannon fodder troops charging forward, that lady's 'Silver Fire' power has also been exhausted, the lord is just ashamed!"

Isaac's voice was calm and indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations.


All shame!

This is "shameful"...

Kostchurch was still staring at the silver-haired lady's eyes, and suddenly a gloomy look shot out.

This green dragon is mocking him!

The taunt for His previous hammer!

"In the name of 'Matalotok', you will all have to pay for the next call, when the Arched Gate is built!"



Even more abnormally depressed!

Koschurch secretly swore an oath in the name of the sacred weapon war hammer that Tasha presented to him, which was originally forged by the "God of Frost Giants" himself!

But to meet His strange and angry sight...

Storm - Silverhand did not continue to shoot.

He used too many high-level spells, and Melster suppressed the urge to cast them even with several waves of spell casting timings.

Seeing that the "King of Red" and "The Wrathful Lord" retreated seriously.

"Another army of dark monsters is coming."

The will voice of the "Grandfather Tree" came first.

He is "sucking" the energy of the natural domain. He has a sense, not a demon, but equally dark and evil. A fairly large monster army is about to arrive.

The "King of Red" retreated at this time, and I am afraid that except for the enchantment side, it will no longer be reserved. The arrival of this monster army is also a key factor.

Another army of dark monsters! ?

Storm-Silver Hand and Melster both wrinkled their eyes.

However, they didn't ask directly, since it was already approaching, they just observed it.

Time is not easy, taking advantage of this temporary truce, in some cases, it is necessary to communicate quickly.

Nodding slightly, Storm-Silver Hand said: "I have communicated the battle situation here with Elastra, Laila, and Kuilu.

There has been a change in Laila's side. The Immortal has been prepared for a long time, but it is not yet possible to win the game.

Erastriol's side was being targeted by the Dragon Witch Cult, and he couldn't leave Silvermoon City for a while.

However, Kuilu has always been hidden in the temple of the "Dark Maiden" in the southern forest, and cannot be sent here directly. She will first aid Leila, and after winning the victory in the eastern battlefield, she will come here together. . "


Melster has been known by the introduction of "Grandfather Tree", because he is a drow elf, who has been guiding drow elves in the dark area for a long time, and fighting against the spider queen sect. The most mysterious of the Seven Sisters.

However, although she is a drow elf, this lady is not only a voter of the goddess of magic, but also a voter of the dark girl. Even with the pride and stubbornness of the sun elves, Melster actually has a repulsive mentality towards the drow elves Yes, but it is impossible to be disgusted with this lady after all.


"Hiding in the southern forest all the time!"

Think about this sentence.

Melster's heart skipped a beat.

This should still be the secret preparation of that Ms. Leila, right?

"Immortal" has long been prepared, which was expected.

It is not incomprehensible that Ms. Leila and Kelben Orosan joined forces, and with the ambush of Master Imsford Gao, it is still difficult to win the war quickly. After all, the "immortal" is from the North. The great arcanist of the most glorious magic dynasty in the history of the earth!

Although the magic dynasty collapsed long ago.

But there are still quite a few great arcanists left behind.

What's more, most of such great arcanists still have many spellcaster assistants and apprentices.

If anyone was invited for the "Immortal", it would be difficult for Laila and the others to take it down for a while, so it is understandable!

In such a situation, it is also understandable that Ms. Leila has further arrangements.

Otherwise, how could that Ms. Kuilu "have been hiding in the southern forest"?

As for the double voter, it is even said that he is the only "high priest" and "divine power believer" among the "seven sisters", and he should be able to exert the sacred essence of the voter to a higher level than others.

When this lady walked out secretly, as long as the "Immortal" couldn't pull out another great arcanist, it would be a difficult situation!

While thinking in his heart, Melster nodded slightly.

But, before he could say anything...


Even though he had been prepared for a long time, no matter whether it was him or the storm-silver hand, the eyes still darkened for a while, and there was even more anger rising and suppressing in it, and suppressing and rising again.

The tree spirit tribe over there.

The "King of Red" has finally attacked the "Wood of the Stone Terrace"!

The "angry lord" who had recovered most of his state, once again carried out "myth casting", and once again, he was charging forward with all his might!

Even with the outbreak of the "angry lord" again.

The two of them could also see that from the east beyond the battlefield, controlled by the two green hags, there were also a large number of dark monsters exuding the evil aura of the lower planes, which were coming out in an endless stream and at a rapid speed.

Even more so at this time.

The "King of Red", who was still shrouded in the "Legendary Hidden Effect", suddenly...

"Advanced invisibility!"

Once again, the signs of the "King of Red" disappeared directly from their induction, and also from the induction of the "Grandfather Tree"!

However, with the disappearance of the "King of Red"...

The strong ones of those demon-born orcs.

The elite of those blue bear barbarians.

Higher Tanar'ri of those.

Even those fire giants who were trying to withdraw from the battlefield turned back again without knowing whether they were threatened or tempted.

The evil legion is rapidly regrouping and rectifying!

The seriously injured evil powerhouses also gathered together, and it was immediately obvious that there was a group healing magic that enveloped them together!

In this way, it is impossible to directly see the source of the healing magic, except for the "King of Red".

And just with this treatment recovery.

Quickly, or with magic-like abilities, or powerful attacks, a group of evil powerhouses, including the two particularly powerful fire giant elders, assisted the "Wrathful Lord" and rushed towards the "Stone Terrace". Wood".

Although the "Tree of the Stone Terrace" is the offspring of the "Grandfather Tree" that once split itself, and is the only "Alahho Treeman" in this world, under such siege, let alone the "King of Red" "Hiding by the side...

Although Melster and Storm-Silver Hand had anticipated this, at this moment, they could only watch helplessly, unable to step out of the high magic barrier...



The anger in his heart was erupting, but the storm-silver hand clenched his teeth and did not make any sound.

"Madam, please rectify the army yourself."

"With that 'majestic aura' and spell ability, the repulsion of the barrier may not be able to prevent the second wave of war from coming."

Melster had already calmed down one step ahead.

Although the high magic barrier has a repelling effect on all evil camps, the most powerful and main repelling effect is aimed at demons.

With the size of the legion on the opposite side, when all are assembled, there is the call of the "King of Red", and the hedge of the "majestic aura", but only the non-essential repulsion...

Although Melster is quite conceited about this enchantment, but for the "King of Red"...

He has not forgotten a little bit, "The Lord of Red" is obviously a green dragon, but he can use the "Tekira Stone" to perform "evil high magic"!

From this alone, the legendary dragon's understanding of high magic is incalculable.

From this understanding, if there is anything for this one, if there is an arrangement aimed at the weakness of the high magic enchantment...

Melster would not be overly surprised, let alone unacceptable!

Focus on defense, actively prepare, and actively fight!

Storm-Silver Hand nodded, finally suppressed the outburst of anger, and immediately rushed towards the Natural Alliance Army.

And on her side, she is making the final battle preparations as fast as possible.

Just north of the Tree Spirit Tribe.

It is the ancestral mausoleum of the tree spirit barbarians, and also the ancestral mausoleum of the blue bear barbarians.

"The breath of the spirit world!"

"It's the intertwining between the material world and the spiritual world!"

"Although Haggs is dead, he still has some use!"

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