To the north of the tree spirit tribe, this is a gentle hill with no slope.

However, although there is no slope, it is obviously higher than the surrounding forest area, and the terrain that is not likely to be washed by rainwater is a suitable place for a cemetery.

The former Blue Bear Tribe used this hill as their traditional burial place before they were expelled.

Later, the tree spirit tribe, after splitting from the blue bear tribe and returning to this side, still used this hill as the ancestral cemetery.

However, whether it is the Blue Bear Tribe or the Tree Spirit Tribe, they are all barbarians, so naturally they will not arrange the mausoleum in such a beautiful and artistic way like the elves.

In fact, the ancestral cemeteries of these barbarians are not even called "cemeteries", let alone exquisite and artistic. Most of them are just buried on the spot, and only a few are leaders with high reputation among the tribes. Only then can it be enshrined in some grottoes and accept the worship of future generations, which is also a commemoration.

However, although barbarians have limited civilization, they also have limited art.

However, since this is where their ancestors' mausoleums are located...

Not to mention the barbarians themselves, even elves, druids, or even the "grandfather tree", they would never offend this place in a leisurely manner.

However, it's just them after all, some people don't care about it!

Just like... that is the demon hag Tanta Haggs who fell under the storm-silver-handed sword!

In the past, the reason why the Blue Bear Tribe was expelled from the "Grandfather Tree" was because of this demon hag.

And the ghost hag will incarnate as "Ms. Blue Bear" and essentially control the Blue Bear tribe...

This is not because she has much interest in the blue bear barbarians. The more important reason is because of the "Grandfather Tree", the "Mist Hall", and the evil secret treasures she wants!

Ever since she took control of the Blue Bear Tribe, the hag has been searching for a way to bypass the protection of the "Grandfather Tree" and enter the legendary "Mist Hall" without anyone knowing.

The ghost hag, of course, felt a little "weak" when facing the storm-silver hand.

But in terms of ability, this person has never been incompetent.

In fact, back then, she really found a "shortcut".

If it weren't for the "grandfather tree" being too rampant, it would directly drive the entire blue bear tribe out of this natural domain.

Back then, Tanta Haggs really couldn't say, there was absolutely no way to sneak into the foggy hall without anyone knowing.

At least, it is possible to try!

"The plane of the spirit world!"

On the other side of the forest of stone steles, a group of strong men headed by "Angry Lord" are besieging the "wood of stone platforms" with all their strength.

On the Barbarian Mausoleum, Isaac walked into a grotto unnoticed by anyone, following what Tanta Haggs had previously claimed, the combination of "Legendary Concealment" and "Advanced Invisibility" .

This cave is dark and deep, and there is no torch or lamp. What's more, when Isaac's "eye of true knowledge" and "dark vision" look at it, there is still a certain kind of trance and unreality, as if here The darkness of the world has layer after layer, and the material plane here is no longer composed of pure matter.

However, in his eyes, Isaac didn't reveal any surprises about the abnormality here.

As early as Tanta Haggs, because the "Son of Hell" was enslaved by him and completely surrendered to him, he had already made some predictions about the environment here.

This prediction is consistent with what he saw at this time.

The deeper this grotto goes, the more closely it has a relationship with the "spiritual plane".

And the reason for this...

"Phase red ants!"

Isaac's eyes flickered for a moment, his footsteps continued, and he continued to go deep into the cave at a leisurely pace, but there was another thoughtful look in his eyes.

The ghost witch once said that under the hill of the ancestral cemetery, there is a huge group of phase red ants.

The so-called phase red ants have supernatural abilities like "phase spiders", and can transform and release "spiritual forms" at will. Therefore, they are huge red ants that can enter and leave the material world and the spiritual plane at will. .

It is even said that phase red ants all have the ability to "regenerate".

In addition, the ant family, like an army, absolutely obeys the orders of the queen.

This group of red ants can even be said to be the most dangerous creature in the entire "natural domain", and also the most ferocious creature.

In the past, Haggs had planned on them and tried to use them to achieve her goal.

It is precisely because of this that the ghost hag has done a lot of research on these phase red ants.

"It seems to be a red ant colony formed by mutation of the radiation of the evil magic energy of the 'Tanar'ri Summoning Ceremony' in the last years of Cape Esco!?"

The thoughtful look in Isaac's eyes is precisely because of this "research discovery" of the witch.

The existence of phase red ants will cause the interlacing of the spiritual plane and the material world, and there is no problem with this.

After all, the group size of phase red ants is quite large, and many phase red ants often enter and leave the material world and the spiritual plane. After a long time, it will naturally cause the interlacing of planes and planes.

What made him contemplate was the "Esco Corner" and the "Tanar'ri Summoning Ceremony"!

Cape Esco is the predecessor of Hellgate Fort, which is far away from here.

The "Tanar'ri Summoning Ceremony" back then was certainly powerful and evil, but just the radiation of magical energy affected this side, and caused the entire red ant population to mutate so much, which is a bit too much!

However, since Haggs has this judgment, she always has her discovery.

Nothing more than that, the appearance of phase red ants should be at the same time as the formation of Hell Gate Fortress.

Nothing more than that, the ferocity and surlyness of the phase red ants are similar to the chaos and evil, and the devil's breath.

Isaac can also agree with this "research discovery" of Haggs.

After all, this demon hag's research on dark witchcraft is still commendable, and her dark witchcraft, especially the creation of "Belrose", also has some similarities with this mutation of radiation erosion. .

However, since this "research discovery" can be recognized by him...

"It's not far away, accurately locate here, and then mutate the entire red ant group..."

"Is this because of the 'Gate of the Abyss'?"

" it because of the 'seal' guarded by the two Beren Liches?"

Normally, Isaac ruled out the possibility of coincidence.

Rather than a coincidence... This can only be explained by "same-sex attracts"!

The chaotic and evil magical energy of the "Tanar'ri Summoning Ritual"!

The chaotic evil corresponding to this "gate of the abyss"!

What's more, what is sealed by the high magic barrier is, nine out of ten, also the ancient evil of the chaotic evil camp!

Only in this way can the "coincidence" of this eventuality be interpreted as "normal"!

While observing and contemplating, Isaac's footsteps kept going down, deep into the cave.

Naturally, this cave could not be so deep.

According to Haggs, this is the case, on the one hand, because of her excavation, but more, it is also because the phase red ants are entrenched in the ground, and the depths of this hill have already been dug through by them.

Back then, Haggs just connected this cave to the tunnel dug by the phase red ants.

As for why the phase red ants with the reputation of being ferocious and surly when the tunnel is already connected, why didn’t they kill the surface and eat up all the blue bear tribe, including the current tree spirit tribe...

"It should be the suppression of the natural domain of the 'Grandfather Tree'!"

"The rejection of evil creatures, these phasic red ants that have been eroded by the energy radiation of 'chaotic evil', and their alignment has also changed into chaotic evil, if it is not absolutely necessary, they will naturally not think about coming to the surface!"

Soon, the passage dug by the witch hag will come to an end.

When that exudes a vicious aura, and at the same time, in the vision of the "Eye of True Knowledge", everything is composed of a horizontal tunnel that reveals a sense of illusion and weirdness, and appears in front of Isaac.

It's very natural. From the comparison between the breath from the horizontal tunnel and the breath from the natural domain, even if Isaac hasn't actually seen the so-called "phase red ants", he still knows everything about it. , at least until now, there is no problem at all.

Only because of this, even though this witch hag has no achievements to speak of under his command, it is not useless!

"Suppressed by the natural domain, these phase red ants are not used to going to the surface."

"Based on this, Haggs has judged that after hundreds of years of continuous excavation, the tunnels dug by these phase red ants must have some places adjacent to the 'Mist Hall'!"


Isaac's eyes flashed again.

According to his deduction, the reason why the evil energy radiation from Hell Gate Castle can affect the mutation of the giant red ants is related to the "Gate of the Abyss" or even the "Ancient Evil"...

"This red ant tunnel may not even be just adjacent to the 'Mist Hall'!"

"Even if there is a direct connection with it, it cannot be said that it is absolutely impossible!"

While pondering, Isaac stepped into the red ant tunnel without hesitation.

The combination of his "Legendary Concealment" and "Advanced Invisibility" is a high-end effect that even the Lich of Beren and the Storm-Silver Hand can't directly see through.

The phase red ant is just a creature similar to the phase spider, no matter how much spiritual body transformation, no matter how telepathic, if you want to directly detect his existence, this is a bit outrageous!

Stepping into this tunnel, which is not only in the material world, but also reveals a strong breath of the spiritual world, Isaac looked back and forth, and the power of the mind spread silently, quickly, and some inductions, in his mind presented.

Phase red ants, the ferocity and surlyness that can be directly sensed, are just like what the witch hag said, when they are eroded by the radiation of the chaotic and evil magic energy of the "Gate of Hell", they are no longer the "neutral" of normal ant-like creatures The faction should be similar to "magic" creatures.

However, although the faction has changed, but...

Not in a hurry to act immediately, the spread and induction of the power of the mind, in Isaac's eyes, there are some thoughts, which are constantly passing by.

With his spiritual power, he can not only discover that there are many tunnels intertwined in the underground, but also, he can clearly sense that there are countless individuals connecting each other between the tunnels, but there is another one, which is completely caused by the tunnels. Constituted by "telepathic power", an incredible network of group consciousness exists.

This is……

"Telepathic Network!"

"Ethnic Group Consciousness!"

In the field of biology, Isaac thought he had achieved a little.

The composition of the "antidae" group is by no means completely ignorant.

During the telepathy, this group consciousness network, which undoubtedly should be the phase red ants, was detected...

His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was grasping it carefully.


"Worker ants!"

"Soldier ants!"

"The most common, without any advanced strength, worker ants must have the strength of a level 2 professional, and soldier ants must reach level 4."

"Compared to the phase spider, this is certainly worse, but..."

With a sufficient level of spiritual power and a sufficient level of control, Isaac can directly observe and grasp quite a lot of phase red ants without being noticed by the telepathic network.

Generally speaking, phase red ants are inferior to phase spiders.

However, this gap is more due to the difference in body shape between the two.

Phase spiders are really large creatures, so normal phase spiders have the strength of a level 5 professional.

As for phase red ants, most of them are medium-sized. Even soldier ants are only the size of a pony, which is quite a bit behind phase spiders.

If the two were to be of the same size, the phase soldier ant would be stronger than the phase spider.

Just like, some phase soldier ants with advanced ethnic groups, in Isaac's induction, are not inferior to phase spiders at all, or even stronger.


Generally speaking, phase red ants are inferior to phase spiders, but...

Although they are all gregarious creatures, when it comes to the size of the group, there is no comparison between phase spiders and phase red ants that have a "group group consciousness network".

These "demonized giant ants" can reproduce underground in this natural domain, not only because this is the ancestral tomb of the barbarians!

"Worker ants and soldier ants, these are just ordinary 'soldiers'!"

"By this telepathic network..."

In Isaac's eyes, there was a faint groan, grasping the most powerful one in this collective consciousness, and those, which should be some surrounding it...


"And, her male ants?"

A pensive look was slowly moving.

If his induction and his judgment are not wrong...

"This ant queen must have the ability to cast spells like a warlock!"

"It's not bad!"

"These male ants should be close to second-level professionals!"


In Isaac's eyes, another strange color flickered.

He also almost understands why these phase red ants have been entrenched in the ground for hundreds of years, even though they are ferocious.

This should be...

"With a sufficient number of male ants, this queen will be 'unhealthy' after all!"

"And focus on this side, after hundreds of years of deep cultivation..."

"It's no wonder that Haggs has a judgment. The tunnels dug by these red ants must be close to the 'Mist Hall'!"

"In that case..."

With a flash of thought, Isaac finally moved.

But instead of going directly to the west, it is continuing to go deep underground.

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