Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 848 Racial Collective Consciousness Network

After hundreds of years of excavation, the scale of the underground nest of this red ant group is even more incredible than Isaac's estimate.

Countless tunnels.

Each one is like a passage connecting the Underdark Region.

But densely packed, overlapping.

All the tunnels combined together are like a honeycomb magnified tens of millions of times.

If a normal person enters here, there is no possibility of finding the right way!

However, Isaac is certainly not a normal person.

With the power of the mind beyond the limit, through the "cluster collective consciousness network" of the red ants, and without anyone noticing, they are tracking the trail of the queen.

He didn't need to find a way at all, he just followed this "telepathic network" and kept going deep into the ant nest.

And because there is no need to find a way, this way goes down...

"It's kind of interesting!"

The eye of true knowledge possesses the ability to directly see the spiritual plane from the material plane.

With the eye of truth, Isaac went all the way down.

But not only did they see the ant nest, there were huge red ants transporting food underground from time to time, and even larger giant ants, in groups of three or four, opening and closing their jaws, as if they had a goal In general, it is galloping out fiercely.

What's more, he even saw that in the completely incorporeal spirit plane, these demonized giant ants also landed together on the ground, using the "spirit form" to surround and kill soul creatures.

It seems that these soul bodies are also their food.

However, it wasn't these things that made Isaac's eyes twinkle and give him a feeling of "interesting".

Phase red ants, in the name of "phase", can enter and leave the spirit plane at will, and all of this is actually a very normal phenomenon.

What really made Isaac feel strange...

"The collective consciousness network of this red ant group, and the overall consciousness of the group of elves..."

In Isaac's understanding, the overall consciousness of the elven group is the spirit of the whole built with the innate yearning of all elves and souls for the Aband kingdom, and with this commonality.

The core essence of the spirit of the whole lies in the call of all spirits from the "Apandh kingdom".

At this time, the collective consciousness of the red ant clan...

"Whether it's a single worker ant or a soldier ant, they don't have any psychic powers, but they are all part of this 'telepathic network', which..."

"This is actually similar to the essence of the 'spirit of the whole elf' to a certain extent."

"The ant queen is at the heart of this swarm network."

"All worker ants and soldier ants are naturally obedient to it."

"With this absolute and common obedience, every individual is making a contribution, and then centering on the Queen Ant's psychic powers, the individual's dedication is integrated into it..."

"This should be the essence of this 'ethnic collective consciousness'!"

"And through this 'collective consciousness network', the ant queen, who is the core of it, is a giant ant that can drive everything at will."

From the observation of ordinary giant ants, Isaac quickly gained a certain degree of grasp and judgment on the "clan group consciousness".

Furthermore, there are corresponding speculations about the core of this giant ant group, and about the queen ant who is suspected to have the ability of a high-level warlock.

Even, if nothing unexpected happens...

"Its warlock-like ability is not derived from the radiation mutation of the 'chaotic evil' magical energy."

"It should be... originated from this 'ethnic collective consciousness network'!"

With this thought, Isaac's eyes revealed some contemplation again.

Although the collective consciousness of the phase red ants is completely incomparable with the overall spirit of the entire elf family, no matter in terms of strength or level.

However, it is undeniable that, at least in Isaac's understanding, there are still certain similarities between the two.

With this similarity...

"Is it possible, and is it necessary, to incorporate such a 'ethnic collective consciousness' into the research topic?"

"If you want to study it..."

Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

The ultimate significance of this kind of research is nothing more than two directions.

First, from another level, the "elf high magic" is realized. Of course, if it is really realized, the word "elf" in this "elf high magic" can be completely deleted!

Second... In this way, carry out the exploration and research on "faith" in a substantial way!

Thinking about the possibility of realizing these two directions in his heart, Isaac did not slow down a little.

On the other side of the surface, the war is still proceeding in an orderly manner according to his orders.

Here, instead of going directly to the possible location of the "Mist Hall", he ran to the Queen Ant's side first, which was destined to waste time, and he wanted to end this "waste" as soon as possible.

Fortunately, although time must be wasted, firstly, Isaac can directly grasp the direction without needing to explore the road and beat around the bush. Secondly, the combination of "legendary hiding" and "advanced invisibility", whether it is Sight, smell, or sound, none of which can be detected by phase red ants.

This way down, but there is no obstacle, let alone obstacles.

In no time, Isaac went down, passing through a tunnel with more than dozens of floors, or at least sank thousands of miles deep.


"About to arrive!"

At this depth, the environment of the ant nest, if the in-depth negotiation with the spirit plane is excluded, is no different from that of the Underdark.

What's more, it is obvious that after reaching this depth, the density of phase red ants has also increased rapidly, almost to the point where they can be seen everywhere.

In particular, almost every soldier ant team has an advanced large soldier ant as the leader.

It can even be seen that it is an elite ant guard team composed of advanced soldier ants.

Unlike ordinary soldier ant squads that patrol and hunt everywhere, these elite ant guards are all guarding some key tunnel junctions, as if they have enough intelligence to understand the strategic significance of these positions.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is an order from the queen ant's arrangement.

Looking at such an elite ant guard, Isaac's footsteps, under the shroud of "Legendary Hidden", silently crossed a strategic intersection, but there was some thoughtful look in his eyes. moving.

The size of the group of red ants in this phase is even larger than he expected.

It is hard to count the worker ants scattered everywhere, but if he calculates from the soldier ants he saw and the ant guards...

The group size of the red ants in this phase may really reach five figures!

Such a scale, especially their size...

"I'm afraid, not only are they omnivorous, whether it's animals, plants, or spirit world creatures, they are all on the recipe list. The various rocks and ores in the ground may not be their food."

"Otherwise, the queen's 'telepathic network' can cover tens of miles. As long as it is not good enough, it will be impossible to form such a large group size for a long time, let alone hundreds of years! "

If a group of Phase Red Ants of this size could directly kill the ground without being suppressed by the natural domain of the "Grandfather Tree"...

Not to mention the tree spirit barbarians, even if the Yeerlan Restoration Army of the "Wood Council" is pulled here alone, they will also flee.

"The group size is too large!"

"The half-plane base is not suitable for them!"

Isaac shook his head slightly in his heart.

He will come rushing towards the queen of ants, except that he wants to find some information related to the seal of the "Mist Hall" from these demonized giant ants.

By enslaving the queen ant, he can completely control the giant ant colony, so whether it is used for combat or research, it is of great significance, and it is also a major purpose.

But, judging from the current observation...

"Forget it!"

"At least today, it is impossible to use the 'Legendary Enslavement' on it. Let's temporarily control it to see if we can get information related to the 'Mist Hall' from it, and we can also deepen our understanding along the way."

"To enslave it permanently, and even to take away this group of giant ants, is not something that can be done at random."

In his heart, Isaac was putting away some desires.

With footsteps, he also stepped into a huge and open dark space like a dungeon.

In front of the eyes, it is no longer completely dark, and all kinds of brilliance, even radiance, leap into the field of vision all at once.

This brilliance.

From the top of the dark space, above the layers of creep, like the stars in the night sky, there are constantly flashing fluorescent lights.

Come from everywhere, like gems, like special crystal mines, or like mysterious metals, each with different luster.

However, all the brilliance, the brightest, lies in the sky in the center of the dark space. The brilliance is as bright as the moon, and it is also like the afterglow of the setting sun. Reflecting the mystical aura of the mind's thoughts.

But under this bright light...

It was located in the middle of a large group of giant red ants that were much bigger than a horse and exuded a strong masculine aura.

It has a huge body and is extremely bloated, dragging a belly like an inflated balloon. Above this belly, there is still a bright color like the mysterious brilliance of the sky. It is ugly to the extreme, but it is still beautiful. The giant ants, exuding a strange sense of beauty and charm, fell into Isaac's eyes.

Naturally it is the queen ant, and her male ant princes!

Isaac glanced over, directly ignoring the male ants, and also ignoring the endless stream of worker ants around.

After looking at the ant queen, she looked at the bright light in the sky...

"The power of the mind!"

"With her spiritual power as the core, it also incorporates the power of spiritual consciousness of all phase red ants, and..."

In the eyes, there is a thoughtful look.

If his judgment is not wrong.

The essence of this bright radiance should be the core of the collective consciousness of the entire phase red ant colony, and the essence of its formation and appearance, in addition to the dedication and dedication of all the red ants' spiritual consciousness, should also...

"Racial ability!"

"Perhaps it is due to the radiation mutation of the magical energy of 'chaos and evil', which tends to be between 'Tana'ri' and 'Tana'ri', the mutual 'telepathy' ability!"

This psychic ability is the dedication of the entire phase red ant group.

As the only master among them...

"No wonder they can live well under the feet of the 'Grandfather Tree' and those two Beren Liches."

"I'm afraid that he has the level of a legendary spellcaster, but he really has the qualifications not to be underestimated!"

Sensing the intensity of the bright light and the life energy level of the queen ant, Isaac's eyes were full of strange colors flickering.

If this ant queen is really a legendary warlock, and through such a group's overall consciousness network, she can control the entire group as she pleases, not to mention the huge size of this giant ant group...

This group of red ants in this phase is probably comparable to the famous "Formi Ant" group in the outer plane "Mechanical Realm".

At least, the group ruled by ordinary ant queens in the Formi ant group is completely qualified to compete!

This grasp, this judgment...

Although Isaac's footsteps never stopped, and he went straight to the queen ant, he frowned secretly in his heart.

There is a substantial gap between a level 20 high-level warlock and a level 21 legendary warlock.

A high-level warlock at level 20, no matter how powerful they are, can only master level 9 spells, and because the spells that a warlock can master are still very limited, their actual combat power is even more restricted.

But a legendary warlock at level 21 is qualified to study legendary spells.

Legendary spells, this is not only not limited by the number of spells that the warlock profession can master, but also no longer limited by the fact that warlocks cannot perform 'instant super magic' approximation.

If the ant queen didn't become a true legendary warlock, then it doesn't matter, Isaac just took it down.

But if you are already a legendary warlock and have truly mastered legendary spells...

His eyes wrinkled slightly, and Isaac shook his head slightly again.

"It stands to reason that if the formation of phase red ants is really mutated by the radiation of chaotic and evil magic energy, the predecessor is just giant red ants, and they should have never left here. This group of red ants will not have any magic Accumulation of background information."

"From this point of view, she shouldn't have much involvement in the field of legendary spells!"

"However, it cannot be absolutely ruled out that she has other ways of understanding magic."


Although most of the magic abilities of warlocks have their origins, they can be mastered directly without learning.

However, when the time came to conduct research on legendary spells, this would be different.

To create legendary spells as you like, this also requires a deep mastery of magic knowledge.

From this point of view, without background and inheritance, the red ant queen is basically not a big threat.

Of course, this is just the basics.

Isaac didn't rule out the possibility.

Just like... the hall of fog!

"Yes or no, just try it and you will know!"

"If she has extraordinary means, then there must be some calculation behind it."

"On the other hand, if you take it casually...then take her back in the future and use her to study the structure of the 'clan collective consciousness'!"

Isaac has already made up his mind about the power transfer of his mind.

There were dense red ant guards in front, still maintaining the "legendary invisibility", and his figure silently stepped into the sky again.


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