Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 849 Queen




As the greatest queen in the history of the red ant clan, the most unacceptable thing for Gunas is the division of the group.

All phase red ants should be her subjects, and all existence must center on her.

Any dissonance, even if it's just a potential split, will be directly torn up and eaten by her.

It is this lofty pursuit, and it is precisely to maintain the unity and strength of the group. All the children she gives birth to, as long as female ants appear, will directly become the nutrients for her to breed the next batch of children.

And the facts have proved that her idea is completely correct.

After hundreds of years, the size of the Phase Red Ant group has grown by leaps and bounds.

And it's not just about group size.

Adhering to a similar concept, based on the principle of "prenatal and postnatal care", after years of continuous optimization, the overall superiority of the red ant colony has also been greatly improved.

As for what this "prenatal and postnatal care" is...

Just like eating female ants.

This is also to be eaten directly!

With a huge ethnic group as the base, Gunas has the confidence to choose willfully.

In this way, the elimination is carried out round after round, giving birth, and then continuing to eliminate and continue to give birth...

It seems that the male ant princes surrounding Gunas at this time are all real princes who have undergone "prenatal and postnatal care" and further "selection".

While enjoying the joy brought by the prince, Gunas' spiritual power is naturally leading everything in the "telepathic network".

Nothing unusual!

Keep shrinking!

Let the above people fight slowly!


"If we can hurt both sides, and kill the 'Grandfather Tree' too, that would be great!"

A dense malice flashed in the bottom of Gunas's heart.

Although she has been entrenched here for a long time and has not moved, but with the "group consciousness" and the "transformation spirit" ability that all subjects have, she has been on the surface for many days. This is not unintentional.

Especially, when this war is directly pushed into the Tree Spirit Tribe, or even the "Grandfather Tree"...

With a high enough intelligence, Gunas made a decision to shrink most of his subjects back to the depths of the lair to avoid the front of such a war, but he also scattered a lot of eyes and ears.

With these eyes and ears, she was not only staring at the big tree from the ground, but also kept a general observation of the situation of the war from a distance from the spiritual world.

This battle.

If the evil camp loses, that's all.

Although the call from the other side of the "grandfather tree", it has always been there.

However, she will not be compelled by such a "call".

If the "grandfather tree" died at the hands of the evil army, she would not mind contacting that "call" afterwards.

But let her go directly against the "Grandfather Tree"...

On the other hand, Gunas sneered again in his heart.

Although her subjects are extremely warlike and bloodthirsty.

But... she will never be affected by the dark, evil, and even more chaotic power in her blood!

The two sides of the war above, no matter which side, have the power to directly knock down the ethnic group that she has cultivated with great difficulty to the point of collapse.

If she wants to lead her subjects to charge up like this, isn't she doing it for the evil legion...



Just in the heart, this sneer, this flash of thought.

Suddenly, feeling something was wrong, Gunas' eyes opened suddenly.

Immediately, through the "cluster group collective consciousness network", the entire dark space, whether it is worker ants or soldier ants, all phase red ants trembled their antennae, and even the male ant prince who was sprinting rapidly He hurriedly stopped the trap, and also trembled his tentacles, probing around.


Whether it's dark vision, a keen sense of smell, or even a shock wave induction, so many phase red ants, including Gunas himself, still haven't found anything.

"It can't be an illusion!"

"Normally, I wouldn't have considered whether to join forces with those evil legions to attack the 'Grandfather Tree' together, even if there is a 'call'."


After all, Gunas is born with powerful spellcasting ability, his own "intelligence" and "perception", which are also very powerful, and coupled with the fact that he always dominates the "ethnic collective consciousness network", at this moment, this is not true. Thoughts that conform to her usual thinking are constantly emerging in her mind.

Finally, she also realized what was wrong.

"It's the 'suggestion technique'!"

"Someone, without my knowing it, hinted at me!"

"Could it be... that one?!"

You can experience the difference in levels, but you are still in the evil camp...

As Gunas felt vigilance, even faint fear, in her mind, she also had some doubts about who was coming.


"Since the distinguished guest has arrived, why don't you show up and see him?"

"They are all enemies of that big tree. I think there is no need for hostility between us. You can speak directly if you have something to say."

One side is secretly preparing for the spell.

On the one hand, as if he hadn't noticed the previous "hint", with spiritual power, Gunas conveyed a "friendly" and even "welcoming" gesture to the surroundings.

She can't help being unfriendly, and she can't help being unwelcoming.

In the situation where she was already alert, she couldn't even detect the location of the comer, and she couldn't detect how the comer performed magic. This... how could she deal with this one forcefully?


Being in the air, Isaac can naturally receive this range of telepathy from the Queen Ant.

His eyes moved again.

Suggestion technique, this is actually noticed to be strange!

The hints he made were not mandatory hints.

After all, this ant queen is also a strong person in the legend, especially she also possesses powerful spiritual power. It is really not very possible to force her to hint at it.

The hints he made followed the ferocious nature of the phase red ants, and also brought in that behind these giant ants, there is a "background", such as the background related to the seal of the "Mist Hall"...

However, like this, it was a hint technique that guided the trend, and it didn't affect the Queen Ant's decision at all, but instead made her alert.

Moreover, vigilance is fine.

Such a humble attitude, such a compromise...

This is completely incompatible with the ferocity and evil of the phase red ants!

Grasping this gesture of the queen ant, Isaac's eyes flickered involuntarily.

He asked himself that he had always had racial morality.

For those who are difficult to communicate with, it is only natural to carry out "forced domination".

However, for this kind of person, not only has the awareness of active communication, but also reveals the object of active cooperation...

"It's kind of interesting!"

With a flash of thought in his heart, Isaac already had a corresponding judgment on the character of the ant queen from this posture.


He did not show up, and still maintained the combined state of "Legendary Hidden" and "Advanced Invisibility", but the thought of the soul was transmitted: "No wonder the group can still develop to To such an extent, seeing her today, the queen is really extraordinary, and the evaluation of 'Miss Blue Bear' in the past is still far from enough."

The thoughts of this mind are connected together.

Suddenly, Gunas's soul is tight.

No matter how certain it was before, it was still just suspicion after all.

But at this moment, with this spiritual communication, it is still impossible to detect the location of this person...

"I'm afraid it's really that one!"

Once again, this judgment deepened in her heart.

Although she is not sure who this "that person" is, there is no doubt that he is definitely the master of the evil legions above, the legendary spellcaster who walked out of the "Grandfather Tree" and even the "Mist Hall". Those who were all terribly strong were suppressed abruptly.

And at this time, this person found her lair...

"Ms. Blue Bear!"

Gunas is no stranger to this title.

The Blue Bear Tribe used to be on top of her lair.

And the reason why the Blue Bear Tribe was expelled was precisely because of this "Ms. Blue Bear".

Of course she would not know this one.

It's just that you know what you know, at this time, when this name is said in the summons of "that"...

Unable to bear it, Gunas still gritted his teeth in his heart.

She has already made a judgment, "that" will come to her lair at this time, I am afraid it is the instigation of this "Ms. Blue Bear"!

Of course, although he was gnashing his teeth in his heart, Gunas still maintained complete friendliness and humility in his heart, and he still wavered with a limited mind: "Don't dare, how can I be worthy of this in front of you?" Evaluations of 'extraordinary' and 'extraordinary'.

You can crush the 'Grandfather Tree', even if I lead the ant tribe, I can only hide in the depths of the ground in desperation because of his inability to move, not daring to leave for even half a step.

You are overrated. "

In this spiritual transmission.

Consciously again, through the "telepathic network", a stable order was transmitted to the subjects.

Then, in the dark space, the phase red ants, who were all on guard for war, fell silent one after another.

Not afraid of bowing his head, Gunas was afraid of bowing his head, and the other side ignored him.

At this time, since the other party had talked to her...she naturally wanted to do everything possible to express to the other party that she had absolutely no hostility.

after all……

Even at this time, she still can't figure out the level on the other side at all.

There is only one instinct, she and the other side, I'm afraid they are not at the same level at all!

So, instead of going against the other side, it is better to take the initiative and cooperate, at least...Compared to those people in the "Mist Hall", she feels that this person is the biggest danger.

After all, as long as she doesn't go out, the "Grandfather Tree" that should be the biggest threat at the "Mist Hall" can't threaten her in the first place!

"The queen is humble."

"However, as the Queen said, since the 'Grandfather Tree' is our common enemy, at this moment, if there are some words, I will speak them out."

Isaac's mind was sent out again, and he no longer wasted time left and right: "There are two things that I need to ask the Queen for advice."

"Firstly, it was from what 'Ms. Blue Bear' said that the queen's kingdom was really formed during the formation of the 'Gate of Hell'?"

Isaac was asking about "really forming".

What this refers to is naturally the "Kingdom of Phase Red Ants", not the "Group of Giant Red Ants".

"It's really troublesome for her to worry about and investigate."

"I dare not hide it from you, it was indeed during that period."

Gunas tried his best to communicate with his heart and kept "smiling".

However, no matter how much she "smiles", when it comes to that "Ms. Blue Bear", she still gnashes her teeth in her heart.

Of course, no matter how much she gnashed her teeth, the ant queen was thinking again.

This one, at this time, asked about this "forming period", the purpose of which should be...

"It's a coincidence."

"The evil energy from the Gate of Hell not only spans thousands of miles, but also passes through the natural domain of the 'Grandfather Tree', and radiates here precisely..."

"I don't know if the Queen has any advice on this?"

"Does the queen think that this is because the attribute is directly opposite to the 'grandfather tree', so she is attracted here instead?"

"Or... is there something here that can affect it from afar when something happens at the Gate of Hell?"

"Or, does the Queen think that this is really a coincidence?"

Once the time was determined, Isaac also directly took Ms. Blue Bear's judgment as a conclusion, and directly determined that the phase red ants were caused by the mutation caused by the chaotic and evil energy radiation of the "Gate of Hell", or It means demonization.

And on this basis, he asked the queen ant.

He didn't care about whether these inquiries would arouse the Queen Ant's suspicion.

Even, doubtfully, it might be even better.

At least, he can make a corresponding judgment based on the suspicion of the queen ant!

"The attributes are relative!"

"Distant influence!"

"Coincidence and coincidence!"

In Isaac's spiritual voice, there was a sudden movement in Gunas's heart.

This person actually directly corresponds to the formation of phase red ants and the "Gate of Hell"!

And on this basis, these three doubts...

Thoughts in her mind flickered again and again. Although Gunas wasn't sure whether the magic radiation back then was really related to the "Gate of Hell", she already understood the purpose of this person's visit.

"Surely, for that 'call'?!"

Although Gunas is not clear about the nature of that "calling", to a large extent, she has never left this lair after so many years. Apart from having the weakness of "bad behavior", it is also because of this A "call", whether it is to her or to the entire red ant group, has a gravitational existence.

Even, if the formation of phase red ants is really due to the magical energy from the "Gate of Hell"...

Combined, this also corresponds to this person's suspicion!

"Do you want to reveal it?"

"Also, how to disclose it?"

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