Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 852 Stubbornness and Compromise

"Myth - Evil Shadow Strike!"

"Crush attack!"

On the eastern battlefield, there is a bloody battle across the board, a bloody war like a millstone of flesh and blood, endlessly strangling all lives.

On the western battlefield, there was a brutal siege.

There is an evil legion that is constantly attacking and destroying the "Forest of Steles", trying to cut off part of the source of power of the "Tree of Stone Tablets".

There was Kenil Walker, and the two fire giant elders, while avoiding the sweeping sweep of the giant hand of "Stone Tree", while attacking this legendary life.

However, the most important output was also directly hitting the "wood of the stone platform" from the front, but there is no doubt that it was the "angry lord".

Amidst the berserk roar, Kostchurch was pouring his endless destructive power, not to mention the demon lord's mythical spell-like ability, on the "wood of the stone platform" without any restraint.

Even if it is the legendary toughness of "Tree of the Stone Platform" and the magic-like ability of "Rejuvenation", before he can easily ignore all armor and reduction, and attack with mythical magic-like abilities at every turn, it is also fundamental. Impossible to last long.

"Damn guy!"

Seeing over there, the two giant hands of the "Wood of the Stone Platform" were almost completely smashed under the giant hammer of the "Angry Lord", and they were about to completely lose the ability to fight back...

Even for this scene, I had already expected it in my heart. Whether it was Melster, Storm-Silver Hand, or the "Grandfather Tree", and those natural coalition forces, all of them turned red eyes at this time.


No one can kill and respond at this time.

The only thing Storm-Silver Hand can do is to lead the natural coalition forces that have been quickly reorganized, and wait for the upcoming decisive battle within the barrier!

Melster wanted to suppress this pain, but at the same time he had to pay attention to everything around the barrier. What he had to beware of was far from the front side.

Without him, the figure of "King of Red" disappeared again!

Although after the "King of Red" and "The Wrathful Lord" retreated, he used the "Unique Ritual" to add the effect of "Strengthening-True Seeing" to himself again, but...

The scope of "true seeing" is limited after all.

The distance between the "Tree of the Stone Platform" and this side is far greater than the range of effect of the "True Seeing Technique".

If the "King of Red" has not entered his "Vision of True Knowledge", he will not be able to see the "King of Red" directly, and he will not be able to judge from which direction the "King of Red" will come out of the barrier in the case of……

The only thing Melster can do is to wait with all his attention, and try his best not to give the "King of Red" any opportunity to take advantage of.


Although the will in my heart is firm and stubborn, but...

Rationally, Melster has no idea or certainty about how to deal with the "King of Red".

Even, at the bottom of his heart, he forcibly suppressed with his firm and stubborn will... some kind of instinctive anxiety!

In his heart, he actually had a sense of uneasiness and something bad!

From the "King of Red" who has never shown up, there is something bad and uneasy!

"Where will it come from?"

"Also, how will we target the enchantment?"

Melster has discovered that the "King of Red" can even use the "Dark Tequila Stone" to cast dark high magic. It can be seen that this legendary dragon must be very good at high magic barriers. Not unfamiliar at all.

The protective barrier of the "Grandfather Tree" might not be able to hide from his recognition.

If so...

"I can only hope that the 'Legendary Dispel Technique' he performed alone cannot suppress the elder's will, and thus cannot destroy this enchantment!"


Melster's eyes looked at the kobold dragon vein warlocks at the back of the evil army from afar.

According to his judgment, if the King of Red wanted to use the "ritual casting" to perform the "Legendary Dispel", obviously, the consciousness of the "Grandfather Tree" would not be able to withstand such intensity.

However, "ritual casting" requires sufficient casting time, and cannot be cast directly and instantaneously.

In other words, with the high magic ritual and the same "Legendary Dispel", it is not impossible for Melster to block it.

And as long as he blocks this blow, when the "King of Red" has only one last legendary spell left...

Melster has a high probability, and the legendary green dragon should not give up everything.

After all, if the "King of Red" really did his best to break the barrier, who can guarantee that no one will jump out, not only to grab his results, but may even directly target him ?

Especially, if the barrier is destroyed and that one jumps out...

He is the King of Red who has given up everything, but he may not be able to advance and retreat freely under the claws of that one!

It was this consideration that made Melster grieve over the "wood of the stone platform", and at the same time stare at the kobold warlock's place.

The "King of Red" wants to perform ritual casting, which must use the assistance of these kobold warlocks.

If you keep an eye on them, you will be able to prevent the ritual casting of the "King of Red"!

Fear is the only thing Melster is afraid of, and what he fears the most...

If the "King of Red" does not need to cast spells ritually, but can directly destroy this "high magic barrier" with his own ability...

He was unable to capture the location of the "King of Red", and if it was too late to deal with it, there would be no possibility of countermeasures!

However, although the barrier is combined with the "grandfather tree" into a whole, to destroy the barrier, one must first break through the strong will of the "grandfather tree", but...

With the life energy level of the "King of Red", the "Scepter of the Legendary Spellcaster", the extraordinary intelligence that can be judged, and the "Dark Tekira Stone"...

Melster could not rule out this possibility at all!

Even, from what Storm-Silver Hand said before, I am afraid that this possibility is still quite large!

It was precisely because of this that Melster was still paying attention to everything around the barrier even though he had already fixed his eyes on the kobold dragon vein warlock.

However, the more cautious he was, the uneasiness and bad feeling in his heart not only did not ease, but he continued to feel uneasy.

A kind of instinct, I'm afraid...I'm afraid that the "King of Red" won't do what he wants!


As for Melster, he was both restless and uneasy, and he still thought about being tenacious and resolute, thinking about delaying until the moment when the eastern battlefield would be victorious.

Behind the storm-silver hands, those silver eyes suddenly shrank, with irrepressible solemnity, even shock, and flew out all at once.

"'Ancient God' card LS Nogus!"

"Ovo actually colluded with these black dragons in the High Wasteland!"

Naturally, it was Laila who gave the first warning.

Also the leader of the Harper organization, Storm-Silverhand naturally would not know who the "Old God" card LS Nogus is.

The appearance of this ancient black dragon lich, and the blocking of Kuilu...

On the Eastern Front, I'm afraid it's impossible to end it in a short time, and it's hard to be sure how likely it is to win in the end!

And if they can't win the victory...

"Using the hostility between Orogues and Dragon Worship!"

"Look at how the King of Red makes his choice?"

Leila's message was still ringing in Storm-Silver Hand's ears sentence by sentence, causing the expression on the silver-haired lady's solemn face to change again and again.

Dear sister, although Laila's words are somewhat subtle, it is naturally impossible for Storm-Silver Hand not to hear the inner meaning.

According to the top-secret information of the Harper Organization, the Orogues family, even though it is the Black Dragon Family, also has the Black Dragon Lich, but whether it is the Dragon Worship Cult or the Dragon Witch Cult, they are all their enemies.

It is rumored that this hostility originated from the "Ancient God" card LS Nogus!

According to the rumors, in order to pursue immortality, this ancient black dragon used the Dragon Worship Cult to carry out the "Dracolich Transformation Ceremony".

And as soon as the transformation of the Dragon Lich was completed, without mercy, he immediately mobilized all his power, turned his face against anyone, and completely destroyed all the Dragon Worshiping mages in the Serpent Mountain Range.

Since then, the Orogues family has been in a long-term hostility and war with the Dragon Worship Cult and the Dragon Witch Cult.

Leila made a point of pointing out this information, which...

Storm-Silver Hand can naturally hear that Laila is right, trying to convince her, and also Melster, to compromise with the green dragon! !


Leaving aside such a bloody battle, whether she and Melster, who are naturally allied forces, can continue to be wronged.

It's just that they can bear it. With the green dragon's city, will it really stop at this time because of the Orogues family?

The eyes changed again and again, Storm-Silver Hand couldn't be sure of this at all, even... she thought it was the opposite!

Although she is in the opposing camp, she is not ignorant of that green dragon's city, and even has a "vision".

Under such a bad situation, where a single hair could affect the whole body, how could the green dragon miss this kind of opportunity?


Storm-Silver Hand tried his best not to show any panic directly, but in his heart, there was genuine uneasiness.

Difficult to win on the Eastern Front!

"King of Red" will not miss the opportunity!

How can she withstand this? ?

If she can't stand it...

This natural coalition, this ancient seal, and moreover, the Yeerlan elves who will be implicated, as well as Evraska, and even in the end, a single move will affect the whole body, and may spread to the North and the entire continent. "Battle of the Cry" and even darker disasters...

She can't stand it!

She has to go up there!

Unbearable pressure, this must also be endured!

Take responsibility!

with faith!

With the upright and unyielding nature of that day!

Storm-Silver Hand quickly suppressed all panic.



In his heart, for the first time in hundreds of years, Storm-Silver Hand called out to the lady, and it was also a plea.

In her own desperate situation, she can move forward indomitable.

But in such a dark disaster, she couldn't continue to be alone after all.

And it was almost her heart that just began to pray.


"my child!"

A gentle voice immediately resounded in the soul of Storm-Silver Hand.

And at the same time, from her body, there is still a faint silver glow, which is constantly growing.

A kind of not blazing, but revealing an extraordinary sacred atmosphere, followed by the appearance.

And it is this radiance, this breath...

At this moment, even the berserk soul of Koschurch, who was madly attacking to completely destroy the "wood of the stone platform", was suddenly startled, and his eyes turned to this side.

Kenil Walker and the fire giant elders, as well as the high-ranking Tanari such as Salion, Barrett and others, and even Melster, also turned their eyes in surprise.

This is……

Directly radiate the soul!

Even the legends, even the abyss lord, and even the Lich of Beren are all affected by the radiation of the mind!

Goddess of magic!

Only with such powerful divine power as the Goddess of Magic can a ray of will come down, and Kostchurch's rage can be awakened instinctively.

Of course, alertness does not mean fear.

Although the Goddess of Magic is an unimaginably great existence, in today's era, it is impossible to suppress Koschurch with a ray of will, even if it is just the incarnation of Koschurch!

What's more, this vigilance is just because of the disparity in levels!

"my child!"

"The road to the end of victory is not always a straight road!"

"Corillon Larissian also used the prophecy of the 'Great Retreat' to guide the elves to escape to the Isle of Evermeet."

"Eilistraee is willing to exile herself, but also to guide and save the dark elves from the dark realm."

"Life is not all about moving forward."

"Persistence in belief does not mean smashing into pieces, nor taking a step back temporarily, nor detours."

"But let's go!"

"No matter what you choose, Helen and I will only applaud you!"

Responding to this gentle voice, in the heart of Storm-Silver Hand, a guidance like the brilliance of a silver moon appeared.

This guide...


Hall of Fog!

In his heart, Storm-Silver Hand immediately realized what he was referring to.

They are here, waiting for the "King of Red" to launch the final battle.

The "King of Red" has sneaked into the hall of mist without anyone knowing it? ! !

This... is unimaginable!

However, Storm-Silver Hand naturally wouldn't think that this lady would give her wrong guidance!


A roundabout compromise?

Or hit it hard?

In her heart, she was reflecting on the teachings of the goddess of magic again.

Although the goddess of magic was at the end, she supported all her decisions with her sister Helen.

However, Storm-Silver Hand can naturally hear that it will use "Elf Lord God" and "Dark Maiden" as examples, and more. This is actually not only teaching her, but also guiding her.

She even believed that this teaching and guidance might have something to do with Laila!

This is……

"Has it reached the point where we must compromise?!"

"Leila reached an agreement with him early on, and this is also a premonition of this?!"

"The lady also thinks that he will stop in the end?!"

"And Sunflower..."

In his heart, Storm-Silver Hand suddenly realized that he had suspected many things before.

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