Facts have proved that rumors are not as good as seeing.

According to the rumors, the phase red ant is ferocious and evil, just like a demon.

But when I got to know them, these red ants, and even the red ant queen who ruled them, were quite reasonable and sensible.

It was easy to convince the Queen of Red Ants.

Guided by the red ant guards sent by the queen, Isaac approached the deepest part of the "high magic barrier" and the root of the "grandfather tree" through the underground tunnel very simply.

Of course, being able to get close to here is already the ultimate limit of the red ants.

Although these demonized giant ants are extraordinary, it is still impossible to directly break through the real "high magic barrier", and it is impossible to dig a passage from the middle of the many root systems of the "grandfather tree".

However, it is already approaching here, there is a passage, and there is no passage, which makes no difference to Isaac.

It's just a simple "Thor Stone Walk".

At this time, he who has transformed into the form of "Slaa Toad" is using "Legendary Concealment" to hide the faction and the magic effect without any disturbance, just from between the roots of the tree. In the gap, walk in directly in the way of "stone row".

The "high magic enchantment" was actually not touched by the slightest touch.

The consciousness of the "grandfather tree" also has no awareness of everything underground.

But for a moment.

The duration of the "Thor Stone Walking Technique" has not exceeded half.

Isaac's eyes suddenly became empty.

This is a place like a dark space.

It can be directly seen that there are countless thick root systems that penetrate everything from all directions and firmly interweave this hidden space.

These ** are naturally flowing with emerald green brilliance. From them, the overall brightness of this space is higher than that of ordinary dark areas, because the light from fluorescent bacteria is several levels brighter.

With this kind of green light, Isaac's already powerful dark vision, but with a glance around, he has basically captured everything in his eyes.

The main composition of this space is very simple.

Basically, there is only the one located in the center of the space, the ancient stone temple, this building.

The reason why I use "basic" instead of absolute...

It was at the entrance of this stone temple that two giant statues carved from huge stones, like tyrannosaurs, stood on the left and right, guarding the outside of the stone temple like guards.

"Mist Hall!"

Isaac's eyes glanced at the stone temple, and then on the two tyrannosaurus statues, after a while.

In his heart, he was sure that he did not find the wrong place, and that the destination had arrived!

Nothing else, not to mention the ancientness of this stone temple, but the familiarity given to him by the architectural style, which is quite similar to the tomb of the witch he secretly sneaked into in his early years.

Not only these styles, but the two tyrannosaurus statues guarding the stone temple should be two giant stone golems.

Combined with Isaac's understanding of the secret history of the witch-horse, he can also make a judgment. This should also come from the period of the "Isto Sefifer" witch-horse empire.

From this, it is clear that this stone temple is the "Mist Hall".


"According to what Haggs said, this 'Mist Hall' should be the extremely important stronghold of the 'Isto Sefifer Empire', so there are many magical mysteries stored here, but..."

Combined with the sleeping tombs of the witches who sneaked into it in the early years, compared with the stone temple in front of me, it doesn't seem so grand and huge.

Isaac's heart moved again.

If what Haggs said is correct, then most likely it should be...

"Is there a constant space spell inside, or is it connected to a demiplane base?"

In Isaac's eyes, there was some contemplation.

Not only is there the hidden effect of the "High Magic Barrier" around it, but the "Mist Hall" itself is also a variety of protection and barriers.

Coupled with being outside, without alarming the "Grandfather Tree" and the Belem Lich, it is naturally impossible to directly see through the "Mist Hall" with only "True Vision".

However, although it is impossible to directly see what is going on inside the "Mist Hall", but...


"The core of this high magic enchantment lies in the seal on this side!"

Familiar with the "high magic system" and even the "mystery seeds" are no longer unfamiliar, Isaac can sense the extraordinary level of that "seal" in this dead stone temple!

This is……

"Even with the 'Sealing Barrier of Hell Gate Fort', it is comparable in strength!"

Of course, the Hellgate Fort seal enchantment, that is a wide seal.

The seal here is Jiaoji!

Focusing on the most core barrier energy, at least nine out of ten, is on the seal of the abyss lord!

But even so...

Faintly, even if the person is still outside the stone temple, Isaac can still sense some kind of evil and chaos!

This should... just correspond to the so-called "call" to the phase red ants, right?

"There is no need to release him for now!"

"As long as the 'Book of Dirty Darkness' can be obtained, through it, and the mysteries related to or similar to the ancient Nalfio magician can be deciphered, the most important purpose of this trip is achieved!"

In the ancient Nalfio Empire, this was the peak period specializing in "Evil Oath Binding", and it enslaved the real abyss lords, and even the abyss lords themselves!

The reason why it ended up with the Lomansa Empire...

Those are the combat warlocks of Lomansa. In the final decisive battle, they sacrificed everything and summoned the incarnation of the powerful fire elemental god!

Only then, this final decisive battle directly destroyed everything in the two ancient magic empires.

Even with Isaac's current magical attainments, he has a considerable degree of admiration for the extraordinary achievements of Nalfio's magic binder.

At least, although he has the consideration of enslaving the "Wrath Lord", but in the most critical step, he still lacks a little bit.

As for the legendary Nalfio people, in the final battle, they summoned several abyss lords, including the "Wrathful Lord". Taba is exactly the one whose main body was forcibly "sworn" and enslaved.

"Theoretically, to 'sworn' and 'slave' the hidden lord must be an evil ritual. Most likely, it should also involve the 'chaotic' domain at the same time."

"In addition, it is basically impossible to complete all this with only one ceremony."

"This should break down the entire ceremony into multiple steps."

"But if it is broken down into multiple steps... it must be guaranteed that the 'hidden lord' will sit obediently and actively cooperate with the ceremony instead of resisting the ceremony!"

But for an abyss lord not to resist...

The instinct in my heart was thinking and functioning, but it was immediately suppressed by Ansak.

Now is not the time to think about these things.

First take down the "Book of Dirty Darkness", and then see if it is really related to the "God of Liches", and then study how to pass it, and then further use the power of the "Evil Magic Priesthood" to interpret such " The chaotic evil ritual" is the most important thing!

Pressing the thought, always maintaining "Legendary Concealment" and "Advanced Invisibility", Isaac has already walked directly to the entrance of the "Mist Hall".

For this, it is said that it should be the ruins of the real core stronghold of the Wuhu Empire, and he is quite interested.

At least……


"This is……"

But this is the moment.

He hasn't even stepped into the magic barrier with warning and protective effects from under the "eyelids" of the tyrannosaurus golem.

Suddenly, in his white toad-shaped eyes, which were like lightning, there was a look of hesitation and surprise at first, and then a sudden frown.

A divine essence beyond imaginable levels!

It's on the ground, it's obviously not blazing, but it's directly penetrated here.

What's more, even his "Legendary Concealment", before such a transcendent level, is like a cloud, which can be penetrated as soon as it is pierced.

Isaac clearly has a sense, and his existence has been captured!

There is also a feeling...a kind of familiarity!

This is……

"Magic! Law! Female! God!"

I once had a conversation with the goddess of magic, and Isaac is no stranger to this sacred essence.

Moreover, with the storm-silver hand on it, it is also common sense that the goddess of magic can descend to a certain extent with extraordinary divine power.

And "Legendary Concealment" is extraordinary, but all magic, including legendary magic, for the Goddess of Magic who is not only in charge, but in charge of the "magic priesthood", naturally there is no secret at all!

"That's why he wants to interfere directly?"

In his heart, Isaac frowns, but also... some hesitation.

It should be said that he has always had reservations about Storm-Silver Hand.

Otherwise, if he deliberately targeted Storm-Silver Hand... without the direct intervention of the "Goddess of Magic", even if Storm-Silver Hand could escape from him, it would never be as complete as it is now.

And the reason for this reservation...

The biggest reason for excluding sunflower dew is the goddess of magic.

Of course, various situations show that the current goddess of magic should be targeted by many parties.

Of course, in the current world background, the interference of gods and spirits in the material world is also very limited.

However, the "Seven Sisters" are not other voters, and Isaac didn't think about it. It is not absolutely necessary to shrink in the material plane forever, and he doesn't want to offend the "Goddess of Magic" to death!

This kind of thing, let the forces that are wrong with the goddess of magic go ahead.

It's just that he didn't expect that he kept it so reserved, and this person is going to directly intervene so early?

He frowned slightly.

With some puzzlement.

But almost immediately...



"He must have meant something else!"

Some things, in Isaac's heart, rippled out in a connected manner.

The strange move of Kwailu and Eilistraee!

Leila and his secret pact!

Even back then, the matter of the Lost City!

That's right, this lady has long been paying attention to him, planning, and even has a stake in him!

And if this plan is not just about him personally...

"The Dragon Queen will not, nor is she qualified to let him arrange it!"

"This should only be..."

In his heart, Isaac moved suddenly.

Just as he had already judged.

At that time, the "twenty-two years period" said by the "great father of the dragon".

Next year, the coming "Year of Dragon Madness".

These two time periods overlap.

And the plan of the goddess of magic is also unfolding at this approaching period...


It was Isaac who was reading like lightning.

A voice, incomparably abrupt, resounded in his soul.

However, there are already related doubts and conjectures, and Isaac will not have any surprises or panic about this.

Thoughts of the heart, with enough respect: "Ma'am, it is my honor to meet you again."

He noticed that this time, the Goddess of Magic did not call him "the child of the World Shaper".

Maybe it's a sign of respect.

However, Isaac didn't care about this.

"I'm also looking forward to your visit to the 'Heart of Curse'."

The voice of the Goddess of Magic was peaceful, yet somewhat intimate.

The heart of mantras, this is exactly the magic domain he created.

This domain of the gods also corresponds to the local magic priesthood.

The kingdom of God may have layers in this field, and those corresponding to this field are the gods who are in charge of the "magic priesthood" and belong to the "magic god system".

Like the god of mages!

God of prophecy!

Like a god of psionic power!

Generally, these are also gods who are regarded as "goddesses of magic".

In this way, I look forward to the visit to the "Heart of Mantras"...

In his heart, Ansac moved unknowingly, maybe he was sensitive, but there was always a feeling that this lady was implying something.

Just like in the early years, He had revealed to him the information about the "Dragon Magic Priesthood"!

Although the core of the "Dragon Magic Priesthood" is in the "Dragon Domain", the most important level of the Kingdom of God must also correspond to the "Dragon's Nest" where the Dragon God's headquarters is located.

However, just like the Dragon Queen in Bator Hell, there is also a God Realm, and there is also a realm in the Enther God System.

With the "magic power" of the "Dragon Magic Priesthood", if the goddess of magic accepts it, it is not impossible to map a certain level of the kingdom of God to the "heart of spells".

Of course, if we correspond in this way...

Although Isaac's level is not enough, it can't be completely determined, but I think it should be a kind of "face" corresponding to the gods, right? !

However, if the "face" is divided, it also corresponds to it...

Just like the Dragon Queen.

After the five-color dragon, this is the "great dragon father" as the main god.

As the Lord of Hell, he is subject to the constraints of Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell.

And with the appearance of a magic dragon, in the Enser god system, you have to follow the rules of the Enser god system.

If one day, Isaac can go this far and join the "Heart of Curse" in a certain way...

This just means that this aspect belongs to the "native magic god system", and it is to respect the goddess of magic as the main god!

Of course, this is not humiliation and humiliation.

Quite the opposite.

If Goddess of Magic really has such meaning...

This is not only a real value, but also an investment, which means to win over!

Isaac is naturally not "ignorant of good and bad".

The field of magic, which is his most specialized field, not to mention being accepted into the "magic god", is to be able to obtain the qualification to directly consult this lady, or that "god of mages". All great gains.

Even, compared to such a harvest, even the "Book of Dirty Darkness" is no longer so fragrant!

After all, something like "Book of Dirty Darkness" corresponds to "God of Liches".

Compared to the evilness of the "God of Lich", even if he belongs to the evil camp, Isaac is still more willing to believe in the "Goddess of Magic".

"The Heart of Mantra is the supreme embodiment of all magical mysteries."

"To obtain the lady's permission and to visit the heart of the spell, this is the highest honor of all spellcasters."

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