Isaac never cared about things like shelves.

Once, he was able to flatter the "teacher" one by one, regardless of whether the archmage had the will to teach.

In the past, he could also regard himself as a filial son and virtuous grandson, and hold the Dragon Queen to the sky.

Now, paying tribute to the goddess of magic is a matter of course and sincerity, and there will be no grievances at all.

Especially, considering the relationship between Kui Lu and the goddess of magic, it goes without saying.

And to flatter him like this, no, it's a tribute...

"I also look forward to the fact that you can bring more innovation and vitality to the Heart of Mantra, but..."

The voice of the Goddess of Magic paused for a moment, and immediately, it was no longer as peaceful as before, but showed a kind of solemnity: "You need to speed up, and you need to pay attention to someone."

In response, Isaac's heart skipped a beat.

He has a plan for the goddess of magic, and he has made a judgment long ago.

However, at this time, the goddess of magic said so...

Bringing innovation and vitality to the Heart of Mantra... This is almost a further hint of the previous "Welcome to the Heart of Mantra".

And "speed up" and "keep an eye on someone"... Is there competition?

The thought in his heart flashed for a moment, but Isaac did not avoid this topic, with the intention of asking for instructions: "Madam, please advise!"

"In the year of turmoil, during the civil war in Lei Loren, Talos tried to obtain the priesthood of 'Frenzied Magic', but was defeated by me."

"But it's not that he is unprepared."

"I have already noticed that He is sponsoring a Witch King to perform a god-conferring ceremony, trying to indirectly interfere with the Heart of Spells by using the realm of 'Lich' and 'Evil Magic'."

"I need you to thwart his plot, and this position can be reserved for you!"

The Goddess of Magic didn't make any allusions, she revealed everything very directly.

The "Talos" refers to the powerful "God of Storms".

During the Lei Loren civil war, Isaac also had some perception of the war between the God of Storms and the Goddess of Magic.

This man's pursuit of the "Frenzy Magic Priesthood" was thwarted, and he instead supported a Witch King to become a god, trying to indirectly interfere with the heart of the spell...

After thinking about it for a while, Isaac didn't think that the goddess of magic would deceive him in such a matter.


'The priesthood of the Lich and the priesthood of evil magic, these two, and this book of filth and darkness...'

'Could it be a coincidence? '

In his heart, Isaac didn't think that everything would be such a coincidence.

Just like when the leylines were lost, he didn't think it was a coincidence.

With the supernatural level of the goddess of magic, it is still easy to calculate and design on him.

However, if it is not a coincidence...

With the "evil magic priesthood" as a temptation, what is this lady seeking from him?

Not only that, Isaac has not forgotten, there is also the matter of Kuilu and Eilistraee!

'Could it be that the pressure on him is so great that he needs foreign aid like the 'Great Dragon Father'? '

‘But how could it be possible for the ‘Great Dragon Father’ to support him because of me? '

Thoughts flashed like lightning in his heart, but he still couldn't figure out the root cause. Isaac would not really think that the goddess of magic supported him because she valued him personally.

After all, "evil magic priesthood" is not unusual.

Under the command of the Goddess of Magic, there are only three direct gods, the "God of Mage", "God of Prophecy", and "God of Psionic Energy". Is the position of "the fourth of God" unusual?

However, although he couldn't figure it out for a while, Isaac didn't "know the good and the bad".

With the greatness of the goddess of magic, this "promise" of her is many times more reliable than the information of the "magic priesthood of the dragon" when the leylines were lost.

With His promise, if Isaac uses the "Wheel of Destiny" to advance to Destiny, he only needs to walk forward step by step, and finally reach the throne of God, and that will be a matter of course.

This way is far more reliable than using the "Conferred God Dragon" to carve up the authority of the "Green Dragon Clericship" from the Dragon Queen!

Of course, reliable is reliable, but to thwart the plot of the "God of Storms" and destroy the Witch King's ritual of conferring gods, this is obviously not an easy matter.

My heart quickly settled down, and Isaac said solemnly: "Madam, please reveal, I don't know who this Witch King is?"

The Lich King is even more qualified to be a god, and should belong to the local Lich...

In Isaac's mind, while he was asking for instructions, he also reflected some people's information.

From the south to the north, those of Lei Loren should be excluded for the time being.

Then there is the "Entanglement Talisman", there should be one or two of them, and they are qualified.

Furthermore, the person in the "Tomb of the Warlock King" is probably higher than the head of the "Lord of Talismans", so he is obviously qualified.

"Immortal" is also in this ranks.

On the red robe side, the current chief necromancer almost has the qualifications.

There is also the former Chief Necromancer, since he returned from Bator Hell, obviously he cannot be missed, and there is a great possibility, after all, this person has been seeking to become a god for a long time.

Then, in the place of severe cold, the one who is currently carrying out a huge conspiracy as the "Witch King" is only based on qualifications, which is certainly needless to say, and the goddess of magic should never want to see this person who enters the spell. Heart, this is also in line with the current situation.

Counting from south to north, this is almost all the liches that Isaac knows about.

Of course, he definitely didn't rule out that there are similar levels, and the existence of evil liches that he doesn't know about.

Just like after the destruction of the magic dynasty, is there any great arcanist lurking yet?

Another example is that the Nalfio Empire and the Lomansa Empire said that they were destroyed together, but no one can guarantee whether someone has hidden themselves.

And the Red Robe Mage Association, especially the Necromancer School...


"You can secretly observe the changes in the beliefs of 'Necromancers' and 'Liches' in recent years to find clues."

Caesar - Solomon!

The former head of the Red Robe Necromancer!

Trapped in Bator Hell for hundreds of thousands of years, after his return, during the civil war in Lei Loren, he summoned and drove the "Fallen Seraph" and "King of Fire and Pride" Ebris, showing a better performance than before. The powerful magic power!

Such a person, trying to carry out the ceremony of conferring gods, no matter in terms of ambition or level, there is obviously no doubt about it!

Moreover, such a person would seek the sponsorship of the "God of Storms", and there is also a source to follow.

Back then, the Witch King was invited by Satan to besiege the Silver Tower.

And the chief consul of Lei Luoren, who failed in the ceremony of conferring the gods, was the primary target of their siege!

Even the Chief Consul who, implicitly, was superior to him, Satan, and most likely the "Immortal" and the others had failed. While his ambition remained undiminished, he would seek some Help, this is also understandable!

After thinking this way, Isaac nodded slightly: "Don't worry, ma'am, I will do my best to defeat that conspiracy."

It is indispensable in terms of belief to carry out the ceremony of enshrining the gods.

The Goddess of Magic has already revealed that the faith to be shaped is closely related to the "Necromancer" and "Lich". With Isaac's intelligence channels, since he has noticed it, he will naturally not fail to pay attention.

Even, he has a rough judgment on the area of ​​this belief at this time.

It's nothing more than the Red Robe Necromancer School.

Nothing more than the area of ​​influence of the Solomon family.

Or, the red-robed mage will have a radiant influence, such as a barren area like the cold land.

Of course, with the sponsorship of the "God of Storms", it is imperative to pay attention to this sect.

In addition, Satan once invited this person. If there is a conditional exchange, maybe there should be a little investigation on the place of eternal life.

"However, I'm not the only one who wants to stop him from becoming a god."

"Even now, Laila and the others definitely can't distract him, but... the current chief in the red robe is his worst enemy!"

"If that person realizes something, he may be more active than me!"

The current chief of the red robe may be inferior to his predecessor in terms of level and strength, but Isaac understands that the current chief has never been a single-handed one, his most staunch ally , the legend is that he was born in the bottomless abyss. He was supposed to be a demigod at birth, but he was taken out alive when he was still in the mother's womb. The horrible abomination of professionals.

It is precisely because of this godly ally that the current chief of the red robe has always maintained a stable position no matter whether he has been enemies with Simbu or Minnis for a long time, firmly grasping the ruling power over the Red Robe Mage Association.

To stop the former chief, this is obviously also available.

Moreover, this one should cooperate very well!

"One more thing, you need to prepare in advance."

"This is coming, the last dragon madness will be longer than ever before."

"When it ends, the impact will also spread from the material world to the dragon's lair."

"Some things involve your dragon gods, I can't say too much, but... you should know it in your heart."

Since Isaac agreed to foil the plot of the "God of Storms", the Goddess of Magic didn't say much about that, so the topic changed again.

And as he was talking...

Judah is more dignified than the "Evil Magic Priesthood", and Isaac's expression became solemn.

The last dragon madness! !

This is not beyond Isaac's expectation, because of the "dragon revival era" that the Dragon Queen once said, he has made relevant judgments.

However, the layout of the Dragon Queen, the design of the Dragon Queen, how secretive it is, but before it even started, the Goddess of Magic has already noticed it?

This feeling...

So because of the discovery of Alaszhuo and the others, it was further noticed?

Or, did he directly see through the Dragon Queen's layout, but did not interfere, and did not even remind Alaszhuo and others?

Faintly, Isaac even felt that it should be the latter!

after all……

"From the material world, to the dragon's lair, and even to the dragon gods, and... I should know it!"

Dragon's Nest, this is the headquarters of the giant dragon gods. It should be that all dragon gods are shaped by the realm of the kingdom of God.

Dragon Crazy Mysuo, should only affect all giant dragons on this plane, but according to what the Goddess of Magic said...

"Could it be that one?"

In his heart, Isaacton moved, but he didn't ask immediately, but continued to go down.

The goddess of magic said, should he know it well?

Moreover, it is difficult for him to say more about the dragon god system?

It's not easy for the goddess of magic to say much, this is obviously not the level of the dragon queen.

Relating to him...

Only the "Great Dragon Father"!

And based on some premonitions and doubts he had long ago, combined with the words of the goddess of magic at this time...

In his heart, Isaac couldn't help but sink.

He had a feeling, I'm afraid his premonition didn't deviate too much!

And in the same way, perhaps it is precisely because it is related to the "Great Dragon Father", the so-called Dragon Queen, which is not perceived by anyone, the layout of the revival of the dragon family, is the most important thing no matter whether it is the goddess of magic, or the king of darkness, or even the king of darkness. Even the lord god of the elf never stopped it, and it can't be stopped, right?

go one step further...

The Goddess of Magic seduced him with the "evil magic priesthood". This is certainly intended to stop the plot of the "Storm Lord", but it is hard to say whether it has something to do with the "Great Dragon Father", right?

After all, the Goddess of Magic once called him "Son of the World Shaper"!

And the one between him and Kuilu, destined to become the child of the new Queen Maierita...

With the flashes of thought in his heart and the continuous blooming of his spiritual sense, Isaac finally suppressed the desire to ask the goddess of magic further.

Since this person said that when it comes to the dragon gods, he can't say much...

Perhaps, it is the most correct choice to seek enlightenment from the "Great Dragon Father"!

However, these things are certainly not easy to ask directly, but the previous suspicion is different...

Suppressing the waves in his heart, Isaac thought: "Ma'am, but the Platinum Dragon King is about to return?"

Platinum Dragon King!

King of the North Wind!

King of Justice!

They are all the faces of the good dragon king in different gods.

Among them, the Platinum Dragon King is exactly opposite to the five-color Dragon Queen, which is his true form in the dragon god system, and therefore, naturally corresponds to the Dragon's Nest base camp.

However, as the head of the five-color temple and the leader of the Dragon Worship Cult, Isaac knew that the Platinum Dragon King had created the "Dragon Crazy Mystery" as early as the ancient time, and had destroyed the age of dragons. After that, due to some unknown reasons, he was exiled out of the plane of Dragon's Nest.

It is precisely because of this that for tens of thousands of years, at least in the Dragon's Nest base camp, there has never been an all-round battle between the platinum dragon king and the five-color dragon queen.

But at this time, the goddess of magic said that this is the last dragon madness...

Obviously, when it ends, the Platinum Dragon King's self-exile will also be completely over.

Furthermore, on the plane of Dragon's Nest, the eternal battle between metal dragons and five-color dragons will probably start again!

And if at this time, the "Great Dragon Father" is not there, without His intervention and mediation...

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