Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 861: Archmages

"Do it!"

Spiritual will, Isaac suddenly let out a deep snort.

Originally, he had, after Storm-Silver Hand came out, he took the opportunity to win the budget of the two "Ancient One" tribes in one fell swoop.

This is not the natural domain of the "Grandfather Tree", even if it is "infighting", it has solved all of Karl Nogues and Du Bois, there is him, there is Claudia Marta, there is Kay Neil Walker, not to mention the "Son of Hell" who is still under his enslavement, is completely unafraid of whether Lila and Kelben will suddenly change their faces, and he is also sure that he can make the "Immortal" safe. But retreat.

That's right, it is of course necessary to deal with the primordial black dragon lich and, by the way, the chief magic advisor of the black dragon.

However, Isaac never thought of cooperating with Leila and the others to give the "Immortal" a backstab.

The best "immortals" are the "immortals" who can retreat completely and continue to contain and threaten Waterdeep City, Leila and Kelben.

As for whether the "Immortal" will take his anger on him because of this...

If that fat man, Aowo, really wanted to come up to him and quarrel, Isaac would definitely thank him.

This sent the "Ancient God" who lived in the Viper Mountain Range all the year round to him, how could he not appreciate his affection?

Of course, this is all later.

At present, of course, the first goal is to clean up this ancient black dragon lich.

It's the storm - the silver hand has not been seen for a long time.

And in the giant claws of Karl Nogus, there is a scepter with a dazzling purple aura that is extremely blazing, and a scepter filled with strong magic majesty.

Isaac finally had no more hesitation.

Such a scepter.

He has one in his hand.

The "Immortal" side also has the same style.

How could he fail to recognize that what the ancient black dragon lich took out at this time was the "Scepter of the Legendary Spellcaster"?

If the target of this old man is someone else, even if it is Laila, even if it is the Tanari side, he is not in a hurry to launch it, and must wait until the storm-silver hand comes out first.

However, Kwai Lu is different after all.

Although he refused to listen to the dark sisters and did not return to Waterdeep City to recuperate, he participated in such a war instead.

Isaac was not surprised, after all, how could he not know the character of the Dark Sister?

But at the same time, there is still some hidden anger and dissatisfaction after all.

However, no matter how dissatisfied, Isaac also knows that the dark sisters at this time can no longer be as lonely and courageous as usual.

In particular, her enemy is the "Ancient God" card LS Nogus!

The ancient black dragon lich over there took out the legendary spellcaster's scepter without any hesitation, and Isaac's spiritual will sighed.


On the battlefield, the six-armed snake demon, the massacre demon, the lure demon, and the soul demon who was finally ordered to reinforce, among the seven Natanari giants in the past, these four are still at their peak, Regardless of whether there is an injury or not, and how the injury is, at the same moment, the arc of the "advanced teleportation technique" shines at once.

And outside the battlefield...

"It's started! Be careful!"

Using his real name to send a message, Storm-Silver Hand sent a warning to the two younger sisters, and at the same time, a teleportation arc flashed.

In fact, she has been sneaking back here for some time.

However, according to the message from Melster, the Belem Lich has already detected that, including the "Children of Hell", those powerful men under the King of Red who previously attacked "The Wood of the Stone Terrace" Most of them have already been teleported here, and they are secretly lurking again.

Although he has a judgment, the most likely target of the Red King should be the "Old God".

But in the end, out of his constant suspicion and distrust of King Red, Storm-Silver Hand resisted the urge to kill, and only warned Lila and Kuilu in advance.

But at this time.

Following a blazing force filled with endless rage and destructive will, like a large eruption of lava in the earth's core, only one rise, and suddenly crushed the void...

They have been vigilant for a long time, and the storm-silver hands will be counted immediately, and the "children of hell" will do it!

It's hard to judge whether this is the deliberate exposure of the fire giant lord. Although he was enslaved by the Red King, he still struggles in the depths of his soul.

But yes or no, it doesn't matter!

Since this one made a move...

"Luzian's frequent jumps!"

The storm-silver hand didn't hesitate at all, it was almost the power of the "child of hell". The next moment when it broke out violently, the arc of teleportation flashed on her body in an instant.


On the side of the Primordial Black Dragon Lich, it just started with the "Legendary Scepter of Spellcasters", which should be the cast of the "Legendary Shrinking Technique".

The violent momentum of the fire giant lord soared into the sky, and the summons of the storm also arrived.

Relevant predictions have already been made, and Laila naturally has a lot of them. The most critical moment of the battle in the highest forest has arrived.

"let me!"

With a flash of thought, the color of Laila's eyes changed to silver.

He raised the "Major Staff" in his hand again.

But it didn't point to the "immortal" who had been facing her all the time, but...


She moves.

She has always had a tacit understanding with her, Kelben flicked his left hand, and the invisible force field giant hand knocked down a piece of high-level undead in the sky, not to mention Tana Roc.

The iconic "black stick" on his right hand was also raised at the same time, pointing at the "Immortal" simultaneously with his sharp eagle-like gaze.

Laila would never hide anything from him.

Because of this, from many signs, he has judged that the goddess of magic should have some kind of investment sponsorship for King Red!


Since Laila has chosen to believe in the reputation of the green dragon, he will not object!

"Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

In the sky, "Old God" KaLS Nogus is waving his giant claws and dragon wings to block the attack and interference of Kui Lu, and at the same time is casting the most powerful necromancy curse "Legendary Shrinking Spell" ".

However, even though the black dragon lich was casting spells first, it hadn't even completed half of the progress.

Below, from Laila's "Staff of the Archmage", a ray of emerald green light flew out instantly.


Laila's instant shot even pointed to the "Old God", and Kelben's shot was aimed at this side in advance.

There was a look of suspicion in Aowo's blood-colored eyes.

Like him, Lyra and Kelben, this is only the last legendary spell left.

Normally, this is not the time for Lila to squander this last legendary spell.

In particular, he could already sense that the Demon Flame King was also returning!

"Could it be..."

"It's the Demon Flame King?!"

The emerald light locked on the moment when the ancient black dragon lich flew up.

After all, Aowo still suppressed the plan to forcibly cancel this legendary dispel technique with the same instant cast.

He also only has the last transmission method left, and he also needs to keep the necessary contingency measures!

And with this depression, the suspicion in Aowo's eyes turned to gloom again.

A bad feeling, I'm afraid there is something wrong with the Demon Flame King!

"Prepare to respond!"

With telepathy, a thought instantly transmitted the souls of all the liches.

The lich group reacted immediately.

Aowo's bloody eyes flashed, the legendary spellcaster's scepter was in his right hand, and the left hand stretched out into the void.

Accompanied by a shrill roar that seemed to be formed by the gathering of countless mournful cries, endless resentment and curses suddenly surged up, and the smoke of darkness roared out again.

In the black smoke, there seemed to be tens of thousands of phantoms, phantoms and ghosts that were overlapping and densely dense, struggling, cursing, and trying to rush out.

It's just that no matter how they struggle and surge, they can't get away from the black smoke at all.

And in the middle of this black smoke is also the source of this endless curse.

It seems that if it is made of the head of a unicorn, but the pure and pure essence of the unicorn is completely reversed into darkness and curse, a crown of skull and horns appears in the palm of Owo .

And just as soon as it fell into his palm...

Wow! !

The hollow and dark eye sockets of the skull horn crown reveal an indescribably evil and strange aura.

Countless streaks of blood-red light burst into flames.

It seemed to be instantly gathered into one.

Like the flame of the soul, in the empty eye sockets, the curse of darkness is burning strangely.

pause time.

With this crown as the center, within a radius of nearly 200 feet, in the ears of everyone who is not in the evil camp, there seem to be thousands of weeping and mourning, concentrating thousands of curses and resentments. When they reached a certain point, they had an impact on their spiritual will.

"Xia Fan Unicorn Crown!"

Even Kelben's eyes were shrinking at this moment.

Xiafan Unicorn Crown, this is the legendary, unimaginably evil dark ritual that was completed by the most evil Lich in the "Unicorn Stream" and slaughtered almost all the unicorns. In, the evil magic weapon created.

This evil magic weapon is a manifestation of pure goodness, completely reversed, and turned into the extreme of evil. The curse that cannot be purified, even if it has the ability of spiritual immunity, cannot be absolutely immune.

Using this magical weapon, combined with what he knew, what Owo had mastered, those unique evil curse techniques...

Even Kelben frowned uncontrollably at this moment.

Far more than a hundred years of secret hostility, he is completely unaware that Aowo still holds this evil sacred weapon in his hands.

And it has been hidden all the time, but now it suddenly shows...

Kyle already had doubts. This great arcanist in the era of the magic dynasty, I am afraid that he has already become vigilant and is already preparing for possible changes in advance.

And a great arcanist who was prepared in advance, and a whole group of liches, closely and tacitly cooperated and assisted...

This is even Kelben, who has made a corresponding judgment in the first place, but it must be prevented...


It may be difficult to directly stop Aowo's advance and retreat, but, as a legendary archmage who has been named after Minnis for thousands of years, Kelben may have sacrificed too many personal interests because of the heavy responsibility, so that his career In terms of level, it is quite a bit behind Minnis, and even a little behind Laila.

However, whether it is the accumulation of background or magical attainments, he is not really inferior to anyone, even a great arcanist like Aowo!

It was Aowo who took out the "Xiafan Unicorn Crown", and Kelben, who had completed the identification in an instant, from the eyes of Kelben, the brilliant silver Munton suddenly shone.

Spin, the intersection of silver lights.

Dazzling, resplendent, and even more endless wisdom was blooming. A star-like crystal gem seemed to be squeezed out from the center of Kelben's eyebrows, and finally floated on the ground, appearing in front of his forehead.

From the star gem, another wave of silver light streaks radiated in all directions.

These light streaks are fluctuating in unison with the silver light shining on Kyle itself.

Its constant radiation spreads...

Obviously, even the impact of the curse of "Xia Fan Unicorn Crown" was suddenly weakened considerably.

The elite fighters who were originally affected by this curse and whose faces had become ferocious were all shaken up, and quickly struggled out of the erosion of evil forces.

moon star!

The inherited treasure of the Meldrin family!

The Meldrin family used to be a member of the upper council of the Cormanthor elves' royal court. They were truly ancient and noble moon elf families, so naturally they would not be without inheritance treasures.

However, after the Weeping War, only "Fal-Hosong" remained in the direct line of the Meldrin family.

And Fal-Hosong is the high priest of "Sehanne-Moonbow", not a mage.

In such a situation, Kelben, who is the same father and sister as Fal-Hosong, had the chance to get in touch with the inheritance of the Meldrin family.

Although Kelben does not have the blood of the Meldrin family, his father is only a half-elf who married into the Meldrin family, so in terms of blood, he is only a quarter of the elven blood. Normally, this is No matter what, it is impossible to obtain the recognition of the Meldrin family inheritance.


He is the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic!

During the Weeping War, it was to help the elves, and was almost torn in half by the leader of the yugoloth demon.

If it wasn't for the emergency trigger teleportation, if it wasn't for a coincidence that it was teleported to the vicinity of Silvermoon City, and was saved by the founder of Silvermoon City, Aikemana-True Silver, I'm afraid he would really sacrifice his life for the elves. Life is gone.

And that's it, that injury, he had recuperated secretly in Silver Moon City for several years before he finally recovered.

In this way, he has a background and a contribution, and he can barely get a hook with the Meldrin family...

Yuexing, the long-inherited Celuchilla Stone of the Meldrin family, took the initiative to recognize Kelben as the owner!

Like the Stone of Tekira, the Stone of Serukira is also a high-level gem of knowledge. It not only carries the inheritance of high magic, but also has the effect of assisting high magic rituals. Even some of the most powerful high mages can use it As the core source power of a true elf sacred weapon.

Such as the three holy swords of the Comanthor Elven Court!

Such as the Elf Moon Blade of some ancient Moon Elf families!

These are all created with the inheritance stone that has the longest inheritance, and from generation to generation, more and more knowledge and power of high mages have been incorporated.

This kind of elven holy artifact, almost every time a master is recognized, the power will be accumulated once.

Therefore, the longer the inheritance, the stronger the power.

Although the "Moon Star" is not as good as these, so that it has never been forged into a "Moon Blade", but as the true inheritance treasure of the Meldrin family, it has been integrated into and accumulated by the Meldrin family for tens of thousands of years. The wisdom and power of a high mage.

At this time, it is still in the hands of Kelben-Olosan...

In the shock of the radiation of the silver light streaks.

If the "unique ritual" is in operation.

Kelben and this high knowledge gem are as one, and are still resonating.

That magical energy that rises into the sky like the rising sun, continuously ignites and blazes...

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