Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 862: Epilogue (Part 2)

"Damn it!"

The sudden drastic change in the surroundings was Karl Nogus, who was wielding the scepter of the legendary spellcaster and performing the "legendary shrinking technique". Those cold, ruthless, and more evil eyes of the soul suddenly shrank. To the extreme.

The difficulty of the legendary shrinking technique is too high.

And because he works as a warlock, the attribute he focuses on improving is naturally "charm". This is why he is naturally inferior to a mage in terms of spell knowledge.

Coupled with the black dragon, whether it is life energy level or intelligence, it is only better than the white dragon among the five-color dragons...

This is even if there is a legendary caster's scepter in his hand, the "Legendary Shrinking Technique" of Karl L.S. Nogus was only set as the "Standard Casting Version" at the time of research, not the "Instant Casting Version". "!"

What's more, even if it's just the "standard casting version", he still has to suffer a considerable amount of recoil damage before he can cast it.

You know, the dracolich is already an undead, without the powerful physique of the giant dragon to increase the life strength. It can be compared with a mature black dragon, or even worse.

Karl Nogus can't directly sacrifice a quarter of his life just to cast the "Legendary Shrinking Technique".

This also determines that it is impossible for him to conduct research on the "instant version".

And can't be instant...

Down below, Lila Silverhand was in a panic, and suddenly threw the last legendary spell to his side.

More almost the same.

In the forest not far away, the berserk destructive power and the flame energy of purgatory erupted in an instant, as if the Scorching Demon King had descended.

Connected with this again.

Next, whether it's "Immortal" or Kelben-Olosan, both of them are using their real cards.

The most important thing is to be ahead.

Under the feet of Kuilu-Villajo, the mysterious and extraordinary silver moonlight is also blooming again.

And the black mist of death released by him, although filled with endless despair and evil, can't interfere with the penetration of this "Moonlight" at all.

At the same time, on the "singing sword" in Kuilu-Villajo's hand, the blazing silver flame was surging like a scorching sun for an instant...

"It's not right!"

A moment of bad feeling in my heart.

The recoil damage has already been suffered, and the vitality has been sacrificed, but the "Legendary Shrinking Technique" is still cancelled.

Although everything happened in an instant, Karl Nogus still had a judgment. If he was really hit by Laila Silverhand's "Legendary Dispel"...

I'm afraid that not only the "Legendary Shrinking Technique" will be dispelled, but also his "Scepter of the Legendary Spellcaster" may be suppressed from its magical effects.

However, he couldn't dodge such an "instantaneous" lock.

After all, warlocks are different from mages. They cannot perform "instant super magic", so they cannot "teleport". Facing such spells, it is naturally difficult to teleport out of the spell distance.

But there is no way to dodge, and all kinds of drastic changes around...

"Legendary Shrinking Technique", even though a lot of lives had been sacrificed, but it should be cancelled, Karl Nogus still canceled the cast without hesitation.


"Du Bois!"

With a roar, the ancient black dragon lich summoned the most trusted chief magic advisor instead of seeking help from the "immortal".

At the same time, the "Legendary Shrinking Technique" was released, and on his scepter, the magical aura not only remained unconcealed, but also blazed brightly in an instant.

It was Lila Silverhand that emerald green light was coming.

"Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

The same dark green light shot out from above the scepter instantaneously, and merged with the light from below to a point.

The same properties cancel each other out.

With a flash of green light, the two legends dispelled, but they canceled each other out and dissipated in the sky.


"Multiple Attacks - Paralyzing Touch!"

Wings, dragon claws, giant tail, perfect multiple attacks sweeping across the sky, combined with the powerful "paralyzing touch" ability of the dracolich!

"Ultra-spit launch-death dragon's breath!"

With the super-breathing expertise, half of the "acid" attribute of the dragon's breath was replaced with "negative energy", and it was brewed quickly!

"Level 9 Dragon Magic - Deaf Breath!"

In the breath of the dragon's breath, "sonic" damage with the same intensity as the dragon's breath is added!

Although the strength of the black dragon's strong acid dragon breath is not half that of the red dragon's age group, it is still an ancient black dragon, and its power is still terrifying.

In particular, the magic of the dragon can be carried out together with the brewing and breathing of the dragon's breath.

In this way, the damage of the double Immemorial Dragon's Breath is superimposed...

Even if it's just brewing, just casting spells simultaneously...

It was Kui Lu who moved forward and retreated freely with "moonlight walk", constantly teleported to the ground, or attacked the ancient black dragon, or temporarily retreated to give way, her eyes couldn't help shrinking slightly.

The most terrifying thing about the dracolich is actually the special power of the "paralyzing gaze" and "paralyzing touch".

This kind of special power that can be rubbed and touched casually can be extremely high and directly paralyze people. I am afraid that there is no creature that does not have a headache and is not afraid, except for the dragon family itself that is born with the ability of "immunity to paralysis" up.

However, Kui Lu didn't care about these.

She is a senior priest, she has advanced to the "disciple of God", and she also has an extraordinary physique endowed by the essence of the elect.

Whether it's her own toughness, or the magical spells that specifically target the "paralyzing" effect, she dared to entangle this ancient black dragon lich in close combat, which naturally has the confidence not to be afraid of paralysis.

However, "Paralyzing Gaze" and "Paralyzing Touch" can't affect her, but the terrifying close combat launched against the ancient dragon with "multiple attacks"... this is completely different.

Any ancient dragon, this is the most terrifying creature in multiple planes.

Whether it's the Ballow flame demon, the deep hell refining demon, or even the blazing god attendant, if they don't use any abilities and only fight with the ancient dragon...

Even the white shame of the ancient times can crush all of these without any accidents.

From the point of view of damage intensity alone, the melee attacks launched by the giant dragons with their natural "multiple attacks" expertise are undoubtedly better than their spells and their dragon breath!

Although the dracolich has turned into a skeleton, the strengthening and strength brought about by the evil ritual has not weakened in any way.

When KaLS Nogus, with the terrifying touch brought by that giant body, above the sky, without any target pointing, with "multiple attacks", came a set of lightning five combos...

Although Kuilu is stepping on the moonlight, she can teleport arbitrarily in a short distance. In a short time, she can't find an opportunity to get close to the weakness and vital points of this ancient black dragon lich.

At the same time, through the black smoke, through the skeleton, she could clearly sense that in the throat of the ancient black dragon lich, it was the death dragon's breath that was rapidly condensing, and the terrifying level of synchronous magic... …

"Don't give him any chance to escape!"

Kui Lu's eyes narrowed first, then narrowed again.

The light of the silver moon flashed under his feet, and the figure instantly shifted to the top of the ancient black dragon lich.

"The storm has something to say, it's starting over there!"

"Laila also believes that this black dragon is the target over there!"

"Since that's the case..."

In the eyes, a cold and solemn look shot out.

Lyra can use the "Legendary Dispel" to show her trust in King Red.

She is also willing to try to choose to trust!

With this decision...


One teleported to the sky above the ancient black dragon lich.

Condensed on the "singing sword", the incomparably blazing power of silver fire.

And the combination of the "disciple of God" and the "dual electorate" is the extraordinary divine essence that transcends the mortal body.

Even more faintly, there is a "back door" that the goddess of magic opened to her alone.

Kui Lu shouted, "Singing Sword" pointed at the ancient black dragon lich again.

Immediately, the silver fire, which was blazing like the scorching sun, suddenly became dark.

But at the same time.

Indescribable, the entire sky, infinite mystery suddenly blooms.

From the ultimate source of all magic!

By the supreme control of all magic!


The point of the singing sword.

It is the magic that is going on, even if the magic is "dragon magic", it is still being cast through the dragon's natural magic ability.

Suddenly, although the dragon's breath was still brewing, the "deaf breath" that Karl Nogus was using disappeared instantly.


Whether it's the ancient black dragon lich itself, the "immortal" below, or his chief magic advisor, all are changing colors at the same time.

Magic authority!

Ban casting spells!

Even if this is only a short-term ban, there is no absolute ban on legendary spells, but at times like this, such a ban...

"There's something really wrong with the Demon Flame King!"

Aowo, who had doubts a moment ago, was almost sure at this moment.

But while sure...

Another incomprehensible!

He can unscrupulously launch the legion and fight to the death with the Yeerlan coalition forces.

It can travel thousands of miles to launch an offensive against the "Grandfather Tree" and "Mist Hall".

I don't know how many elves and druids were slaughtered under the evil will of the demon king.

This kind of guy.

How could he collude with people like Laila Silverhand?

And how can people like Leila Silverhand trust him?

For a while, even Aowo's life experience was completely unclear.

But, he knows one thing...

"Ready to retreat at any time!"

After the momentary link between the thoughts of the mind and the Lich group.

Holding the "Xiafan Unicorn Crown" in his left hand, the bloody light in Aowo's eyes flashed strangely again.

"Super magic-upgrade-endless curse!"

In the deep whispering voice, from the "Xia Fan Unicorn Crown", endless despair and resentment suddenly roared out.

And not just him.

The three leaders of the Lich Group also took out a dark crystal.

"Desperate Shock!"

But their spells have not yet been truly cast, and Aowo's spells have just begun...


Not only them, but also more people on the side of Laila and Kelben, all of them focused their eyes on the sky at this moment.


A series of teleportation arcs descended densely like raindrops!

Six-armed snake demon!


Sentence Soul Demon!

A larger massacre demon!


The raging fire of purgatory is burning fiercely, like a lord of the flame demon, and wielding the legendary flaming giant sword, the "son of hell" with the power of the demon god!

All of these demons appear in one teleportation, and they all have clear goals.

Salion and Amasia, this is directly approaching Lich Archmage Dubois.

But after all, they have only just been resurrected, and they can't be the dominant side against an archmage like Dubois.

One step faster than them, and also killing the Lich Archmage, it was Kenil Walker who had a huge wound on his face that had not fully healed.

"Suppress the caster!"

"Destroy Blow!"

When the Legendary Specialty was activated, the King Cambion let out a low growl, and the Dark Scepter was completely integrated with his brutal will, shattering the sky and hitting the head of the Lich Archmage in anger.

Not only the power of destruction, but also the strong suppression aimed at the caster when swung out by this stick.

But Kenil Walker's stick is powerful and terrifying, even the Lich Archmage is suddenly changing color, but if compared to the sky...

"Abyss Infusion - Perfect multi-weapon control!"

Moises, who still maintained his peak strength, was wielding an evil long sword with six arms at the same time!

Infused with "Abyss Infusion", these evil long swords have the quality of legendary weapons!

The damage reduction of the ancient dragon, that is, the "+4" level of reduction, has no substantial resistance to such a "pseudo-legendary long sword".

"Advanced Berserk - Terror Slam!"

The Slaughtering Demon roared wildly on the ground, waved its claws, and directly rushed at the ancient black dragon lich.

All of them are giant in nature. Among the seven giants of the Tanari, they are only second to the three giants of the six-armed snake demon, but they are not afraid of hand-to-hand combat with the ancient black dragon lich!

"Evil Light Strike!"

Another rainbow light, the fat palm of the self-judged soul demon, also shot out from the sky.

But all of these, including some other high-level Tanar'ri's magic-like abilities, are not the real main force to deal with the ancient black dragon lich after all.

Even Kwai Lu is not the same.

To really suppress the main force of the ancient black dragon lich...

"Purgatory Strike!"

Kugas roared in rage.

Enslaved by the Lord of Red!

Struck by the angry lord!

Sealed by the Beren Lich!

Today, all the grievances are completely released and vented at this moment.

Swinging the legendary flame giant sword, this half-purgatory fire giant lord, right from the very front, the two swords shattered all space, and swept towards the huge head of the ancient black dragon lich.

This blow...

The terrifying purgatory storm is roaring.

Space is endlessly shattering.

What's more, the extraordinary characteristics of the giant power of the fire giant god are faintly revealed, and it is also reflected in this "purgatory destruction strike".

This guy has always been favored by the God of Fire Giants!

And at the moment when his destructive blow swept the Primordial Black Dragon Lich.

"Luzian's frequent jumps!"

Storm-Silver Hand is finally here too.

The teleportation arc flashed on her body...

The figure, she has already reached the high place in the sky condescendingly.

"go to hell!"

The legendary composite longbow is already in hand at some point.

Pointing directly at the ancient black dragon lich, above the sharp arrow, multiple auras of special characteristics suddenly converged.

And sharply locked the dragon soul of the ancient black dragon lich.

However, none of her arrows had actually shot yet.

Kenil Walker's dark scepter hadn't landed on the head of Archmage Dubois yet.

"Sneak attack!"

It seems to be born from the space suddenly.

A huge green figure appeared silently from behind the Lich Archmage.

And the giant claw "fished" towards the Lich Archmage.

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