Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 863: Ending (Part 2)




All the changes came too suddenly and too outrageous.

In addition to being assisted by the Lich Squad, it was Owo who could have an overview of the battle situation and had enough observation skills.

In addition to Leila and Kuilu who received the Storm-Silver Hand warning in advance, and Kelben who has always maintained close cooperation with Lila.

At this moment, facing such a drastic change, no matter which side, almost everyone is dumbfounded, with unimaginable expressions on their faces.

Even Karl Nogues and Du Bois, who were being besieged, were completely unacceptable to such a bizarre sniper.

They are helping the devil!

What's more, the demons are allied with the elves, and the bloody battle has reached this level!

What happened?

What evil did they do?

How could demons and elves, in such a situation, join hands in such a "sincere cooperation" to kill them!

But at times like this.

No matter how outrageous the sniping was, Karl Nogues and Du Bois had absolutely no time to think about it.

"It's all bloody guys!"

Du Bois cursed.

Being in such a battlefield, and facing Efraska's Elf High Mage, he would naturally not be negligent about his own safety.

Not only is it surrounded by high-level undead guards.

There are also a series of protective spell effects attached to the body.

Coupled with the various immune attributes of the lich, and the supernatural abilities of "fear aura" and "paralyzing touch".

In fact, Du Bois was not afraid of assassination or backstabbing at all.

Those who are qualified to threaten him...

At least in his own opinion, this is only the few voters of the goddess of magic, and the elf high mage who has been opposing him.

It is precisely because of this that most of his defenses are actually paying attention to these two directions.

But the drastic change at this time...

Obviously, there was an omission in his judgment, a huge loophole!

When the two-headed six-armed snake demon teleports and kills on the spot.

What's more, the extremely powerful Cambion swung his stick, crushing the surrounding space. The terrifying power, combined with his will, was oppressing his mind and interfering with his spellcasting.

In his heart, Du Bois had a reaction immediately.

All kinds of magical effects attached to him are simply unable to block the destructive blow of Cambion.

In addition, he still has a judgment, that Elf High Mage of Efraska will never miss such an opportunity...

At this time, Du Bois's soul, which was already gloomy and cold, suddenly became cold again.


Not above the sky is wrong.

Above the sky, the situation of Karl Nogues is certainly more cruel, but at this moment, how can Du Bois care about that side?

He's wrong...

Behind him, an indescribable error occurred!

It seems to have a more terrifying sense of wrongness than Cambion's devastating blow with the dark scepter!

"Ovo cheated people!"

"This is a fart!"

Du Bois didn't even have the thought of looking back. With a curse in his heart, the dark staff was already raised.

Devil's betrayal!

Card LS Noggs was also banned from magic!

There are other forces also attacking!

It's really not that he doesn't care about card LS Nogus, it's because he can't even care about himself!

A lift of the dark staff.

"Instant teleportation!"

Originally, he was only invited by his seniors, and came here to help with punches, not to fight for his life. Du Bois would not be without emergency preparations.

Unlike KaLS Nogus, Warlocks have fixed spells, and they cannot perform "instant super magic", so it is impossible to make extra preparations.

On his side, there are "trigger spells" and "instant teleportation spells", but there are several layers of preparations for emergency retreat.

It was Cambion's dark scepter that shattered the "mage lord's armor" and was about to hit his skull.

Against the oppression of "suppressing the spellcaster", the azure blue teleportation aura suddenly shone on the body of the Lich Archmage.

Instant - Teleportation!

the other side of the sky.

Lord Imsford, who had always been facing the lich, had a complicated look in his eyes, and at this moment he finally sank.

The devil appeared, and the moment when the green dragon appeared.

He is judgmental.

If he had been one step earlier, no matter how the Lich Archmage reacted, he would have directly performed the "Legendary Dispel".

With the combination of the devil and the green dragon, there is considerable confidence that this Lich Archmage can be completely kept here.

However, in this way...

After all, he wasn't worried about the devil's side, and finally decided to keep more contingency measures!


"According to what Kelben said, this ancient tribe is the sworn enemy of the Dragon Worship Cult. If you let him go, you can continue to contain that one!"

It was the body of the Lich Archmage, the teleportation arc flashed instantly.

In Imsford's deep and watery eyes, all distracting thoughts were suppressed, and his eyes turned from the Lich Archmage to the sky again.


It was impossible to predict that they would be killed by such a degree of sniping.

Son of Hell!

Tanar'ri Big Four!

Storm - Silver Hand!


Although he claims to be an "ancient god", no matter how arrogant Karl Nogus is, he doesn't think he can fight against so many strong men with one hand.

Especially, two moments ago, he was just seduced by Lila Silverhand and performed the "Instant-Legend Dispel"!

Immediately afterwards, Kuilu-Villajo, with "magic authority", forcibly banned the normal spellcasting ability!

In this state where he couldn't cast spells instantly again, and his normal spellcasting ability was banned, how could he be able to stop it? Even if it's just a wave!

The destructive power of the fire giant lord is coming!

The Slaughter Demon is not inferior to his giant strength at all, but also has an equally huge body, and he is hugging him!

And the multiple combos of the six-armed snake demon's evil long sword!

Above the sky, Storm-Silver Hand's legendary longbow is also being shot!

As for Kuilu-Villajo, although the power of the silver fire is declining, the moonlight is gathering like flames when the sword of song is waving. In the silvery white light, it is not hot, but extremely cold. magical energy.

It is the ninth-level domain magic "Moon Flame Technique" in the Moonlight Domain!

Not only has a variety of magical effects, but also has double damage to undead creatures!

And the dracolich is an undead creature!

With so many attacks focused...

Karl Nogus hadn't finished taking a breath of the dragon's breath, but at this moment, it was directly held in his throat, as if he was about to be unable to spit it out.

"I can't survive this round!"

The transformation of the dracolich, although generally speaking, has two professional levels of strength improvement. In the past few hundred years, with the advancement of technology, it can even reach a maximum of three professional levels. However, such an improvement, Just the intensity of the general sense.

As far as the strength of vitality is concerned, it is already an undead with no physique, turning into a dracolich, which means that the vitality will decline significantly.

With the decline of vitality and the natural immunity of giant dragons to paralysis, if the dracolich is allowed to fight against the giant dragons, the so-called "two to three occupational level strength increases" are nothing but a joke.

Of course, it wasn't the giant dragon that attacked and killed at this time, and it didn't have the natural ability to be immune to the "paralyzing touch".

With the high-strength "paralyzing touch" of Karl Nogus, if he were to perform a few sets of lightning five-strike combo, then maybe no one could hold it except "Son of Hell".


Karl Nogus didn't think that at this time, his decaying vitality could withstand such a siege and come several times with multiple attacks!

"Aowo is an old man, and he only cares about himself!"

His eyes also glanced at the Lich Squad.

That "Xia Fan Unicorn Crown"!

The iconic "Crystal of Despair" under the "Immortal"!

They are all casting spells!

It seems that the Lich Group is not unprepared to respond.


Karl Nogus knew in his heart that these damned liches were not prepared to spend a little more time on him.

If Aowo, an old man, wants to meet him, the casting of the legendary spell will definitely make these people who are besieged fearful, and then create a chance for him to escape.

But obviously, this old man doesn't want to use up all his means!

"The devil's rebellion must be because of the 'King of Demon Flame'!"

"I'm afraid I really can't escape today, so I can only...do it all over again!"

Although there are countless unwillingness to be reconciled, Karl Nogues has not yet reached the point of complete despair.

The next moment he transformed into a dracolich, he was to slaughter all the mages of the Dragon Worship Cult. His "fate box" was always in his hands, and it was hidden in a place that no one knew about, and it was even hidden by multiple people. Anti-prophecy and anti-detection magic barrier, in the tomb shrouded in death.

Moreover, he had already prepared many dragon skeletons in that secret tomb.

Once his side falls, the rebirth arrangements on the side of the phylactery will begin immediately.


Even if he can't get out, Karl LS Noggs only needs to guarantee one thing is enough.

The soul is not imprisoned!

"I missed today, some are opportunities, and some are time, take revenge slowly!"

"What's more... I want you to survive today!"

In the cold eyes of the primordial black dragon lich, a glint of coldness shot out.

Now that this body is fixed, there is no need to keep everything he carries!


"Let's die together!"

The death dragon's breath was about to be completed, so they gave up and continued to brew.

Although the ability to cast spells is banned, it does not hinder the activation of the magic equipment and another ancient relic integrated into his body.

It was the legendary flaming giant sword of the fire giant lord, with endless destructive power coming down.

The bones of the ancient black dragon could not withstand such power at all, and suddenly collapsed in a large area.

The giant arm of the Slaughtering Demon also received a sweeping blow from the dragon's tail, and hugged his entire lower body horizontally.

From the original heart of the dragon.

From the core of the smoke of endless darkness is also the source.

Darker than the night, swallowing all light, like a black hole, like an abyss, it also has an indescribable weirdness, it seems to appear on the material level, but it seems to be just some kind of projection, or countless layers The projections are superimposed together, making people look at the past, the sight is in a trance, and the soul is trembling.

A deep sphere suddenly appeared in the heart of Karl Nogus.

Another one emerges...

sharp instability.

Countless dark lightning, and countless heavy spatial vibrations, are radiating and exploding as densely as an ant.

Only a split second.

Far beyond the speed and intensity that Karl LS Noggs expected.

If all the space is completely turned into a glass mirror, with a crisp sound, the whole is shattered.

What's more, there is not only one accident.

"The ban disappeared?!"

At the same time as this drastic change, Karl Nogus clearly still had the feeling that the magical authority manifested by Kui Lu with the silver fire, and then the ban on casting spells on him, had completely dissipated at this moment.

It's as if, the power of this forbidden authority has participated in the big explosion of space that is about to spread completely!

Or, rather than participating, it's...

"Shadow Energy Core!!"

The sky suddenly formed from the body of the ancient black dragon lich, but no matter Aowo, Kelben, or any other people here, it is difficult to see through the essence, but there is no doubt that there is a position Like a big collision, the energy storm that truly destroys all existence expands endlessly and erupts immediately.

With this destruction and explosion, the essence of the world is instantly gloomy, unimaginably distorted and weird, countless planes, countless worlds are forcibly projected, overlapping, oppressing everyone's soul...

It was with the "Xiafan Unicorn Crown" that he wanted to release the craziest despair to all the surrounding creatures. Aowo's blood-colored eyes suddenly showed a shock, and even a look of fear. shot.

Although the nature of the explosion has not yet been discerned.


A familiar scene.

He recognized what this "deep sphere" was in Karl Nogus's body!

Shadow power core!

It should be that only the old guy from "City of Shadows" can create, and only "City of Shadows" can own it!

How will it fall into the hands of Card LS Noggs?

However, although I don't know how the ancient black dragon lich obtained this ancient treasure.

It is also impossible to judge how this "shadow energy core" could erupt in such an explosion all of a sudden.

However, such an explosion gave him a kind of...

"Magic Disaster!"

"All the floating cities fell, a magical disaster that destroyed the kingdom once!"

Even if it is Aowo's gloom, at this moment, it is hard to restrain the mania.

The cast of "Endless Grudge" was lifted instantly.

The "Scepter of the Legendary Spellcaster" was lifted into the sky at once.

And it's not just him.

Whether Kelben, Imsford, or even those legendary liches under Owo, anyone who still has the legendary ability to cast spells, or the goddess of magic who can activate the power of "Silver Fire" Voters, likewise, all turned to the sky.

also include……

"Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

Isaac's movements were one step faster than theirs.

Unlike Aowo and Kelben.

He didn't stop "Du Bois" from escaping. His only target was the ancient black dragon lich in the name of "ancient god".

It is very clear.

Although the source is still unknown, this explosion must have originated from the "deep sphere" in the heart of the black dragon, which is related to...

"Banning of Silver Fire!"

"Is it this thing that is completely incompatible with the power of the Goddess of Magic? Once in contact with it, both of them will collapse immediately, causing a chaotic explosion of elemental annihilation comparable to the 'Chaos Sea'?"

Thoughts are still flickering, the scepter has already been raised, and the two "energy storage dragon balls" are simultaneously and completely sacrificing all life energy.

The emerald brilliance suddenly pierced through the projection and distortion of countless mirror worlds at this moment.

One finger of the scepter.

If the aurora is brilliant.

If the gods cast spells.

The emerald light piercing through the sky in an instant was completely projected on the "deep sphere".

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