Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 874 Drow Dragon and Great Improvement

"Two things, I had to call all of you back in a hurry!"

Deep Darkness.

Above a dark abyss where the wind is howling.

As if hanging in the air, a whole boulder protruded from the cliff wall alone in the void.

And just above this boulder, accompanied by the never-ending sharp whistling of the cold wind from the abyss, the dark city walls and gloomy buildings seem to be alive, and they are coldly looking down on the terrifying emptiness.

Here, there is no trace of light.

All the buildings on top of the boulder are like barren ruins.

Among the ruins, there are only liquid and tendril-shaped things winding and undulating, which seem to be moving in the wind, but in fact they are the purest shadow matter.

From time to time, with the flow of these shadow substances, this ruined city will disappear without warning in the darkness, and then suddenly reappear.

Here, it seems that it has become a special area where the material world and the shadow plane negotiate with each other.

It is in the center of this ruined city.

It used to be the temple of the Spider Queen, but now, all the imprints of the Spider Queen have been destroyed, and even desecrated under the magnificent building.

An artistic tapestry that only uses the flash of a few gemstones as the light source, but the walls are covered with shadowy substances. It is not only mysterious and gloomy, but also extremely luxurious in the conference hall.

Eight drow elves, like eight shadows, are sitting around the hall.

At this time, the person who spoke seemed to be extremely old, but he was very energetic. The broad shoulders, the solemn and mean cheeks, and the deep and sharper eyes all showed that the drow tough and stubborn.

This person was sitting right above the hall, undoubtedly on the chief's throne!

When he glanced at the people around him.

Most of the people's expressions changed again, as if they had already made some guesses.

One of them, with shoulder-length white hair tied in a long clip, looked like a drow who had just grown up. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "The Great Elder is referring to the battle between the Hellgate Castle and the Yellan Elves, and The battle between Efraska and Felin Mokui?"

What the Great Elder said, since there are two things...

Recently, the Northland has been the most sensational, and there should be only these two things!

And although most of their forces are hidden in the Underdark Region, they are not completely unaware of these two things.


"Although there is something to do with it, it's not them!"

However, the Great Elder shook his head.

Although there was no expression on that solemn face, it was clear that all the drow who were all his juniors could feel his gloom from it.

Without pretending to be deep, the Great Elder said in a deep voice, "They are our two old friends!"

"There is news from the Shadow Realm. When Kelben and the 'Seven Sisters' and others are difficult to separate, what new action is the 'Lord of Shadows' doing, and they have already sent our information, Betrayed to some people!"

Lord of Shadows, this is the ruler of Malagrim's shapeshifters.

Before and after the turbulent years, because of the joint sniping by Kelben and Minnis, these perfect shapeshifters have almost disappeared in the material world.

However, this is only the material world after all.

The Shadow Plane is the home of these perfect doppelgangers.

In the Shadow Plane, the Malagrim shapeshifters led by the "Lord of Shadows" even have the terrifying power to threaten drow dragons, so that drow dragons finally withdraw from the shadow world.

Now, taking advantage of Kelben, Minnis and others being trapped, these dirty and filthy shapeshifters are about to invade the material world again. Moreover, according to what the Great Elder said, since these monsters have sold their information, obviously , This is the plan to point at them!

Involuntarily, the expressions of the seven drow elves around them were all concentrated.

There have been too many wars with the Malagrims.

There is too much hatred between them, they will not have any doubts, as long as they catch a little chance, those shapeshifting monsters will definitely bite them to death.

Just as, in turn, they are the same!

As long as these shapeshifters can be completely expelled from the material plane, they will never show any mercy!

"Hidden souls linger!"

"I will never change my nature!"

"However, to clean up these guys..."

Another drow elf in black robe and staff, who looked like a great mage, said in a cold and suppressed manner: "The meaning of the great elder, I don't know whether to deal with these guys first, or to start the plan as soon as possible and wait After everything is completed, come to solve these guys completely?"

"Don't worry!"

"There is still an old friend who hasn't said anything!"

The Great Elder shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "There is news from the Enook Desert that the City of Shadows has also appeared on the Material Plane!"

City of ghosts! !

Suddenly, Ben was still cold and solemn, but at this moment, the faces of the drow elves changed drastically.

At the time of the Shadow Realm, Longying City had two sworn enemies.

Needless to say about Malagrim.

These doppelgangers tried to replace their entire family, but they in turn seized the evil secrets of these doppelgangers, and thus gave birth to the drow dragon.

There is no doubt that the two sides are sworn enemies that will never ease!

However, at least in the Shadow Realm, it wasn't these shapeshifting monsters that really scared Longying City.

That and the "Lord of Shadows" and "Dragon Shadow City" are nominally rivals, but both the "Lord of Shadows" and "Dragon Shadow City" are actually secretly tabooed and even faintly feared. , This is the deepest reason why the Charleson family finally chose to return to the material world!

That floating city!

There are too many super powerhouses!

That became an organized mage army!

It seems to be related to Ms. Dark Night, who has powerful divine power and is the ruler of the Shadow Realm!

However, they are still in a hostile state...

Facing such an enemy, Drow Dragon is indeed powerful, but he can only stay away temporarily!


"It shouldn't be!"

"The City of Shadows used to be our enemy. This is our entry into the Shadow Realm, which just divided their territory."

"But since we returned to Dragon Shadow City, these ghost mages have not lingered like the Lord of Shadows!"

"They came to the material plane..."

It was still the black-robed great mage, with a look of hesitation between his deeply frowned brows, and a little hesitation as he looked up.

He had a feeling that the city of ghosts might have come to the material world, but it didn't necessarily come for them.

In particular, their target will always be the Underdark.

And even if the City of Ghosts is making big moves, it will only point to those surface cities!

"Speaking of ghost mages, I have some relevant information."

Another drow elf interjected.

Then, including the Great Elder, the gazes of all other people converged together.

The drow continued unhurriedly: "The Felin Mokui besieged Efraska, and the main force of its army came from the army enslaved by beholders and illithids.

So, since this war broke out, I have been secretly watching the relevant battle situation through the drow families of Ched Nassar..."

Ched-Natha, this is a drow city located in the deep dark region in the southern part of the Gray Peak Mountains.

And because the ruler of the city was a follower of the Spider Queen, he was naturally on their overthrow list.

For a long time, all the actions of Ched-Nasa have been taken full responsibility by this Elder Drow Dragon.

And because it is adjacent to the Huifeng Mountains in the north, the highest forest in the west, and not too far to the southeast, it is where Efraska is. He understands the war much deeper than others.

"Since the end of the war between Hellgate Castle and Yellan Elves, I have noticed two things."

"Firstly, there is a powerful army formed by the combination of demons and Tanarok. After crossing the Huifeng Mountains, they headed south all the way. I don't know where they went."

"I can only be sure of one thing, neither the elf camp nor the beholders in the Gray Peak Mountains have fought against this evil army."

The guardian elder of Ched-Nasa is named Zermuzt, and he is the most powerful assassin among the eight guardian elders of the Charlesson family. In the council of elders, his status is second only to the guardian elder Mozkai Er, almost on the same level as the guardian elder "Archmage" Temfel of Eredlin.

his words……

Everyone was listening, thinking and associating at the same time.

However, the underdark region and the surface are different environments after all.

For a while, no one had any information to point to these demons.

Simply, just listen to it, no one interrupted.

Seeing this, Zemuzt's voice would not pause much, and he went on to say: "On the other hand, after the war in the Supreme Forest ceased, the strong men who rushed to aid Efraska, and the Felin Mokui The war suddenly became fierce.

However, even so, Felin Mokui still had the upper hand.

For more than a month, these reinforcements just couldn't get close to Efraska.


Zemuzt's voice paused deliberately.

Afterwards, everyone knew that what he said next should be the core, it was the rumors related to the "Shadow Mage"!

"About ten days ago."

"A 'Shadow Shield' began to appear frequently on this battlefield."

"Besides, they are all aimed at Felin Mokui!"

As soon as Zemuzt's last words came out.

Even Mozkel, the guardian grand elder, couldn't help being moved.

Having lived in the Shadow Realm for hundreds of years, there were not many conflicts with the "City of Shadows". Naturally, all of them knew why the "Shadow Shield" was a spell!

When such spells frequently appeared on the battlefield.

The great elder also said that the city of ghosts has come to the material plane and landed in the great desert of Enook.

Naturally, how could they not understand what Zermuzt meant?


"Talamante would choose to join forces with the elves, and even with the chosen ones of the goddess of magic, to fight against Felin Mokui?"

All of a sudden, all the drow dragons were in different colors.

As far as they know, the City of Shadows as a whole believes in the Lady of the Night.

But between the Goddess of Magic and the Lady of the Night, this was a long-standing quarrel.

Can such two parties join forces?

"That's all right."

"Since their goal is Felin Mokui, it's obviously not something that can end in March or May."

"With this time..."

The guardian elder, Mozkel, nodded slightly at everyone, and continued: "Before the Felin Mokui is completely eliminated, and before the preparations are completed on the side of the Lord of Souls, our plan, It's time to launch early!

If you have any suggestions or objections, please let us know! "

The drow dragon's plan, of course, is to overthrow the spider queen's vicious rule, and to overthrow this rule, the spider queen's silence is the only, or at least the most likely, chance to succeed.

In addition to guarding the Great Elder, every elder is responsible for overthrowing a drow city, and has been preparing for it.

Now... it's time to fully release all the preparations!

"Ched-Natha has no problem. I have prepared enough 'Stone Fire', and secretly hired the gray dwarves to cooperate with the civil strife in those families."

"There is no problem with Meremidra. The sect of the Lady of the Dead has been incited, and the fire giant lord, Kugos, the Son of Hell, also plans to set foot in the Underdark. All of these can be used."

"Aredrin is fine. The Eye of the Ancients has temporarily allied us."

"On Menzoberranzan's side, I have already invited the gray dwarves of Grextu, and I am still in contact with the Tanar'ri demons of Amarinda. If I succeed, there is hope of overthrowing the Baenre family."

"Darth Kliens..."



"Cazor Hill..."

One after another, the guardian elders were expressing their views quickly.

Although not everyone has the certainty of overthrowing the Spider Queen's rule, everyone's decision to protect the Great Elder will never be violated.

In the Charleson family, Elder Mozkel, this is the family's anchor, and even the direct symbol of the family.

The will of the Great Elder represents the will of the family!

Of course, Mozkel couldn't be more satisfied with this.

Then it was announced that they would ask the great "Masked King" for divine enlightenment to discern the essence of "Silence of the Spider Queen".

To finally decide when to launch a full-scale siege to the Spider Queen Sect!

Similarly, it is also necessary to discuss which cities need support in order to increase the success rate.

Of course, these things are not things that can be done in a few words.

Just like, the half plane of Dragon's Castle, if it is in deep sleep, it has been sleeping for more than a month, and Isaac, who has not yet awakened, is also normal.

Rising Dragon Transformation II, through the established steps, transforms the present self step by step into the future self.

From the various constitutions of the body, to various spell abilities and supernatural abilities, to natural armor, to spellcasting abilities...

All the rituals can complete the relevant transformation, but to make this transformation completely stable, you need to sleep to complete the leap!

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