Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 875 Great Improvement and Big Update


The green mist is like a sea of ​​clouds and mountains, and there is also a shimmering light floating in it. Affected by it, the entire space is emerald green.

Lying in the middle of such clouds and mists, Isaac's dark green dragon scales are also completely integrated into the environment, breathing in and out, but without any sense of disobedience, just If it is an integral composition with the entire demiplane.

Such an environment is very suitable for the green dragon!

Sleeping soundly in it, Isaac instinctively felt that this was much more comfortable than any of his advances. It was just like the incubation environment of the mother's body when it was in the dragon's egg, even better than this. Even more comfortable.

As a result, at a certain point, his mind finally woke up from a deep sleep.

For a long time, Isaac stretched his waist and spit out another mouthful of chlorine gas, but his body was still crawling, and he didn't want to get up at all. The whole dragon exuded a lazy breath.

After a lazy back, the wings slowly closed again, and the eyes that had just opened were also slightly narrowed.

A little bit of immersion and aftertaste slowly passed through it.


"It didn't deviate much from the expectation. It's only fifty days of slumber here, and it's already surpassed the transition period of at least five or six months in the past!"

"The half-plane of Dragon Castle is closely related to the origin of the dragon. Such an environment not only has the effect of increasing the relevant rituals, but also is the most suitable place for all giant dragons, especially green dragons, including dragon descendants to survive. and a place to grow!"

A gleam of satisfaction flashed through his slightly squinted eyes.

Before heading north, he must complete Rising Dragon Transformation II.

But if it is normal, after completing the Ascending Dragon Transformation II, advancing to an old green dragon, and then the subsequent transition period has passed, then the time is quite tight.

But after he used the half-plane of Dragon's Castle as a nest of sleep, and forcibly compressed the transition period of half a year to fifty days, and the effect exceeded expectations...

In terms of time, everything is under control.

However, I didn't think too much about it in this regard.

Soon, although his eyes were even closed, Ruuo began to fall asleep again, but Isaac's thoughts in his heart became focused and focused on himself.

"Advanced Arcane Ability - Mana Power +3!"

"Advanced Arcane Ability - Arcane Hand!"

"Legendary Specialty - Composite Spellcasting!"

"All attribute growth, intelligence -49!"

"Level 11 priest, mastery of divine arts at level 6!"

"Warlock level 19, level 9 spell mastery!"

"Spell selection..."

"Level Nine - Great Disintegration, Time Standstill!"

"Level 8 - Withering, Rainbow Light Wall, Swift - Any Door!"


When the transition of this age group brought a series of improvements, Isaac's mind fell into grasp one by one.

All the while, there was no abnormal disturbance in his mind.

The improvement is certainly great, but everything has already been within his grasp.


"Mage level 21, magic power +12!"

The professional level of itself, plus the enhancement of spell power, when the caster level of this mage profession not only exceeds level 30, but also rises to level 33...

In Isaac's telepathy, there was an indescribable feeling.

It seems that everything in the world has a different appearance, which appears in his perception.

But it seemed that there were still two layers of veil covering his soul.

Even in perception, the world is different, but under the cover of this, everything is blurred.

this feeling...


The level of the spellcaster is enough, however, the "Wheel of Heaven" is still short of that final step!

With this realization in his heart, Isaac was not in a hurry.

The advancement of the destiny of the "Wheel of the Numbers of Heaven" is of course the most important thing, but he knows everything about it, and it is nothing more than investing enough time to explore and practice it. , everything is not as urgent as it is imminent.

On the contrary, things on the material world side are even more inseparable.

Whether it's the last dragon madness or the competition for the "evil magic priesthood", such an event is not like the "wheel of heaven" destiny advancement, which can be paused or accelerated at any time.

Between thoughts.

Gradually, Isaac grasped this and kept this feeling in his heart.

And continue to go back.

"Life energy level - 46!"

Eyes, he finally opened them again.

In his prime, his total life energy level, that's level 42.

According to the law of the advancement of a dragon's age group, normally, when he transitions to old age, his total life energy level should be 45.

However, it is now level 46!

The extra level is due to the racial energy level of the green dragon itself!

This is... He finally has it again, the advancement of the race within the age group!

It's completely different from before.

As his professional level increased, the difficulty of the race's advancement also increased geometrically.

Normally, the ceremony of "Ascending Dragon Transformation II" is over, and the transition is completed. Isaac has enough predictions. His life energy level will only be 45, and it is absolutely impossible to have any more. In recent years at least, this has never been possible to grow again without further rituals being performed.


"It's not that my prediction was wrong."

"Yes... there has been a change!"

Looking at the eyes, Isaac raised his ground slightly and looked towards the sky.

One pondered, one pondered, but there was no hesitation!

The half-plane of Dragon Castle is closely related to the origin of the dragon. Behind the sky is the direction from which the inexhaustible energy of the origin of the dragon is projected!

There was nothing wrong with his prediction.

The problem is... the origin of the dragon!

"Compared to 'Ascending Dragon Transformation I', not only has it not weakened at all, it seems that... the original source has become stronger and thicker!"

In Isaac's eyes, a strange color flickered.

His prediction was based on his calculation and judgment based on his understanding of the "Dragon's Origin".

But this time, he clearly has the perception that the strength of the "Dragon's Origin" has not been weakened by the things of the great Dragon Father, on the contrary, it has also been significantly and incomparably strengthened as a whole. !

So much so, that at his life energy level, he was able to obtain an extra level, an advancement of the race energy level!

"It should be the great dragon father!"

"Although he is on the verge of leaving this world permanently, not only has he not left, but it is even more likely that... this is the possible change that has been formed by accumulating his own foundation and injecting a large amount of his essence into the dragon's origin!"

At the same time as this judgment.

Isaac's spiritual will slowly sank into the soul again, into the "wheel of numbers".

And just as his mind sank, a ray of colorful light appeared in the center of the "Wheel of Heaven", at the core position corresponding to "Absolute Neutrality".

Through this colorful light, the origin of the dragon, not only the "lawful and evil" character, but also the characters of all other camps are also revealed in Isaac's telepathy. hour……

"With the departure of the great dragon father, the foundation of the dragon family has been decisively weakened."

"However, the dragon clan itself will achieve development beyond imagination!"

"The overall gap between giant dragons and giant dragons will become smaller and smaller, and there may be a day when the shame is turned over. The arrogance of the golden dragon will be hit, and the balance between the five-color dragon and the metal dragon will become more and more..."

In Isaac's heart, countless spiritual perceptions are bursting out, which are the spiritual perceptions that he faintly predicted by using the power of the "Dragon of the Conferred God" combined with the changes in the "Dragon Origin"!

Taking the perfection of the golden dragon as the benchmark, all giant dragons will be enhanced accordingly due to the enhancement of the "Dragon Origin".

In other words, the gap between all giant dragons and benchmarks will continue to narrow.

Originally, there was a high probability that it was because the dragon queen was generally a five-color dragon that was inferior to the metal dragon. Because of this change, it should be able to truly obtain a power that is balanced with the metal dragon!

With such an enhancement, five-color dragons and metal dragons are mainly in the material world, and the material world is increasingly rejecting gods...

"It's no wonder that both the 'King of Darkness' and the 'Lady of the Night' have long been interfering with the Dragon Worship Cult!"

"The gods of Selderine and the goddess of magic have also made a lot of moves in this regard!"

Gradually, Isaac's eyes closed from the sky.

The departure of the great dragon father is a doomed situation, and he cannot interfere in any way.

But the strength of the origin of the dragon, and the revival of the dragon clan, this is naturally not a bad thing for him who is the leader of the Dragon Cult!

With this premonition, he can grasp the crucial opportunity in the future!

However, just as these thoughts were put away...

"Unfortunately, it's still one level behind!"

Suddenly, Isaac sighed again.

46 total life energy levels. This is a rather embarrassing level.

If there is another level of advancement, Isaac can have 5 legendary spells per day, but this level is not easy to get.

Either settle for a few years, and then prepare for Dragon Transformation III to make a breakthrough.

Or... It depends on how much impetus those four "Golden Scrolls" and the "Book of Darkness" can give him!

"These are all in a hurry."

"On the way to the north, think about it slowly, and study it slowly."


The figure, Isaac finally got up, and the green light flashed again, and the huge body turned into a human form.

Then, a "short message technique" was issued: "Come to the half-plane of Dragon's Castle!"

"Yes, great master!"

Incomparably swift, coming from the gate of the plane, the third brigade, the most elite group of mages, arrived neatly and greeted them one after another.

"Everyone, adjust your status. In the past few days, we will conduct many magic rituals!"

Isaac waved his hands to get the loyal servants to stand up, reminding them again.

With the increase in the strength of the "Sky Array", the acquisition of "Corruption-Tekira's Stone", and the environmental bonus of "Dragon's Castle Half-plane", more "Energy Storage Dragon Ball" and "Instant Correction" Combined with...his "White Prostitution" ritual, the limit level of intelligence has also increased quite a bit.


The third "Energy Storage Dragon Ball" is to be created!

The legendary hiding and legendary confusion of the "defense card" also need to be strengthened to a certain extent!

The corresponding "Legendary Constant Spell" is also necessary to carry out corresponding corrections and enhancements!

At this time, Isaac still has enough time because of the special environment of the "Dragon's Fort Half Plane", otherwise, it may not be possible to solve all the problems at once.

Let the loyal servants adjust their preparations by themselves.

Isaac himself quickly got out of the lazy mode and entered the normal "extraordinary intelligence" frequency.

"'Despair of the Primordial Dragon', this legendary trigger technique, can be temporarily ignored."

"Only with 'Isaac's original real body', with my current prostitution strength, that is, the energy storage dragon ball is not full, as long as a certain degree of vitality is sacrificed, when..."

After a while of calculations in his mind, Isaac quickly determined a rough figure.

"Damage reduction 40/+10!"

Only legendary weapons with a rank of +10 can ignore the reduction, otherwise...

The damage reduction is 40, which is an intensity that makes any melee combat have to cover its head!

"The energy resistance of the flame dragon can be increased to 75 fire resistance!"

This energy resistance is not its own resistance, but the energy resistance of the magic shield!

"The profane power of the Grand Duke Devil can also be increased to the strength of 'damage reduction 40/kindness and silver'!"

"The frost dragon's cold resistance, ice resistance 35!"

This is a permanent grant, not a magical effect, or a magic shield!

"The magic resistance of the original power can fully increase the magic resistance to 39!"

Spell resistance of level 39. This is a spellcaster below level 20. Unless a spell that ignores resistance is prepared, it will be completely impossible to break through this resistance, and it will not be able to affect Isaac at all!

After a little calculation, this is the effect of five legendary spells, which need to be updated again.

Plus the preparations for the creation of the "Third Dragon Ball"...

"Complete everything within seven days!"

"Take some time to learn more about the Viper Mountain Range and the Northern Underdark, Amn and Efraska, and the Cold Land."

Viper Mountain Range, this is the three-party siege of the "Ancient Clan".

Although Isaac deliberately did not weaken the black dragon tribe, he only poisoned the "ancient god" card LS Nogus in the air, so that the war could be delayed longer, but with the kingdom's elite army He didn't really pay attention to the long-distance expedition.

"As long as the fierce battle in the Viper Mountain Range continues, there will be no accidents in the Northern Underdark and the Cold Land."

"It's Efraska..."

In his heart, Isaac was a little hesitant. He was still very interested in those Felin Mokui.

If there is a chance, if you can catch a few and imprison them and study them slowly, this must be of great significance.

However, now is the time...

"And Amn!"

On Amn's side, this is not just the "Son of Conspiracy" incident.

With the rendezvous with Crowgilia Marta, and inevitably, the one Isaac had intended to visit for a long time to be wary of the "Flying Flame", it was almost time to start.

"'Sharp Tooth' Ivy Coglan!"

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