"An envoy from the Dragon Worship Cult?"

"The one from Red Kingdom, would you like to ask me out for a while?"

Kingdom of Amn.

Troll Mountain.

Deep in the mountains.

One is completely hidden within the mountain, and the only entrance is in the mid-air of the valley, and in this mid-air, there are two elemental giant spirits in the hidden fortress that are engaged in a never-ending battle.

A courtly dress, bright and noble, a beautiful woman who is clearly aristocratic, or even royal, is holding a volume of magic tome, quietly studying it with great concentration.

However, it was when she seemed to have gained something that she nodded slightly from time to time.

Accompanied by the sound of howling wind, a huge blue giant shadow descended from the sky, breaking the tranquility.

The woman frowned slightly, but still closed the magic tome, turned her eyes forward, and showed a little strange look.

The giant blue shadow ahead.

The huge dragon wings, the tiny electric lights constantly exploding on the dragon scales, and the iconic huge horns wrapped in white electric current...

Naturally, it was a blue dragon.

Judging by its size, this blue dragon is considered to be in old age, but it has certain completely different characteristics from ordinary old blue dragons.

Her two front paws clearly revealed certain "legendary level" characteristics, and at the same time, there was an extremely strong lightning energy that revealed a destructive nature, and it also jumped out of it from time to time .

The woman in front looked at him with some doubts.

The blue dragon nodded slightly: "There should be no mistake, it must be the one from the south, and the messenger is the dragon-born kobold under his command.

Only his intelligence network can accurately find our agent in Amn and pass on the news. "

In the blue dragon's voice, there was no concealment of the necessary respect for the neighbors in the south.

This respect is not only because she was able to escape from the Lost Land Leylines two years ago, but also because of this unintentional help.

What's more, after she escaped from the Lost Land Leyline City and took refuge with her mother, through the intelligence network of her mother's secret agents, she also knew the horror of this man.

This horror is not only about strength, nor is it just about power, but also... even the wisdom that makes mothers far behind in the dust!

In the list of mother's potential allies, this one is even higher than the blue dragon lich of the "Entanglement Symbol"!

At the words of Lan Long, the woman in the palace costume pondered slightly, and nodded slowly.

But then...


"Alogosos, what do you think he is doing?"

Looking at the blue dragon, there was a flash of lightning in the woman's dark blue jewel-like pupils.

"I think……"

"We can explore his intentions from two aspects."

The blue dragon of the famous work "Allogesus" pondered for a while, and said: "On the one hand, he is 'seeing' you, and sometimes directly 'visiting', just from this point of view, he is obviously still a mother to you. With respect, at least not prepared to offend."

For the giant dragon, the most unacceptable thing is that some people "visit" to the lair without even saying hello.

Although their mother and daughter's lair has always been kept secret, in recent years, someone has released the news of the treasure, and the holy artifacts and legendary equipment collected by the mother have attracted batch after batch of greedy thieves. .

It is precisely because of this that Allogsos is rare. If the neighbor in the south really wants to "visit", the location here may not be hidden from his intelligence network.

However, since that person did not "visit", but indirectly sent the "date" invitation.

Obviously, the element of malice is not too big!

As he said that, seeing the mother in human form, she also nodded, showing approval.

Alogosos then continued: "On the other hand, the invitation is at this time. I think... is it possible that it has something to do with the dragon madness in the coming year?"

In her voice, there was a little rhetorical question in her voice.

And she asked...

Ivy Kelan put down the magic tome in her hand, and a thoughtful look flashed through her sapphire-like beautiful eyes.


He shook his head first, but only once, then stopped suddenly, and even nodded again.

"Based on his magical attainments, Dragon Maniac can't affect him."

"However, what you say does not make sense from time to time..."

There was only a pause in the voice, as if he had guessed something, Ivy Ke LS Grand said again in a deep voice: "Respond to him, and I will wait for him in Askatla in three days!"

Askatra, the city of the king of Amn!


Three days passed in a flash.


It is already the castle of a nobleman whose identity as "Sharp Tooth Agent" has been exposed.

All in human form.

Isaac was looking at the prestigious blue dragon on the opposite side with great interest, almost only second to the blue dragon queen, the purgatory blue dragon who was the dragon queen's voters, all had to be inferior, even Not as good as many legendary dragons.

Ivy Ke LS Grand is also interested, looking through a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, the legendary green dragon who is undoubtedly the most famous in the past hundred years, and even faintly has the potential to lead the five-color dragon.

While the two were sizing each other up, their gazes finally met in the sky...

There was no movement on their faces, but in their hearts, the two of them stared at the same time.

"Lens of Bagsaros!"

"Although my 'protection card' has been strengthened and improved again, I'm afraid it still can't stop her from seeing through!"

Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly as he prepared the "True Seeing Technique" in advance.

His "True Seeing Technique" has a caster level as high as level 33. The changing form of the bespectacled girl opposite him naturally cannot stop him from seeing through it.

In his eyes, this bespectacled girl is exactly one, completely beyond the "super giant" size. There is no doubt that it is a genuine original dragon. Moreover, based on his understanding of the original dragon, this blue dragon...

"After the ancient age group, she must have advanced to five more age groups!"

"No surprise, just the racial life energy level is between level 54 and level 56!"

Therefore, it is described as "only the racial life energy level"...

Isaac is not sure whether this person has any career advancement!

If I still have a job...

This is, even if it is not as good as the Blue Dragon Queen, it is definitely not far behind!

You must know that the Blue Dragon Queen has existed for a long time, comparable to "Flying Flame" and "Hell Fire".

As for this girl with glasses, as far as Isaac knew, she would never be older than two thousand years!

This blue dragon is just like the legend, a natural benchmark for legendary dragons!

Of course, this was not the only thing that made Isaac dignified.

At this moment when their eyes met, before his "true knowledge", the bespectacled girl's "golden glasses"...

Sacred Artifact - Bagsaros' Lens!

Those rumors about this blue dragon legendary treasure are actually correct.

This sacred instrument of the Church of the Guardian God is actually in her hands.

At this time, it was used to observe him!

Although Isaac has enough confidence in the "Legendary Concealment" and "Legendary Confusion" of his "Protection Card", the Guardian God is known as the "Eternal Vigilant", and the "Investigation Field" is His most important How can the power and the sacred vessels related to Him be easily confused and hidden?


Isaac's heart was solemn, even shocked.

In Aiwei Kelan's heart, this was the same, and even the shock was even more intense.

Isaac's analysis was not wrong. What she was wearing was the long-lost sacred tool "Bagtharos' Lens" of the "Guardian God Sect"!

With this holy weapon, the "true gaze" she possesses directly penetrates the interference of Isaac's "legendary concealment" and "legendary confusion".

And when such interference was ineffective, when the true form of the green dragon appeared in her eyes, and the magical aura that almost blinded her eyes was shining like the sun...

The original dragon, Ivey Kelan, has powerful spellcasting ability. Naturally, from such a level of magical aura, he can realize that the legendary spells possessed by the King of Red are numerous and even more powerful!

Not only that, at this moment when the eyes are facing each other, through the interference of this "sun", with the "real vision" and "magic analysis" given by "Bagsaros's lens", Ivica LS Gran seems to be faintly She also sensed a little bit of other breath, a breath she was familiar with.

"Primal Dragon?!"

"Although he is just an old green dragon, he clearly has the essence of some kind of original dragon!"

"Only in these essential aspects, what he possesses even surpasses me!"

"What's more, he himself is the Dragon of Conferred Gods!"

Unable to help but behind those gold-rimmed glasses, Ivy Cogland's eyes shrank slightly.

There is an instinctive sense of danger. This green dragon is actually a threat to her!

She has a stronger sense of danger than her mortal enemy from a thousand years ago!

"'Crimson' and 'Blue' are simply incomparable to him!"

"Only that old immortal can threaten him!"

"It's no surprise that he would invite me to see me at this time. It's just because of this old man!"

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Ivy Keglan pushed up his glasses slightly, and another smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I have long wanted to pay a visit to you, but I never had the right time. Unexpectedly, today, your Excellency actually We came here first!"

"Ma'am, you don't blame me for being presumptuous."

Isaac's steps were slow and slow as he approached, smiling and nodding in greeting.

Of course he could hear some hidden meanings in Blue Dragon's words.

She "had long wanted to visit", doesn't this also imply that she also has a similar intention to him?


Aiweikelan raised his hand and motioned for Isaac to sit down.

After Isaac sat across from him, she spoke again: "I won't be polite to you anymore. I don't know what you did when you came here..."

As she spoke, the flash of those jade-white teeth between her lips made Isaac's eyes turn that way involuntarily.

Spin, another thought flashed.

Surprisingly...it's not a tiger tooth!

Named after "Sharp Teeth", the iconic giant teeth of this blue dragon are said to have been able to chew up legendary armor alive as early as thousands of years ago.

Unexpectedly, this human form not only did not match the corresponding "tiger teeth", but at a glance, it actually gave him a strangely good-looking and even sexy feeling, especially when paired with those gold-rimmed glasses...

However, such thoughts will naturally not stay in Isaac's heart for long.

Ivey Kelan's eyes were looking at him, and he had stopped thinking about it.

Then he smiled calmly: "Actually, just like the lady, I have already wanted to pay her a visit.

Bordering Amn to the north and Tethyr to the south, in the traditional sense, my Kingdom of Red is surrounded by ladies.

Some things, if they cannot be truly resolved, will inevitably explode one day.

Madam, do you think so? "

When Isaac said this, behind the crystal lens, Aiweikelan's eyes couldn't help but flash.

Something was beyond her expectation.

In King Red's words, there was an acknowledgment that Amn and Tethyr belong to her traditional sphere of influence!

With this recognition, if we want to resolve the potential contradiction...

"Your Majesty, please tell me!"

The name of LS Gran is also changing.

She must also face the power of King Red.

Since the other party gave her such respect, it was impossible for her to not respond.

"The most difficult thing for us five-color dragons to tolerate is often the overlapping of territories."

"The lady must also feel deeply about it. It is never a good thing to be next to 'Crimson', 'Blue', and even the 'Flying Flame'."

"And now, I've got my foot in the south again. The lady must have been secretly scolding me, right?"

Isaac said, even if he could see the girl with glasses, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he knew in his heart that this was indeed a secret curse.

Among the group of five-color dragons, the weakest ones are all ancient red dragons, and they are so densely entrenched in this area.

Whether it's a human or a ghost, they both have big heads.

I'm afraid that not only Aiwei Kelan's LS, but also Feiyan's side is just as big-headed and secretly cursing.

"The overlap of territories makes it difficult for us to retreat."

"Even if the Red Kingdom continues to expand, it may further affect the interests of the lady."

"No matter how much you tolerate the conflict of interest, madam, there will be a day when you can't bear it any more."

"On this trip, I have the intention to discuss with the lady how we can avoid this conflict of interest and turn the conflict into unity, so that we can jointly face those people with the same interests and the same position..."

Avike LS Gran has a tradition of "collecting taxes" from the three southern countries.

If Isaac's Red Kingdom wants to expand outward, it will inevitably affect her tax plan.

For the giant dragon, this is nothing less than a life-and-death feud!

Now, Isaac said that such "conflicts of interest" should be transformed into "unanimous interests", and then the stance of "unified interests" should be used to unanimously deal with the outside world...

Although Aiwei Kelan had already guessed that the purpose of King Red's visit was to form an alliance, for a while, his eyes flashed again and again.

But she was also curious about how the green dragon could reach consensus and even expand outward without affecting her interests!

"Madam, you should know about 'Consortium' and also know about 'West Coast United Company'..."

"I intend to put all the rights and equity into another independent company. I wonder if Madam is interested in jointly establishing this company with me?"

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