Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 877 Prepare in advance

Authority and Equity of "The Consortium" and "West Coast Associates"!

Words of the Lord of Red.

Behind the crystal lens, a sapphire blue light suddenly lit up in the gemstone eyes of Ivy Ke LS Gran.

Although in the past few hundred years, she has hardly appeared in public, and the outside world is rumored that she has been sleeping all year round, and she will only wake up when the century-old tax is paid.

In fact, this so-called spread is nothing but her intentional rumor.

In the past few hundred years, the reason why she no longer appeared in public was that she spent most of her time locked in the human form.

Traveling secretly in human form, and having countless channels of agents, she has an extremely in-depth understanding of all the southern countries.

Although the Red Kingdom is new, it is also among them.

She even went to the natural green in person.

Her secret agent also has a lot of positions in Natural Green for a long time.

Of course, it is impossible for her not to understand what a "combination" is and what a "West Coast United Company" is.

The King of Red wants to open up to her the authority of the "combination" and the equity of the "West Coast United Company", and instead of adding another position, the two will jointly create a separate company for joint management, which means... …

"Your Majesty, you might as well speak more clearly and understand!"

Although Ivy Kelan can understand the meaning of it, but...she can't believe that the King of Red would share such power and wealth with her so easily!

Such a thing, not to mention that everyone is a five-color dragon, is a metal dragon, which is equally impossible!

"It's not that the lady doesn't understand, it's just that she doesn't believe my sincerity."

"However, as long as I say a few things, I think the lady can understand my sincerity."

Looking at the glasses girl's jeweled eyes, Isaac smiled lightly, exhaled and said: "First, since Ma'am knows about the 'United States' and 'West Coast United', she also knows that I am not a sole eater.

My philosophy has always been to unite the majority of people to form an unstoppable trend to make the plate bigger.

In this way, even if I only own a part of it, the income is much richer than developing it alone.

What's more, through this 'unity', through this larger plate, the influence I can exert is also much larger.

From this aspect, I can share power and interests with those people, let alone you, lady? "

"Given the potential influence of the lady in the three southern countries, and the interests closely related to them, if I don't want to be an enemy of the lady, I must resolve this conflict of interest.

In this way, pull the ladies into this chariot, and we will join hands to make this cake higher, bigger and sweeter, and we don’t even need to indirectly influence through agents, but directly through companies to manipulate and Operation, isn’t it more perfect than a conflict between you and me, or even a war, in which both lose in the end, or even be taken advantage of by others? "

"Ma'am, you don't always think that you and I work together, and we still have the 'United Company', so we can't hold all the three southern countries in the palm of our hands, right?"

"Also, can those taxes alone be more generous than our monopoly industry first, and then continue to collect taxes?"

In the words of King Red.

Even if Ivy Ke LS Grand asks himself about taxing the Three Kingdoms, this is greedy enough and fulfilling enough.

Involuntarily, the eyes were still flickering.

She was really moved.

What's more, she really felt that the sincerity of King Red was actually acceptable to her.

And with her teaming up with the Red King, and the complex and huge composition of the "West Coast United Company" working together, if this needs to be resolved one by one...

Ivy Ke LS Grand soon had a certainty in her heart.

Amn's six-member council, this is absolutely unable to stop their general trend.

And even the Council of Six is ​​like this, let alone the Shadow Thieves Guild.

Among the three southern kingdoms, the Kingdom of Amn, where she has the deepest influence, can definitely be taken down!

Tethyr and Carlindsay are a little more complicated.

After all, one side is backed by the War Church and the Alliance of the Three Gods, and the other side has the "Entanglement Symbol" lurking in the dark.

However, even so, Ivy Kelan has enough confidence. If the King of Red is working together with her, the Queen of the Chosen of the King of War, the Bishop of the War Sect, Those liches in the "Entanglement Talisman" are nothing more than that.

Even if Balagos is so old, it is not impossible for her to cheat her once.


still have a question!

A crucial question!

"Your Majesty's meaning, I understand."


After a pause, Ivy Kelan pushed his glasses slightly again, and his eyes were tightly entangled with Isaac again. After two breaths, he said slowly, "I don't know what your majesty said, the company we jointly created , how to distribute, and how to operate?"

Of course, Ivy Coleland is already inclined to this cooperation in her heart.

However, this is only limited to cooperation. She never thought that she would eventually be attached to the Red King, and even be manipulated by the Red King!

"Share distribution, one is based on the investment of both of us, and the other is linked to the company's expansion progress in the three southern countries. Every time I win a market, I will unconditionally transfer a part of the shares to the lady!"

"As for the operation..."

"My initial consideration, I will pick a team each..."

Isaac was talking again for a while.

He has too much experience in attracting allies.

What's more, he knows too much about giant dragons.

For ordinary five-color dragons, he can use the "covenant of thousands of dragons" to win over them extensively.

For a legendary dragon like "Sharp Tooth", this is needless to say.

However, after a few exchanges, Isaac didn't even need to come up with another "killer weapon". Ivy Coleman's instinctive defense was completely penetrated.

Soon, the two formed an alliance on this and reached the necessary consensus.

Of course, the establishment of the company, the resources and strength invested, etc., this is definitely not something that can be settled temporarily.

Indispensably, a professional team is needed to carry out the previous rounds of negotiations, so that it can be initially determined and then gradually improved.

Isaac and Ivy Ke LS Grand will not be in a hurry for this moment.

The two discussed some things again.

Ivy Ke LS Grand suddenly smiled, and there was a strange look in his eyes: "Your Majesty, you know why I came here to meet you without hesitation after receiving your invitation?"


Isaac's heart skipped a beat.

If the glasses girl didn't say it, there might be no special reason for it, but since she said it...

On the contrary, there was a look of curiosity on his face: "What does the lady mean?"

"Allogoss - Blue Claw!"

"Does Your Majesty know this name?"

Ivy Ke LS Grand smiled slightly.


Blue Claw!

the name...


Isaac's heart suddenly moved, but it was difficult to match this name with a specific person all of a sudden.

Then, slightly, he shook his head.

"my daughter!"

"Not long after he was born, he was imprisoned in the Lost Leyline City by Helast. It was not until the year before last, when the Lost Leyline City experienced turmoil, that he escaped from the trap and came back to me."

Ivy Ke LS Gran didn't hide it, and said directly: "Speaking of which, she was able to get out of trouble, but she also had some help from His Majesty. Because of this, when His Majesty's invitation came, she was the first to personally Reported to me.

It is even speculated that His Majesty will invite me at this time, which must be related to the upcoming Year of Dragon Madness.

It seems that her conjecture did not fall to the right place! "

While speaking, in the smile on the glasses girl's face, there was a hint of inquiry.

Year of Dragon Madness!

This is not only the inference of Alogosos, but also her judgment!

Although Red King only launched the "United Company", but at this time, Ivy Coleman still has a positive judgment on "Dragon Madness".

The Red King formed an alliance with her at this time, and the first thing he meant was to deal with the dragon madness!

Five-color dragons, and even the vast majority of giant dragons, have not given up their territories, or even separated from the material plane, to avoid the tradition of dragon madness.

Being able to perform magic sleep when the dragon madness descends, for the vast majority of giant dragons, it has already done enough and is well prepared.

It is expected that the Red King will not leave the material plane.

What's more, with King Red's magical attainments, he doesn't need to sleep, and there are ways to resist the influence of Dragon Madness.

However, resistance is not immunity!

If the dragon madness descends, who will target him, and even dispel his magic protection directly...

In the last Dragon Crazy, Ivy Ke LS Grand lost her mind once, and she was quite aware of the waves of higher intensity during the duration of the Dragon Crazy.

King Red's will immunity cannot be higher than hers.

She couldn't even bear it, once the King of Red was designed by someone with a heart, and the magic protection was dispelled...

Ivy Cole LS Grand has a judgment, and the King of Red is joining her in the alliance at this time, just to take relevant precautions in advance!

"I see!"

There was a sudden look on Isaac's face.

And this "exploration" of the glasses girl is also a "test"...

Slowly put away his smile again, and after pondering for a while, he then said in a deep voice: "Really speaking, Alogosos's speculation has not deviated too much.

I am dating a lady at this time, this is indeed related to the dragon madness..."

"Oh?!" Ivy Kelan's eyes flashed, and she just smiled, without saying anything, just waiting for his next voice.

"Three things!"

"First, there is secret information showing that 'Crimson' Xavi Kanator has secretly colluded with 'Blue' Safirekta!"

In a word, Ivy Kelan's always calm look is a jump!

Before the rise of the Red Kingdom, "Canglan", and even the "Lords of Runes" behind him, were her top allies at this time.

Unexpectedly, before she made any move on her side, "Crimson" actually managed to hide it from her intelligence network, and colluded with "Canglan" first!

If "Crimson" and "Lord of Talismans" are together, and "Fei Yan" is still watching from the sidelines...

Ivy Ke LS Gran understands better why the Red King came to her!

"Secondly, Claudia Mata and I also have an alliance agreement! Madam also knows that I have never had the habit of manipulating, let alone enslaving the same race of five colors. Because of this, this person and I can talk Come..."

Claudia Marta!

That one is old and ugly, and most importantly, it is the ancient green dragon that Balagos hates and hates, and also hates and hates Balagos!

There is an alliance agreement with this green dragon, isn't this pointing to Balagos?

Ivy Ke LS Grand's heart moved, and she naturally understood what Isaac said.

Just this position, this is born with her, and it also has potential alliance significance!


At the critical moment, Isaac's voice stopped again.

In the glasses girl's eyes, there is a slight suspicion gradually flowing out.


"Ladies, it's better to be more, more comprehensive, and prepare everything in advance!"

"The dragon madness this time is definitely not the usual dragon madness!"

"The end of the dragon madness this time will have far-reaching significance to our five-color dragons!"

"I have formed an alliance with Ms. Alexelles, Crowgilia Marta, and through the Dragon Sect, I have extensively formed alliances with more five-color clans. I also have the meaning of preparing for this in advance!"

An unusual dragon madness?

Is there a profound meaning?

The King of Red's solemn attitude for the first time, and this reminder, Ivy Ke LS Grand's eyes were slightly dignified.

Of course she knows that the King of Red is the favorite of the Dragon Queen and the current chief controller of the Temple of Five Colors. If the Dragon Queen has any warnings for him, this is reasonable and normal.

And according to what it says.

One for her, one for the ancient green dragon, one for the "Great Bone Dragon", and the five-color dragon envoy of the five-color temple must be the same, and there are also many five-color dragons related to the Dragon Worship Cult...

If King Red's advance preparations are to such an extent...

For a while, Ivy Kelan couldn't help but ponder, what kind of "profound significance" would this be?

"Your Majesty's vigilance, I can't thank you enough."

"However, at that time, if there is a need to join hands to deal with it, His Majesty can send me a message!"

The glasses girl said seriously.

Isaac also nodded himself: "The same is true for the lady. Besides, if the target is that person, I think not only you and me, Claudia Matadang will also join in enthusiastically."

"It couldn't be better!"

"I also look forward to the day when I will truly join hands with His Majesty to rebuild the order of the southern countries!"

Although Ivy Ke LS Grand is usually very tolerant, she has not shown up in public for hundreds of years, it can be seen.

However, when she is forbearing, she is extremely forbearing, but at critical moments, she is never lacking in decisiveness, let alone bursting out!

In the past, she was an enemy of the Kalindsay Magic Dynasty, and she just endured it for more than a hundred years, and then another outbreak, several successive wars, directly destroyed the royal capital of Kalindsay.

And today.

The time is near.

This is almost the time to end forbearance, and really come to a series of wars with that old immortal red dragon, to see if it can be completely destroyed!

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