Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 878 Delay

"The name 'Sharp Teeth' is truly well-deserved!"

Night was already falling when Isaac walked out of the castle.

A carriage that had been waiting outside then took him and galloped out of the city.

inside the carriage.

His eyes narrowed slightly, but Isaac was still thinking about everything he had met with the legendary blue dragon.

According to usual standards, an ancient blue dragon is approximately as strong as a level 25 professional.

Of course, this so-called "normal" is from the perspective of humans and elves, and it is a measurement standard that limits the dragon's flying ability and even limits its wisdom.

From Isaac's perspective, this so-called "standard" doesn't have much practical significance.

However, let’s just use this standard.

If we say that the ancient blue dragon is the twelfth age group, it is equivalent to a level 25 professional.

"Eweko LS Gran, that is the seventeenth age group. The age group itself is equivalent to a level 35 professional!"

"And with the original blue dragons in seventeen age groups..."

"If her dragon breath can be combined with the super breath specialty 'Extreme Breath', this dragon breath can severely damage the ancient dragon!"

"If combined with the dragon magic 'deaf breath' or 'mixed breath', this or even a dragon's breath can make the ancient dragon lose its ability to struggle!"

"Not only the dragon's breath, but also with her size, combined with her strength, in terms of close combat, the ancient dragon can't stop her two or three full-round multiple attacks!"

"Combined with her legendary spell count of at least five times a day, and possibly even six times..."

"Also, damage reduction, this is naturally also true legendary damage reduction."

"Also, in terms of spell resistance...at 17 ages, her spell resistance should have reached level 41, which is two levels higher than my current legendary spell constant!"

"In addition, the blue dragon can perform priest magic. If she masters the 'medical skills' and 'regeneration skills', combined with her nearly double the vitality of the ancient dragon, she will have the same vitality as the incarnation of the gods..."

"Moreover, according to rumors, her legendary treasure house contains several sacred weapons, not to mention legendary equipment..."

"There is also Longwei, the original blue dragon of 17 age groups. The strength of this dragon's power..."

After thinking about it for a while, Isaac already knew that in terms of individual abilities, even the "Immortal", even Satan, including Laila and Kelben, the incarnation of the "Wrathful Lord" can also be counted I'm afraid no one can keep up with the strength of this legendary blue dragon.

By usual standards, Ivico LS Gran is "only" level 35, but Isaac, the Original Dragon, believes that this person's strength can be raised by two, three, or even three or four levels!

Still, she is just the original dragon without any professional advancement!

In this way, thousands of years ago, the powerful Calinsey Magic Dynasty was conquered by her in a short period of time. Even the once famous magic tyrant fell under her claws. , this is nothing unacceptable!


"The origin of the dragon is powerful, and the five-color dragon has foreseeable room for improvement. Even if it is temporarily difficult to improve her age, she still has some room for improvement."

"This kind of power is not as arrogant as 'Feiyan', but it does have the qualifications to allow me to give up enough interests and power to build an alliance with her to advance and retreat in unison!"

"As long as this alliance is stable... whether it's Balagas or the Entangling Talisman, there's no need to be too taboo!"


Isaac's eyes flickered slightly again.

The premise is that this alliance must be stable!

And whether it can be stable... it depends on this person, whether or not his ambition will be too much!

Regardless of the way the alliance is formed, or the consistent style of "Sharp Tooth", as long as he maintains a certain distance, in most cases, this alliance should be stable.

However, this is only in most cases. Isaac will never forget that this is the blue dragon among the five colored dragons!

Therefore, at least the most basic precautions must be retained!

And this precaution...

"The first is the legendary spell!"

The number of daily legendary spells Aiweike LS Gran has is at least once more than him, and may even be twice more!

At the same time, Ivey Keglan's vitality is too strong. Even his "over-limit spell casting" cannot cause decisive damage to her in one or two hits.

And as long as it's not a decisive injury...Issac definitely believes that this person's spell list must have "medical skills"!

With the vitality that is almost the incarnation of a god, combined with "medical skills"...

Although Isaac has enough confidence in his own spell-casting ability, the difficulty of deceiving this legendary spell easily is compared to the Beren Lich in the "Hall of Mist" and the one who has already fallen into his trap. The "Ancient God" Carnogus under his claws is obviously much bigger.

"Secondly, the sacred weapons she possesses!"

Needless to say, every sacred weapon has its own unique power. Even Isaac would never underestimate such power.

And in the hands of Ivey Kelan, at least according to rumors, he holds several sacred weapons!

"Then...her patience!"

Isaac has been paying attention to "Sharp Teeth" for a long time.

Although this blue dragon is undoubtedly the most outstanding model after the blue dragon queen, it is not without the qualifications to be compared with the blue dragon queen.

Although the blue dragon had once contributed to the decline of the Kalindsay Magic Dynasty, it could even be said that it died at her hands.

However, Isaac always believed that this person's patience is also cunning, but he has more than the green dragon!

Precisely because of this, in his opinion, this patient's patience is more terrifying than her power, and it can also cooperate with the lightning dragon's breath of the dragon magic, including the melee ability that can easily kill the ancient dragon , are going to be more dangerous, and need to be on guard!

Of course, he could feel the danger from the blue dragon.

Correspondingly, he also believed that the blue dragon's feeling for him would only become stronger!

Under normal circumstances, this mutual wariness is obviously not a good premise for close cooperation.

However, Isaac put the cooperation above the joint company, and both parties sent teams to carry out collaborative operations.

In this way, even if there is a conflict, even if there is a dispute, this can also be controlled within the company, rather than a direct will confrontation between the two of them.

From this aspect, it is to the greatest extent that it avoids the outbreak of conflicts.

That is to say...

Although Isaac can't be sure, in what period in the future, whether there will be any changes in the alliance between the two.

But at least, for a period of time, even for a long period of time, such an alliance will not be disintegrated or even incompatible!

And as long as there is this time difference...

Book of Obscurity!

Golden scroll!

Dragon Transformation III, and more!

The Destiny Advancement of the Wheel of Numbers!

The last gift of the great dragon father!

Even the position promised by the goddess of magic!

Ivy Ke LS Grand is certainly talented, but Isaac doesn't believe it. Can this person's improvement speed be faster than him?

As long as you don't turn your back on him for a period of time, Isaac believes that the more time goes by, the more he will not dare to turn his back!

A flash of thought.

The carriage has already galloped out of the city.

Although the Kingdom Security Bureau has been involved in the Shadow Thieves Guild, according to the secret agreement with the "Six-member Council", their power in the Shadow Thieves Guild cannot be directly involved in Askatla. Because of this, they The power in the royal capital of Amn is mainly hidden in a small town in the suburban transportation hub.

After the carriage quickly drove into the small town, it finally stopped in a private manor.

Under the night, there was already a group of people in black robes waiting here quietly.

When the carriage stopped in front of them.

Everyone bowed slightly again, feeling respectful.

Except for two of these men in black robes, most of them were short and dwarf-like, so they were naturally the famous "Dragon Shadow Guard"!

And the two normal-sized ones, who are faintly the leader, are naturally the head of the Kingdom Security Bureau, Beasley, and Eugene's cheap student, Heath, who is now one of the "sons of the Conspiracy God".

In addition, Isaac still has a feeling, blending into the night, in the sky above the manor, his old friend Feiyi Yeying is also here.

On the contrary, in the past few years, the Ms. Song Long who has been almost inseparable from Heath has no similar aura around her.

It should be that after receiving his subpoena, Heath and Beasley deliberately left her aside.

"Let's all go away!"

"Heath, Beasley, Haywards, stay!"

Isaac stepped out of the carriage, and nodded slightly to everyone again.


"His Majesty!"



Everyone first saw the ceremony and finished, and then, the figures of the magic dragon shadow guards all flashed, and directly disappeared into the surrounding night environment.

And above the sky, Heywards folded his wings and landed.

Isaac's eyes first fell on Heath.

Although it has only been three years, this kid is completely different from the immature back then.

Under the night, he was even more integrated with the surrounding darkness than Heywards.

From him, because the promotion is too fast, it is already a dark essence that cannot be concealed.

Although Isaac didn't expect this, his eyes fluctuated slightly after the first glance.

Such darkness!

Such shadows!

This is... Compared with the shadow giant on the Boltan Peninsula, it is a higher-level conceptual essence!

What's more, its visible strength also moved him a little bit!

In just three years, it has been raised to such a level...

If it is said that this is not the return arrangement of the God of Conspiracy, Isaac absolutely does not believe it!


He stared at Heath for a while, and then Isaac finally spoke up.

"Not so good!"

"Although I have temporarily formed an alliance with the guy from Baldur's Gate, it's hard to have any advantage over the other members of the 'Big Six' or the 'Exile' Jonny Rice. , not to mention secretly, there is still a 'Entanglement Talisman' just around the corner."


Heath's voice paused, his eyes met Isaac's, and the seriousness in the depths of his eyes was revealed without any restraint.

Let's not shy away from Beasley and Heyworth.

In the past few years, Beasley has helped him too much, and most of the information he obtained originally came through Beasley.

Not to mention Heyworth.

Feiyi Yeying, who was born under the influence of his power, was already a loyal follower of him.

"I have a consensus with Adrian. With the reduction of the "Son of Conspiracy God", His power has become more and more concentrated, gathering, or returning to us."

"Maybe when there is only the last 'Son of Conspiracy God' left, maybe even earlier, but... His return is getting closer and closer!"

Compared to the "Six Giants of Conspiracy God", compared to "Exile" Joniles, and compared to those "Lords of Runes", the most difficult thing for Heath to face, and even fear, lies in " He"!

He already had a hunch that His return was by no means a promotion of the "Son of Conspiracy God", but more... His replacement!

Isaac could also hear what he was referring to, and he had already made relevant predictions about it.

It is precisely because of this that although he supported him, he still gave it to Hiss, but he never personally interfered.

The layout involving the return of the gods is even more likely to be the acquiescence of other gods.

Such a thing, even for him, is also taboo.

However, at this time, I will specifically meet with Heath...

"Other things, I can give you direct support, but as you expected, it involves 'He'..."

Isaac shook his head slightly.

On Heath's side, although it wasn't that he didn't have a premonition about this, his heart still couldn't help but sink.

But at this time, Isaac's voice continued: "At least recently, I have no idea how to interfere with His return!"


Heath was extremely sensitive, and Heath's eyes jumped suddenly.

As early as the day before yesterday, Beasley received a summons and immediately brought him here to wait for this cheap teacher. He had a little expectation, whether the cheap teacher had any means to influence him. This is the first time After three years, he was finally summoned again.

Looking at it now, although there is no way out, is there already some direction?

"The teacher meant that Adrian and I should delay His return as much as possible?"

In Heath's eyes, amidst the solemnity, some expectations flowed out.

"When it comes to Him, I can't give you any guarantees."

"However, isn't it inevitable for you to prevent his return?"

Isaac has not disclosed any further information.

Although the "Book of Obscurity" is in hand, although he is still planning to use the "Wrathful Lord" to practice his hands, although he still knows some secrets, there was once an elf high mage who sealed the real incarnation of the gods...

However, when it comes to the true god, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have any certainty, even if there is a slight possibility of success, he will not release any direct information.

Of course, direct information will not be released.

However, since he came to see Heath at this time, he also hoped that the return of the "God of Conspiracy" would be as late as possible.

In this way, maybe at some point in the future, he can be given some room for practice!

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