Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 880 Visit (Part 2)

Hell Gate Fort, Dragon Worship, and Red Kingdom, these three parties joined forces to clean up the "ancient tribe".

Not only is it opposed to the Dragon Worship Cult, but also has enmity with the "ancient tribe". The Dragon Worship Cult chooses to sit on the sidelines and take the opportunity to speed up the layout of the cold land. This is what Isaac expected.

And the former elector of the goddess of magic is not only the co-founder of the Dragon Witch Cult, but the improvement and innovation of the "Dragon Lich Ceremony" also came from him.

The dracolich transformed after this is absolutely stronger than before.

Therefore, in the hearts of the five-color dragons, including those dracolich, this person's status is quite detached.

At this time, the layout has been accelerated, and it is no longer so secretive...

Responding to his call, or possibly, receiving certain threats, there are not a few giant dragons who seek refuge in him!

With such a change in his mind, Isaac was not surprised by Ferla's report.

Of course, it's not that Ferla is useless. On the contrary, being able to detect the wrong identity of "Witch King Zhengyi" in a short period of time, and to detect the abnormality of the giant dragon group, this ability is actually quite extraordinary.

It's just that the depth that Isaac has mastered is too much beyond the level of Ferla.


Of course there are no accidents, but...

With another twitch in his heart, Isaac asked: "Saglera, Lauglotgore, and Agazerstein, has there been any news about them?"

Saglera, Lauglotgore, and Agazerstein, before the turbulent years, in order to chase the power of "Cursed Fire", were named "Sandra-Hisel" The three-headed dracolich who was destroyed by the young girl who has been lost since then, has not been revived, and no one knows.

The reason why Isaac suddenly asked them at this time...

In the place where the Dragon Witch Cult was founded, Sagrela and Laugrotgore were the first batch of Dracoliches transformed by Sammaster personally presided over the ceremony.

Especially Saglera, who was the first of the first batch!

In addition, Saglera and Lauglotgore are both ancient red dragons, and they are extremely powerful.

Also, as a staunch supporter of Sammaster, they are also born in a group.

In the Cult of the Dragon Witch, the two of them, together with the ancient blue dragon lich Ajazestan, possessed an incomparably huge influence, even comparable to those shadow dragons.

To this day, the Dragon Witch Cult has never given up on the pursuit of their phylactery.

Of course, the information Isaac possessed has never been traced to any clues.

At this time, since Sammaster and Ogason have returned.

If these three have also been resurrected, the greatest possibility is undoubtedly that they should be hidden in Fort Naples!

On the contrary, if there is still no audio...

Then Isaac may have to suspect that the fall of these three people back then, although they had the power of "curse fire", was too terrifying and too sudden, whether it was related to someone's design.

After all, these three are all supporters of Sammaster.

But today's Dragon Witch Cult may not necessarily be Sammaster's all-in-one word!

"Three of them?"

Phila was suspicious.

King Red's question was completely unexpected.

This is a suspicion. The reason why these three people have not shown up after being destroyed is related to the arrangement in the cold place?

Or is it a suspicion, what kind of tricks did Aglorosa do in it?

And no matter which possibility it is, what is the internal connection between this and the "Witch King Zhengyi"?

Frowning slightly, Ferla pondered for a moment, then shook her head and said: "Among the internal sects of the Dragon Witch Cult, I have high-level identities in both the King of Darkness Sect and the Night Sect, but what I have mastered In the information, there is no definite news about these three people at all, and there are still many people in the faction, including the 'Purple Robe Archmage', who have been looking for clues to their life and death, but there is also no clue. Audio..."

This is no different from Isaac's understanding.

in this way……

Isaac asked again: "Inside the Dragon Witch Cult, what is the main judgment on this?"

Phila didn't hesitate this time: "Since the three of them lost their voice at the same time, the 'Twelve-member Leadership Group' believes that it's unlikely that none of them are ready for resurrection, so..."

"Two judgments!"

"First, someone predicted the location of their phylactery through their corpses, and then destroyed their resurrection carrier.

Back then, the 'Cursed Fire Messenger' Sandra Hisel had received help from the 'Seven Sisters' and the one from Shadow Valley. If these people joined forces, it wouldn't be impossible to do so! "

The one in the Valley of Shadows, of course, is Minnis.

As for the necessary precautions for the electors of the Goddess of Magic, Ferla did not directly mention their names.

"However, it cannot be ruled out whether Sandra Hisel's manipulation of the 'Curse Fire' has reached a certain extraordinary level, so that, while destroying their three physical bodies, she also directly pursued and Destroy their phylactery!"

"Compared to these two judgments, thinking that they are all hidden is not within the scope of mainstream consideration."

Such a judgment...

Isaac frowned slightly in his heart, but this was completely different from his suspicion.

However, if you think about it the other way around, this is normal.

Even Fielding didn't know about Sammaster's existence. It can be seen that among the "twelve-member leadership group", not many knew that Sammaster had been resurrected.

Such a secret, if these three dragon liches were summoned by Sammaster after their resurrection, and then hid themselves, no one would know, it would be a perfectly normal thing.

Similarly, if the person who designed the three-headed dragon lich was a "person of his own" like Aglorosa, after the success, he would confuse the water so that he could not suspect her body, and it would be completely possible to realize it .


Isaac only pondered for a while, and said: "There are two things that you need to pay attention to, but everything is still based on your own rhythm, and the first criterion is not to be exposed."

Fielding nodded naturally: "Please tell me."

"First, everything in the cold land, what should you do, or what should you do, just pay attention secretly, are the three Sagleras in Fort Perelles!"

"However, remember, you can only pay attention secretly, and don't make any active inquiries."

"As you suspected, the current 'Witch King Zhengyi' has a wrong identity. The one who replaced him is more dangerous and crazy than him. Don't let him see you. Under the circumstances, if any abnormality is exposed, you will treat him as 'Witch King Zhengyi'!"

Isaac ordered so.

While hesitating in his heart, Fielding didn't want to explore any more, and immediately nodded: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have already counted."

Isaac said again: "Second... Do you think it is possible that Saglera and the others fell into the hands of Aglorosa?"

The intention is to let Fielding secretly pay attention to relevant clues.


In fact, Fielding had already thought about this suspicion of the Red King before, but when the Red King really asked...

Involuntarily, the face of the purple-robed man showed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

Of course, the three dragons of Saglela have never obeyed the shadow dragon family. On the contrary, as the original dracolich of the Dragon Witch Cult, there are still ancient red dragons. Saglela even thinks that these shadow dragons , should listen to him.

But that's it...

Not to mention that the three of Saglera were planted, the strength of the Dragon Witch Cult suffered a huge loss, and even the control of Sembia had a large hollow, which is very important for Aglourosa. It's not a good thing either.

Just, what qualifications does Agrorosa have to search out all the phylacteries of these three people at the same time, so that these three people have no chance of resurrection?

Could it be by "Purple Robe Archmage" Jannaster?

But even the purple-robed great mage, this is also impossible.

You must know that the collaborators of the Saglera faction back then were former students of Minnis, and they were stronger than today's "Purple Robe Archmage", no matter in terms of magical attainment or caster level.

Although this mage also fell under the outbreak of the "curse fire" back then, Fielding still didn't think that Janusta and Aglorosa could do this!

Thinking like this...

Fielding shook his head: "I think the motivation alone is extremely small, not to mention, in terms of ability, Aglourosa and Shusshulu can't do the same. Therefore, I think the possibility is extremely small .”

Since King Red is asking, he won't flatter King Red in everything.

What he thinks in his heart is what Fielding says.

"In a few more months, when the icy land really starts to mobilize, and when the true identity of the 'Witch King Zhengyi' is revealed, you will understand that her motives are not small."

"As for the ability..."

Isaac remained expressionless, and said calmly: "Maybe these shadow dragons can't do this by themselves, but... they may not have allies!

You regard her as an ally at the level of Minnis and Simbu, and observe secretly, but don't want any active detection! "

The description and comparison of the King of Red...

Fielding was startled suddenly, but also suddenly solemn.

Minnis and Simbu, this has always been the symbol of the "Presidential Mountain" in the magical field, and they are enemies that the Dragon Witch Cult has always feared, and are even considered to be invincible.

Joa Glorosa has such a hidden ally...

He no longer thinks that the Shadow Dragon Clan has no motivation and ability!

Nodding solemnly: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will keep a close eye on all of this. If there are any clues, I need to investigate again... I think the Night Sect will be interested in this!"

He's a double agent.

The Dragon Worship Cult is the root, and the Night Sect is the pile.

If he really wanted to investigate, he could pass on the risk of exposure through some people from the Night Sect.

Isaac nodded slightly: "The importance of it is up to you to decide.

If you find out, you can send a message to me directly.

If there is danger, you can also send a message to me.

There will always be a place for you in the Temple of Five Colors. "

He doesn't mind reusing this secret agent of the Dragon Queen.

If at some point, he needs his help, he wouldn't mind doing it once!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


The meeting with Fielding was nothing more than a private secret meeting.

After understanding the relevant matters and ordering relevant tasks, Isaac will not stay in Sembia any longer.

Directly use the "advanced teleportation technique" to go east through the inner sea.

The Kingdom of Torre is located in the northeast of the Inland Sea.

To the west, it is adjacent to the Kingdom of Aglalon in Xinbu.

And across a large strait from Aglalon, facing the other side, is Threskei ruled by Alascles.

Nowadays, the "Three Dragon Sisters" composed of Long Jie and the two red dragons are fighting against the god-kings of Mulhorand in Thracekai and Unser, in cooperation with the Dark Lady Sect. The invasion war launched by living organisms.

However, Isaac's visit this time was aimed at the former chief in red robes, but not only was he secretive first, but it also had nothing to do with the cold place or the Dragon Witch Cult. He was not prepared to start from there. Thracei took a turn.

It was all "advanced teleportation" all the way, and it also bypassed Aglalon, teleporting directly from the inner sea to Torre.

That's it...

"Arch Mage, I am Isaac. I left Dragon Castle more than ten years ago, and today I came to Torre to pay me a visit!"

Combining "Advanced Invisibility" and "Legendary Concealment", Isaac scanned the port city below while sending out "SMS".

Not surprisingly, this port city must be the largest and most prosperous Byzantine city in the Torre Kingdom.

Looking down from a high altitude, with the merchant ships on the sea and the connected commercial districts in the city, it is obvious that its prosperity is indeed real.

But at the same time, Isaac's eyesight was sharp enough to see.

Prosperity, this is only in certain areas, there are more, especially in those areas of the city facing the sea...

Countless slaves are performing various types of hard labor under the supervision of an army of bloodthirsty and cruel monsters such as jackals and troll ogres.

And further above the monster army, there are those red-robed mages protected by the "Torre Fighters"!

The Torre Kingdom has always been a slave kingdom under the dictatorship of mages!

Precisely because of this, the Torre Kingdom has been the Harper's natural enemy from beginning to end!

"King Red!?"

It was Isaac's "SMS" that was sending out.

The central area of ​​the Torre Kingdom, deep in the mountains, in the core of countless towers and castles, and countless furnaces and factories.

Deep in a fortress built on a volcano, permanently absorbing the energy of the volcano.

Sazastan was still in the form of a scholar as he was when he visited the Kingdom of Red, with a suspicious look in his dark eyes.

This green dragon actually came here at this time...

some of……

"Is it possible that the matter of Eltaba has been kept secret?"

But I thought it was impossible.

Although everything has been arranged on his side, it has not really started yet.

It can almost be said that except for himself, everyone else, including the "Warlock King" of the Magic Dynasty, has no idea of ​​his true purpose!

"Except Eltaba...hard to reach, 'Heart of Pillars'?"

With such a move in his heart, Sazastan responded: "Welcome your Majesty's visit. I wonder where your Majesty has been?"

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