Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 881 Visit (Part 2)

Torre, this is an extremely pure magical kingdom. To a certain extent, even Ray Loren is not as pure as it.

In Torre, the red wizards rule.

The entire kingdom, whether it is the sky or the earth, whether it is living things or the dead, everything is serving the Red Robe Mage Association.

It is this purity that makes the capital of the Torre Kingdom unique.

Named "Sere Mountains", this capital city is truly a whole mountain range composed of numerous mountains.

Within this mountain range.

Countless red-robed mages have built countless mage towers on the top of the mountains!

There are also countless magic factories and countless furnace factories, which are also densely populated as functional branches of the tower!

What’s more, from the surface of the earth to the deep dark regions, the legions of monsters, undead, and even demons enslaved and dominated by mages are not only as dense as an ant colony, but their depth is unbelievable.

Combined with the terrain of the mountains...

It seems that this unique "capital" is almost impossible to fall!

In history, countless events have indeed verified this.

Once upon a time, the red-robed mages completely defeated the God-King of Mulhorand here, and then established the Kingdom of Torre!

Over the past hundreds or thousands of years.

They invaded Leatherman north and were enemies of the most powerful Leatherman witches and barbarians.

Attacking Agolalon from the west, it was the birth of Xinbu that resisted them.

At the same time, they also supported Unther to continuously weaken their old enemy Mulhorand.

In addition, the Harpers are also their eternal rivals, and Sazastan has had direct confrontations with both Minnis and Ximbu.

But that’s it…

All the time, even a wizard with such a wild character as Xinbu has never invaded the Ser Mountains!

And because this nest is always worry-free...

From beginning to end, Torre is always the one who takes the initiative to launch aggression!

The Ser Mountains, for all people, even demon lords, and even real gods, is a terrifying realm that can be approached or avoided as much as possible!

Although Isaac is new to Torre, he is not unfamiliar with this "capital".

According to legend, demon lords were enslaved here and the incarnation of the God King was defeated here. It is unknown how many connections there are with the evil in the lower planes.

Although his purpose is just to visit such a place and is not hostile, but...if he can't enter the Ser Mountains, it's better not to enter!

It is for this reason.

Never went directly to the Nasser Mountains.

On the Byzantine side, Isaac used "short message technology" to contact Sazastan.

And soon...

"Amrotha City!"

He and Sazastan decided on the meeting place.

This is a fortress city under the direct control of the Necromancy School, less than a hundred miles south of the Ser Mountain Range.

This is certain...

The teleportation arc flashed, and Isaac's figure disappeared over the port.

And the other side.

"King of Red!"

Sazastan did not leave immediately.

In the depths of those eyes, which were as dark as the abyss, there was a faint flickering color.

Although he is not absolutely sure of the green dragon's purpose, considering the current situation and the previous contact between him and the green dragon, Sazhastan can still vaguely grasp some direction of its purpose.

However, if that was really the case...he would rather that he was wrong in his suspicions!

"If it really has something to do with him..."

"The plan to enslave Eltaba must be accelerated!"

With his eyes flashing, Sazastan suddenly sent out a "SMS": "Xingas, I need your help..."

A few moments.

At this moment, the current chief of the undead summoned a phase gate with a wave of his hand, and then disappeared into the fortress.

Not too long.

The city of Amrossa is the top of the most magnificent tower.


A telepathy came suddenly, without any warning or clue.

The red-robed wizard, who seemed to be overlooking the entire fortress from a high position, suddenly felt a frown in his heart.

However, on his pale face, he always looked calm, without any strange appearance.


"Your Majesty invites you!"

Without raising his eyes, he was still overlooking the fortress, but Sazastan's voice suddenly sounded coldly.

And in response to his greeting...

"After more than ten years apart, the Archmage's demeanor is even better than before."

"I am taking the liberty of making this trip, but I would like to ask the Archmage to forgive me."

A voice sounded above the tower.

At the same time, another figure also emerged from the void.

And step by step, he walked towards the tower.

Naturally it was Isaac who arrived.

The combination of "advanced invisibility" and "legendary concealment" was easily seen through by Sazastan, so he was not too surprised.

In any case, this person is also the first chief of the Magic Kingdom. In Isaac's opinion, he is completely better than the two Beren Liches in the "Hall of Mist". What's more, the legendary equipment he controls, and even Sacred weapons, these are by no means one or two.

His "absolute invisibility" cannot be concealed from this person's perception, which is completely acceptable.

On the contrary...

As he was walking down the steps step by step, his heart felt so sudden that Isaac wrinkled again.

A kind of... a strange feeling that even he couldn't explain the reason at once.

But, there is no problem... there seems to be something wrong with this tower!

"Your Majesty came here on a special trip from thousands of miles away, but I can only welcome you. How could you make any presumptuous remarks?"

Although it is a lich, and even though it is a chaotic and evil camp, most of the time, the incarnation of Sazastan is still knowledgeable, calm, and even kind.

And the King of Red is undoubtedly worthy of his kindness.

Especially... without prior prediction and without special preparation, he only knew after he was reminded that the green dragon had actually sneaked up without anyone noticing, evading his perception.

However, Sarzastan would naturally not reveal the slightest bit about this.

Turning his eyes calmly to the King of Red, he said again: "Indeed, I am also curious. Your Majesty contacted me alone without a message from the embassy. Among them..."

"Just for one thing!"

Isaac didn't hide it, and said frankly: "But I don't know, is the 'Pillar Heart' still in the hands of the Archmage?"

Pillar Heart!

Sure enough, the heart of the pillar!

Sazastan's eyes, which were as dark as an abyss and also as quiet as an abyss, finally frowned.

The heart of the pillar is naturally in his hands.

However, since the Red King mentioned the Pillar Heart at this time...

Sazastan's voice was slightly hoarse: "What did he do that made His Majesty so solemn?"

Looking at the lich, Isaac also said calmly: "Someone warned me that in some places, there are hidden beliefs involving 'necromancers' and 'necromancer rituals', which are being established and spread!

Because of this, I want to ask the Archmage to confirm the whereabouts of the 'Pillar Heart', and..."

His voice paused for a while, and some strange colors appeared in his eyes, and he continued slowly: "The reason why I haven't informed through the embassy is that I am about to ask the archmage to confirm that the necromancy school, and even the whole Are there some dark waves brewing in the Red Robe Mage Association?"

That was the former Chief of the Necromancers, and also the former First Chief. Although Sazastan was extraordinary, he even cleaned up some of his followers, but...

In Isaac's words, there is a suspicion, whether there is someone on the side of the red-robed mage, who secretly took refuge in that one!

After all, the current one seems to be performing the "Conferred God Ceremony"!

"Thank you for your reminder, Your Majesty!"

"I've already counted this matter, Torre's side, he still can't turn the sky!"

Sazastan nodded slightly, and then, his dark eyes flashed, and he continued in a deep voice: "But... I wonder if Your Majesty has more definite clues?

The 'Heart of the Pillar' is always in my hands. Normally speaking, he should not be able to cross this step, right? "

Although he did not question the meaning of King Red, Szastan also did not hide his doubts.

With the dark knowledge he has mastered, the "Pillar Heart" is absolutely indispensable if his mortal enemy wants to complete the Conferred God Ceremony!

Because of this, for so many years after the turbulent year, he never thought of mobilizing power all over the world to hunt down that one.

On the contrary, he is on the side of his lair, he has prepared everything, and is waiting for that person to "visit" on his own initiative!

Unexpectedly, the Red King brought such news at this time...

Of course, it must not be so easy for him, just listen to the King of Red!

Even though he didn't reveal anything, from the beginning to the end, he was not less wary of the King of Red.

Even, he didn't think about whether the King of Red would collude with that being.

"I noticed one thing!"

Naturally, I could hear the meaning of Szastan, but Isaac kept his expression calm and said in a deep voice: "The Sect of the Storm King seems to be related to this!"

Storm King!

Powerful divine power!

A symbol of chaos and destruction!

If he is in it, there is interference...

For the second time, Sazastan frowned again.

Now, he couldn't rule out the possibility that that person was indeed performing the "Conferred God Ceremony"!

After pondering for a while, Sazastan nodded slowly, but in the dark eyes, there was still a ray of hesitation, and said: "So, Your Majesty came here on a special trip to join hands with me to attack him?"

He is still not so gullible!

Not for anything else, the grievances between the King of Red and that person have not reached the level of incompatibility. After all, with the "Pillar Heart" being taken over by him, that person's hatred is mainly directed at him. come!

There is no such grievance, but such a ceremony...

With the nature of the green dragon, how could he intervene so resolutely?

"The archmage can add a 'limited' modification before the 'jointly sniper'!"

Isaac remained expressionless, and calmly said: "If there is a chance to really stop his ritual, I don't mind teaming up with the archmage once.

Until then, though, I won't interfere publicly.

How to restrict the establishment of his belief system, I am afraid that this still needs to be paid more attention to by Master Lao! "

Although Isaac came here for the opportunity of the "evil magic priesthood" and was bound to snipe at the apotheosis ceremony of the former chief necromancer, but there is no need to communicate with Szastan about such things.

And this also corresponds to the fact that his trip is a "secret visit" rather than an open alliance.

He made a statement like this...

On the contrary, Sazastan believed it even more, and even Sazastan was not the only one!

"Your Majesty wants to wait for the opportunity, I can understand, but..."

Sazastan's voice was hoarse as if squeezed out from his throat: "On the one hand, that person has already taken the lead, and at the same time, that person is naturally on guard against me to a sufficient degree. If everything I will start all of them, I am afraid that he will be alerted before hitting his sore spot.


I am in favor of launching a sniper attack based on me.

However, I hope that the intelligence agencies under His Majesty's command can cooperate with us to carry out joint strikes!

Your Majesty doesn't want to see this one, can he take this final step? "

In the final analysis, the King of Red and this one also have enmity!

Otherwise, why would he come here specially just to remind him that it's time to attack this person?

"Intelligence agency!"

Isaac's eyes flashed, but he didn't shake his head, and said: "Since the archmage opened his mouth, I want to make it easier.

The resources from the Dragon Worship Cult will cooperate with you! "

"Then I will thank Your Majesty first!"

Sazastan smiled and nodded.

At the moment, I discussed with Isaac how the two sides can cooperate secretly.

Inevitably, it is also necessary to explore some places related to the existence of that ritual.

After the two sides have revealed the truth of many things from the opposite side.

Just as secretive as when he came, Isaac left secretly again.

Watching the figure of the King of Red, following the flash of the teleportation arc, he disappeared directly into the tower.

Sazastan took a step back, and a phase door opened in front of him by itself.

Stepping in, the figure disappeared into the tower.

Soon, in a dark space that seems to be a demiplane!

"Singas, what do you think his purpose is?"

Contrary to the so-called "calmness" when communicating with Isaac, Szastan no longer hides the hesitation in his heart.

And in front of him...

It looks like a baby, but not only is the head torn apart, only half of the face is left, the body is also wrinkled and swollen, and the two legs are completely shrunken, seemingly useless, hanging there a feeling of.

Around the stillborn fetus, there was another unclean halo of negative energy.

Imprisoned by the halo, countless numb and cold souls linger in it.

However, a stillbirth is a stillbirth, but this monster is not an ordinary fetus.

It is obviously dead, and it is obviously shrunken. This is too huge, but it is still bigger than an ogre!

At this moment, the stillborn fetus was floating in the sky again. It could be seen that he was actually wearing a pair of glasses in his only remaining eye.

Sazastan looked over.

this baby...

"It's not pointing at that person, it's pointing at us."

"How about the specifics, try a few more times, and you will see it."


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