Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 882 Extreme North

(completed, a little late, sorry)

Xingas's arms were dry and twisted, it looked as if the arm bone had been pinched into dozens of sections, more fragile than a skeleton.

However, at the ends of his arms, his pair of sharp claws are like monsters, extremely sharp, extremely ferocious, and even more extremely evil.

With the sharp claws of the demon, Xingas lightly pushed his single-piece mirror frame with a bronze frame. Behind the crystal lens, there was an eye that was as empty as nothing, as if there was nothing in it, and could leave the slightest trace in it. It was with Sazastan's eyes that they met.

"You should move faster!"

He will form an alliance with Sazastan, which clearly shows Sazastan's ambitions.

The chief of the dead spirits in the red robe has never been satisfied with being just the first chief.

To control the entire Torrey and let the Necromantic School override everything is what Sazastan has been pursuing for a long time.


He is also a master of necromancy, and he also has the ambition to conquer Torre. At least before this ambition is achieved, the alliance between Singas and Sazastan is stable enough.

"rest assured."

"I've already prepared everything, and I just need to wait for the last thing to be completed, and then I can fully mobilize it!"

"The news sent by the green dragon this time is also a good excuse..."

Looking at the "shrunken man", Sazastan's voice was as flat as ever.

Of course, the "shrunken ones" are real abominations, even if they are just newborns, they are the most terrifying evils in the multidimensional planes.

Xinjias is not an ordinary "shrinker".

Obsessed with the study of necromancy, Xingas has even touched the roots of necromancy through his innate spell-like abilities.

In terms of necromancy achievements alone, Xinjias can even be compared with him!

But that's it...

This is the Kingdom of Torre!

It is the Torrey Kingdom ruled by the Red Robe Mage Club!

Here, the alliance between him and the Shrinker has always been dominated by him, Sazastan!

"As long as you know what's in your mind!"

Xingas will understand the meaning of this red-robed lich.

The news sent by the green dragon, since it is possible that that person has colluded with some people from the Eight Great Schools, naturally, this is exactly to eliminate some people, so that more people will resist immediately, and then it can be done step by step, one step at a time. A good excuse to swallow up those hostile schools!

From this point of view, the news delivered by the green dragon is more likely to be aimed at that person!

However, thinking of the green dragon...

Behind the lens, a look of indifference flashed across Xinjias's empty eyes.

The umbilical cord protruding from his abdomen was floating into his rotting mouth again.

While sucking, the voice of the shrunken person sounded again through telepathy: "The green dragon... I have a feeling, he seems to be aware of my observation!"


"He will come here, he has already prepared enough."

"At his level, when he is prepared and vigilant, no matter how hidden the spell is, it is absolutely impossible to hide it from his perception."

Sazastan was no different.

Of course, Xinjiasi's observation is an extremely secret observation conducted through the half-plane and then through the mage tower.

However, the level of the King of Red is definitely not inferior to them.

After discussing with him for a while, he retreated without hesitation. Sazastan knew it well. The green dragon must have sensed the existence of Xinjiasi, and faced the two of them at the same time, he felt a certain sense of danger. This is the way to go!

"There's nothing wrong here, so I'm leaving."

Floating in the sky, Xinjias only raised his claws, and two giant crouching night shadows were released from his negative energy aura.

This undead monster composed of the same amount of darkness and evil is even bigger than Heywards, who is also from the Night Shadow family.

But in front of the shrunken man, these two shadowy giant-like shadowy night shadows are as cute as puppets.

Standing side by side under the shrunken man, they simultaneously bent their knees and stooped so that it was just right whether Singas was going to sit or lie down.

It was these two night shadows that made up the "car".

Singas's body immediately showed weakness and powerlessness, and he floated down.

But it has not yet fallen on the "car"...

Suddenly, another thing came to mind, and when the umbilical cord spit out, he looked at Sazastan again: "By the way, I want a batch of high-quality slaves for the 'vampire transformation experiment', preferably female warriors. , I have some new ideas for improvement!"


"Draxus's side, when a new batch of Leatherman slaves arrive, I'll let someone arrange for you."

Providing enough test materials is also an important reason why Zingas will form an alliance with Sarzastan.

Naturally, it was impossible for Sarzastan to refuse.


Xinjias finally fell on the "car".

Fuxing Yeying then carried him steadily, and walked towards the gate of the plane in unison.

Watching their figures off, they quickly disappeared into the demiplane...

"Four more months!"

Sazastan's always calm and dull gloomy eyes finally flickered at this moment.

In another four months, his plan for Al Taba will be at its final stage!

"The oath and imprisonment of the Death Moon Magic Orb!"

"Then use the Seat of Korthir and the Double Burning Ceremony of the Chaos Rune!"

"Theoretically, as long as it can be completed smoothly, Eltaba will still be completely enslaved even if he controls the power of the 'hidden layer' of the bottomless abyss!"

"If even the Lord of the Hidden Layer cannot be spared..."

Sazastan's indifferent gaze gradually disappeared from the empty door to the plane.

If the "Chaos Double Burning Ritual" he designed can successfully enslave the 'Lord of the Hidden Layer'...

Although Xingas is a divine evil, his psychic immunity cannot surpass Eltaba's body!

By then, if there is Eltaba on the left and Xingas on the right, not to mention the other seven major factions of the Red Robe Mage Association, even Minnis will have no choice but to escape if they fight him again!


"At that time, it will be your turn!"

Of course, by then, it was Solomon who was completely settled.

But before that…

Just as King Red said, this god-consecration ceremony must not be allowed to proceed as usual and be completed again!

No matter whether he is an abyss lord or a god, no matter how "near-god" or "god-like" he is, he is not a true god after all.

If Solomon's "God Ceremony" is really completed, this will be a real god, and a magic god!

Although Sazastan is proud, he does not think that he can control the real magic god at will!


As the Green Dragon said, it is necessary to use some power and seek the cooperation of the Dragon Worship Cult to prevent him from establishing the Church of Faith and his "God Conferment Ceremony"!



"At least it is at a level similar to the concept of destiny, and it may even be higher..."

"This must be Sazhastan's iron-clad ally, 'Atropal' Xingas!"

Using advanced teleportation techniques, Isaac's figure disappeared from Amrossa City and teleported directly to the sky above the inner harbor.

Followed by another "transportation from another world", he returned to the "Hell Gate Castle Demiplane".

Only then, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

As early as he climbed the tower, he had a feeling that something was wrong.

At first, I thought it was probably Sazastan's preparation.

However, when he revealed the news about the former red-robed chief's apotheosis, some abnormalities, although still extremely obscure, were eventually caught by his sensitivity.

The scientific name is "Atropal", usually called "Atropal". Even among the gods, it is extremely powerful. It is believed that as soon as it comes into the world, it directly possesses the "power of destiny", at least It can also be compared to a level 30 professional, and is a bit more powerful than the ancient dragon with perverted hatred!

According to legend, the final ruler of the country of the dead controlled by necromancers with many multidimensional planes is often these "shrunken ones"!

In fact, according to many legends that Isaac knew, this "shrinker" was regarded as a natural "god of death" by countless creatures.

There are almost no undead creatures that can resist their dominance!

Those kinds of abilities are also directly related to the "Death Realm", and their strength is incredible, almost mythical.

Coupled with the hateful nature of the gods.

To describe them as "gods of death" is actually not too much.

At least, from today's "contact", Isaac agrees with this evaluation!

"Normally, Atropal's spell-like abilities, no matter how high the caster level is, can only be limited to the fields of 'hate', 'death', or at most 'chaos' and 'evil'."

"However, since the innate level is similar to destiny..."

Isaac's eyes flashed slightly, and he felt certain in his heart.

If Slaad White Toad has the ability to acquire specific legendary spells, and if he himself has conducted research on legendary spells in the form of spell-like abilities, he has judged that the Shrunk One must also have this ability, and in this regard Domain, obtain the qualifications through spell-like abilities, and even study legendary spells on your own!

And if a shrunken person truly masters the legendary spell...

"The most powerful abomination, even if it is just a newborn Shrunk, its life energy level will probably exceed level 60!"

"This not only means the number of legendary spells per day, but also means that the atrophic person can invest in the research of legendary spells without losing the level of spell knowledge!"

"So, the legend is also well-founded. Being able to control the powerful Kingdom of the Dead, the Shrunk relies on more than just his innate evil nature. He also has legendary magical abilities with unlimited development possibilities, as well as the ability to conduct related research. , the depth they can explore into the nature of necromancy should be the root of their ability to control the necromancers."

On one side is the mind, constructing a concrete image of "Atropal".

On one side, the firm alliance with Xingas and Sazastan...

"So, his support for Sazastan is also for the ultimate goal of the Necromancy School ruling the Red Robe Mage Association and the Torre Kingdom becoming the Necromancy Kingdom?!"

"Compared to Sazastan, Solomon, at least the current Solomon, has no possibility of becoming his ally."

Solomon's pursuit is to complete the ritual of becoming a god, to be promoted to the "God of Lich", and to master the priesthood related to "evil magic" and "necromancy". If Xingas supports him, wouldn't he be born to be controlled by him? ?

Therefore, from the perspective of opposing Solomon’s canonization of gods.

This shrunken man must be like Sazastan, born to be in opposition to Solomon!

With this certainty, this was enough for Isaac.

His purpose was to prevent Solomon from becoming a god.

Joining forces with Sazastan and Xingas is just temporary.

Even after stopping Solomon, he had to be wary of these guys!

"It's a pity that these two guys came out together, so I couldn't have some communication with Sazastan..."

Another hint of regret flashed across Isaac's eyes.

The red-robed mage's exploration of magical ruins is notoriously radical.

As far as he knew, quite a lot of the inheritance of the magic binders of the ancient Narfeo Empire fell into their hands.

Once upon a time, in the final battle with the God-King Mulhorand, a real demon lord appeared on the red-robed mage's side.

Therefore, before visiting, he had some ideas to see if he could get some secrets related to the magic binder from Sazastan.

But... facing the combination of Sazastan and Xingas, and still at the red robe's home court, in the end, he decided to play it safe.

"That's it!"

"Theoretically, when it comes to the evil ritual of swearing to bind demons, this must be within the scope of the 'Book of Darkness' that can be 'read'. It just depends on the price paid!"

"There is a price to pay for obtaining such a secret from Sazastan."

"There is also a price to pay for 'reading' from the 'Book of Darkness'."

"It's hard to say which one will cost more!"

"Moreover, by specifically seeking such a secret from Sazastan, I'm afraid this lich will give rise to countless doubts out of thin air..."

Gradually, Isaac finally accepted this regret.

After all, with the "Book of Darkness" in hand, he was not completely incapable of doing relevant research.

In other words, Dragon Madness is getting closer, and he must pay enough attention to the level involved in this last Dragon Madness, whether it is height or breadth.

Otherwise, after spending several years studying the demiplane base with the "Book of Darkness", he didn't believe it and would not be able to find relevant ideas!

"Finally, reset this Gate of Faces, and study it while heading north!"

"Before Dragon Madness really comes, if Graztro still doesn't have anything to say... then simply throw him, the 'son of hell,' over there!"

A cold look flashed across his eyes, and Isaac then sent another "SMS".

Soon, the third brigade of the loyal servants arrived one after another.

There have been related designs for a long time, and as a series of rituals unfolded.

The door connecting the "Hell Gate Castle Demiplane" to the main material world immediately began to be repositioned, and various hiding and repelling effects were constantly exerted.

Wait until this is complete.

Without stopping, Isaac immediately began his journey north to the cold land.

The first station……


That gained the support of the "King of the North Wind", thwarted the conspiracy of the Dragon Queen's "Queen of Death" incarnation, and was known as the greatest hero king in the cold land, the kingdom of "Garos-Dragon Nightmare"!

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