Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 883 The Legend of the King of Heroes

"Goblin 5 gold coins!"

"Gnome bear 15 gold coins!"

"Giant 100 gold coins!"

"Welcome to join the 'Pioneering Nobility', meritorious deeds can be exchanged for land, meritorious deeds can be awarded titles!"

"Gnome Illusion Academy recruits students, meritorious service is given priority!"


The early morning in Heliobagarus is noisier than any other city in the cold place.

Early in the morning, it was just when the city gate opened.

The propaganda trumpeters of the Dragon Nightmare King were full of energy and passion, carrying their loudspeakers, and shuttled through the streets.

Inevitably, there are those who squatted in front of the trade union gate, and squatted beside the city gate.

These publicity trumpeters all seem to be no more than ten years old, and there are even younger ones. However, this is not the intentional use of "child labor" by the Dragon Nightmare King.

On the contrary, he gave these children the hope and motivation to survive!

In the extremely cold place, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and there are mountains everywhere, frozen soil everywhere, and monsters overgrown.

Even though Damara is already the most suitable for survival among the several countries in the extremely cold place, it is still full of monsters.

And once there are more monsters...

There are too many orphans!

In order to give these orphans the hope of survival, in order to prevent these orphans from falling into the hands of the "Assassin Fortress" as little as possible, from being plundered as slaves by the "Red Robe Mage", and from being collected by the "Zhenta Forest Society" When killers cultivate...

After becoming the king of Damara, Galos-Dragon Nightmare teamed up with the "Yellow Rose Monastery", and with the help of many clergymen of the God of Suffering, launched a "sacrifice" campaign to save all orphans within the entire kingdom. Operation Dawn!"

These propaganda trumpeters at this time are part of the rescue targets of "Operation Dawn".

In the name of "Trumpeter of Dawn", what the Dragon Nightmare King and "Yellow Rose Monastery" entrusted to them is not only to save themselves, but also to look forward to the future, that they can become the hopeful generation of Damara!

Of course, this is not what outsiders can understand.

There are no outsiders who care about this.

Most of the outsiders who would come to this icy place came for one purpose!

"Although the Bloodstone Land is desolate and dangerous, the Dragon Nightmare King is really rich and magnificent."

"Not to mention the heads of all monsters, there are clearly priced rewards, and there is absolutely no discount at all."

"Even those lands that produce bloodstone mines are included in the merit list of the 'pioneering nobles'."

"From what I've learned so far, it's already a bit better. The Chamber of Commerce forces from Moon Sea and Imbutu have opened up mining camps here."

"There are also a considerable number of mercenary groups and adventure groups, which have also been active here for a long time."

"It is said that the local force 'Belt Guardian Alliance', which is composed of dwarves and gnomes, as well as halflings and centaurs, has also recognized the rule of the Dragon Nightmare King."

"With the full support of the 'Yellow Rose Monastery'."

"Today's Damara is already showing a trend of prosperity."

The city gate opened.

It was a long convoy, driving over.

Before entering the city, the sound of the trumpeter's horn pierced through the early morning mist and reached the convoy.

Such a voice is in my ears...

Among the convoy, many hired mercenaries, as well as the caravan's own guards, all smiled.

Breaking into this extremely cold place, it is naturally impossible not to encounter monsters.

It's not the first time to come here, these people naturally know that the monsters they kill must have their heads cut off!

Sometimes, this extra bounty may even be more lucrative than commission.

That Dragon Nightmare King's boldness, this is the entire northern land, is famous!

Isaac is also in this convoy.

The horns of those propaganda trumpeters came, and the unexpected size of the royal city of Damara, but he was also looking around with great interest.

Beside him, there was another bearded dwarf in a golden silk robe, talking about all kinds of good things about Damara.

It seems that the Dragon Nightmare King's "propaganda trumpeter" posture is also a bit.

Moreover, as far as Isaac knew, this was still an unpaid "publicity trumpeter"!

Shield dwarf Bruel, a dwarf merchant from the most powerful dwarf clan in Damara - the Orosna clan.

Because Prince Tamar of the Orosna clan is an official member of the legendary adventure group "Twilight Knight" of the Dragon Nightmare King. After hearing too much about the legendary deeds of "Twilight Knight", this dwarf businessman also worships it. Got Gallows-Dragonmare.

This heartfelt admiration and admiration... Even if Brewer is in a state of being "suggested" at this time, the words are still full of words, and they are all voluntary publicity to Damara and the Dragon Nightmare King!

That's right, it's "suggested"!

This dwarf merchant is not from the Dragon Worship Cult, and has nothing to do with the Kingdom Security Bureau or the Northern Merchant Group.

Isaac is only interested in Damara, the Dragon Nightmare King, and the secret layout that Sammaster will inevitably have. This is why he chose a business group at random and joined it temporarily. Come in.

With his level of magic, everything happened naturally, without any abruptness.

Amidst Brewer's chatter, the convoy was driving into the royal city.

Isaac's gaze was sizing up, not only the dwarf warriors, but also the heavily armored guards of the orc members.

On the one hand, he responded casually to the dwarf merchant: "There are rumors that the Witch King of Vasa has been resurrected again? If this is true, if the Dragon Nightmare King doesn't destroy him again, this 'pioneering noble' I am afraid that this policy will die prematurely.”

Damara and Vaasa, this is collectively known as the "Bloodstone Land"!

The so-called "Land of Blood Stones" refers to this piece of permafrost. Although it is desolate, it is rich in a mine of precious stones called "Blood Stones".

Taking gold coins as the unit of measurement, the most basic price of bloodstones can also be equivalent to 25 gold coins!

It is precisely because of this that the Dragon Nightmare King is able to be more bold and refreshing.

However, no matter how generous he is, it is impossible to reward those "pioneering nobles" with the bloodstone mines that have already started production.

In fact, the reason why the Dragon Nightmare King wanted to implement the policy of "opening up the nobles" was to attract foreign adventurers to join the kingdom, and use these adventurers to occupy and develop Vasa, which is in a more dangerous environment!

It is precisely because of this that the land of the "exploring nobles", especially the land of the bloodstone mine, is basically on the inherent territory of Vasa!

Of course, since the "Witch King Zhengyi" was destroyed by the Dragon Nightmare King, Vasa has no central government.

This so-called inherent territory naturally means whoever occupies it, it belongs to whom!

From this point of view, the policy of the Dragon Nightmare King is reasonable and legal!

However, the policy is certainly good, but this timing...

No one expected that the "Witch King Zhengyi", who had died at the hands of the Dragon Nightmare King, would come back to life at this time!

What's more, there are various indications that the revived Witch King's power seems to be even stronger than before!

As a result, the Dragon Nightmare King never directly launched a lightning attack on Fort Naparilles, but threw out a huge amount of gold coins, recruiting adventurers and mercenary groups in various places, and also raising supplies.

Breuer's caravan is cooperating with the raising of this material!

And his nagging was also to cooperate with the recruitment of the Dragon Nightmare King!


"What kind of threat is a mere levy?"

"The 'Twilight Knight' led by Dragon Nightmare King, if he can destroy him once, he will naturally be able to destroy him a second time!"

"Back then, the Dragon Nightmare King defeated not only him, but also an abyss lord, and even the legendary Demon Dragon Queen was defeated by the Dragon Nightmare King!"

"In my opinion, once the Dragon Nightmare King completes the preparations for war, there is absolutely no way that Perellesburg will escape the fate of being conquered again!"

"Joining under the command of the Dragon Nightmare King at this time is undoubtedly a great opportunity to open up the country, make contributions, and grant titles and soil!"

Breuer knew a lot of secrets about the turbulent years, and at this time he started rambling, which meant that they were well-founded.

Isaac listened, it was a little bit, the glorious image of the Dragon Nightmare King was as vivid as before his eyes.

However, it was he who listened to this "legendary story" with a faint smile, and at the same time looked around, this unexpectedly prosperous time in the royal city...


"It's him?!"

Suddenly, a distinctive figure jumped into his eyes.

His gaze couldn't help but move, and a slight surprise flashed across his pupils.

(A little less today, and a make up at noon tomorrow)

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