Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 884 The old man (make up for yesterday)

This is a flamboyant elf!

The tight black leather jacket, black leather pants, and the same black leather boots set off the elf's slender and well-proportioned figure perfectly.

However, this is supposed to be a sassy and cool temperament, but when I encounter a colorful hat with a colorful feather in it, it looks like a pirate hat.

What's more, that face looks very handsome, but not only does it not feel the usual elegance of elves at all, but there is a kind of "scumbag" like can't wait to catch up and lick...

Such a distinctive temperament!

Combined with Isaac's "true vision" to see!

"Bronze reptile!"

"Why is he here?"

When his eyes fell on the elf, there was a slight surprise in Isaac's eyes.

In his eyes, this fluffy elf is just like an adult bronze dragon!

And the familiar "cheesy" temperament...

It was a former acquaintance, the bronze reptile Sonas who had been thinking about being ridden around by the high priest of the sea elf all day long!

However, shouldn't this guy follow Master Dun Luo and "strategic" transfer to the far sea?

"Could it be..."

"What action is the Golden Dragon Court going to take?"

Isaac's heart moved again.

It should be only the call of the Golden Dragon King's Court that made the bronze reptile, even in the far south sea, rush to this extremely cold place in the extreme north.

However, when they came to the extreme north, they did not go to the Galena Mountains, but instead came to the royal city of Damara...

His eyes didn't turn away from the bronze reptile, he just looked at every move of this cheap dragon like looking at a fool.

It looks like this cheap dragon is waiting for the store to open?

Tazmira's silver pouch?

Il Nizara's gold?

The two adjacent shops on the left and right, just look at the names, they are sister shops!

So, this cheap dragon was waiting here early in the morning, this is the woman who bumped into the "high priest of the sea elf" again, and couldn't wait to start licking it?

"It's interesting!"

"This is because the Golden Dragon Council has not yet started, so he is not in a hurry to go to the Galena Mountains, and still has time to start licking here?"

"Or... is it also possible that he was sent by the Golden Dragon King's Court to cooperate with the Dragon Nightmare King's reinforcements, and happened to meet the woman he likes in this king's city?"

Gradually, as the convoy passed by, Isaac's eyes were finally withdrawn from the bronze reptile.

Another faint smile flashed across his pupils.

Either way.

I just arrived here, and I felt this way... This extremely cold place is really dark like a tide, and it's getting out of hand!


Isaac didn't overlook another thing, either.

Although the bronze reptile is lowly, but it can make him stick up and lick it so closely, the sister shop owner of this sister shop is by no means a simple person!



"Silver bags and gold coins?"

While pondering, the convoy soon distanced itself from the bronze reptile.

Isaac, who had intended to use the caravan supplies to observe the preparations of the Dragon Nightmare King, had other ideas at this time.

"If Sonas has a mission, through him, he will be able to directly see the cooperation between the Dragon Nightmare King and the Golden Dragon Court."

"On the other hand, if he hasn't gone to the Galena Mountains...by the time he leaves, it must be the time for the Golden Dragon Council to be convened!"

"It's not easy to go deep into the Golden Dragon King's Court. If Damara can find out the strategy of these metal dragons, it will save a lot of worry."

Regardless of the possibility, staring at the bronze reptile, the clarity of the target is much clearer than hiding in the caravan and observing secretly.

The thought flashed like this, that the convoy was driving into the next street, and Isaac looked at the dwarf who was still chattering: "Helio Gabalus has arrived, and it is time for us to part, Bruce. Er, we will meet again someday."

In the voice, the effect of the "suggestion technique" reverberated once again.

Incomparably strong, but also incomparably subtle.

In the joint caravan, even though there were spell casters, they just didn't realize it at all.

In response to his voice, the nagging dwarf businessman naturally switched to the old friend parting mode. After a lot of nagging, he not only left his contact address, but also did not forget to promote it for the Dragon Nightmare King .

In this way, the two parties finally parted ways.

Soon again, in a dark alley.

With just a flick of a finger and the casting of the "Advanced Invisibility Technique", combined with the "Legendary Concealment" of the "Defense Card", all signs of Isaac's existence completely disappeared at the sensory level.

Then the figure rose into the sky again, glanced at the bronze reptile still lingering in front of the sister shop, and then looked left and right.

Taking a step forward, Isaac soon appeared on an attic behind the street opposite the sister store.

From the angle of view, the attic can see the sister store again.

His eyes then slowly withdrew from the bronze reptile.

"It's not easy to touch him directly."

"Of course with his ability, he couldn't detect my arrangement at the time, but..."

With a wave of his hand, he brushed away the dust around him.

While sitting against the wall, Isaac's eyes flickered again.

According to his speculation, whether it is now or in the coming future, Sonas will inevitably be implicated with some people.

Among these people…

Garros-Dragonmare, this is the most powerful legendary paladin of the Tormented God!

There should be a powerful legendary mage in "Twilight Knight". If he remembered correctly, this archmage should be named "Emelin"!

In addition, the "Yellow Rose Monastery", which has always been consistent with Garros-Dragon Nightmare, is the most powerful temple of the God of Suffering in the material world.

The leader of the "Yellow Rose Monastery", the legendary warrior monk called "Saint Thoras", is rumored to be not only the chosen one of the God of Suffering, but also the saint in the form of the God of Suffering in the turbulent years. The descendant is undoubtedly one of the most powerful monks in the material plane, and even this "one" cannot be omitted!

Coupled with the legendary dragons in the Golden Dragon Court, especially the original golden dragons, and the ancient golden dragon warlocks...

Although Isaac's magic ability has been greatly improved due to the completion of "Ascension Dragon Transformation II", he is not very sure that he can use his hands and feet on Sonas without being noticed by these people. !

Good thing.

He does not have a direct budget for this trip, at least not yet.

There is no need to study the response of the Golden Dragon Court and the Dragon Nightmare King to a clear level.

In this case, there was no need for him to directly do anything to Sonas.

Just indirect observations and speculations are enough!


"Yellow Rose Abbey!"

"Golden Dragon King's Court!"

"Perhaps also add those silver dragons from the 'Claws of Justice'!"

"After this……"

“We have to walk one more time to the great glaciers in the north, and then it’s time to go to Vasa!”

Great Glacier, in addition to the former "King of Justice" with the title of "King of Great Glacier", even the current Isaac must also face it seriously, and even taboo it.

Also regarded as the ruler of the great glacier, the strongest chosen one of the "Winter Goddess", and the former owner of the "Gatekeeper Crystal", the "Ice Queen" Eleklia single-handedly destroyed "Myth Ondas" , is also active there!


Some intelligence shows that the most powerful elector of the Winter Goddess seems to have some connection with the one from Perelusburg!

The thoughts in my heart flickered and slowly calmed down again.

Isaac waved his hand and a golden scroll was taken out.

Then compare it with the research materials sent by the "Immortal".

Mind, he quickly threw himself into it.

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