Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 890: Demon Spirit

Moreover, the Tuspur Mountains are to the south of the Galena Mountains. The two mountains are separated by the White Worm Glacier, which has reached the southernmost part of Damara. There are also quite a few parts that go deep into Imbutu. and Hantu.

Given the distance between Heliogabarus and that place, if Jarlaxle was interested in the newly discovered Underdark, it would not be here.

Therefore, Isaac categorically denied the dwarf merchant's intention. At the same time, he had no extra thoughts about the newly discovered dark region.

On the contrary, he thought about what the dwarf merchant had said before.

Jarlaxle and his "Bregan Dayet" mercenary group participated in the war against the Witch King!

Although this playboy has always been inconsistent in his behavior, if he can say that he knows the two copper dragons, he will assist Garros-Dragon Nightmare, assist Damara, and lead the mercenary group to attack at the expense of sacrifice. Witch King, if you attack the Assassin's Fortress...

In his heart, Isaac still shook his head.

No matter how alien he was, Jarlaxle was from the Spider Queen camp. How could he sacrifice himself for others to this extent?

"However, since Assassin Fortress will keep an eye on him, it can be seen that this guy did play a considerable role in the war that year."

"Such devotion, if it weren't for the copper dragon sisters..."

Isaac's eyes flashed slightly.

If it's not for the so-called love, it should naturally be for profit!

Is this an attempt to extend its claws into Vassar?

Vasa and Damara are collectively known as the Land of Bloodstone. They are also rich in bloodstone, and they are also rich in gold, silver and other ores. From this perspective, it is understandable that "Bregan-Dayet" is trying to reach out.

Thinking of this, Isaac's heart moved again.

"If such a purpose is true, and the Zhengyi has been destroyed, it is normal for the 'Bregen Dayet' to have a base in Vasa."

"But with a base like this, when the 'Witch King' was resurrected, Fort Perelus was rebuilt, and an evil force far surpassed that of the past was summoned, Jarlaxle abandoned Vassar's base and retreated to Mara. On the Royal City side, it’s also reasonable.”

"However, retreating for a moment does not mean giving up completely."

"Perhaps, he is still looking forward to another 'Battle of Damaravasa'."

"From this perspective, it makes sense that he is still staying in this land of bloodstone instead of returning to Menzoberranzan!"

Due to Jarlaxle's involvement in the War of the Witch King, Isaac quickly made the most reasonable analysis in his mind. This analysis was also combined with the fact that the drow had not returned to Menzoberranzan. Come together.

And if we take another step from this...

"It's no wonder that at this time, he would be so cooperative with the Dragon Nightmare King!"

"This is also the hope that the Dragon Nightmare King can launch another conquest against the Assassin Fortress and the Witch King as soon as possible."

"Perhaps, those two ancient red copper dragons, and even the Golden Dragon King's Court behind them, are also part of his plan!"

With this judgment, Isaac sneered again in his heart.

"Bregan Dayet" may not be weak, especially with the city of Soberranzan behind it.

However, now that the Spider Queen is silent, Menzoberranzan is still being targeted by those drow dragons.

If this prodigal still has such ambitions, he is overestimating his abilities!

Not to mention compared with Sammaster and the Dragon Witch Cult, or with the Golden Dragon Court, even compared with Damara, "Bregan Dayet" is absolutely not qualified!

After thinking about it like this, Isaac temporarily stopped paying too much attention to the drow.

Then he turned his thoughts back to the Dragon Nightmare King.

"Two things!"

"First, whether it is the riots that have occurred before or the attacks that will break out in the future, I want you to try your best to collect the most detailed records without alerting the Gold Cup Knights!"


The "employees" all took orders.

However, before Isaac could say the second thing, the senior executive of the Chamber of Commerce intervened again: "Sir, if you don't want to alarm the Gold Cup Knights or the Dragon Nightmare King, I think the most important thing we need is The ones to be wary of are probably not those Gold Cup Knights..."

Nowadays, when the strength of spells has once again increased tremendously, Isaac's "suggestion technique" is even like "force".

These "employees" are completely like his confidants, and all their thoughts are from his perspective.


Isaac was also somewhat interested in the meaning of being tall, strong and wealthy.

"I wonder if your Excellency knows who Creeden Kinir is?" Futurs, a tall and strong man, looked slightly inquiring.


Isaac's heart moved: "You mean, the legendary rogue in the 'Twilight Knight'?"

Although he is not familiar with the cold places.

However, Isaac is no stranger to the "Twilight Knight" who directly led to the fall of the Dragon Queen's incarnation.

Twilight Knight has three cores.

The Dragon Nightmare King is the unquestionable leader.

Archmage Emeryn is the Chief Magical Advisor.

The "Creden-Kinir" that Tours mentioned at this time was their first investigation.

He can even be said to be the number one wanderer in the entire cold land.

If the scope is further expanded...

Isaac is not even sure whether he can find a wanderer better than this one in the entire continent!

At least, Barrett is definitely not as good as this one!

A lot of information is displayed.

It is this legendary rogue.

The "Twilight Knight" was the one who could sneak into the abyss and successfully steal a magic weapon from the demon lord.

Destroying the "Witch King Zhengyi" seemed to be the key blow launched by this person.

Even the Dragon Queen's incarnation was destroyed by the magic weapon, which was inseparable from this legendary stealth ability.

It can be said that without this person, the "Twilight Knight" would have never been able to have so many legendary deeds even if he had the guidance of the gods!

"Yes, it's him!"

Turs nodded and said: "About a year ago, I heard a little bit from the president. This legendary rogue should have created a secret agency that only serves the Dragon Nightmare King.

Although it is unclear what the name of this secret agent agency is and how it has developed, since it was founded by him, this is by no means a simple structure!

There have been so many riots in the royal city recently. Come to think of it, this agency is definitely investigating and controlling them secretly.

If we want to collect relevant information, if we are slightly negligent, we are afraid that we will fall into their control! "

The secret service founded by Creedon-Kinir? !

Isaac became serious.

to his level.

Although the Dragon Nightmare King was powerful, he didn't feel much of a threat as long as the God of Suffering didn't directly exert divine power on him.

Similarly, although Archmage Emerin is a legendary mage, there is a huge gap between him and him.

If you really want to talk about it, it is this legendary wanderer who is more likely to pose a threat to him.

This threat does not lie in Creeden's own strength.

With Isaac's damage reduction and vitality strength, even if he stood still and had the legendary rogue wipe his throat casually, it would be difficult for him to do much damage.

What's more, this threat lies in the key, even decisive role played by this legendary rogue in the "Twilight Knight"!

Can sneak into the abyss and steal powerful magic weapons from the demon lord.

He can sneak up to the Dragon Queen's incarnation and use this magic weapon to destroy the Dragon Queen's incarnation.

No matter how conceited Isaac was, he would not underestimate his stealth and detection abilities.

It is true that "Legendary Hidden" and "Legendary Confused" are constantly on his body, but "Legendary Hidden" and "Legendary Confused" are not omnipotent!

If you are really targeted by this person, and the entire "Twilight Knights" come to visit, or even if the "Yellow Rose Monk Group" also comes...

Isaac still has the confidence to advance or retreat, but it’s hard to say whether his true identity will be exposed, and whether it will alarm Fort Perelus and the Golden Dragon Court!

He came to this cold place just to find out the situation and conditions here first and to prepare for the last dragon madness, but he had no intention of "being a pioneer"!

After pondering for a while, Isaac nodded slightly: "Yes, since there are Creedon's people waiting secretly, you don't need to deliberately collect relevant information. After all, our purpose is not to fight against the Dragon Nightmare King. There is no need to confront him directly..."

Whether it is a "direction technique" or a "suggestion technique", they are not "control techniques" after all.

Although the strength of Isaac's spell is extraordinary, it makes the "employees" less psychologically disobedient and naturally makes it more perfect.

As he said "I am not an enemy of the Dragon Nightmare King", it was most obvious that Brewer, the dwarf businessman who had always admired the Dragon Nightmare King, clearly relaxed.

Again, all four of them nodded.

Isaac kept saying: "Change the approach. Use your daily channels and continue to pay attention to related events. As long as the incident involves assassination and attack, then immediately find an opportunity to summon me."


This time, no one had any suggestions or reminders.

"Then the second thing."

Isaac continued: "The four of you, at different times of the day, pay attention to the elf sisters' shops that day. You don't need to go in to check, just keep an eye on whether they are abnormally closed, that's enough..."

It couldn't be simpler.

The four of them agreed again without hesitation.

"That's it for now."

"Let's all go. This is the first gathering place before my summons. Any information is sent here!"

No longer retaining anyone, Isaac directly dismissed the four employees.

After a few more spells, a lot of magic alarms were quickly placed in the secret room, and a concealment barrier was also attached.

I saw that the sky was getting darker outside.

After a little while, I browsed through the incident information again.

Not going out either.

Isaac stretched out his hand and made a move in the void, and a huge book of darkness, tightly sealed with a skull-like magic secret lock, appeared in front of him in the void.

Even at this time, the "legendary hiding" of his "protection card" has long been modified from "targeting himself" to "a small range centered on himself."

However, when the Book of Darkness was summoned, it was still an extreme evil. It was no longer a power, or even a breath. It was an evil essence that rose to the level of an idea or even a concept. It was still there. Within the scope of this "Legendary Hidden", it suddenly appeared.

Of course it is the "Book of Darkness"!

Isaac grabbed the grimoire in one hand.

Suddenly, the cover of the grimoire, the magic secret lock like a skull, and two pale flames as cold as ice, like the flame of the lich's soul, appeared in the empty eye sockets of the skull. It burned.

The next moment, the grimoire seemed to wake up to consciousness, and in the pale cold flame, a wave that was almost telepathic spread towards Isaac.

Only people from the evil camp can directly come into contact with the Book of Darkness. Once the neutral camp and the good camp touch it, they will inevitably be counterattacked by the magic book.

If this backlash is released directly, there will be a certain amount of evil energy damage.

But if you still refuse to give up, you must continue reading and deciphering...

The Book of Darkness will never exclude anyone from interpreting it!

However, if people from the neutral camp and the good camp make relevant interpretations... I am afraid that they will be forcibly eroded by the evil nature of the grimoire and transformed into the evil camp without even realizing it!

This "fluctuation of consciousness" at this time is exactly what the "Book of Darkness" is judging Isaac's camp.

"Legendary Hidden" is still effective after all. Even if the "Book of Darkness" is an evil holy weapon, it is impossible to directly determine Isaac's camp as soon as it is obtained.

This is not the first time Isaac has come into contact with this, and he is already familiar with it.

The soul that is still reflecting the "dark sky" and is still baptized by the energy of the dark source has a wave of will, and is slightly negotiating with the evil consciousness of this grimoire.

And it is from this negotiation...

With a click, the skull-like magic secret lock unlocked on its own.

From the dark magic book, the deeper essence of darkness and the dark source energy reflected in Isaac's soul suddenly resonated.

It seems that there is a close relationship between the two!

And because of this connection...

In his hand, this huge book of darkness seemed to open on its own as soon as the secret lock was unlocked. It struggled in Isaac's hand, as if he couldn't wait to welcome him to read it.

Isaac didn't suppress his "impatient" urge to read the grimoire.

He flipped through it and found exactly the page that the Book of Darkness wanted him to read.

"Shadow magic!"

Without being impatient or impatient, Isaac calmed down, just flipped through and started thinking again.

It can be recorded in this grimoire, and the consciousness of the grimoire is almost actively dedicated to him. Naturally, this "shadow magic" is not a simple theory.

Isaac read through paragraph by paragraph, comparing and thinking again...

Then time flew by.

In the blink of an eye, the sky turned completely dark.

Finally, Isaac was also putting together the grimoire.


"Demon spirit, when did you become so well-behaved?"

"You are not the Holy Spirit, nor are you the All Laws!"

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