Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 891 Demon Spirit (2)

(A little less today, I will make up for it at noon tomorrow)

There is a certain probability that magic equipment can have wisdom and perception, and can even think and feel like real creatures.

However, this special case only has a very small probability of occurring in permanent magic equipment.

As for magic items such as magic scrolls, wands, and magic potions, which have a limit on the number of rounds, they will never be available.

Over the years, Isaac has come into contact with so many magical equipments, not to mention legendary equipments, even holy weapons.

Among them, there are naturally "intelligent magic items", and there are even a few of them.

Ignore those with low intelligence and can often only perceive and judge the identity and alignment of the holder.

The "Tekira Stone" and "Elven Holy Sword" in his hands are quite smart.

However, whether it is the "Stone of Techira" or the "Elven Holy Sword", even if it carries the inheritance of high magic, and even has the life essence of the high elf mage integrated into it, but as far as wisdom is concerned, they are But after all, it still cannot be called a real living being. At least, compared with the "Book of Darkness" at this time, it is not on the same level at all.

It's been a while since I got the "Book of Darkness", so it's natural that Isaac hasn't done some research on it.

At his level, he already had doubts when he first got it in the Hall of Mist.

How could someone who had really conducted research not realize that this evil grimoire had a real dark consciousness?

After many contacts, he was even more certain that the wisdom of this evil grimoire is quite high, and its character must be "evil", "cunning", and "insidious" to be able to achieve it. To describe it relatively accurately.

To a certain extent, it is completely correct to say that this "Book of Darkness" is the life of an evil camp.

But from this "Book of Darkness", Isaac also learned about two other intelligent beings with similar nature to "him".

These are the two he mentioned in his words at this time.

Holy Spirit, this is the "Holy Book"!

Wan Dharma is the "Book of Wan Dharma"!

Like the "Book of Darkness", these two books of magic from different camps are also sacred instruments of wisdom that directly correspond to magical power!

"My respected Archmage, with your wisdom and knowledge, you have the possibility of ascending to the throne of God. Naturally, you have the qualifications to become my true master."

"Assisting you to control the power of magic is exactly my mission!"

"Anything I can do for you, I will do my best!"

"I'm looking forward to having you take me with you to complete the final transformation and sublimation when you ascend to the 'Heart of Spells'!"

A real voice sounded from the skull of "Book of Darkness".

This voice, not only a female voice, actually also conveyed a sense of "obedience" and even a little bit of "flattery".

It was as if there was no shame, let alone anger, in the "book of holiness", "book of all laws", and "book of darkness" that Isaac evaluated.

However, the flattery towards "him"...

Isaac's expression was completely calm, and he was sneering faintly in his heart.

He has been in contact with this "demon spirit" several times, but he has never directly tested the "evil magical power" and the "evil magical ritual" of how to enslave the abyss lord.

He was not in a hurry at all. He just used the "shadow magic" that was closely related to the "City of Ghosts" to conduct relevant tests on the spirit of the grimoire without leaving any trace.

The reason why you are not in a hurry, the reason why you are cautious enough...

According to what Kostich once said, there is more than one "Book of Darkness"!

In addition, if all the "Books of Darkness" were really created by the "God of Lich"...

Isaac is also not sure whether the information known by the demon spirit will be synchronized to another "Book of Darkness" and then be mastered by the "God of Lich"!

In addition, when he read the knowledge of "Shadow Magic" revealed in the "Book of Darkness", he still sensed that an evil essence was constantly projected into his soul from this grimoire. …

In his heart, Isaac knew that this must be the special ability of this magic book itself.

Anyone who wants to read the knowledge of evil magic through "him" will inevitably be eroded by the evil power whose source is "evil magic power".

What's more, the more profound the magic knowledge, the more powerful this erosion will be.

This is a kind of evil ability that is similar to "exchange", but may not be "equivalent"!

Therefore, what Kostchichi once said is correct. Reading this evil grimoire will really make people become slaves of the "Lich God" without even realizing it.

Of course, this should be in the world where the "Litch God" lives.

What would happen in this world, Isaac was not absolutely sure.

However, he knew one thing.

Since the Lich God created these "books of darkness", he also delivered this volume to this world...

Naturally, Isaac would not think that an evil god like the Lich God would really do anything to help others become gods!

It is precisely because of the taboo of the Lich God that he is also wary of the special ability of the "Book of Darkness".

Only then, even the "Source of Concepts" that Isaac has come into contact with, is better.

Still, he remained cautious enough.

Not only did it not directly explore any connection between "evil magic powers" and that "evil magic ritual".

What's more, it is to study the mysteries of "shadow magic", which will never be indulged in.

Every time I read for an hour or two, I would close the magic book without hesitation.

With such caution...

After contacting again and again, he has become more and more familiar with this "demon spirit".

This is a guy who not only has no bottom line, and cannot believe anything at all, but also, because there is the existence of the Lich God behind him, all "enthusiasm" for him is completely unavoidable. !

Of course, even so, Isaac can also see the value of "him" from "him".

If he wants to compete with the former chief necromancer in the red robe for the priesthood of "evil magic", "he" is really indispensable!

And if you want to grasp the balance between the two, or directly make a breakthrough...

"Is it."

With noncommittal expression on his face, a faint smile gradually emerged, and Isaac's voice remained calm: "Since you say so, I really believe it."

"Then tell me about your former owner."

"How did you get sealed into that misty hall?"

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