Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 893 Demonic Spirit (4)

The half-purgatory son born of Graz'zt and the Fire Giant Lord!

If the "current owner" didn't have an ulterior motive and wasn't trying to deceive him...

Demonic spirits are first of all certain.

Inheriting Graz'zt's demon king bloodline, this half-purgatory fire giant lord is undoubtedly qualified to possess the "Dark Dark Emblem"!

The Fire Giant Lord is a born legendary creature, and his overall strength is even greater than that of the Balor Fire Demon.

Coupled with Graz'zt's Demon King bloodline, I am afraid that as long as he reaches adulthood, even without any other advancements, he will be comparable to the ancient red dragon and the ancient blue dragon.

Naturally, he is also qualified to be valued by Graz'zt and given the "Black An Emblem"!

And since he was given the "Black An Emblem"...

Undoubtedly, there must be some connection between this half-purgatory fire giant lord and Graz'zt.

There is this connection...

After learning of his existence, this half-infernal fire giant lord, under Graz'zt's order, wanted to take him down and then explore the origins of his true master. This is completely reasonable!

And all of this…

"Normally speaking, not many people know about the hostility between Graz'zt and his master, let alone in this world or over there."

"This person only said this after I mentioned the Demon Prince..."

“So, let’s not say whether this has an ulterior motive or not, but it should not be a lie!”

But if it's not a lie... then this is a serious problem!

After the demon thought for a while, the panic in his heart was uncontrollable.

The intention was to "guide" the current one without leaving any trace, but unexpectedly, before the current one took the bait, he actually exposed the evil news that Lord Dark An's claws were already reaching out to him!

In addition, this is not in the home plane, and it is difficult for the real master to intervene directly. Even if the real master knows about it, he will have to worry about whether Graz'zt will try to trap him in this alien plane. To Him!

This... how can the demon spirit not panic?

Fortunately, he has no face, so the "incumbent" will not directly see the change in his face.

And judging from the fact that the "current person" was able to rescue him from the Hall of Mist, and also drive away the half-purgatory fire giant lord...

"At least, he should not be in the same camp as Graz'zt!"

"At the same time...he has no respect for Graz'zt!"

There is no reverence.

This can be understood as not knowing how terrifying the Abyss Lord is!

But it can also be understood as having enough power and enough confidence to be conceited!

This power, this pride, can also be experienced from the "current" ability to suppress the Beren Lich in the Hall of Mist, and the half-purgatory fire giant lord who can drive away Graz'zt's son!

In this material plane, if he wants to escape from the shadow of Graz'zt's clutches...

"Perhaps, we really need to help him!"

Dedicated assistance to help the "incumbent" improve is not only to gain the trust of the "incumbent", but also to use the power of the "incumbent" to resist Graz'zt's clutches.

But also...

"Maybe this isn't all bad!"

"Assist him, gain his trust, and after that... you have to unknowingly transform him into the shape of your master, which means you have greater confidence!"

At any time, the devil will never forget his mission.

When the "incumbent" is not only knowledgeable enough, but also cautious enough, using Grazt to win the trust of the "incumbent" and finally achieve his goal is a clever trick!

There was a wave of excitement in my heart.

The soul flame of the demon spirit also flickered for a while.

Slowly, his slightly bitter voice finally sounded: "I never thought that Graz'zt's claws would reach here. However, the Archmage's suspicions are probably in the wrong direction!"


"Of course Demogorgon is Graz'zt's sworn enemy, but how could I, including my 'former master', know about Demogorgon's weaknesses?

Therefore, if Graz'zt's purpose is really to come after me, it is definitely not to target Demogorgon! "

There was absolute certainty in the demon spirit's voice.

Isaac knew, however, that this evil magic book had forced the topic back to the "original topic".

However, he didn't mind. Under such circumstances, he came to listen to what the demon would come up with.

Then, something strange appeared in the unmoving look: "Not for Demogorgon? What do you mean, Graz'zt is trying to find out something from you that even he is interested in?" His purpose is only for you?"

Such words...

The demon spirit is extremely sensitive and can hear certain charms in it.

Sui, with a slightly unhappy voice.

"Master, please don't look down on me like this!"

"Although I do not have the power to unleash the power of ordinary holy weapons, as long as the person in charge is from the evil camp, or is willing to join the evil camp, then the corresponding evil magic knowledge can be obtained through me."

"This acquisition completely corresponds to the evil degree of the person in charge."

"Graz'zt is one of the true demon kings among the lords of the abyss. With his evil, he directly touches the deepest part with evil magic. This is completely normal."

"How is it not possible that He is interested in me?"

"Isn't it the same with the Archmage? Didn't he obtain the relevant knowledge of 'Shadow Magic' through me?"

Isaac's soul not only possesses the lawful evil of the "Dragon of the Gods", but also reveals the original evil nature reflected by the "Dark Sky"!

It is precisely because of this that he directly obtained considerable knowledge and secrets related to "Shadow Magic" through the "Book of Darkness".

This kind of knowledge and mystery is, in many aspects, even more profound and more... dangerous than the research of the shadow mages in the "Residence of Eternal Life" and "The Mansion of the Giant Shadow"!

Every time Isaac studied for an hour or two, he would take the initiative to close the "Book of Darkness". In addition to having a taboo against the special ability of "Unequal Exchange" of the "Book of Darkness", Isaac also took the initiative to close the "Book of Darkness". He is also sensitive to the potential dangers of this real "evil shadow magic"!

He had already suspected that the demon spirit would be so active in showing the secret of this "shadow magic" directly in front of his eyes.

In addition to trying to influence him secretly with the ability of "unequal exchange".

It is quite possible that they are trying to use this "evil shadow magic" to trick him!

Most likely, if this trap is successful, it should also help to achieve the ultimate realization of "unequal exchange"!

At this time, the demon spirit directly talked about this "shadow magic" by being "suspicious" of Graz'zt's purpose...

In his heart, Isaac sneered, but with a thoughtful look on his face, he pondered for a moment and then said: "What can interest Graz'zt is that it can affect the Abyss Lord, and even the three The level of giants!

So, you want to say that through you, you can obtain, influence, control, even destroy, or enslave the evil magic of the abyss lord? "

The demon spirit did not hesitate, and there was a hint of arrogance in his voice: "How could the Archmage not know that magic has infinite possibilities? As long as the conditions are met, as long as the ability is achieved, it can affect the abyss lord, and even affect the real gods. What's wrong with this? possible?"

But as he spoke, his voice quickly dropped: "However, what I can echo is that these are evil magic and evil rituals. Moreover, to echo to such a deep level, this is also necessary in itself, and it is evil enough. the essence of.

A demon king like Graz'zt may meet this condition, but in the material world..."

The thoughtful look on Isaac's face was restrained in his voice.

Instead, there was a faint cold look, and the voice was also somewhat cold: "So, what you mean is that if I want to explore such evil mysteries, I must transform into a purgatory creature and sink into hell and abyss, or even To fight for the sovereignty of the lower plane?"

The demon spirit did not hesitate: "Although the Archmage's judgment is not absolute, it is indeed the case.

Without the evil of the Demon King, he would not be worthy of mastering such a secret!

Of course, if the Archmage can avoid becoming the Lord of the Abyss and the Lord of Hell, there is a way to obtain the same amount of evil essence. Even if he is still in the material plane, he can still meet the conditions, but..."

The demon spirit stopped before he finished speaking.

However, the meaning is very clear.

Lords of the Abyss and Lords of Hell, this is the end of evil.

If you want to be in the material plane, you will have the same level of evil essence as them...

"Whether it's the Lord of the Abyss or the Lord of Hell, this isn't about fighting, it's about being able to fight for the position!"

"So, is this an attempt to lead me into the path of the lich?"

In the material world, the lich is of course the most evil transformation!

And it can be directly linked to the "God of Lich"!

However, ordinary lichs would definitely not meet such a level of conditions.


"That one is the God of Lich!"

"It must be in control of an even more evil lich ritual!"

"If one day I try to transform into a more powerful lich through such evil rituals, and then obtain more powerful evil magic..."

"I'm afraid that at least my lich body will be enslaved by him, or even become his clone!"

"What's more serious... it's not impossible for Him to reach out to the 'Evil Magic Priesthood' in this world through me!"

"Perhaps this is exactly what His ultimate goal is!"

Thinking like this in my heart.

The expression on Isaac's face had completely calmed down, but his eyes were flickering from time to time, as if he was thinking about something.

But in the end, I still haven't made a decision.

On the contrary...

"It's time to relax!"

"It's time for you to rest!"

There is no rush to test the devil like this now.

With a faint voice, there was no objection from the demon spirit at all, or words that he had no choice but to accept. Isaac just waved his hand, and the magic secret lock was directly closed, and the flame of the demon spirit's soul then dimmed. .

With another shot in the sky, when the "Book of Darkness" fell into his hands, the next moment, this evil magic book disappeared into the air.


"If it's a lich..."

"What will it be?"

He narrowed his eyes again, and Isaac's mind continued to think some more.

The "Lich God" is not a god in this world. Naturally, he has no clear understanding of the "Lich Ritual" this master has.

However, although a clear understanding cannot be determined, if it can be roughly mapped to this world...

"One possibility is that it has a similar essence to the 'Dark Lich' unique to the 'King of Darkness Sect'!"

Dark Lich, these are basically the former voters of the "Lord of Darkness", at least the archbishops. After being canceled as electors or relinquishing the position of archbishop, in order to reward their achievements, the Lord of Darkness personally The lich transformation was carried out by sending down divine grace and granting them "eternal life"!

The Lord of Darkness can do this, and the "God of Lich" will obviously be better at it!

If this evil transformation from the "Lich God" can eventually be realized as a legendary transformation of the same level as the Beren Lich, but from the opposite camp, then it may be possible to reach the standard.

Of course, even so, this is only "maybe possible"!

Among the lich variants that Isaac had some knowledge of, there were others that were more powerful and evil than this level.

"The one in the Tomb of the Warlock King is said to be a unique and special legendary lich. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the 'Lich King'!"

For that one, Owo felt inferior to him, and Sazastan was also very respectful. The Black Staff Tower and the Seven Sisters had almost never directly fought against him. This was no matter how overestimated it was. Too much!

Of course, when that person had barely left the Tomb of the Warlock King, Isaac didn't have a direct understanding of his background. Everything was just hearsay.

"Besides that, let's just say..."


To be more precise.

It's a complete demi-lich!

This may be the final form of the Lich!

Many times, they are even directly regarded as "demigod lich"!

Of course, the demigod's statement is definitely an exaggeration.

Demigods are true gods, which is another way of saying weak divine power.

No matter how extraordinary a demi-lich is, it cannot be a true divine power.

However, even so, just from this description, you can understand how powerful the "full form demi-lich" is!

If the ultimate goal of the "Lich God" is really to try to get involved in the "Evil Magic Priesthood" in this world, or it is the "Lich Priesthood"...

Isaac felt that the possibility of this "demi-lich" was probably greater than that of the "dark lich" or the unknown "Lich King"!


"According to legend, the original demilich had a fatal weakness. He couldn't even cast spells directly!"

"Only by obtaining the final complete form step by step can we truly match the description of the 'demigod lich'!"

"Isn't such a nascent weakness the best opportunity for Him to achieve his purpose?"

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