Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 894 Cooperation again

The commotion of Heliogabalus will not stop just because of Isaac's arrival.

In the next few days.

Either the assassins from the "Assassin's Fortress" or the hired adventurers, hardly a day goes by without riots breaking out in the royal city.

Even for this reason, the Dragon Nightmare King mobilized the Gold Cup Knights and threw gold coins to summon the mercenary group to counter the riot at any time.

But after all, in the face of a hostile party that has all kinds of destructive magic tools in hand and whose whereabouts are unpredictable, riots and riots are still happening one after another.

In other words, the people of Damara have long been accustomed to suffering. At this time, the royal city has not reached the level of panic throughout the city. Most of the time, order can still be maintained.

However, the people of Damara can certainly tolerate this.


"Jarlaxle, you should give me an explanation!"

In the "Silver Bag Shop" of the Red Copper Dragon Sisters.

There were three people on each side, fighting against each other.

The copper dragon sisters, who were still in the form of sun elves, sat behind the counter as if they were watching a show, with no intention of interfering at all.

Two opposing sides.

On the left are drow elves, human assassins, and dwarf warriors. Naturally, it is Jarlaxle and his two companions.

On the right are all humans. Based on their equipment and temperament, they are considered paladins, mages, and rogues.

Even though they were facing each other in the sister store, it seemed that the momentum of these three people was still stronger than that of Jarlaxle and the others.

The one who shouted at this time was the paladin.

"I can't understand what the Dragon Nightmare King said."

"Give you an explanation?"

"I wonder what kind of explanation the Dragon Nightmare King wants?"

At some point, Jarlaxle put on an eyepatch on his left eye.

Like a one-eyed dragon, his right eye faced the gaze of the paladin...

The corner of his mouth suddenly curled into a smile, with a hint of mockery on his face.

"Assassin's Fortress!"


"Beifeng Bloodstone Mine!"

The paladin in silver armor is none other than Garros, the Dragon Nightmare, the king of Damara.

Staring into the eyes of the drow, the legendary king of heroes spat out several names with cold anger.


Not to mention the dwarf warrior, even the ice-faced assassin shrank his eyes.

However, at this time, Jarlaxle actually started to smile. He turned his eyes away from the Dragon Nightmare King and looked at the wanderer. He said in a voice of great admiration: "Your Excellency Creeden is indeed worthy of his reputation. At this time, I still manage to sneak into the northern territory of Vasa and investigate such things clearly, but I can only sigh in admiration.


The voice suddenly paused again. Although the drow elf never showed any sharpness and showed no intention of taking action, a strange color emerged in those dark eyes: "I guess , Your Excellency must have failed to keep Konerik, and you must have even failed to find him!"

Cornerik, of course, is the chief magic advisor of the "Assassin's Fortress". Because of the caster level of the magic scroll, he is also considered to be the manipulator behind the continuous turmoil in the royal city.

And this wanderer named "Creden"...

Naturally, it is the legendary rogue who is most indispensable to the "Twilight Knight", Creedon Kinir!

Listening to Jarlaxle's words, this legendary wanderer seems to have made a trip to the north of Vassar in recent times!

Because Perelus Castle is located in the north of Vasa. At this time, the northern territory of Vasa is full of evil monsters, especially evil dragons, which can even be counted in handfuls.

There are really very few people in Damara who dare to sneak into the past at this time, and who can even sneak into the past.

However, no matter how little, Creeden, who has perfectly dived into the abyss and hell, is undoubtedly among them.

Before Jarlaxle's meaningful words.

Creeden showed no emotion at all, and simply said: "It seems that you are not ready to deny the fact of the collusion between 'Bregen Dayet' and 'Assassin's Bastion'."

"No! No! No!"

"Of course I have to deny it!"

Jarlaxle raised a finger, shook his head, and waved his hands, with a certain irony on his face: "First of all, what qualifications does the 'Assassin's Fortress' have to let me collude with them?"

"They are just a group of lonely dogs who were expelled from the royal city. This is not collusion or cooperation between me and them!"

When the drow said this, the expressions of the three Dragon Nightmare Kings changed slightly, but they were not surprised at all. It seemed that they had not expected this.

On the contrary, behind the bar, the expressions of the ancient copper dragon sisters became richer, as if the development of the "plot" made them more and more involved.

Jarlaxle naturally took this in his eyes, but he laughed again: "Ha, it seems that His Majesty has realized it too!

However, to threaten you like this after you are aware of it is not His Majesty's glorious style! "

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Gallows-Dragon Nightmare snorted coldly: "I'm waiting for your explanation of the collusion between you and Konerik!"

Back then, when he let go of the drow and the "Bregan Dayet" mercenary group, the drow made a promise to him and would never reach out to Damala again.

But today, the Assassin's Fortress is so rampant...

"It's very simple. Back then, I controlled these destitute dogs, including Konerik!"

"But recently, this chain has been broken, and I can only do what they did back then, hastily retreating to His Majesty's side to seek shelter!"

In his words, Jarlaxle rarely responded with any physical movements.

Explain this to him...

Although the three Dragon Nightmare Kings were not unpredicted, they still frowned slightly.

"Bregen Dayet" cooperated with "Assassin's Fortress" and then vigorously developed the "Bloodstone Mine" in the northern territory of Vasa, which was directly explored by Creeden.

However, judging from the fact that the current "Bloodstone Mine" is dominated by the "Witch King" and the "Assassin's Fortress" is only cooperating from the side, Jarlaxle has naturally been kicked out.

In addition, in the past few years, the "Assassin's Fortress" had very little action in Damara.

This was the reason why, although they still had doubts, they did not directly attack Jarlaxle.

Therefore, they can still believe what Jarlaxle said that in the previous cooperation between "Bregen-Dayet" and "Assassin's Bastion", "Bregen-Dayet" was the main one.


Beside Creeden, Archmage Emelin, the Chief Magic Advisor of the Dragon Nightmare King, had a curious look on his face: "Your Excellency, you might as well tell me in detail how Konerik and Timoshenko endured this. The humiliation of being manipulated?"

That’s all Timoshenko,

Although he is a powerful assassin, he is still just an assassin.

Konerik was different.

The chief magic consultant of the Assassin's Fortress is both a high-level mage and an assassin. He has mastered high-level spells and has enough sharp reflexes, coupled with his evil ambition...

Is this a character that can be manipulated?

Archmage Emerin himself wondered whether it was possible to control this person for several years!

"It's not like the Archmage doesn't know where I came from!"

Jarlaxle only said one sentence and did not explain any more.

He is from the city of Menzoberranzan, from the first clan, the Baenre family. Not only is there a large number of high-level Spider Queen priests in the family, but also a legendary priest. He has always maintained a close cooperative relationship with his brother Gro. Husband-Bare, this is the greatest archmage in Menzoberranzan!

Of course he has the qualifications and ability to control Konerik!

In fact, he didn't even ask for the family's power to ask Grover to take action.

"Bregen Dayet", this is far more than just the powers revealed in the surface world!

The city of Menzoberranzan is the root of Bregan Dayet!

He can wander around the surface all year round, but he doesn't care whether the roots of Menzoberranzan will become unstable. This is not because he is just a "libertine"!

In the year of turmoil, due to the Spider Queen, the great matrons of Menzoberranzan had their magical powers unstable or even lost.

The Obrodra family, dominated by "psionicists", took the opportunity to launch a rebellion, trying to seize the position of the first family and control the entire city of Menzoberranzan.

But in the end, he was still no match for his sinister and sophisticated mother. Not only did the rebellion fail, but the entire Obrodra family was almost completely wiped out.

However, at that time, with some secret help from Grove, Jarlaxle rescued one person from his mother.

His long-time brother is now not only the second-in-command of "Bregan Dayet" and the head of his family in Menzoberranzan, he has also become a legendary psionicist. His biggest hobby is to The illithids in Menzoberranzan were brought over to conduct psychic research, Kim Muriel O'Blodra!

When it comes to mind manipulation alone, Jarlaxle believes that the level of his two masters is probably even higher than that of his archmage brother!

Back then, to control Konerik and then the "Assassin's Fortress", Jarlaxle invited his brother, who had been living underground all year round, to come here.

But today.

With the reappearance of the "Witch King", something even bigger is wrong in many ways.

Jarlaxle was also not surprised that Konerik escaped from Kimmuriel's psychic control.

And because of the situation in Menzoberranzan that hasn't been quite right in recent times, it was difficult for him to mobilize Kim Muriel again, let alone ask Grove.

Now, we can only borrow our strength first!

Fortunately, the target is the "Witch King", and even though they know that he wants to use his strength, many people will still do their best!

Jarlaxle's explanation...

Archmage Emeryn frowned slightly, but he did not pursue the question any further, nor did he ask who had released this control.

Creeden has already determined that the "Witch King" has replaced "Bregan Dayet". There is no need to ask where the person who has released the control comes from.


After pondering for a moment, Archmage Emelin said: "Konerik has been under your control for several years. I think you must have the confidence to find him and deal with him.

‘Assassin’s Fortress’ is handed over to you!

After the war is over, the bloodstone mine will belong to you again! "

"You guys saw me!"

Jarlaxle was shaking his head, with a rare solemn look on his face, and said solemnly: "If it were the former Konerik, I wouldn't need to retreat here at all, I would just kill him directly.


He looked at the legendary wanderer again: "Since Lord Creeden has gone to the northern territory of Vasa, he will not miss Fort Perelus.

I have a very bad premonition about that place.

Since Konerik has taken refuge there, with the current strength in my hands, I am afraid that I have no certainty.


As he spoke, he touched the Yuan Hat with one hand again.

Opening his hand again, there was already a blood-colored and crystal-clear gem in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, an extremely strange aura, which seemed to be fundamentally different from the magic fluctuations, surged out from the blood gem.

The three Dragon Nightmare Kings, including the Copper Dragon Sisters, immediately focused their gazes on him.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

Soon, Archmage Emerin was still the first to react: "Psionic technique! Is this the mind gem you use to control Cornerik? So, you want me to personally cooperate with you in order to Locate Konerik’s location?”

After all, Emerin is a legendary mage. Only in the field of magic, he has much higher attainments than the ancient copper dragon sisters.

In a short period of time, he had completed the analysis. The "spirit gem" in Jarlaxle's hand seemed to be the treasure that controlled Cornerik.

Moreover, if his judgment is correct, the person who made this "Mind Gem" and enslaved Coneric is definitely a powerful legendary psionicist!

Of course, now, due to the intervention of the "Witch King", Konerik should be out of control.

However, within this "soul gem", the essence of Konerik's soul is still sealed.

With this connection, if he takes action personally, his chances of finding out about Konerik will definitely be high!

"I can only say that it is an attempt!"

"It's just that we found him successfully..."

"Your Excellency Creeden is also very capable. The place now is far from what it was back then!"

"We need better preparations and more efforts!"

Jarlaxle's eyes once again converged with the legendary rogue.

Looking at each other...

Slowly, the solemn look on the legendary wanderer who had always had a calm expression was revealed.

Once upon a time, he could dive into the abyss and into hell.

But this time...he had no chance to sneak into the central area of ​​Perelus Castle!

Today's Perelus Castle is at a completely different level of intensity from the "Witch King", no, perhaps it should be said, from the time of "Zheng Yi"!

Slowly, Creeden also nodded.

Jarlaxle's power, especially the power of Tazmikala and Ilnizara, is also indispensable to Damara today!

It was when the Dragon Nightmare King and others were conducting necessary cooperation and communication with Jarlaxle.

the other side.

In the past few days, I have personally inspected more than a dozen riot scenes, and I have easily controlled some assassins who successfully retreated without leaving any trace, but I still have no direct clues. The Isaacs dug out of these mouths…


"Is that so?"

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