Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 895: Peeling off the cocoon (Part 2)

Secret room.

He was not studying the golden scroll, nor was he testing the demon spirits.

On the desk in front of Isaac, there are stacks of information. Although the thickness is different, judging from the neatness, it is obviously organized information.

In his hand at this time, he was looking through and comparing a small stack, which was obviously the most frivolous among all these categories.

But this is it...

Isaac, who had been unable to find any breakthrough for several days, had an obviously bright look in his eyes.

These few days.

But he has conducted enough investigations into the commotion in the royal city.

He had personally been to the direct scene, and even hinted at some people, and even controlled them, but... it was unexpected, whether they were assassins or hired adventurers, not to mention "witches". King", or Sammaster's information, even the information inside the "Assassin's Fortress" has no real value!

He also "browsed" the archives of the Public Security Bureau and the City Guards. Although the information was much more detailed than what his "employees" provided, it... was also meaningless!

Combining personal on-site investigation and more detailed archival information, obvious conclusions have emerged.

Whether it is the "Witch King" or the "Assassin's Fortress", the riots initiated by these guys are aimed at disturbing the stability of Damara and preventing the Dragon Nightmare King from successfully organizing the expeditionary force.

Even, the data shows that this riot is not just limited to Heliogabalus. Most cities in Damara have suffered similar harassment, especially the northern towns. It is not even just harassment. The bandits coming from the Galena Mountains and the Great Glacier directly impacted the defenses of these towns...

All of these, in turn, verify the conclusion above. The purpose of these guys is to trap Damara in the mud, making it difficult for the Dragon Nightmare King to launch a second conquest against Vasa in a short period of time!

Regarding this conclusion...

If Isaac hadn't been well aware of Sammaster's power, he might have had to suppress his doubts.

However, there is no if!

After discovering that normal investigation and normal inference were completely insufficient to uncover Sammaster's plot.

Simply, Isaac turned around and made a direct inference based on the final doubt!

Assuming that Sammaster's purpose is to paralyze the pillar of faith of the Damara people by solving the hero king Garros-Dragonmare, then...

Based on this assumption, all data began to be classified accordingly.

First, the riot initiated by the "Assassin's Fortress"!

This is again divided into four.

One is that the riot is successful and the retreat is completed, this is marked as "1".

One is that although the riot was successful, it was not evacuated. This is marked as "two".

If the riot fails but someone escapes, this is marked as "three".

As well as the failure of the riot, everyone was captured, which is marked as "four".

Then, there is the commotion caused by the adventurers!

Regardless of whether all these adventurers are employed.

Using the same classification, Isaac roughly divided them into four categories, labeled "five, six, seven, eight".


"Exclude 'one' first!"

Considering that the riot has ended and everyone in the Assassin's Fortress has evacuated, this should not have any direct impact on the Dragon Nightmare King!

So, this part should be fine...



Just as he was thinking about this, Isaac suddenly moved again in his heart.

Since he has already considered "Garos-Dragon Nightmare" as his direct target, and after ruling out the possibilities of not being able to get close to the King of Heroes, then...

"The general direction is certainly correct!"

"But...I was blinded by a leaf!"

A flash of spiritual light burst out in his heart, and Isaac's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Whether it's harassment or rioting, it shouldn't directly affect the Dragon Nightmare King!"

"But, this just can't be directly affected!"

"Sammaster is here for the Dragon Nightmare King's decision!"

For the stability of Damara and for the further development of Damara, Garros-Dragon Nightmare has always welcomed and called on adventurers and chambers of commerce to join in the development of Damara.

Similarly, in order to counter the riots that are spreading everywhere, and for the inevitable second conquest, Garros-Dragon Nightmare is also throwing away a large number of gold coins, calling on the Damara people to resist on the spot, and calling on the mercenary groups to counterattack at any time !

"Those thugs, of course, can't directly affect the Dragon Nightmare King!"

"But, those who punish these thugs, especially if someone solves those magic attacks..."

At any time, for any force, spellcasters are undoubtedly the most important force to win over!

A team of adventurers with spellcasters is willing to resist the "Witch King". Whether it is out of justice and kindness, or out of the pursuit of gold coins, the Dragon Nightmare King will obviously give priority to it.

Although this concern does not mean that investigations will not be conducted secretly.


"It's different from 'Zhengyi'!"

The Witch King Zhengyi comes from the Red Robe Mage Guild and is loyal to the Immortal King who is suspected to be one of the Three Giants of the Abyss.

The spellcasters under his command are either red-robed mages, or evil magicians and evil priests who serve the Demon King.

A red-robed mage must have a magic tattoo corresponding to the school.

The characteristics of evil magicians and evil priests are even more obvious.

Therefore, it is difficult for the spell casters under Zheng Yi to sneak up to Damala without being discovered.

In particular, if Zhengyi is really resurrected, it is difficult to say how many spellcasters under his command will remain.

But, Sammaster is different!

"The spiritual leader of the Dragon Witch Cult has also received the full support of several branches of the Dragon Witch Cult, including the Sembia faction. The power of the casters under Sammaster is undoubtedly huge!"

"Besides, he is not a temporary move!"

"After years of secret planning, how could his plan for Damara be so simple?"

"As expected, his people have taken refuge in, or been hired by, the Dragon Nightmare King through various means!"

"The layout has been planned for a long enough time, and the identities of these people cannot be found out through ordinary investigations."

For example, if the agents of the Dragon Witch Cult had joined an adventure group three to five years in advance, or even ten years in advance.

When this adventure group gradually became famous in Damara and attracted the attention of the Dragon Nightmare King, how could Damara's secret agents judge whether there was something wrong with this adventure group?

Such long-term preparation...

Since Sammaster has already planned it, there is no doubt that the Dragon Witch Cult is absolutely capable of completing this long-term plan!

The reason why Isaac focuses on spellcasters...

On the one hand, this is a team with spellcasters, so it is easier to attract attention.

On the other hand... against a legendary paladin like the Dragon Nightmare King, it is obviously the power of the caster that is the most reliable!

Such reverse reasoning...

Quickly, Isaac classified the corresponding information again.

Soon, there were a few more pieces of information in his hand.

This is, regardless of whether the perpetrator escaped or not, there is data that the adventurer team counterattacked. What's more, the data mentions that there is an adventurer team with a spell caster!

"Whether this inference is correct or not can be judged by just investigating these spell casters!"

Of course, if the Dragon Witch Cult has carried out such a long-term layout, these spellcasters will undoubtedly have training, or preparation, to deal with "confusion" and "dominance".

However, this is not enough to embarrass Isaac.

"Meet me in Secret Room No. 1!"

A "SMS" was sent.

Not long after, the high-level "employees" of the Chamber of Commerce arrived in a hurry.

"Confirm the information about these mercenary groups."

"Be careful and don't let others keep an eye on you."

A list was placed in the hands of the “employee.”

"Don't worry, sir, I know it."

The "employee" looked at it for a moment, but he was not embarrassed at all and responded quickly.

As a senior member of the Chamber of Commerce, it was very convenient for him to collect or access information about the mercenary group.

Then he left here quickly.


"If it can be confirmed that Sammaster is trying to plot against the Dragon Nightmare King..."

"Here we only need to pay attention to the situation of the 'sister store' and then judge the time when the Golden Dragon Council will be convened."

In this way, he doesn't have to stay here anymore.

With a wave of his hand, he put away all the information, and Isaac's eyes flashed slightly again.

With his current caster level, the duration of the "instruction spell" is more than a month!

Such a long duration means that even if he leaves Damara and goes to the Great Glacier, he only needs to leave a beacon rune, which is enough to keep an eye on the "sister store".

At most, I would return here every other month, perform a new round of "instruction", and continue to employ "employees".


"But a magic door can be created nearby!"

"In this way, not only is it convenient to travel here, but when Sammaster's conspiracy is finally launched, it will also be a good time to come here without anyone noticing!"

Sammaster and the Dragon Nightmare King are not his potential allies!

As long as the most critical thing is completed, there is no need to hide it anymore.

If there is an appropriate time and if necessary, Isaac will not mind at all and will take care of this King of Heroes for Sammaster!

And the reason why it's just Garros-Dragon Nightmare...


"The battle between him and the Golden Dragon Royal Court is inevitable and is getting closer!"

Compared to the Dragon Nightmare King, the Golden Dragon King's Court is the real danger.

And Sammaster is undoubtedly at odds with this serious problem!

Of course Isaac has to sit back and watch them have a good fight that will hurt both!

Besides, if nothing else happens...

"Those guys are probably waiting in secret!"

Those shadow dragons, and even more, that black dragon!

Isaac absolutely believes that as soon as a lose-lose situation arises, these guys will never give in to Sammaster, and they will also not let go of adding insult to injury to the "Golden Dragon King's Court".

However, Isaac is happy to see the results.

In fact, it would be the best thing if there could be another round of defeat for both sides!

"It's a pity that the 'God-conferring Ceremony' aimed at that person in Sazastan is not suitable to be brought here again."

"The only person who has the qualifications to interfere in matters here is the Ice Queen of the Great Glacier!"

The "Ice Queen" Eleklia, who once used the "Gatekeeper Crystal" to destroy Myth Ondas, shoulders the responsibility and mission of the "Winter Goddess Chosen". If given the opportunity, she can turn the Bloodstone Land into a Swallowed by a large glacier, this one will undoubtedly never miss it.

before this mission.

The metal dragons in the Galena Mountains are naturally her enemies.

When the time comes, Isaac still has faith that he can drag this person into such a decisive battle!

On the contrary...


"Book of Darkness!"


At some point, Isaac's eyes had narrowed, but he seemed to be still thinking about something, and there were a few lines between his eyebrows that were frowning slightly.

To enslave Kostchichi, the "Book of Darkness" is undoubtedly the most direct way at present.

However, to break through the limitations of the "Book of Darkness" and the inevitable hidden traps...

In a short period of time, Isaac knew a lot about himself, but his accumulation was still not enough.

Most likely, something that would allow him to bypass this accumulation limit...


However, he has enough respect for this abyss giant.

But judging from the fact that this person has not responded for several months...


"If this continues, then I will throw your heir into the battlefield again!"

"Between the fire giant and the metal dragon, this is also a mortal enemy."

"Let him realize the meaning of the Fire Giant Lord's existence!"

A cold look appeared on his face, and Isaac's eyes finally opened.

After putting away all the distracting thoughts in my mind.

Another golden scroll was summoned by him.

Soon, his mind sank into the corresponding research.

The second day.

The "employee" side has sent information about the mercenary group.

Unsurprisingly, those mercenary groups on the list who are still staying in the royal city have established many cooperative relationships with the senior officials of Damara.

Inevitably, Isaac will naturally have to pay some visits to further confirm.

However, his determination was not to forcefully control or enslave.

After all, it is Sammaster's plan. It is difficult to say whether there is any secret method hidden in the target.

Isaac just determined the rough professional level, body shape and appearance of these people.

He directly used "SMS" to send the relevant information to the purple-robed Fiera and Mrs. Miranda respectively.

These two people.

One is a double agent, first lurking in the Dark Night Sect, and then lurking in the Dark King Sect. He is one of the core high-level members of the Sambia Dragon Witch Cult.

The other one has been in charge of the Dragon Worship Cult in the Five Color Temple on behalf of Isaac for many years, and has a natural and close interest in the Dragon Witch Cult.

Naturally, both of them have a considerable degree of identity information about the elite members of the Dragon Witch Cult.

The sending of these "text messages".

In less than a day, the reply from the purple-robed Fiera came first.

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