Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 896 Before leaving

"As expected!"

When Fierla's "SMS" came, Isaac was still studying the golden scroll.

Although he has a lot of manufacturing materials for the demon constructs that come from matter, he even directly controlled two adamantine demon elephants through the creation of manipulation talismans based on this. but……

It has to be said that this golden scroll, which belongs to the "Advanced Creation" chapter, is not only deep enough, but also contains many viewpoints, even beyond Isaac's knowledge.

If he didn't know it well, the scroll itself meant something uncontrollable, so that he was actively avoiding direct connection with it, and was just doing a pure interpretation...

Back then, perhaps he would have entered a state of "pension" of cutting off contact and studying behind closed doors.

It would never be like now, but a "SMS" message made his attention suddenly turn away from the golden scroll.

"Rossetti the Illusionist!"

"Yeyan Spear Mercenary Group!"

When he raised his eyes, there was a sneer on Isaac's face.

Although Philla’s text message only identified one person.

However, having this person is enough!

According to the information he currently has, the "Night Flame Spear Mercenary Group" should be an elite-level mercenary group active in the eastern part of the Moon Sea, famous for resisting the invasion of the Zhentarim.

After many years of fighting against the Zhentarim, this mercenary group is naturally reliable and trustworthy!

In fact, the reason why the "Night Flame Spear Mercenary Group" appeared in Damara at this time is that on the one hand, Damara is vigorously calling on adventurers to join, and on the other hand, it also has Damara's allies. , with the support of Melwater, a city in the eastern part of the Moon Sea, and the Chamber of Commerce of Melwater, they launched their journey northward.

In addition, the data shows that this mercenary group has thwarted the atrocities of the "Assassin's Fortress" twice in the royal city, killing and capturing assassins directly, which is better.

With such an identity and such actions, no matter how you look at it, he is a die-hard supporter of the Dragon Nightmare King!


Illusionist Rossetti, the former elite spell caster of the Dragon Witch Cult Sembia Faction, had he not mysteriously disappeared for seven or eight years, he would have been close to the level of the "Twelve-man Leadership Group"!

I don’t know if this is Sammaster’s arrangement or the methods of others.

However, the plan was laid out seven or eight years ago, and they also used to be enemies of evil for a long time to clear their identity, and then "frustrated" the Assassin's League's conspiracy one after another...

Isaac wasn't sure if there was any sense of crisis on the Dragon Nightmare King's side.

However, he knew that even if someone like Rossetti's identity had been completely cleared, even if someone was still vigilant instinctively, it would never be possible to conduct a large-scale investigation.

After all, who made them belong to the good camp?

In particular, those who are more likely to have problems than the "Yeyan Spear Mercenary Group" are too many!

Is it possible that all adventure groups and mercenary groups can be eliminated?

"It's almost time to leave here!"

Now that Rossetti's identity has been confirmed...

Obviously, with such a long-term plan, Isaac did not think that Sammaster had only prepared this one.

From this, he probably knew under what circumstances Sammaster would initiate all this.

In this way...he just needs to wait quietly for all this to break out.

There is no need to stay here anymore.

Of course, there are some things you still need to prepare in advance before leaving!

"The layout of the plane gate. In order to avoid the possibility of exposure, this plane gate should not only be created outside the city, but it is also necessary to open a demi-plane!"

"In addition, although the timing of Sammaster's activation may not necessarily be within the royal city, preparing a suitable secret hall here in advance that can be used to activate ritual spells during critical periods also has the advantage of necessary!"

Such preparations may not even necessarily fall on the Dragon Nightmare King in the end.

Heliogabalus, this is where the royal city of Damara is located, and it is also the most prosperous and critical place in the entire Bloodstone Land.

If the Dragon Nightmare King wins, he will return here.

If Samastro wins, there is also a high probability that he will come here.

Even if the fruits of victory are eventually grabbed by some people who are always hiding in the dark...

Isaac still believes that these people will not miss the rich mineral veins of the Bloodstone Land, and will probably come here anyway.

He prepared the place here early, but no matter who wins the final victory, the word "final" is very likely to become a thing of the past!

After thinking about it this way, I don't want to continue studying the golden scroll.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the scroll.

Another "Advanced Invisibility Technique".

Isaac's figure then disappeared into the secret room.

Immediately afterwards, the door to the secret room opened and closed again.

There was no more movement here.

Because of the Dragon Nightmare King, Damara has become the core parish of the God of Suffering.

However, the sect of the God of Suffering has always been kind and tolerant. As long as it is not an evil camp like the Tyrant Executioner, Damara's tolerance has always been very high.

Looking down from a high position, Isaac looked around.

I didn't see a suitable location.

However, it was discovered that not only dwarves, halflings, and common humanoid races such as dwarfs, but also half-orc warriors in the city seemed to have increased a lot, and even a very small number of centaur warriors were seen.

These must be believers in the "Lord of War" and the "God of Nature".

Needless to say, the King of War, Damara has always been a place where wars are frequent. Most races have faith in him. Among the orc warriors, the number of people who believe in him is quite large.

The followers of the God of Nature are slightly narrower, mainly concentrated in those forest races, such as the centaurs, who have the main belief in Him.

However, it is rare for forest races to leave the forest.

Although the centaurs formed the "Belt Watcher Alliance" with dwarves, halflings, and underground gnomes, they were even less likely to enter the town than the underground gnomes.

At this time, these centaur warriors can be seen in the royal city...

"The Belt Watcher Alliance has long recognized the Dragon Nightmare King's rule over Damara."

"As expected, the arrival of these centaurs must be due to the fact that the Dragon Nightmare King is already launching the help of the 'Belt Watcher Alliance'!"

"However, there are only a few people... this launch should have just been carried out. These centaur warriors may still come to participate in the meeting and participate in the discussion!"

"On the contrary..."

Isaac's heart suddenly moved again.

Since the Dragon Nightmare King is ready to launch the "Belt Watcher Alliance", then...

"Yellow Rose Abbey!"

His eyes flickered, but he thought of the other side again.

The biggest supporter of Garros-Dragon Nightmare has always been the Church of the God of Suffering.

The Church of the Passion of the God has two major sects in Damara.

The Knights of the Gold Cup, which was directly loyal to him.

Another is the Yellow Rose Abbey, which is also very closely related to him.

Some rumors show that the reason why Gallows-Dragon Nightmare was able to lead the "Twilight Knight" into the abyss and steal the Demon King's Scepter was because of the guidance of the saint "Saint Thoras" of the Yellow Rose Monastery!

With such a close relationship.

At this time, the centaur warriors have arrived, and the Yellow Rose Monastery must also have arrived, right?

"The rain is coming!"

"But... the time has not come yet!"

"Whether it's the preparation of materials or other factors, even if Gallows-Dragon Nightmare is determined to launch an expedition immediately, it won't go so smoothly!"

As his thoughts flashed, Isaac's figure was flying through the air again, silently crossing over the tops of some attics.

His eyes were constantly paying attention to the surrounding buildings and the people around him.

The most suitable location to choose is naturally the closer to the palace, the better.

However, the closer you get to the kingdom, the more likely it is that something unusual will be noticed.

So... it is a more rational choice to choose a place that you must pass by if you want to go to the palace. At least there is a high probability that it is a place that you must pass by.

Furthermore, with his control, he doesn't have to choose a shop close to the street, which gives him a wider range of choices.

His eyes were directed towards the location of the palace, and he looked over at it.

Combined with this direction, the terrain of those main streets.

Gradually, in Isaac's mind, the general optional areas were "outlined" piece by piece.

Taking one step forward, the figure disappeared from the spot.

This time, it was faster.

With a relatively clear "outline", Isaac didn't take much time to identify three or four optional places.

However, naturally there is no need for him to implement it personally.

After just recording the corresponding locations and buildings, Isaac turned around.

Naturally, his "employees" would come forward for this kind of thing.

The same goes for building renovations.

He only needs to finalize the plan, leave the drawings, give them to all "employees", and then update the status of the "Instruction Technique", and that's it.

At the moment, he no longer paid attention to everything in the royal city. As soon as his figure flashed, Isaac walked towards the secret room No. 1 in the air.

It was just his figure that was continuously crossing the street, but everyone on the street felt absolutely nothing.


"Hey" sound.

Just after crossing a street, Isaac's figure, without warning, was improving and retreating.

Then, some figures came into his eyes, and his "true vision" gaze couldn't help but jump again.


"Did this guy lick another one?"

"However, this team..."

"Something interesting!"

Something strange was flashing in Isaac's eyes.

This is a team of seven people.

One of them, Isaac's old friend, was still licking Sonas, the ancient copper dragon sister's bronze dragon, just a few days ago.

But at this time, this guy was next to a beautiful and intellectual silver-haired woman.

Next to him, there was another man.

All three of them are in human form, but naturally they cannot hide from Isaac's "true vision".

In his eyes, not only Sonas, but the other two were also giant dragons!

The silver-haired woman is clearly an adult singer like Ms. Eileen, but their temperaments are completely different.

Like Sonas, the one who seemed to be licking the singing dragon was the same as the owner of the sister shop, a copper dragon, but only an adult copper dragon.

However, no matter how young they are, there are three giant dragons in this team...

"Are you coming here for the Golden Dragon Council?"

Many times, the singing dragon is also regarded as a branch of the metal dragon, so it is also qualified to participate in the Golden Dragon Council.

With three metal dragons gathering into a team and appearing on Damara's side, it is most likely that they are heading towards the Golden Dragon Council!

However, just with this thought, Isaac's attention did not stay on the three of them for much longer.

His eyes were particularly focused on another figure.

This is a normal height, but...


Once again, Isaac's eyes were filled with strange light.

This is a human race.

To be precise, it was originally a human race.

but now……

The entire left half of this man's body, from head to body, hands to feet, is actually made of steel!

In particular, Isaac could clearly feel from his constructed form that this was the essence of the "Iron Golem"!

But at the same time, the right half of this man's body is in human form, with a sense of flesh and blood life!

This is……

"Half man, half golem!"

Recently, I was studying the "Higher Creation" chapter of the Golden Scroll, and gained a deeper and broader understanding of the secrets of the creation of the golem. Among them, Isaac saw something that was related to the "half "Golem" transformation technology, the related mysteries!

"The half-iron golem, within a certain level range, must have the strength equivalent to four professional levels!"

"Looking at this person's life strength, his professional level has probably reached a high level."

"Combined with the transformation of this half-iron golem, this is almost a possession, at least close to the level of a legendary warrior!"

Looking up and down on the half-golem's body, Isaac couldn't help but feel admiration flowing out from time to time in his eyes.

The transformation of a half-golem is much more difficult than the creation of a golem.

A mage who can transform this half of an iron golem definitely has the ability to create an iron golem. The caster level must definitely exceed level 16, or even better.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, there is probably a legendary mage behind these half of the Iron Golems, and they are good at constructing and creating. Even if they are placed in the physical world, they are absolutely core-level legendary mage!

Although Isaac is at his current level and is an ordinary legendary mage, to him, it is just that.

However, this is only for the degree of danger.

He has always had respect for those legendary mages who touched upon his insufficient knowledge.

Undoubtedly, the person behind this half-golem has the qualifications to impress him!

"Too bad the timing is wrong!"

"It's not the time to study him yet!"

After some observation, the team had passed below him and was gradually moving away.

Isaac did not follow him, his eyes turned away from the half-iron golem reluctantly, and then he glanced at the remaining three people.

Anyone who can join this team will naturally be extraordinary.

A dwarf subspecies with snow-colored hair and snow-colored leather armor, who is a bit shorter than a shield dwarf. This should be the Arctic dwarf on the other side of the great glacier. The traditional occupation of this dwarf subspecies is mainly a ranger. .

A halfling rogue.

There is another one, look at the holy symbol, it is the priest of the God of Dawn.

These three people all have very strong life energy.

In addition, even excluding Sonas' two metal dragons...

This is a much more powerful elite adventure group than the "Yeyan Spear Mercenary Group".

"Most likely, it comes from the Moon Sea."

"You should pay attention to the identities of these people!"

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