Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 898 Frost Giant Priest

"There are rumors that the Great Glacier has three main mountain ranges. As the southern wall of the Great Glacier, the Lugosas Mountains is the first of the three major mountain ranges."

"Looking at it today, this rumor is completely true."

"In the north, only the Galena Mountains and the Spine of the World can rival its scale!"

In the endless snowstorm, using the "Advanced Teleportation Technique", Isaac's figure teleported over the icy mountains for an unknown amount of time, but no abnormality was found at all.

His figure suddenly stopped in the sky.

Looking from a distance, the southwest direction was already entering the field of vision, and it spread endlessly into a majestic mountain range far to the south.

There was no disappointment or hesitation on Isaac's face. Instead, there was a hint of wait-and-see in his eyes.

Those are the Galena Mountains!

The significance of the Galena Mountains to the Bloodstone Land is unparalleled.

This majestic mountain range, comparable to the Spine of the World, is like a giant pincer, opening from east to west, sandwiching Vasa in the middle.

The western mountain range completely isolates the Moon Sea and the Land of Pain from the outside.

The eastern mountains separate it from Damara.

These two branch mountains extend all the way to the north, touching the southern wall of the great glacier, which is where Isaac is now located in the Lugasas Mountains.

It can be said that the entire Vasa is surrounded by the Galena Mountains and the Lugosas Mountains from all directions.

However, the southern wall of the great glacier does not only border Vasa.

I won’t say where the Lugasas Mountains extend to the west, but in the east, it borders Damara to a considerable extent.

The reason why the previous explorations found nothing, and Isaac did not have any disappointment or hesitation, was simply because he had only explored this side of Damara before!

If the Snow Queen wants to send troops to Damara, the possibility of fighting from this direction is still quite high.

Naturally, Isaac also wanted to explore the mountains in some detail.

However, it was not known whether it was still early, or whether the Snow Queen did not send troops, or had no intention of sending troops from this direction.

Although Isaac's exploration was quite detailed, whether it was the longitudinal span in the east-west direction or the span in the north-south direction, it was all detailed enough. Moreover, in order to avoid any omissions, he almost covered the tens or hundreds of miles of the snow ridge. Across the region, it was a complete teleportation.

This means that he has the "Advanced Teleportation Technique" that can be used at will. Otherwise, even the giant dragon would not know how long it would have to fly before it could search for it.


Although he searched carefully, in the end, even though the east branch of the Galena Mountains could be seen in front of him, it was obvious that Vasa was in sight, but he still did not find anything substantial.

"When we get to Vasa, we don't need to investigate in such detail!"

"The key point...the area adjacent to Fort Perelus and the Lugosas Mountains!"

Although Isaac had never been to Vasa in person.

However, I have known for a long time that Parellesburg is located in the northernmost part of Vasa, almost close to the large glacier.


"According to rumors, the Witch King used his powers to create this dark castle overnight, which opened the door to the abyss and borrowed the evil magic power of the 'Immortal King'."

"So, the location of this dark castle is shrouded by the power of the chaotic and evil abyss all year round."

Such obvious features were naturally impossible to miss for Isaac's perception.

With preparation, even if he didn't know the exact location of the dark castle, he would never miss it as long as he was slightly close to a certain distance!

The thought flashed like this.

His gaze then withdrew from the Galena Mountains.

Then, another green light flashed over him.

A moment ago, he was still in human form. Suddenly, a huge insect with a snow-colored ice crystal carapace appeared in its place.

The insect's upper body stood tall and erect, and in its pair of frozen compound eyes, there was endless coldness and no emotion.

He also exudes a terrifying aura that is a blend of extreme coldness and evil blasphemy. The evil and filthy essence revealed in this aura...

The baatezu devil!

It is the high-level Baatetz, the Ice Demon, who is pursuing the Horned Demon in both strength and status in Baator Hell!

However, although the ice demon is indeed a baatezu demon, I don't know if it is because he was born in the harshest cold. The goddess of winter, who is in charge of the harsh "winter" priesthood, also has them. effectiveness.

Moreover, to be qualified to serve directly under the "Winter Goddess", such an ice demon will naturally not be a "normal version".

The most powerful "Eleklia's Claw" under the Ice Queen is composed of just such ice demons!

Since he was preparing to head towards Fort Perelus, Isaac would not be too careless.

It would be more appropriate to borrow the identity of "Eleklia's Claw".

A person who transforms into an ice demon still has a racial advancement, and has a more powerful and evil aura than ordinary ice demons.

Isaac waved his paw casually, the teleportation light flashed, and the figure suddenly rushed forward a hundred miles.

The cold, frozen eyes glanced in all directions.

No pause.

With one more wave of his claw, it was another hundred miles across.

Like this, only for a moment.

After four consecutive breakthroughs.

The figure had just appeared in the sky. For the first moment, Isaac's eyes did not glance around again, but stared directly at somewhere in the southwest.

The ice demon's compound eyes should have been cold and emotionless.

At this moment, a solemn expression emerged clearly.

"Magical ritual!"

"What an amazing amount of raw magical energy!"

"Also, this is..."

As far as the eye could see, the sky in that direction was like the darkness before the storm, with endless black clouds pressing down, but... no raindrops were seen falling!

Such darkness, such depression, fell into Isaac's eyes...

"The Origin of Evil!!"

Even though the distance was probably more than a hundred miles, Isaac could still "smell" the smell over there.

"This guy has actually touched this level!"

"No wonder he is confident and trying to change the 'Dragon Madness Lock'!"

Dignified, but in his eyes, Isaac did not show any signs of losing his composure.

Sammaster's evil rituals are based on the original evil nature of the "Dark Sky". This is better for him to understand!


He also saw another point!

"Although the intensity is extremely shocking, this is a long-term ritual!"

"He, and all his ritual assistants, must perform such a ritual every day, constantly accumulating original magical energy, and constantly calling out the original dark evil power..."

"In this way, before this long-term ceremony is completely completed, neither the ceremony itself, nor him, nor all his assistants can be interrupted!"


Isaac's eyes flashed.

But he completely understood why Sammaster had already gathered an incredibly powerful group of dragons, as well as the power of the Dragon Witch Cult, especially the followers of many purple-robed mages, but he was still extremely conservative. In the name of "Demons Conquering the Strange", the main method for Damara is to use harassment and secret layout as much as possible.

This is, before this long-term ritual is completed, Sammaster is not willing to disperse any power at all!

And therefore...

"The power of the dragons, combined with such a terrifying magic ritual..."

"I'm afraid those metal dragons in the Galena Mountains are not really unaware, but they must have taboos. They dare not kill them directly before the source of this evil ritual is discovered clearly!"

Of course, it is obviously hard to say whether there is any secret hint from the "King of the North Wind" behind this.

But no matter what...

"Since Sammaster is hiding in Perelesburg and won't go out..."

"As the 'Claw of Eleklia', I can explore this side of the Lugosas Mountains as much as I want!"

"Even, maybe as long as I show my face, it will be clearly revealed to me whether the two parties are colluding or not!"

His eyes stared deeply into the depths of the dark clouds for a while.

Isaac swung his claw again.

The fifth "Advanced Teleportation Technique"!

But the direction is one way.

Fort Perry is located in the south of the Snow Ridge, and he is leaning towards the north of the Snow Ridge.

The teleportation light flashed.

His figure suddenly appeared on the top of a mountain a hundred miles away.

Look at the surrounding area again.

Using the "Flying Technique" that the Ice Demon can cast at will, he swooped directly towards the south of the mountain.

Along the way, the fearful aura of the high tanari frightened the snowy creatures again.

Under the thick ice and snow, lines spread out in a messy manner, as if there were large ice worms flying underneath.

Such "publicity"...

"Eleklia's minions!"

Just above this ice peak, in a cliff cave hidden behind the ice wall.

A giant white dragon opened his blood-red and strange eyes.

In his eyes, there was dissatisfaction and disdain as cold as ice.


"The Archmage has decided to send us to the Winter Castle to assist Eleklia. Now is the critical moment, so it's not good to touch these bugs again!"


"hold on!"

"When the Archmage's great plan is completed, let's compete with these guys to see who is the master of this big glacier!"

After all, the white dragon remained silent and slowly closed his bloody eyes again.

Then, the lingering breath of death fell silent again.

There was nothing unusual in the cave, as if there were no living creatures.

Such changes...


It was Isaac who was swooping down from the peak, and there was a flash of strange color in his frozen compound eyes.

Once here, he entered a state of fully open perception.

Although the aura of the Dracolich was concealed, it could not hide from his perception on this undisturbing ice peak.

"I'm aware of it, but I pretend I don't know..."

"It seems that the collusion between the two parties is basically finalized!"

"However, Sammaster's preparations are ridiculously adequate."

"This is all on the north side of the Lugothas Mountains. It is probably a hundred miles away from Perelus Castle, and there is actually a Dracolich lurking..."

There are dracolichs, and maybe white dragons, lurking in the shadows.

In the snowy ridge, there are obviously snow creatures and even real army arrangements.

With this combination of light and darkness, if someone wants to infiltrate from the Great Glacier to Fort Perry, you can definitely imagine how difficult it would be.

As for who this precaution is aimed at...

Come to think of it, with the title of "Great Glacier King", his lair should be in the Novolaron Mountains not far to the north of the Lugosas Mountains. The former King of Justice should undoubtedly be prepared for this. Number one target!

Whether it is the "King of Justice" or the "King of the Great Glacier", that golden dragon never works alone!

In the midst of his thoughts, Isaac's eyes suddenly turned.

Originally diving in a straight line, his figure suddenly turned to the southeast with a gust of howling wind.

Over there, you can see that there are several frost giants in a large snow valley sandwiched between two ice peaks.

For the time being, I have no intention of deliberating on the coexistence between these frost giants and the dracolich on the ice peak.


Since we have encountered each other, it is necessary to get in touch.

This is also in the plan.

"Kiru Mo!"

Isaac flew away without hiding his whereabouts.

In the snow valley, the frost giants who were carving up a large prey suddenly turned away.

And the one I saw turned out to be an ice demon...

Several frost giants immediately shouted again.

Following this, five or six more frost giants walked out of some ice caves in the snow valley.

When Isaac's figure flew close to the snow valley.

There are already twelve frost giants gathered together.

What's more, they are all adults and middle-aged people, and there are no old, weak or young children at all.

I don't know if they are hiding in the ice cave, or if this is just a temporary camp for these frost giants.

But that's not important.

The important thing is...


Just after flying into the snowfield, Isaac's eyes immediately caught a female frost giant that was different from all other frost giants!

This female frost giant, both skin and hair, is sky blue in color. She is strong and vigorous, but also has a cold beauty.

The most important thing is that on her forehead, like the totem pattern, there is also a diamond-shaped emblem made of white snowflakes with a gray background that flickers with dark blue light from time to time!

Since this emblem...

Isaac clearly felt a cold that was colder and more deadly!

This is the priest's holy emblem of the "Winter Goddess"!

This female frost giant is the waiter of the "Winter Goddess"!

"Winter bless you!"

"Messenger of the goddess, a powerful general from the Palace of Winter, I am August, a loyal servant of the goddess, happy to serve you!"

The frost giant priest touched his forehead with one hand, and when he let go, the "Holy Emblem of Winter" was already blooming with frosty light.

Only then did the priest show respect to Isaac again.

As a waiter of the "Winter Goddess", she fully understands that all the ice demons under the Ice and Snow Queen come from the Winter Palace of the "Winter Goddess", and each one of them was personally sent to the Ice and Snow Queen by the "Winter Goddess" of powerful generals.

Therefore, although she is not afraid of this ice demon, she still needs to show corresponding respect, whether it is because of the Winter Goddess or the Ice Queen!

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