Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 899 Leader Ice Demon Tosven

Winter is the harshest manifestation of nature.

The believers of the Winter Goddess who hold this priesthood have the power to spread the harsh winter, so that everyone will fear the Goddess and have the responsibility to believe in the Goddess.

Therefore, the followers of the Winter Goddess, not to mention priests, and even druids, are mainly in the neutral evil camp. The few who are not in the evil camp can only be neutral and will never be good. campers.

This is true for followers of the material world.

One can imagine what kind of harsh nature those in the "Heart of Fury" and in the "Winter Palace" who directly serve the Winter Goddess will have!

"Eleklia's Claw" comes from the "Winter Palace"!

What's more, unlike ordinary followers, all members of "Eleklia's Claw" are all the most ruthless ice demons among the high-level baatezu!

Under the orders of the Goddess of Winter, while these ice demons are loyal to the Snow Queen, they are also responsible for spreading the harshness of winter within the great glaciers.

Precisely because of this, a considerable number of these ice demons have been wandering in the large glaciers for a long time.

The events linked to them are often just brutal massacres.

All creatures fear them like devils.

Even frost giants are no exception!

Seeing the ice demon opposite, he flew over quickly.

Even though the tribe leader August was also a priest of the Winter Goddess, these frost giants still instinctively showed nervousness and even caution.

The ice demon is almost as powerful as a storm giant.

"Eleklia's Claws" are also elite ice demons with professional advancement.

Coupled with the emotionless cruelty...

The residents of the Great Glacier are all too aware of how dangerous these ice demons are.

"Not a minion of the Snow Queen!"

All the frost giant's actions were caught in Isaac's compound eyes.

I immediately had a judgment in my heart.

If they are from the same camp and are equally loyal to the Snow Queen, as long as their power levels are not so different, they will not be so wary or even fearful when they get close.

And obviously, if we really want to talk about the gap between the two sides now, a single "Eleklia's Claw" ice demon should actually be inferior to the opposite team of frost giants.

Although individually speaking, the strength of a frost giant is at least four or five professional levels lower than that of an ice demon. However, this team of frost giants has a total of twelve, with the leader He is a powerful Winter Goddess Priest!

If this team was really sent here by the Snow Queen, they would never be so wary as soon as they saw him.

While making this judgment, Isaac was not at all confused.

To come here, he had already made various preparations.

This encounter was completely unexpected.

Of course, even though there was no accident, Isaac, who had already flown over the Snow Valley at this time, still looked up and down several times at the leader of the Frost Giant Priest with the ruthless gaze of his compound eyes.

August, never heard of it!

However, the priest of the Winter Goddess...

This is interesting!

The first thought that came to Isaac's mind was some gossip about the giant god system.

From the perspective of the giant pantheon.

For all frost giants, the god of frost giants and the "supreme father of all giants", the All-Father Annan, are obviously the main beliefs of frost giants.

However, in the past thousand years, or maybe even longer, the "Wrathful Lord" Kostchichi has been regarded as part of the giant pantheon, and has forcibly poached a considerable part of the faith from the frost giant god. .

The battle of faith should be a life-and-death struggle for the gods.

However... the Frost Giant God almost ignored all of this and didn't even bother with Coste Church!

The reason why...

After the Millennium War, with the complete defeat of the giant clan, the giant pantheon also gradually faded out of this world.

Of course, this is just the "official" statement.

Although they are from different camps, Isaac will never deny the power of the giant pantheon.

The failure of just one war caused the entire giant pantheon to fade away, which is unreasonable.

Compared to this "official" statement, maybe he has some gossip that he knows, which is more reliable!

Legend has it that all the giants in this world originated from the father of Annan and his wife Osaiah.

The reason why we only talk about "origin" is not to say that they are all born from the two of them...

These two giant gods are both very romantic.

Annan's father had a lot of extramarital affairs and gave birth to an unknown number of offspring.

Goddess Otheia is not inferior, and she also has a strong taste.

First, he had an affair with the ogre god, and then fell in love with several gods. Finally, he found true love in the "God of the North Pole" Wulou Tilu, and gave birth to several giant offspring with him.

The reason why Annan's father completely withdrew from this world after the "Thousand Years War" is because of the incident between Osaiah and Wulou Tilu, which made the father of the giant lose any face. Lu Zi entered eternal sleep, and Annan Quanfu left completely, never answering the prayers of any giants.

And all Annan's fathers have retreated...

Naturally, the giant gods also continued to fade out.

From this perspective...

To a large extent, the dragon clan can completely defeat the giant clan, and for a long time, the giant clan has no chance of revival. This may be more due to the fact that these giant gods themselves have enough fun!

Perhaps it is this reason that can explain why Kostchichi rises and continues to seize the power of the "Frost Giant Priesthood", but the Frost Giant God simply ignores him.

However, although the Frost Giant God ignored Kostchichi,...

But it’s not as if Kostchich doesn’t really have any competitors!

Just like...the "Winter Goddess" that the frost giant priest in front of me believes in!

What's more, this is completely different from the barbaric plunder of Kostchichi.

The Winter Goddess can gain the faith of the Frost Giants, not just because of the "Winter Priesthood" she holds. She is naturally similar to the Frost Giants, and more importantly...

"In the legend, there is a story between the Frost Giant God and the Winter Goddess. The Winter Goddess even gave birth to a 'Supreme Sky' daughter for him!"

"Eleklia can have multiple frost giant tribes serving under her command. Apart from her strong enough power, it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the relationship between the Winter Goddess and the Frost Giant God!"

"From this perspective..."

Isaac's heart suddenly moved.

On Grazik's side, he made a bit of a miscalculation, but on the Winter Goddess' side...

The thought flashed through his mind and was temporarily suppressed by him.

Such a thing obviously cannot be conceived and completed in a short while, so it is better to solve the most urgent things at hand first.

"Winter also protects you, priest of the goddess!"

Without speaking directly, the ice demon possesses the innate "telepathy" ability. Therefore, Isaac also used telepathy to complete the link with the soul of the frost giant priest August: "By the Queen's order, I come 'Alpuke' is for two things..."

The great glacier is not only surrounded by huge mountains on all sides, but there are also many mountains inside.

These mountains roughly divide the great glacier into three regions.

The place where Isaac is at this time belongs to "Alpke", which is also the largest of the three major areas.

As soon as the ice demon opened his mouth, August reacted immediately. This person was pointing directly at them, and it was indeed not for nothing.

However, she did not hesitate: "The queen is the pope of the goddess in this world, and her decree is also the manifestation of the goddess's will. If you need it, general, I am willing to lead the tribe's warriors to assist you." , to fulfill the Queen’s order..."

The priest of the Winter Goddess certainly has a cold nature, but it also depends on who he is targeting.

If he really had the ability to accomplish something, August really didn't mind. He would sell the Ice Demon first, and then show his obedience to the Snow Queen.

Of course, this is only what we can do.

If the ice demon's request is too harsh...

She certainly had other excuses!

Although the large glacier is dominated by the Ice and Snow Queen, in this mountain range, let alone the Ice and Snow Queen, it is the great King of Glaciers, which is also difficult to reach directly!

"very good!"

"The Queen will remember you!"

The face of an insect naturally does not have any expression, but Isaac's telepathic voice still showed a little appreciation, and then said: "I want to know one thing. How are the preparations here? as well as……"

In the huge compound eyes, an icy light flashed coldly, and then the voice came back: "Is there anything abnormal?"

He doesn't ask any practical questions.

After all, he didn't know the exact reality. He didn't even know whether these frost giants originally lived here.

However, he didn't need to ask about the reality.

The more vague you are when asking questions like this, the less likely you are to make mistakes!

It was in response to his telepathy.

The frost giant priest's eyes couldn't help but shrink.

That's all for the first half of the Ice Demon's sentence, but for the second half... Does the Ice and Snow Queen still have scruples and doubts about this side?

However, that’s not necessarily the case!

The Ice Demon would ask her so directly, it was hard to say whether it had a deeper intention!

I hesitated in my heart, and pondered for a few more times.

Facing the ice demon's gaze, August said: "I don't dare to hide anything from the general. In recent months, all preparations here are still going on as usual. Lord Zelindo has even given instructions." We have prepared supplies in advance and are going to the Winter Castle to serve the queen. However, if there are other abnormalities..."

Her voice paused slightly, and there seemed to be some hesitation in her eyes, but she still did not stop: "Recently, there are more and more white dragons and white dragon lichs appearing in the surrounding mountains, and there is even one. Even Lord Zelindo cannot truly suppress the ancient white dragon..."

The white dragon is naturally immune to all cold damage. Among the five colored dragons, it is the most adaptable to the arctic environment.

In fact, among the five-colored dragons that will settle in the great glacier, these are basically only white dragons.

However, with the reality of "white shame", there are certainly many white dragons who have settled in the great glacier, but whether it is the Ice Queen or the former King of Justice, this is a peak that no white dragon can surpass.

From Isaac's understanding, the white dragons of the Great Glacier should be headed by an ancient white dragon lich named "Zerindo".

I'm not sure if this White Dragon Lich has any career advancements, but there is...

With Bai Long's inherently poor foundation, there is still no possibility of him being able to compete head-to-head with the former King of Justice!

Not to mention the former King of Justice, even if he had any background as an ancient golden dragon, this would be almost impossible for the white dragon to overcome!

One is the strongest and the other is the weakest. This natural gap is too big!

Of course, such comparisons are only within the dragon clan.

Although among metal dragons and five-color dragons, the white dragon is truly shameful.

But outside, it's completely different.

In the absence of any advancement, the ancient white dragon, no matter how good it is, is slightly stronger than the fire giant lord and frost giant lord. Even with the Titan giant, he is qualified to fight.

When they form a group, there is also Zelindo, the ancient white dragon lich, and another ancient white dragon as the leaders...

I'm afraid, if there is anything wrong, the Frost Queen will have a big headache if she comes out in person. After all, white dragons are born with cold immunity!

Of course, Isaac is not concerned about this.

From what the Frost Giant Priest said, the first thing he made clear was... there is really a collusion between Perelus Castle and Winter Castle!

This is enough!

In contrast, these frost giants surrendered to the dragon lich Zelindo.

Also, on top of the ice peak behind, there should be this Dracolich.

For Isaac, this is completely irrelevant!

His eyes flickered slightly, but his voice and expression remained motionless. Isaac's thoughts in his mind wavered again: "Over there with Novola Dragon, does Zelindo have any plans?"

The Noflaron Mountains are suspected to be the lair of the Great Glacier King.

However, so far, this is just a suspicion.

The magical power of Protarnes, an ordinary spy, is of no use at all.

And those who have the ability to break through the interference of magic...

Even the Snow Queen may not dare to actually find Protarnes' lair!

The ice demon's question not only pointed directly at the great glacier king, but at the same time, it also asked about Zelindo's arrangement...

August couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

If it weren't for Master Zelinda, who would not dare to provoke the great Glacier King himself, it would be hard for her to answer.

Shaking his head slightly, the frost giant priest said: "As far as I know, perhaps in order not to alarm that person, Lord Zelindo did not make any arrangements..."

She showed some respect for the ancient White Dragon Lich, but didn't say she didn't dare.


"Whether the Witch King in the south has done something, I don't know."

"General, if you want to dig deeper... I thought you might be able to meet with the two generals who are also in the south, especially General Tosven."

"There are rumors that General Tosven has appeared at Noflaron's side several times in recent years."

There was no need for the ice demon to ask further questions. August took the initiative to add something, but he transferred all the relevant matters to the other two ice demons who were both "Eleklia's Claws" with this ice demon. On the body.

Especially the general named "Tosven"!

As far as she knew, even in the "Eleklia's Claw", Tosven was one of the most powerful ice demon leaders.

The person in front of me is probably still inferior to General Tosven!

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