Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 901 Ancient Ruins

"Who are you?"

Isaac's bone-chilling thoughts came out.

From under the big rift, from within the frozen glacier, an explosion was heard, and an equally huge, equally ferocious, equally cold and ruthless insect figure flew out.

Of course he is also an ice demon!

But it's not exactly the same as Isaac.

In the hand of this ice demon is an extremely sharp cold iron spear.

A flying shot flew out, and the cold iron spear was pointed directly at Isaac. In the ice demon's eyes, an equally bone-chilling telepathic thought came out!

Although they are all ice demons, but...

As the leader of the "Eleklia's Claw", not to mention the ice demon team loyal to the Snow Queen on the Great Glacier, and the ice demon guards still serving the Winter Goddess on the other side of the Winter Palace. Gentlemen are rare and ignorant.

But the person in front of him was right in his unawareness!

I can call out his name, but he doesn’t recognize it...

In his heart, Tosven was already on high alert.

This is the Novola Dragon Mountains, and he definitely doesn't want to be approached by the golden dragon.

There is no need to doubt that the golden dragon definitely has the ability to transform the ice demon!

"It's indeed that Tosven!"

Isaac naturally knew this reaction of the ice demon, and he did not test the wrong target.

In fact, even during these days of exploration, he had a very clear purpose.

The Frost Giant Priest said that the ice demon Tosven had appeared in Novola Dragon several times.

According to his investigation, there were almost no traces of intelligent creatures in the Noflaron Mountains, at least within the mountains.

Therefore, most likely, the frost giant found this trace outside the mountains.

Combined with the relative position between the Noflaron Mountains and the Lugosas Mountains...

Isaac had already judged that the whereabouts of the ice demon Tosven should be mainly in the southern part of the Novola Dragon Mountains!

Precisely because of this, Isaac's exploration during these days was basically focused on the South Novola Dragon.

After ten days of exploration, I finally found this guy!

However, while having this certainty...

"There's something wrong!"

"The Ice Queen ordered this ice demon to search for Protarnes' lair, but this guy is hiding here, even hiding in the glacier..."

First of all, Isaac didn't think that this ice and snow basin and this big crack could be Protarnes' lair.

If the golden dragon's lair was here, the ice demon would have returned to Eleklia long ago.

But if it’s not the Golden Dragon’s lair…

"What is this guy's purpose?"

"Could it be that his mission is not to find the golden dragon's lair?"

"But being so hidden here...what's wrong with this place?"

In his heart, Isaac felt hesitant at this moment.

The telepathic voice did not stop: "The queen asked you, have you found anything?"

On one side is telepathy communicating.

On the other side, under the cover of "Legendary Hidden", there was almost no sign of spell casting, and the "Suggestion Technique" was also in progress.

At the same time, the ninth-level spell slot has been prepared. Once the "suggestion spell" fails, the "monster control spell" is ready to be used at any time.

In the Lugothas Mountains, not only were there many white dragons and dracolichs around them, but they were also close to Perelus Castle. Isaac was only conducting experiments and had never done anything to those frost giants directly.

But it's different here.

In this huge ice and snow mountain, this ice demon is the only one here!


As soon as Isaac's spiritual voice reached him, even though Tosven was doubting whether this ice demon could be transformed by the golden dragon, his soul couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

If the Queen really has any suspicion, on his side...

"No, I did not betray the Queen!"

"It's just the goddess who always has the highest priority and is always the most important!"

"After the goddess takes control of everything here, it will not be too late to confess to the queen!"

His heart was instinctively startled, but quickly, Tusven's firm belief still made him calm down immediately.

He is the holy champion fighter of the Goddess of Winter. He is a powerful advanced profession that combines paladin and warrior. He not only possesses extraordinary fighting ability, but also has a firm will like a paladin, and even has the ability to heal.

Isaac's "suggestion" is certainly incredibly powerful.


For one thing, he had already been on guard in his heart, so he already had enough resistance to the "suggestion technique".

Secondly, the firm belief in the goddess of winter, and further, the advantages of the holy champion fighter in resisting mind control.

Furthermore, combined with the ice demon's already powerful will immunity.

At this time, although he was still startled by Isaac's words, Tosven quickly calmed down.

And just calm down on this one...


In my heart, the ice demon suddenly tightened again.

The Ice Demon is a high-level baatezu who is naturally cold, almost emotionless, and almost purely rational.

What's more, in fact, since he was guarding here, he has been mentally prepared for being discovered by the Snow Queen at some point.

Therefore, his abnormal reaction now...

"Advanced teleportation!"

The next moment you realize something is wrong.

Without hesitation, the ice demon Tosven roared, and the cold iron spear flew out like a javelin.

At the same time, the spell-like ability does not require specific spell-casting actions, and the teleportation aura immediately flashed on him.

However, his reaction was extremely fast...

Isaac was already prepared!

"Overlimit - Instant - Dimensional Anchor!"

Ignoring the cold iron spear piercing the sky, Isaac raised a paw and pointed at the ice demon.

Suddenly, a dark green ray shot out instantly and directly hit the ice demon's body.

Following this, a barrier that hindered all teleportation effects was instantly formed with the ice demon's body as the center.

Almost the next moment.

"Composite spell-over-limit-instant cast-monster control technique!"

Although the speed of the cold iron spear breaking through the air was fast, it was not faster than the second click of Isaac's claws.

With the legendary feat - Compound Spellcasting, you can cast one more instant spell each round, combined with over-limit spellcasting...

Ice Demon Tosven had just been blocked by the "Advanced Teleportation Technique". He was shocked, but at the same time, he was also expecting that his spear blow would have an impact on the target.

At this moment, Isaac's paw clicked out for the second time without stopping...

In front of Tosven's eyes, the huge compound eyes of the unknown "Ice Demon" suddenly turned into a dark abyss at this moment.

The endless devouring power burst out in an instant.

Everything, even his heart, even his soul, was completely unable to resist.


With only a roar, Tosven's entire consciousness was completely involved in the final darkness before this devouring power.

"Gao actually saw him!"

With the completion of the "Monster Control Technique", he sensed that the ice demon's soul was completely enslaved. Isaac casually grabbed the cold iron spear that could not even break the carapace even though it hit him. He fell to the ground calmly, while humming slightly in his heart.

In order to guard against whether there was any triggering escape arrangement on the ice demon, and also to guard against the extremely slim possibility, the ice demon could block his "Domination Technique", but it was a waste of his "Overlimit - Instant - Dimensional Anchor”!

However, when it was officially used for the first time, this "compound casting" combined with "over-limit instant casting" was indeed powerful and easy to use!

In addition, after another breakthrough, the spell intensity of the mage profession has also been increased by 4 levels again...

The ice demon Tosven is not unpowerful!

Being able to forcefully break away from his "suggestion technique" and detect abnormalities, this ice demon is actually quite powerful.

It's a pity that Isaac's 12 levels of "mana enhancement" and 19 levels of intelligence increase are still level 9 spells, and he also has expertise enhancement...

Although this ice demon is not bad, there is no way he can resist such intensity of domination and enslavement!

"It's a pity that it's not the time to carry out the 'Rising Dragon Transformation III' yet!"

"If all conditions are met and all resources are sufficient, if you can use 'Ascending Dragon Transformation III' to leap to extreme old age..."

"There is no need to continue the legendary specialty selection next time!"

"Metamagic specialty - Spell Remaining Energy, is more suitable for me now!"

Spell power, this is a metamagic feat he created by combining the "scientific concept" and using the redundant key attributes of spell casting to increase the power of spells from the perspective of redundant spell knowledge levels.

Although this metamagic feat is similar to "quick cast metamagic", it requires spell slots 4 levels higher than the corresponding spell in order to prepare it.

But...his intelligence attribute is too powerful!

Accordingly, the redundant adjustment value of the key attribute of spellcasting, that is, the increase is too obvious!

In addition, the metamagic feat can also be combined with "over-limit spellcasting"...

Not to mention the future, only the present. With his extraordinary intelligence attribute, if he has the "Spell Remaining Power" expertise, it is above the spell strength of the mage profession. Once he performs over-limit spellcasting, he will have a guaranteed level of "15". Strength increase!

The lower the level of the spell, the more it can be enhanced to a certain extent, up to the level of "level 19"!

On the basis of the already amazing strength of the mage profession, such an increase...

Isaac was even sure that even the ancient dragons, and even most legendary dragons, would have no chance of resisting his powerful spells without corresponding immunity attributes.

Of course, this is just pure resistance, such as spell counterattack, or spell defense, so there is no need to include it in the discussion.

Others can counterattack and defend, and he can also break through accordingly. Especially, with the ability of "compound casting", his breakthrough is not something ordinary people can resist!

Of course, the "spell remaining power" is powerful and powerful, and it has been fully realized in theory, but...

At least for now, he hasn't really mastered it yet!

As soon as the thought flashed, Isaac had already fallen onto the big crack.

On the one hand, his eyes were looking at the bottomless dark crack, and on the other hand, still telepathically, his voice rang in the heart of the ice demon Tuosiwen: "Tell me, what are you doing huddled here?" what?"

The enslavement of the monster control technique has been completed. At this time, the soul of the ice demon Tosven has also awakened from the endless abyss of darkness.

Isaac's voice rang in his heart.

After hearing the words of the Winter Goddess, without thinking, the ice demon Tuosi said with his ferocious mouth: "I...I..."

Two sounds in a row, but he choked twice in a row.

From his heart, a look of astonishment suddenly emerged from his compound eyes.

He can't tell!

An indescribable bondage!

Even if he is now dominated and enslaved, this bondage is still there!

If so...

"Oath binding?"

Isaac didn't expect it, but whether it was the induction of the "control technique" or combined with this phenomenon, he turned his eyes to observe.

In his mind, he quickly got some direction and numbers.

This ice demon is huddled here. Is it restricted by someone's "oath binding"?

And this "certain people"...

After pondering for a moment, Isaac changed his approach: "What orders did the Queen give you when she sent the envoy out?"

Let’s first see if this “oath binding” has something to do with Eleklia, or if it has something to do with her order!

This time, the ice demon Tosven didn't choke anymore: "The queen asked me to spread the harsh power of winter in the great glacier, and at the same time, secretly search for the ruins of the ancient frost giant empire."

Remains of the ancient frost giant empire! ?

Isaac's eyes suddenly flashed.

The Empire of Giants, this was a long time ago!

If his understanding is not too far off.

After the Dragon Empire defeated the Giant Empire and basically expelled the giants to the far north.

Still, there is still a giant empire, but it is weakened and decayed.

The real demise of the Giant Empire would be after Annan's father completely withdrew from his own plane.

Perhaps, it can also be said that it was after the "God of the North Pole" fell asleep forever!

Before that, this Frost Giant Empire...

“It should be called ‘Yotong Empire’!”

"Eleklia suspects that there are some ruins in the Yotong Empire that are buried under this big glacier?"

Isaac looked towards the bottomless dark crack again without realizing it.

The ice demon Tosven was ordered to search for the ruins of the Yuantong Empire, but here he was affected by an unknown oath.

The depth of this dark rift is bottomless...

"If there really are ruins of the Yuantong Empire...are there still remnants of the ancient times? Or are the ruins already occupied by people?"

There was a slight twinkle in Isaac's eyes.

No matter which possibility it is, just because he can bind the ice demon Tosven with an oath, so that he can't even open his mouth, and even has to guard here, it can be seen that he is extraordinary.

Not to mention, if such a ruin could interest Eleklia...

"Although most of the giant clan are just barbarians, the only way to determine the winner is to fight against the dragon empire for thousands of years. However, there are some among them who are truly extraordinary!"

"Lord Giant!"

"Giant Emperor!"

"More...the sons of gods in Annan are also the origins of all the giants!"

"In addition, not to mention the Titans, the Storm Giants and Cloud Giants also have powerful rune casting abilities!"

"But the frost giant..."

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