Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 902 Understanding the Great Glacier

Isaac frowned slightly in his heart.

As the leader of the Five Color Temple, he naturally has an understanding of the history of the giant clan.

However, the decline of the giant clan has been going on for too long. Even the empire of giants has happened in ancient times. Given his age, it is of course impossible for him to understand it thoroughly.

Only based on his understanding...

"The true descendants of Annan's whole father, not the giant subspecies born from the extramarital affair of the goddess Osea."

"The Titans are the undisputed boss. However, in the material plane, the Titans have long been extinct, so we can just ignore them."

"Below them are the storm giants and the cloud giants."

"There are legends showing that the storm giants and cloud giants were the original masters of rune magic, and their ability to master this secret came from the grant from Annan's father, who won from the high magic tomb. Taken from it.”

"Then again, there are the fire giants and frost giants. Although they also mastered rune spells, the rune spells of the fire giants and frost giants were not granted by Annan Quan's father. More, they came from within the giant clan. Knowledge diffusion, and therefore, in terms of depth, there is ultimately a gap between it and Storm Giants and Cloud Giants.”

"However, it can make Eleklia miss you..."

In Isaac's compound eyes, a light of ice flickered.

If what the ice demon Tosven is "guarding" is the ruins of the ancient frost giant empire...

"This should be the imperial capital of the Yuetong Empire, or at least the seat of the provincial governor!"

In the distant era, the birth of the Giant Empire preceded the Dragon Empire.

And under the blessing of Annan Quan's father.

The Titans gained the plains and founded the Titan Empire.

The storm giants gained access to the oceans and lakes and established the storm giant empire.

The cloud giants acquired the mountains and the sky and established the cloud giant empire.

The fire giants acquired the volcanoes in the south and established the fire giant empire.

The stone giants obtained underground caves and established the stone giant empire.

The hill giants acquired the hills and ridges and established the hill giant empire.

What the frost giants were granted was the northern tundra, and the frost giant empire was also built.

And because of the defeat of the Millennium War, the giant clan retreated to the far north as a whole. After that, the giant dragon clan stopped pursuing them.

To a large extent, the Frost Giant Empire, which is located in the far north, actually suffered the least losses in the Thousand Years War.

It is entirely possible that the most important cities in the Yuetong Empire were not destroyed at all!

Although the formation of the great glacier was a later matter, the land buried by the great glacier undoubtedly belonged to the Yotong Empire.

On such a huge land, it is obviously very reasonable to say that there are important cities dating back to the prosperous period of the empire!

"It's just that these frost giants in the Yuotong Empire can escape the destruction of the 'Millennium War', but they cannot escape... let's just think of it as the eternal silence of Wulou Tilu!"

The eternal silence of the Arctic God not only directly led to the formation of the "Great Glacier", but also affected the entire Far North.

The north of the Spine of the World, where the endless ice sea is, and the supreme glacier...

Despite all this, the degree of change is far less than that of the great glaciers.

But, objectively speaking, it is still covered by glaciers.

It is precisely this kind of change, and the giant pantheon is also fading out, that means that the giant clan, which has been shrinking in the far north, has no chance of revival!

As for the "Great Glacier" that has undergone the greatest changes, its coverage of glaciers may be more than a thousand feet deep...

No matter how complete the civilization of the Yuantong Empire is, it cannot escape from such a "natural disaster" out of thin air.

Therefore, if the complete ruins of the Yotong Empire are really buried under this large glacier, this is perfectly normal!

The only thing to consider is…

"The one who swore to bind Tosven, is this an ancient spirit left over from the Yuetong Empire? Or is it a spellcaster who later explored this place and occupied this ruins?"

"If it's the former, then this is an old monster that's old enough, so you have to be careful enough."

"If it's the latter... the rune spells of the giant family are a type of divine spell. They will go to great lengths to explore and eventually occupy this place. This is probably a priest like Eleklia, or someone else. It’s a druid!”

These two possibilities...

Isaac's eyes were looking down at the bottomless dark fissure, and there was a little hesitation in his heart.

With his ability, he was sure enough to forcibly remove the oath binding on the ice demon Tosven.

Furthermore, there is a way to learn the information here from the mouth of the ice demon Tuoswen.

But, if you do it this way...

"The people below will definitely be alarmed!"

"If this is just a legendary priest or a legendary druid, that's it. But if it's an old monster left over from ancient times, let it be alert in advance..."

Slightly, Isaac shook his head.

Although the mystery of rune spells is not too attractive to him, if he can get it, he will naturally not refuse it.

Especially, if what exists here is really an old monster from ancient times...

"Let's check it out secretly first. If that's true..."

"I'm not in a hurry to take it down immediately."

"There is no need to alarm him now and alarm more people!"

"Keep it here for now until the critical period, and then trigger it..."

In his heart, Isaac gradually made up his mind that the fisherman would stay behind.

Of course, the first thing to do is that the existence below must have the qualifications to impress him!

If you can't even catch a few of his casual blows, and if you can't alert the golden dragon or anyone else at all, then you can just deal with it casually!

Of course, although the decision was made, Isaac did not sneak away in a hurry.

On the other side, the "instruction technique" was performed without leaving any trace.

On one side, Isaac's gaze was retracted from under the great rift, and he looked at the ice demon Tosven again, and then telepathically said: "How long have you been stationed here?"

He used a "garrison".

Being enslaved by the "control technique", the ice demon Tosven naturally failed to notice the temptation. After a moment of calculation, he quickly replied: "It has been nearly four years."

Sure enough, he has the responsibility of "guarding"!

Isaac sent another telepathic message: "Eleklia never asked you to find the location of Protarnes' lair?"

The ice demon immediately shook his head: "The queen never gave such an order."

Isaac asked again: "Where are the others? Or does Elaklia already know something?"

The Ice Demon shook his head again: "I have never heard of the queen giving such an order. However, the queen has ruled the Great Glacier for nearly a thousand years. For such a long time, although the golden dragon is extremely powerful, it is not able to hide the location of its lair. Pass the Queen!"

Tosven judged that Eleklia already knew the location of the former King of Justice's lair!

However, this is not unacceptable.

Just as he said, the Ice and Snow Queen has ruled the Great Glacier for nearly a thousand years. Her power is not as good as that of the previous Golden Dragon King, but it is still close to what it should be.

With such power and level, it would be impossible to even figure out the location of Protarnes' lair...

This shows that the strongest chosen one of the Winter Goddess is too incompetent!

To be the strongest chosen one of the Winter Goddess, it is impossible for Eleklia to lack abilities, so...

Isaac asked again: "Have you ever seen or heard of Protarnes' activities in this mountain range during your four years here?"

The ice demon showed a little thought in his eyes, and then replied: "I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but there are rumors that there are two tribes of Ulutu and Arctic dwarfs in the northwest of the Noflaron Mountains. Fenghe believes in him, and that area is also an area that the Queen prohibits us from approaching."

In the northwest of the Noflaron Mountains, there should be a huge glacial lake, or it may be an glacial sea.

With this kind of water source, there is naturally the possibility of multiplying life.

There is a tribe of Arctic people there, which is not surprising at all.

On the contrary, such a tribe would actually respect and believe in this golden dragon...

Isaac was not sure whether this belief was spontaneous or deliberately guided by Protarnes.

If it were purely spontaneous, that would be it.

But if it's the latter...

Just like the one in Quesen Tower, he personally transformed into a human form and ruled the entire Quesen Tower as the King of Heroes to build up his faith in himself.

If Protarnes also has such a pursuit...

"Although Jin Long is aloof, it cannot be said that there is really no possibility of pursuing this aspect!"

"If he is also pursuing the path to becoming a god..."

Isaac's eyes flashed slightly.

Even if not, just to weaken the overall power of the metal dragon, he will definitely help those people secretly this time!

And if so... this is even more impossible to keep!

"When Eleklia launches an action, it will inevitably call on all the ice demons. As long as Tosven is controlled, we can clearly control their activation time!"

"However, Tosven is bound by the oath, so it will be difficult for him to leave here."

"To have a clearer grasp of the overall situation..."

With continuous thoughts flashing in his mind, Isaac asked again: "Where is Eleklia's winter castle?"

"In the northeastern part of the Great Glacier, at the junction of the Angelpuk District and the Nakwaligahe District, and further east, beyond the Naangsa Mountains, is the Sosar Kingdom."

The ice demon has a high degree of intelligence and completely understands the great glacier, including information about the kingdoms surrounding the glacier.

To the east of the great glacier, there is a mysterious druid kingdom that is almost isolated from the world.

Likewise, that was also the target that the Snow Queen had been eyeing for a long time, and her priority was even higher than that of Damara and Vasa.

However, this has nothing to do with Isaac. If it weren't for Sammaster and the last dragon madness, it would be impossible for him to quietly come to this Arctic land at this time, let alone a more desolate place. Southall.

The "Instruction Technique" was still proceeding in an orderly manner, and Isaac asked for some more information related to the Great Glacier, especially the information about the direct exploration of the "Eleklia's Claw".

Until ten minutes later, on the basis of the enslavement of the "Monster Control Technique", a longer-lasting "Instruction Technique" was superimposed.

At this moment, Isaac dismissed the ice demon: "Since you still have the responsibility of guarding, then continue to hide."

Since there are no plans to lift the oath binding on the ice demon for the time being, naturally, there is no need to explore the situation under the big rift in front of the ice demon.

Simply send this guy away, and after confirming the situation below, we will see how to make up some explanations.

Due to dual control, Tosven naturally could not refuse such an order.

In response, an ice cave immediately shrank under the large crack, and soon, using the power of ice, the ice cave was sealed again.

But he is hiding...

With one "Advanced Invisibility" combined with "Legendary Concealment", all signs of Isaac's existence disappeared at the same time.

Without any notice from the ice demon Tusven, his figure immediately sank into the darkness of the great rift.

This large fissure is really deep and deep. What's more, it is made entirely of pure glaciers, with no trace of earth or rock at all, let alone plants.

No wonder, normal life cannot breed here at all.

While Isaac was flying down silently, he was also observing the distance before and after.

Although the further down you go, the darker it becomes, even as dark as the Underdark, but his dark vision can still easily penetrate the darkness within a considerable distance.

Soon it sank hundreds of feet.

However, with various observations, some strange colors gradually emerged in Isaac's eyes.

"No sign of magic!"

Whether it was spiritual light, holy light, or other phenomena, there was none at all.

It's like everything here is completely formed by the evolution of the glacier itself!

However, considering the oath binding on Tosven...

"That's not right!"

"Tossven will be sworn to be bound. That's right. This ice demon must have noticed something unusual, so he was sworn to be bound!"

"Could it be that after being sworn to be bound, he deliberately did not stay where he was, and deliberately sent his envoys to hide here?"

"It's still not right..."

"If it is really so troublesome, he might as well just kill the ice demon and save the trouble. Just in case someone can break the ice demon's oath and get the most direct information!"

After sinking another hundred feet or so, the great chasm is at its bottom.

With dark vision, you can see that the ice here, whether around or under your feet, is in darkness and shadow, completely black.

But there is still no sign of magic.

While Isaac was thinking about it, he silently circled around the circular dark tunnel.

But, after walking around in a big circle...

Almost the same, the Great Rift is full of dark ice, but there is no magic phenomenon.

"Is Tosven really just a confusion?"

"Or...should we go deeper, or inward?"

Suddenly, Isaac's eyes flashed as he was deep in thought.

The figure flew above the ice again.

And at the same time, a "text message hint"...

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